blob: cb62f529aec505fb75402bf4848391ca5c54e057 [file] [log] [blame]
Taka Cho18510892019-05-14 17:37:24 -04001/*
4Copyright (C) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
7Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
8under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
9you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
10You may obtain a copy of the License at
14Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18limitations under the License.
20============LICENSE_END============================================ */
21//.. processing on server side
22'use strict';
24const fs = require('fs');
25//var spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
26var Chproc = require("child_process");
27var logger = require('./srvlogger');
29var clName= "ServerDataSvc";
30//const DIST_FLDR = join(process.cwd(), 'dist');
31//var DIST_FLDR = "dist";
32var cdt_home = ".";
33var LOG_DIR = "/tmp";
34var LogF = "ndserver.log";
35var SubProcScript= "/app/subnproc.js";
37//var DelScript= DIST_FLDR +"/app/deleteOldData.js";
38//var inputFilePfx = DIST_FLDR +"/posted_data_";
39var fsAvSpaceKB= -1;
40var rsfname= "";
41var remAddr= ""; //.. remote client address
42var taskId= "";
43var fdI;
44var fdRsf;
45var fDelim= "&";
47 //.. to be called by server at initialization
48exports.setHomeDir = function( homeDir, logDir ) {
49 this.cdt_home= homeDir;
50 this.LOG_DIR= logDir;
51 // this.DIST_FLDR= this.cdt_home+"/dist";
52 this.LogF= this.LOG_DIR+"/ndserver.log";
53 console.log( clName+": setHomeDir: cdt_home:["+this.cdt_home+"]");
54 console.log( clName+": setHomeDir: LogF:["+this.LogF+"]");
57 //.. to be called by server on receiving GET /getUserRole request
58 // (simulation only)
59exports.getUserRoles = function( requrl ) {
60 var methName= "getUserRoles";
61 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
62 ": start: url:["+ requrl+"]\n cdt_home:["+this.cdt_home+"]\n",this.LogF);
63 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
64 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
65 var resp= '{\"respStr\":\"notfoundResp\"}';
66 this.urolfname= this.cdt_home+"/userRoles.json";
67 resp= this.readResultFile( this.urolfname );
68 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
69 ": result length="+resp.length+"\n",this.LogF);
70 return resp;
73 //.. to be called by server on receiving GET /api/* request
74exports.getData = function( requrl ) {
75 var methName= "getData";
76 //console.log(clName+": getData: start: url:["+ requrl+"]\n cdt_home:["+
77 // this.cdt_home+"]");
78 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
79 ": start: url:["+ requrl+"]\n cdt_home:["+this.cdt_home+"]\n",this.LogF);
80 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
81 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
82 var resp= '{\"respStr\":\"notfoundResp\"}';
83 var taskStr= "taskId=";
84 //... Regular Expressions for different requests ...
85 //.. to get processing result
86 var rexpGRESUL= new RegExp(/\/api\/get_result/);
87 //.. to get progress percentage of the processing
88 var rexpGPROGR= new RegExp(/\/api\/get_progress/);
89 //.. to get parameters calculated via the processing
90 var rexpGPRMS= new RegExp(/\/api\/get_params/);
91 //.. to get parameters format-error file
92 var rexpPFMTERR= new RegExp(/\/api\/get_pfmterr/);
93 //.. to get Available space in server-side file-system
94 var rexpGFSAVSP= new RegExp(/\/api\/get_fsAvSpace/);
95 //.. to check for ACE-editor resource files
96 var rexpACERES= new RegExp(/\/node_modules\/ace-builds\/src-min/);
97 //
98 //... checking which url is matching ...
