Correct Issue ID APPC LCM Guide

Previsou submit included an incorrect Issue Id

Issue-ID: APPC-657
Change-Id: I11a4a3cd64f52a3c49fa439ee27320b48c6a93bb
Signed-off-by: Scott Seabolt <>
diff --git a/docs/APPC LCM API Guide/APPC LCM API Guide.rst b/docs/APPC LCM API Guide/APPC LCM API Guide.rst
index 92a5d09..83427f9 100644
--- a/docs/APPC LCM API Guide/APPC LCM API Guide.rst
+++ b/docs/APPC LCM API Guide/APPC LCM API Guide.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .. ============LICENSE_START==========================================
 .. ===================================================================
-.. Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+.. Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
 .. ===================================================================
 .. Licensed under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl.  (the "License");
 .. you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@
 |     payload               |     An action-specific open-format field.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |     No              |
 |                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |                     |
-|                           |     The payload can be any valid JSON string value. JSON escape characters need to be added when an inner JSON string is included within the payload, for example: ``"{\\"vnf-host-ip-address\\": \\"<VNF-HOST-IP-ADDRESS>\\"}"``.                                                                                     |                     |
+|                           |     The payload can be any valid JSON string value. JSON escape characters need to be added when an inner JSON string is included within the payload, for example: ``"{\\" vnf -host- ip                                                                                                                               |                     |
 |                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |                     |
-|                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |                     |
+|                           |     -address\\": \\"<VNF-HOST-IP-ADDRESS>\\"}"``.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |                     |
 |                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |                     |
 |                           |     The payload is typically used to provide parametric data associated with the command, such as a list of configuration parameters.                                                                                                                                                                                  |                     |
 |                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |                     |
@@ -570,6 +570,8 @@
 |     ConfigRestore      | Yes       |                  |                |          | Chef and Ansible only (requires self-service onboarding)   |
+|     ConfigScaleOut     | Yes       |                  |                |          |     Any (requires self-service onboarding)                 |
 |     DetachVolume       |           |                  |                | Yes      |     Any (uses OpenStack command)                           |
 |     Evacuate           |           |                  |                | Yes      |     Any (uses OpenStack command)                           |
@@ -1056,6 +1058,63 @@
 The ConfigRestore response returns an indication of success or failure of the request.
+The ConfigScaleOut command is used to apply any actions on a VNF as part of a ScaleOut flow. Actions could include updating the VNF configuration or running a set of other tasks.
+The ConfigScaleOut action can have multiple APPC templates associated with it.  APPC retrieves the VfModuleModelName from A&AI (model.model-vers.model-name), which is used as the unique identifier to select the correct APPC template.
+APPC creates or updates VNFC records in A&AI for the newly instantiated VM’s.  The orchestration-status of the VNFC’s is set to CONFIGURED.
+This action is supported via the Netconf (limited to configuration changes), Chef, and Ansible protocols.
+|     **Target URL**           |     /restconf /operations/ appc-provider-lcm: config-scale-out                           |
+|     **Action**               |     ConfigScaleOut                                                                       |
+|     **Action-Identifiers**   |     Vnf-id                                                                               |
+|     **Payload Parameters**   |     See below                                                                            |
+|     **Revision History**     |     New in Beijing                                                                       |
+|     **Payload Parameter**       |     **Description**                                                                                                                                              |     **Required?**   |     **Example**                             |
+|     request-parameters          |     vnf-host-ip-address: optional if Netconf or other direct interface to the VNF.   If not provided, the vnf-host-ip-address will be obtained from A&AI.        |     No              |      "payload":                             |
+|                                 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+      "{\"request-parameters \":             |
+|                                 |     vf-module-id:  used to determine the A&AI VM inventory associated with ConfigScaleOut.                                                                       |     Yes             |      {                                      |
+|                                 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+      \"vnf-host-ip-address\":               |
+|                                 |     controller-template-id: optional. This is a unique identifier that will identify the template associated with the ConfigScaleOut.                            |                     |      \”value\”,                             |
+|                                 |     Will be needed if A&AI does not contain the template identifier.                                                                                             |     No              |      \”vf-module-id\”: \”value\”,           |
++---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+      \”controller-template-id\”:            |                                                         
+|     configuration-parameters    |     A set of instance specific configuration parameters should be specified. If provided, APP-C replaces variables in the configuration template with the        |     No              |      \”value\”                              |
+|                                 |     values supplied.                                                                                                                                             |                     |      }                                      |
+|                                 |                                                                                                                                                                  |                     |                                             |
+|                                 |                                                                                                                                                                  |                     |      \"configuration-parameters\":          |
+|                                 |                                                                                                                                                                  |                     |        {\"<CONFIG- PARAMS>\"}               |
+|                                 |                                                                                                                                                                  |                     |                                             |
+ConfigScaleOut Response
+ - A successful ConfigScaleOut returns a success status code 400 when completed.
