Enhance DMaaP Adapter Configuration

Change-Id: I5385cf2710fc33a85da9a67d5f4d31dce1e460aa
Signed-off-by: Ryan Young <ry303t@att.com>
Issue-ID: APPC-658
diff --git a/appc-inbound/appc-artifact-handler/model/scripts/python/yang2props.py b/appc-inbound/appc-artifact-handler/model/scripts/python/yang2props.py
index e1ce2e0..dd948c9 100755
--- a/appc-inbound/appc-artifact-handler/model/scripts/python/yang2props.py
+++ b/appc-inbound/appc-artifact-handler/model/scripts/python/yang2props.py
@@ -36,39 +36,37 @@
         s = s[0].upper() + s[1:]
     return re.sub(r'(?!^)-([a-zA-Z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper(), s)
 leaf = ""
 val = ""
 li = []
 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-     print 'yang2props.py <input yang> <output properties>'
+     print('yang2props.py <input yang> <output properties>')
 with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ins:
     for line in ins:
         # if we see a leaf save the name for later
         if "leaf " in line:
-	    match = re.search(r'leaf (\S+)', line)
-	    if match:
-                 leaf = match.group(1)
+            match = re.search(r'leaf (\S+)', line)
+            if match:
+                leaf = match.group(1)
         # if we see enum convert the value to enum format and see if it changed
         # if the value is different write a property entry
         if "enum " in line:
-	    match = re.search(r'enum "(\S+)";', line)
-	    if match:
+            match = re.search(r'enum "(\S+)";', line)
+            if match:
                 val = match.group(1)
-            	enum = to_enum(val)
+                enum = to_enum(val)
                 # see if converting to enum changed the string
-		if val != enum:
-                    property = "yang."+leaf+"."+enum+"="+val
-		    if property not in li:
-		        li.append( property)
+                if val != enum:
+                    property = "yang." + leaf + "." + enum + "=" + val
+                    if property not in li:
+                        li.append(property)
 # Open output file
-fo = open(sys.argv[2], "wb")
+fo = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
 fo.write("# yang conversion properties \n")
 fo.write("# used to convert Enum back to the original yang value \n")
@@ -76,5 +74,4 @@
 # Close opend file