99 if( requrl == '/' ) {
100 // console.log(clName+": getData: this is a ROOT request ...");
101 logger.addLog( clName+": getData: this is a ROOT request ...\n",this.LogF);
102 return this.getRoot();
103 };
104 //.. non-root, api url
105 var match1= null;
106 if( (match1= rexpGRESUL.exec(requrl)) != null ) {
107 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": URL match /api/get_result\n",this.LogF);
108 //.. assuming: /api/get_result?taskId=f7be82e43e34cb4e960b45d35e8d9596
109 var indT= requrl.indexOf( taskStr, 0);
110 if( indT < 0 ) {
111 var errMsg=
112 clName+": "+methName+": Error: No taskId found in the URL !\n";
113 logger.addLog( errMsg,this.LogF);
114 resp= '{\"Error\":\"'+errMsg+'\"}';
115 }
116 else { //.. indT > -1 - have taskId in URL
117 this.taskId= requrl.substr( indT+ taskStr.length );
118 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
119 ": extracted from URL: taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
120 this.rsfname= this.cdt_home+"/sync_template_res_"+this.taskId+".txt";
121 resp= this.readResultFile( this.rsfname );
122 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
123 ": result length="+resp.length+"\n",this.LogF);
124 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
125 ": got result -Start data cleanup...\n",this.LogF);
126 this.deleteOldFiles( this.taskId );
127 };
128 }
129 else
130 if( (match1= rexpGPROGR.exec(requrl)) != null ) {
131 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
132 ": URL match /api/get_progress\n",this.LogF);
133 //.. assuming: /api/get_progress?taskId=f7be82e43e34cb4e960b45d35e8d9596
134 var indT= requrl.indexOf( taskStr, 0);
135 if( indT < 0 ) {
136 var errMsg=
137 clName+": "+methName+": Error: No taskId found in the URL !\n";
138 logger.addLog( errMsg,this.LogF);
139 resp= '{\"Error\":\"'+errMsg+'\"}';
140 }
141 else { //.. indT > -1 - have taskId in URL
142 this.taskId= requrl.substr( indT+ taskStr.length );
143 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
144 ": extracted from URL: taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
145 this.pgfname= this.cdt_home+"/proc_status_"+this.taskId+".json";
146 // resp= '{\"percentage\":\"3\"}';
147 resp= this.readResultFile( this.pgfname );
148 }
149 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
150 ": result length="+resp.length+"\n",this.LogF);
151 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": progress:["+resp+"]\n",this.LogF);
152 }
153 else
154 if( (match1= rexpGPRMS.exec(requrl)) != null ) {
155 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
156 ": URL match /api/get_params\n",this.LogF);
157 //.. assuming: /api/get_params?taskId=f7be82e43e34cb4e960b45d35e8d9596
158 var indT= requrl.indexOf( taskStr, 0);
159 if( indT < 0 ) {
160 var errMsg=
161 clName+": "+methName+": Error: No taskId found in the URL !\n";
162 logger.addLog( errMsg,this.LogF);
163 resp= '{\"Error\":\"'+errMsg+'\"}';
164 }
165 else { //.. indT > -1 - have taskId in URL
166 this.taskId= requrl.substr( indT+ taskStr.length );
167 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
168 ": extracted from URL: taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
169 var prmfname= this.cdt_home+"/template_params_"+this.taskId+".txt";
170 resp= this.readResultFile( prmfname );
171 }
172 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
173 ": params length="+resp.length+"\n",this.LogF);
174 }
175 else
176 if( (match1= rexpPFMTERR.exec(requrl)) != null ) {
177 //.. parameter format error file
178 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
179 ": URL match /api/get_pfmterr\n",this.LogF);
180 //.. assuming: /api/get_pfmterr?taskId=f7be82e43e34cb4e960b45d35e8d9596
181 var indT= requrl.indexOf( taskStr, 0);
182 if( indT < 0 ) {
183 var errMsg=
184 clName+": "+methName+": Error: No taskId found in the URL !\n";
185 logger.addLog( errMsg,this.LogF);
186 resp= '{\"Error\":\"'+errMsg+'\"}';
187 }
188 else { //.. indT > -1 - have taskId in URL
189 this.taskId= requrl.substr( indT+ taskStr.length );
190 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
191 ": extracted from URL: taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
192 var errfname= this.cdt_home+"/sync_template_err_"+this.taskId+".txt";
193 resp= this.readResultFile( errfname );
194 }
195 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
196 ": params length="+resp.length+"\n",this.LogF);
197 }
198 else
199 if( (match1= rexpGFSAVSP.exec(requrl)) != null ) {
200 //.. Available Space in Server-side file-system
201 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
202 ": URL match /api/get_fsAvSpace \n",this.LogF);
203 var errMsg= this.getFsAvailSpace( this.cdt_home );
204 if( errMsg.length > 0 ) {
205 //.. return non-empty Error message
206 resp= '{\"Error\":\"'+errMsg+'\"}';
207 }else{
208 resp= fsAvSpaceKB; //.. empty return means no error
209 };
210 }
211 else
212 if( (match1= rexpACERES.exec(requrl)) != null ) {
213 //.. (simulated env.) ACE-editor resource files
214 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
215 ": URL match /node_modules/ace-builds...\n",this.LogF);
216 var acebldStr= "src-min\/";
217 var indAB= requrl.indexOf( acebldStr, 0);
218 if( indAB < 0 ) {
219 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
220 ": Warn: No URL match("+acebldStr+").\n",this.LogF);
221 }
222 else { //.. indAB > -1 -got acebldStr
223 var acefname= requrl.substr( indAB +acebldStr.length );
224 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
225 ": req.file name:["+acefname+"]\n",this.LogF);
226 // if( acefname == "mode-velocity.js" || acefname == "theme-chrome.js" )
227 if( acefname == "mode-velocity.js" )
228 {
229 var aresfname= this.cdt_home+"/app/"+acefname;
230 resp= this.readResultFile( aresfname );
231 }
232 else {
233 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
234 ": Warn: No ace URL match("+acebldStr+"...js).\n",this.LogF);
235 }
236 }
237 }
238 else { //..