+ - A failed ConfigScaleOut returns a failure code 401 and the failure message. 
+ - If the ConfigScaleOut is successfully performed on the VNF but there is a failure to update A&AI inventory, an intermediate failure message with failure code 501 is returned prior to the final 400 success message.
@@ -1288,21 +1347,21 @@
 Payload Parameters
-| **Parameter**       |     **Description**                                                     |     **Required?**   |     **Example**                    |
-|     vm-id           |     The unique identifier (UUID) of                                     |     Yes             |                                    |
-|                     |     the resource. For backwards- compatibility, this can be the self-   |                     |                                    |
-|                     |     link URL of the VM.                                                 |                     |     "payload":                     |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |     "{\\"vm-id\": \\"<VM-ID>\\",   |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"identity-url\\":            |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"<IDENTITY-URL>\\",          |
-+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+     \\"tenant-id\\": \\"<TENANT-   |
-|     identity- url   |     The identity url used to access the resource                        |     No              |     ID>\\"}"                       |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |                                    |
-+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+			                   |
-|     tenant-id       |     The id of the provider tenant that owns the resource                |     No              |                                    |
+| **Parameter**       |     **Description**                                                     |     **Required?**   |     **Example**                        |
+|     vm-id           |     The unique identifier (UUID) of                                     |     Yes             |                                        |
+|                     |     the resource. For backwards- compatibility, this can be the self-   |                     |                                        |
+|                     |     link URL of the VM.                                                 |                     |     "payload":                         |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |     "{\\"vm-id\": \\"<VM-ID>\\",       |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"identity-url\\":                |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"<IDENTITY-URL>\\",              |
++---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+		\\"tenant-id\\": \\"<TENANT-   |
+|     identity- url   |     The identity url used to access the resource                        |     No              |     ID>\\"}"                           |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |                                        |
++---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+					       |
+|     tenant-id       |     The id of the provider tenant that owns the resource                |     No              |                                        |
@@ -1496,21 +1555,21 @@
 Payload Parameters
-| **Parameter**       |     **Description**                                                     |     **Required?**   |     **Example**                    |
-|     vm-id           |     The unique identifier (UUID) of                                     |     Yes             |                                    |
-|                     |     the resource. For backwards- compatibility, this can be the self-   |                     |     "payload":                     |
-|                     |     link URL of the VM.                                                 |                     |     "{\\"vm-id\": \\"<VM-ID>       |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\",                           |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"identity-url\\":            |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"<IDENTITY-URL>\\",          |
-+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+	    \\"tenant-id\\": \\"<TENANT-   |
-|     identity- url   |     The identity url used to access the resource                        |     No              |     ID>\\"}"                       |
-|                     |                                                                         |                     |                                    |
-+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+                                    |
-|     tenant-id       |     The id of the provider tenant that owns the resource                |     No              |                                    |
+| **Parameter**       |     **Description**                                                     |     **Required?**   |     **Example**                        |
+|     vm-id           |     The unique identifier (UUID) of                                     |     Yes             |                                        |
+|                     |     the resource. For backwards- compatibility, this can be the self-   |                     |     "payload":                         |
+|                     |     link URL of the VM.                                                 |                     |     "{\\"vm-id\": \\"<VM-ID>           |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\",                               |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"identity-url\\":                |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |     \\"<IDENTITY-URL>\\",              |
++---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+		\\"tenant-id\\": \\"<TENANT-   |
+|     identity- url   |     The identity url used to access the resource                        |     No              |     ID>\\"}"                           |
+|                     |                                                                         |                     |                                        |
++---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+                                        |
+|     tenant-id       |     The id of the provider tenant that owns the resource                |     No              |                                        |
 Snapshot Response