Add APPC API Guide and APPC Client Library Guide

Update index.rst to reflect new docs added

Issue-ID: [APPC-102]

Change-Id: Id07852a9318cd8168c26f074f9ab3b6b6c441232
Signed-off-by: Scott Seabolt <>
diff --git a/docs/APPC Client Library Guide/APPC Client Library Guide.rst b/docs/APPC Client Library Guide/APPC Client Library Guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95e45c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/APPC Client Library Guide/APPC Client Library Guide.rst
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+NAP Application Controller (APPC) Client Library Guide
+| Revision        | Version 1.0.0    |
+| Revision Date   | 22 August 2017   |
+| Date         | Revision   | Author        | Changes                                          |
+| 2017-08-22   | 1.0.0      | Paul Miller   | First draft consistent with AT&T Release 17.10   |
+1. .. rubric:: Introduction
+      :name: introduction
+   1. .. rubric:: Target Audience
+         :name: target-audience
+    This document is for an advanced technical audience, which includes
+    engineers and technicians. Document revisions occur with the release
+    of new software versions.
+Related Documentation
+    For additional information, see the ONAP Application Controller
+    (APPC) API Guide.
+    The following sections describe the conventions this document uses,
+    including notices, text conventions, and command-line conventions.
+Command-line Conventions
+The following table lists possible elements in a command-line path.
+| **Convention**   | **Description**                                                                                        |
+| Brackets [ ]     | This is used for optional items.                                                                       |
+| Braces { }       | This indicates choices separated by pipe (\|) for sets from which only one is selected. For example:   |
+|                  |                                                                                                        |
+|                  | {even\|odd}                                                                                            |
+| Blue text        | This indicates a link in this document online.                                                         |
+Text Conventions
+    The following table lists text conventions in this document.
+| **Convention**                     | **Description**                                                            |
+| Monospace font with blue shading   | This font indicates sample codes, screenshots, or elements. For example:   |
+|                                    |                                                                            |
+|                                    | contact": {                                                                |
+|                                    |                                                                            |
+|                                    | 		   "contactType": "USER",                                         |
+|                                    | 		   "source": "appl",                                              |
+|                                    |                                                                            |
+|                                    | 		   }                                                              |
+| *Italics*                          | Emphasizes a point or denotes new terms defined in the text.               |
+|                                    |                                                                            |
+|                                    | Indicates an external book title reference.                                |
+| Numeric                            | A number composed of digits 0 through 9.                                   |
+| Text                               | Any combination of alphanumeric characters.                                |
+|                                    |                                                                            |
+|                                    | New items in RED                                                           |
+Authors and Contributors
+    The following table lists the persons who are authors and
+    contributors to this document.
+| **Contributors**   |
+| Borislav Glozman   | Margrethe Fossberg   |
+| Paul Mellor        | John Buja            |
+Terms and Acronyms
+The following table defines terms and acronyms used in this document.
+| **Term or Acronym**   | **Definition**                                               |
+| AAI                   | Active and Available Inventory                               |
+| AAF                   | Authentication & Authorization Framework                     |
+| AJSC                  | AT&T Java Service Container                                  |
+| API                   | Application Programming Interface                            |
+| APPC                  | Application Controller                                       |
+| SDC                   | Service Design and Creation                                  |
+| DCAE                  | Data Collection Analytics and Events                         |
+| DG                    | Directed Graph                                               |
+| DNS                   | Domain Name System                                           |
+| EELF                  | Event and Error Logging Framework                            |
+| HDFS                  | Hadoop Distributed File System                               |
+| HTTP                  | Hypertext Transfer Protocol                                  |
+| IAAS                  | Infrastructure As A Service                                  |
+| I/O                   | Input/Output                                                 |
+| JMS                   | Java Messaging Service                                       |
+| JSON                  | JavaScript Object Notation                                   |
+| LAN                   | Local Area Network                                           |
+| LRM                   | Local Resource Monitor                                       |
+| SO                    | Service Orchestrator                                         |
+| NOD                   | Network on Demand                                            |
+| ODL                   | OpenDaylight                                                 |
+| ONAP                  | Open Network Application Platform                            |
+| OS                    | Operating System                                             |
+| PO                    | Platform Orchestrator                                        |
+| RCT                   | Reference Connection Tool                                    |
+| RO                    | Resource Orchestrator                                        |
+| SDN-C                 | Software Defined Network - Controller                        |
+| SDN-GP                | Software Defined Network -  Global Platform                  |
+| SME                   | Subject Matter Expert                                        |
+| SNMP                  | Simple Network Management Protocol                           |
+| SMTP                  | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol                                |
+| SOT                   | Source Of Truth (ext. system where data object originates)   |
+| SSH                   | Secure Shell                                                 |