239 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
240 ": Warn: No URL match - nothing to do !\n",this.LogF);
241 };
242 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
243 ": resp.length="+resp.length+"\n finish.\n",this.LogF);
244 return resp;
247exports.deleteOldFiles = function( ctaskId ) {
248 var methName= "deleteOldFiles";
249 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
250 ": start. the complete task Id:["+ctaskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
251 var cp_args= new Array( 0 );
252 cp_args.push( ctaskId ); //.. give it taskId in args
253 cp_args.push( cdt_home );
254 cp_args.push( LOG_DIR );
255 var DelScript= this.cdt_home +"/app/deleteOldData.js";
256 var chprocI= Chproc.fork( DelScript, cp_args );
257 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
258 ": DelScript started ...\n",this.LogF);
259 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
260 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
263exports.getRoot = function() {
264 var methName= "getRoot";
265 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": start. ROOT URL match \n",this.LogF);
266 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
267 ": cdt_home:["+this.cdt_home+"]\n",this.LogF);
268 var HTML_ROOT_FLDR= this.cdt_home;
269 this.rsfname= HTML_ROOT_FLDR+"/index.html";
270 var resp= this.readResultFile( this.rsfname );
271 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
272 ": result length="+resp.length+"\n",this.LogF);
273 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": resp:["+resp+"]\n",this.LogF);
274 return resp;
277exports.readResultFile = function( rfname ) {
278 var methName= "readResultFile";
279 //.. read processing result from file and send back to the client
280 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
281 ": start. rfname:["+rfname+"]\n",this.LogF);
282 var rdata= "";
283 try {
284 rdata= fs.readFileSync( rfname, 'utf8');
285 }
286 catch( err ) {
287 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
288 ": result-file read: Error: code="+err.code+"\n",this.LogF);
289 throw err;
290 }
291 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
292 ": result-file content length="+rdata.length+"\n",this.LogF);
293 return rdata;
296exports.postSrvLogRec = function ( requrl, inpdata, remaddr ) {
297 //.. to be called by server on receiving POST /api/post_logrec request
298 var methName= "postSrvLogRec";
299 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
300 ": start: url:["+ requrl+"]\n",this.LogF);
301 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
302 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
303 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
304 ": cdt_home:\n["+cdt_home+"]\n",this.LogF);
305 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
306 ": client: remaddr:["+ remaddr+"]\n",this.LogF);
307 if( remaddr != null && remaddr != undefined ) {
308 this.remAddr= remaddr;
309 };
310 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
311 ": Log Record:\n-["+inpdata+"]-\n",this.LogF);
312 var resp= '{\"respStr\":\"OK\"}';
313 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": done: resp:["+resp+"]\n",this.LogF);
314 return( resp );
317exports.procReq = function ( requrl, inpdata, remaddr ) {
318 //.. to be called by server on receiving POST /api/* request
319 // receive input data, save into a file and start server-side processing task
320 var methName= "procReq";
321 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
322 ": start: url:["+ requrl+"]\n",this.LogF);
323 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
324 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
325 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
326 ": cdt_home:\n["+cdt_home+"]\n",this.LogF);
327 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
328 ": client: remaddr:["+ remaddr+"]\n",this.LogF);
329 if( remaddr != null && remaddr != undefined ) {
330 this.remAddr= remaddr;
331 };
332 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
333 ": remAddr:["+ this.remAddr+"]\n",this.LogF);
334 var inpdLen= inpdata.length;
335 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": inpdata length="+inpdLen+"\n",this.LogF);
336 if( inpdLen > 300 ) {
337 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
338 ": inpdata:\n["+inpdata.substr(0,299)+"...]\n",this.LogF);
339 }else{
340 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
341 ": inpdata:\n["+inpdata+"]\n",this.LogF);
