Upversion to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT

Issue-ID: AAI-3200
Change-Id: I8405372a5dc35e5e8af6145a6881e680e0d57e77
Signed-off-by: Harish Venkata Kajur <vk250x@att.com>
7 files changed
tree: d2543391ac97a6f6b0733e7230079f18cc76dc64
  1. aai-annotations/
  2. aai-queries/
  3. aai-schema/
  4. aai-schema-gen/
  5. aai-schema-service/
  6. plantuml/
  7. releases/
  8. .editorconfig
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitreview
  12. generate-uml-snapshot.sh
  13. INFO.yaml
  15. LICENSE_ALT1.txt
  16. onap-java-formatter.xml
  17. pom.xml
  18. README.md
  19. version.properties
  20. yaml2json.py

AAI Schema Service

Local setup

In order to start the service locally, here is what needs to be done

> mvn clean install 

Above command only needs to be run the first time

The command below actually starts the microservice

> mvn -pl aai-schema-service -PrunAjsc