+| TCP                   | Transmission Control Protocol                                |
+| TPS                   | Transactions per Second                                      |
+| UEB                   | Universal Event Broker                                       |
+| vCE                   | virtual CE (Customer Edge) router                            |
+| vPE                   | virtual PE (Provider Edge) router                            |
+| VLAN                  | Virtual Local Area Network                                   |
+| VM                    | Virtual Machine                                              |
+| VNF                   | Virtual Network Function                                     |
+| VNFC                  | Virtual Network Function Component                           |
+| vSCP                  | Virtualized Service Control Point                            |
+| WAN                   | Wide Area Network                                            |
+| WUI                   | Web User Interface                                           |
+| XML                   | Extensible Markup Language                                   |
+| YAML                  | YAML Ain't Markup Language                                   |
+Client Library Background
+    This guide discusses the Application Controller (APPC) Client
+    Library and how to use it.
+About the Client Library
+    The APPC client library provides consumers of APPC capabilities with
+    a strongly-typed Java interface and encapsulates the actual
+    interaction with the APPC component over an asynchronous messaging
+    channel such as UEB.
+Consumer Logic
+    The client application that consumes APPC's capability for VNF
+    lifecycle management (the APPC client library) can be implemented
+    against the lightweight and strongly-typed Java API exposed by the
+    APPC client library. The library does not try to impose
+    architectural constraints upon clients, but instead provides support
+    for different options and styles of API. It is the responsibility of
+    the client application to select the most suitable paradigm to use;
+    for example, a client may choose to use blocking calls as opposed to
+    asynchronous notifications.
+VNF Lifecycle Management API
+    The API represents a relatively thin layer that consists mainly of
+    business interfaces with strongly-typed APIs and a data object model
+    created for the convenience of the consumer application. 
+    The original YANG schema used by the APPC component and the
+    underlying MD-SAL layer on the server-side generates these
+    artifacts.
+APP-C Client Library Flow
+    |image0|
+Asynchronous Flow
+-  The APPC Client Library is called using an asynchronous API using a
+   full command object, which is mapped to a JSON representation.
+-  The APPC client calls the UEB client and sends the JSON command to a
+   configured topic.
+-  The APPC client pulls response messages from the configured topic.
+-  On receiving the response for the command, the APPC client runs the
+   relevant callback method of the consumer ResponseHandler.
+   1. .. rubric:: Synchronous Flow
+         :name: synchronous-flow
+-  The APPC Client Library is called using a synchronous API using a
+   full command object, which is mapped to a JSON representation.
+-  The APPC client calls the UEB client and sends the JSON command to a
+   configured topic.
+-  The APPC client pulls response messages from the configured topic.
+-  On receiving the **final** response for the command, the APPC client
+   returns the response object with a final status.
+1. .. rubric:: Client Library Usage
+      :name: client-library-usage
+   1. .. rubric::  Jar Files
+         :name: jar-files
+    The Java application that runs the APPC client kit uses the
+    following jar files:
+-  com.att.appc.client.client-kit
+-  com.att.appc.client.client-lib
+    The client library JAR files are located in the repository under
+    /
+    Initialize the client by calling the following method:
+    AppcClientServiceFactoryProvider.getFactory(AppcLifeCycleManagerServiceFactory.class).createLifeCycleManagerStateful()
+    Specify the following configuration properties as method parameters:
+-  ""
+-  ""
+-  "topic.write"
+-  "client.key"
+-  "client.secret"
+-  ""
+-  ""
+-  "poolMembers"
+-  "client.response.timeout"
+-  "client.graceful.shutdown.timeout"
+Shutdown the client by calling the following method:
+void shutdownLifeCycleManager(boolean isForceShutdown)
+If the isForceShutdown flag is set to false, the client shuts down as
+soon as all responses for pending requests are received, or upon
+configurable timeout. (client.graceful.shutdown.timeout).
+If the isForceShutdown flag is set to true, the client shuts down
+Invoking LCM Commands
+Invoke the LCM commands by:
+-  Creating input objects, such as AuditInput, LiveUpgradeInput, with
+   relevant command information.
+-  Executing commands asynchronously, for example:
+void liveUpgrade(LiveUpgradeInput liveUpgradeInput,
+ResponseHandler<LiveUpgradeOutput> listener) throws
+In this case, client should implement the ResponseHandler<T> interface.
+-  Executing commands synchronously, for example:
+LiveUpgradeOutput liveUpgrade(LiveUpgradeInput liveUpgradeInput) throws
+Client API
+    After initializing the client, a returned Object of type
+    LifeCycleManagerStateful defines all the Life Cycle Management APIs
+    supported by APPC.
+    The interface contains two definitions for each RPC: one for
+    Asynchronous call mode, and one for Synchronous.
+    In Asynchronous mode, client consumer should provide a callback
+    function of type:
+    ResponseHandler<RPC-NAMEOutput>
+    where RPC-NAME is the command name, such as Audit or Snapshot.
+    There may be multiple calls to the ResponseHandler for each response
+    returned by APPC. For example, first 100 'accept' is returned, then
+    400 'success'.
+LifeCycleManagerStateful Interface
+    Generated from the APPC Yang model, this interface defines the
+    services and request/response requirements for the ECOMP APPC
+    component. For example, for LCM Command Audit, the following is
+    defined:
+    @RPC(name="audit", outputType=AuditOutput.class)
+    AuditOutput audit(AuditInput auditInput) throws AppcClientException;
+    For a Synchronous call to Audit, the consumer thread is blocked
+    until a response is received or a timeout exception is thrown.
+    @RPC(name="audit", outputType=AuditOutput.class)
+    void audit(AuditInput auditInput, ResponseHandler<AuditOutput>
+    listener) throws AppcClientException;
+    For an Asynchronous call to Audit, a callback should be provided so
+    that when a response is received the listener is called.
+API documentation
+    The API documentation is also available as a swagger page generated
+    from files at /client-kit/target/resources.
+This defines the services and request/response requirements for the APPC
+The methods should match the actions described in the LCM API Guide. For
+each method:
+This API call consumes the following media types using the
+**Content-Type** request header:
+-  application/json
+**Request body**
+The request body is the action name followed by Input (e.g., AuditInput)
+**Return type**
+The return type is the action name followed by Output (e.g.,
+This API call produces the following media types according to the
+**Accept** request header; the **Content-Type** response header conveys
+the media type.
+-  application/json
+200 Successful operation
+401 Unauthorized
+500 Internal server error
+.. |image0| image:: image2.png
+   :width: 5.60495in
+   :height: 4.55272in