342 };
343 var resp= '{\"respStr\":\"postNotFoundResp\"}';
344 var taskStr= "taskId=";
345 var rexp2= new RegExp(/\/api\/proc_cont/);
346 var match2= rexp2.exec( requrl );
347 if( match2 ) {
348 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
349 ": URL match: proc_cont - processing content...\n",this.LogF);
350 //.. check available space before server-side processiong
351 var emsg= this.getFsAvailSpace( this.cdt_home );
352 var doAdd= ''; //.. false
353 var doProc= ''; //.. false
354 //.. assuming format:
355 // url: /api/proc_cont?taskId=1fcf9ebb05cec21caeb71ebac7e34b2c&part=2of2
356 var indT= requrl.indexOf( taskStr, 0);
357 if( indT < 0 ) {
358 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
359 ": Warn: No taskId found in the URL - New Task !\n",this.LogF);
360 this.calcTaskId();
361 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
362 ": calculated New taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n", this.LogF);
363 resp= '{\"respStr\":\"proc_start\",\"taskId\":\"'+this.taskId+'\"}';
364 }
365 else { //.. indT > -1 - have taskId in URL
366 var indTV= indT+ taskStr.length;
367 var indDL= requrl.indexOf( fDelim, indTV );
368 if( indDL < 0 ) {
369 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
370 ": no more fields after taskId.\n",this.LogF);
371 this.taskId= requrl.substr( indTV );
372 }else{ //.. found delimiter
373 this.taskId= requrl.substring( indTV, indDL );
374 };
375 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
376 ": extracted from URL: taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n", this.LogF);
377 doAdd= "true"; //.. will add to old content
378 resp= '{\"respStr\":\"proc_upload\"}'; //.. no return of old taskId
379 }
380 var inputFilePfx = this.cdt_home +"/posted_data_";
381 var infname= inputFilePfx +this.taskId +".txt";
382 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
383 ": got input file name:["+infname+"]\n",this.LogF);
384 //.. extracting parts info, e.g.: "...&part=2of2"
385 var rexp2p= new RegExp(/part=(\d+)of(\d+)/);
386 var match2p= rexp2p.exec( requrl );
387 if( match2p == null ) {
388 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
389 ": Warn: No part number found in the URL "+
390 "-cant determine the last part !\n",this.LogF);
391 }
392 else { //.. match2p != null
393 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
394 ": match2p: length="+match2p.length+"\n",this.LogF);
395 for( var i1=0; i1 < match2p.length; i1++ ) {
396 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
397 ": match2p:["+match2p[i1]+"]\n",this.LogF);
398 };
399 var partNum= match2p[ 1];
400 var partCnt= match2p[ 2];
401 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
402 ": partNum:["+partNum+"] partCnt:["+partCnt+"]\n",this.LogF);
403 if( partNum == partCnt ) {
404 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
405 ": this is the last part -need doProc\n",this.LogF);
406 doProc= "true";
407 };
408 };
409 //.. write data into the file and start processing right after the close
410 var errW= this.writeInp2File( infname, inpdata, doAdd, doProc );
411 if( errW.length > 0 ) {
412 resp= errW;
413 };
414 }
415 else { //.. no match2
416 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": Warn: No URL match.\n",this.LogF);
417 }
418 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": done: resp:["+resp+"]\n",this.LogF);
419 return( resp );
422exports.getFsAvailSpace = function ( fspath ) {
423 var methName= "getFsAvailSpace";
424 //.. get available space (kB) in filesystem where the fspath is mounted
425 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
426 ": start: fspath:\n["+fspath+"]\n",this.LogF);
427 var timeStampI =;
428 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStampI="+timeStampI+"\n",this.LogF);
429 var timeStamp = new Date( timeStampI ).toISOString();
430 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
431 if( fspath.length < 1 ) {
432 var errMsg= methName+": Error: the filesystem directory path is empty !";
433 logger.addLog( clName+ errMsg+"\n", this.LogF);
434 return errMsg;
435 };
436 // var carg= "-k "+fspath;
437 // var mopts= { input: carg, timeout: 4000 };
438 //var moutObj= Chproc.spawnSync('df',[],mopts);
439 var c_args= new Array( 0 );
440 c_args.push( '-k' );
441 c_args.push( fspath );
442 var mopts= { timeout: 4000 };
443 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
444 ": mopts:["+JSON.stringify(mopts)+"]\n",this.LogF);
445 //.. start
446 var moutObj= Chproc.spawnSync('df', c_args, mopts);
447 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
448 ": df done: moutObj: status:["+moutObj.status+"](0 means Ok)\n",this.LogF);
449 var timeStampI =;
450 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStampI="+timeStampI+"\n",this.LogF);
451 if( moutObj.error != null ) {
452 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
453 ": spawn df: Error:["+JSON.stringify(moutObj.error)+"]";
454 logger.addLog( errMsg+"\n", this.LogF);
455 return errMsg;
456 };
457 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
458 ": df moutObj.output: length="+moutObj.output.length+"\n",this.LogF);
459 if( moutObj.output.length > 0 ) {
460 for( var i0=0; i0 < moutObj.output.length; i0++ ) {
461 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
462 ": moutObj.output["+i0+"]:["+moutObj.output[i0]+"]\n",this.LogF);
463 }; //.. loop
464 //.. output[1]: should contain 2 lines:
465 // [Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on\n
466 // /dev/dm-0 37383720 8933604 26528068 26% /\n]
467 var out1= moutObj.output[1];
468 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": to parse out1:["+out1+"]\n",this.LogF);
469 var rexp1= new RegExp(/\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+/);
470 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": rexp1:["+rexp1+"]\n",this.LogF);
471 var matchArr= rexp1.exec( out1 );
472 if( matchArr == null ) {
473 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
474 ": spawn: Error: No digitals (bytes counts) found in the output !";
475 logger.addLog( errMsg+"\n", this.LogF);
476 return errMsg;
477 };
478 if( matchArr[3] == null || matchArr[3] == undefined ) {
479 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
480 ": parsed: Error: The 3-rd byte count is empty (no Available Kbytes) !";
481 logger.addLog( errMsg+"\n", this.LogF);
482 return errMsg;
483 };
484 fsAvSpaceKB= matchArr[3];
485 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
486 ": extracted fsAvSpaceKB="+fsAvSpaceKB+"\n",this.LogF);
487 }else{
488 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
489 ": spawn: Error: Empty df-command output array !";
490 logger.addLog( errMsg+"\n", this.LogF);
491 return errMsg;
492 }
493 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": finished.\n",this.LogF);
494 return '';
497exports.calcTaskId = function () {
498 var methName= "calcTaskId";
499 //.. calculate taskId
500 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": start:\n",this.LogF);
501 var timeStampI =;
502 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStampI="+timeStampI+"\n",this.LogF);
503 var timeStamp = new Date( timeStampI ).toISOString();
504 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
506 var rawId = String( this.remAddr+'-'+timeStampI );
507 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": rawId:["+rawId+"]\n",this.LogF);
509 var mopts= { input: rawId, timeout: 4000 };
510 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
511 ": mopts:["+JSON.stringify(mopts)+"]\n",this.LogF);
513 var moutObj= Chproc.spawnSync('md5sum',[],mopts);
514 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
515 ": moutObj: status:["+moutObj.status+"]\n",this.LogF);
516 if( moutObj.error != null ) {
517 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
518 ": moutObj calc.: Error:["+JSON.stringify(moutObj.error)+"]\n",this.LogF);
519 throw moutObj.error;
520 }
521 else { //.. no errors
522 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
523 ": moutObj: output: length="+moutObj.output.length+"\n",this.LogF);
524 if( moutObj.output.length > 0 ) {
525 for( var i0=0; i0 < moutObj.output.length; i0++ ) {
526 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
527 ": moutObj: output:["+moutObj.output[i0]+"]\n",this.LogF);
528 }
529 }
530 var out1= moutObj.output[ 1 ];
531 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": out1:["+out1+"]\n",this.LogF);
532 var rexp1= new RegExp(/\w+/); //.. alphanumeric
533 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": rexp1:["+rexp1+"]\n",this.LogF);
534 var match1= rexp1.exec( out1 );
535 if( match1 == null ) {
536 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
537 ": Warn.: No Match of rexp1 in the cmd output (No taskId) !\n",this.LogF);
538 }
539 else {
540 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
541 ": match1:["+match1[0]+"] length="+match1.length+"\n",this.LogF);
542 this.taskId= match1[0];
543 };
544 };
545 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
546 ": done: calculated taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
549exports.writeInp2File = function ( fname, inpd, doAdd, doProc ) {
550 var methName= "writeInp2File";
551 //.. write input data to the file
552 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
553 ": Start: file:["+fname+"]\n",this.LogF);
554 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
555 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
556 var inpdLen= inpd.length;
557 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": inpd length="+ inpdLen+"\n",this.LogF);
558 if( inpdLen < 1 ) {
559 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
560 ": Warn.: Empty input - nothing to do !\n",this.LogF);
561 return ''; //.. not an error
562 };
563 if( inpdLen > 300 ) {
564 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
565 ": inpd(begin):["+ inpd.substr(0,299)+"...]\n",this.LogF);
566 }
567 else {
568 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": inpd:["+ inpd+"]\n",this.LogF);
569 };
570 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
571 ": doAdd:["+doAdd+"] doProc:["+doProc+"]\n",this.LogF);
572 if( ! doAdd ) {
573 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
574 ": Dont doAdd - need new content.\n",this.LogF);
575 //.. removing old file if is there with the same name (async is Not OK !)
576 var fname_o= fname+".save";
577 try {
578 fs.renameSync( fname, fname_o );
579 }
580 catch( err ) {
581 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
582 ": Warn.: Failed to rename old file:["+fname+"]"+
583 " err.code="+err.code+"\n";
584 logger.addLog( errMsg, this.LogF );
585 };
586 };
587 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": opening file:["+fname+"]\n",this.LogF);
588 try {
589 this.fdI= fs.openSync( fname, 'a' );
590 }
591 catch( err ) {
592 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
593 ": Error: Failed to open file:["+fname+"]"+
594 " err.code="+err.code+"\n";
595 logger.addLog( errMsg, this.LogF );
596 return( errMsg );
597 };
598 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
599 ": writing data into the file: fdI="+ this.fdI+"\n",this.LogF);
600 try {
601 fs.appendFileSync( this.fdI, inpd, 'utf8' );
602 }
603 catch( err ) {
604 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
605 ": Error: Failed to append input data to file: err.code="+err.code+"\n";
606 logger.addLog( errMsg, this.LogF );
607 return( errMsg );
608 };
609 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
610 ": closing input data file...\n",this.LogF);
611 try {
612 fs.closeSync( this.fdI );
613 }
614 catch( err ) {
615 var errMsg= clName+": "+methName+
616 ": Error: Failed to close input data file: err.code="+err.code+"\n";
617 logger.addLog( errMsg, this.LogF );
618 return( errMsg );
619 };
620 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
621 ": input file was written and closed successfully.\n",this.LogF);
622 timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
623 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
624 if( doProc ) {
625 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
626 ": starting processing...\n",this.LogF);
627 this.startProcFile();
628 };
629 return ''; //.. no error
632exports.startProcFile = function () {
633 var methName= "startProcFile";
634 //.. start processing of the input file in external sub-process
635 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
636 ": Start: taskId:["+this.taskId+"]\n",this.LogF);
637 let timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
638 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
639 ": timeStamp:["+timeStamp+"]\n",this.LogF);
640 console.log(methName+": cdt_home:["+this.cdt_home+"]");
641 var SubProcScriptP= this.cdt_home + SubProcScript;
642 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+
643 ": run SubProcScript:\n["+SubProcScriptP+"]\n",this.LogF);
644 var cp_args= new Array( 0 );
645 cp_args.push( this.taskId ); //.. give it taskId in args
646 cp_args.push( this.cdt_home );
647 cp_args.push( this.LOG_DIR );
648 var chprocI= Chproc.fork( SubProcScriptP, cp_args );
650 // chprocI.on('message', (msg) => {
651 // console.log(methName+": chprocI got msgJ:["+JSON.stringify(msg)+"]");
652 // });
653 // console.log("startProcFile: sending a message to child.");
654 // chprocI.send({ hello: 'world' });
655 logger.addLog( clName+": "+methName+" done submit.\n",this.LogF);