Adding Modeling Concepts documentation from COnfluence to RDT

Issue-ID: CCSDK-2615
Change-Id: Ib5dfaecc96e8fac1dda07aa6c13aba5ded81efee
Signed-off-by: JakobKrieg <>
diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/artifact-type.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/artifact-type.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a968e
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+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/artifact-type.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _artifact_type:
+Artifact Type
+Represents the **type of a artifact**, used to **identify** the 
+**implementation** of the functionality supporting this type of artifact.
+`TOSCA definition <>`_
+This node was created, derived from ``tosca.artifacts.Root`` to be the root TOSCA node for all artifact.
+.. code-block:: JSON
+   :caption: **tosca.artifacts.Implementation**
+   {
+    "description": "TOSCA base type for implementation artifacts",
+    "version": "1.0.0",
+    "derived_from": "tosca.artifacts.Root"
+   }
+**Bellow is a list of supported artifact types**
+.. tabs::
+   .. tab:: Velocity
+      **artifact-template-velocity**
+      Represents an Apache Velocity template.
+      Apache Velocity allow to insert **logic** (if / else / loops / etc) when processing the output of a template/text.
+      File must have **.vtl** extension.
+      The **template** can represent anything, such as device config, payload to interact with 3rd party systems, 
+      :ref:`resource-accumulator template`, etc...
+      Often a template will be **parameterized**, and each **parameter** 
+      must be defined within an mapping file (see 'Mapping' in this tab).
+      `Velocity reference document <>`_
+      `Here <>`_ 
+      is the TOSCA artifact type:
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         :caption: **artifact-template-velocity**
+         {
+          "description": "TOSCA base type for implementation artifacts",
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "derived_from": "tosca.artifacts.Root"
+         }
+   .. tab:: Jinja
+      **artifact-template-jinja**
+      Represents an Jinja template.
+      Jinja template allow to insert **logic** (if / else / loops / etc) when processing the output of a template/text.
+      File must have **.jinja** extension.
+      The **template** can represent **anything**, such as device config, 
+      payload to interact with 3rd party systems, :ref:`resource-accumulator template`, etc...
+      Often a template will be parameterized, and each parameter must be defined within an :ref:`mapping file`.
+      `Jinja reference document <>`_
+      `Here <>`_
+      is the TOSCA artifact type:
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         :caption: **artifact-template-jinja**
+         {
+          "description": " Jinja Template used for Configuration",
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "file_ext": [
+             "jinja"
+          ],
+          "derived_from": "tosca.artifacts.Implementation"
+         }
+   .. tab:: Mapping
+      **artifact-mapping-resource**
+      This type is meant to represent **mapping** files defining the **contract of each resource** to be resolved.
+      Each **parameter** in a template **must** have a corresponding mapping definition, 
+      modeled using datatype-resource-assignment (see :ref:`data_type`-> resources-asignment).
+      Hence the mapping file is meant to be a list of entries defined using datatype-resource-assignment
+      (see :ref:`data_type`-> resources-asignment).
+      File must have **.json** extension.
+      The **template** can represent **anything**, such as device config, 
+      payload to interact with 3rd party systems, resource-accumulator template, etc...
+      `Here <>`_
+      is the TOSCA artifact type:
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         :caption: **artifact-mapping-resource**
+         {
+          "description": "Resource Mapping File used along with Configuration template",
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "file_ext": [
+             "json"
+          ],
+          "derived_from": "tosca.artifacts.Implementation"
+         }
+      The mapping file basically contains a reference to the data dictionary to use 
+      to resolve a particular resource.
+      The data dictionary defines the HOW and the mapping defines the WHAT.
+      **Relation between data dictionary, mapping and template.**
+      Below are two examples using color coding to help understand the relationships.
+      In orange is the information regarding the template. As mentioned before, 
+      template is part of the blueprint itself, and for the blueprint to know what template to use, 
+      the name has to match.
+      In green is the relationship between the value resolved within the template, 
+      and how it's mapped coming from the blueprint.
+      In blue is the relationship between a resource mapping to a data dictionary.
+      In red is the relationship between the resource name to be resolved and the HEAT environment variables.
+      The key takeaway here is that whatever the value is for each color, it has to match all across. 
+      This means both right and left hand side are equivalent; it's all on the designer to express 
+      the modeling for the service. That said, best practice is example 1.
+      .. image:: ../media/dd_mapping_template_rel.png
+         :scale: 100 %
+         :align: center
+   .. tab:: Directed Graph
+      **artifact-directed-graph**
+      Represents a directed graph.
+      This is to represent a **workflow**.
+      File must have **.xml** extension.
+      Here is the list of executors currently supported (see here for explanation and full potential list: 
+      `Service Logic Interpreter Nodes <>`_
+      * execute
+      * block
+      * return
+      * break
+      * exit 
+      `Here <>`_
+      is the TOSCA artifact type:
+      .. code-block:: json
+         :caption: **artifact-directed-graph**
+         {
+          "description": "Directed Graph File",
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "file_ext": [
+             "json",
+             "xml"
+          ],
+          "derived_from": "tosca.artifacts.Implementation"
+         }
diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/cba.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/cba.rst
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index 0000000..a400ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/cba.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _cba:
+Controller Blueprint Archive (.cba)
+The **C**\ ontroller **B**\ lueprint **A**\ rchive is the overall service design, fully model-driven, intent based
+**package** needed for provisioning and configuration management automation.
+The CBA is **.zip** file, comprised of the following folder structure, the files may vary:
+.. code-block::
+   ├── Definitions
+   │   ├── blueprint.json                   Overall TOSCA service template (worfklow + node_template)
+   │   ├── artifact_types.json              (generated by enrichment)
+   │   ├── data_types.json                  (generated by enrichment)
+   │   ├── node_types.json                  (generated by enrichment)
+   │   ├── relationship_types.json          (generated by enrichment)
+   │   └── resources_definition_types.json  (generated by enrichment)
+   ├── Environments                         Contains *.properties files as required by the service
+   ├── Plans                                Contains Directed Graph
+   ├── Tests                                Contains uat.yaml file for testing the cba actions within a cba **package
+   ├── Scripts                              Contains scripts
+   │   ├── python                           Python scripts
+   │   └── kotlin                           Kotlin scripts
+   ├── TOSCA-Metadata
+   │   └── TOSCA.meta                       Meta-data of overall package
+   └── Templates                            Contains combination of mapping and template
+To process a CBA for any service we need to enrich it first. This will gather all the node- type, data-type, 
+artifact-type, data-dictionary definitions provided in the blueprint.json.
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diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/data-dictionary.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/data-dictionary.rst
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index 0000000..f2dbc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/data-dictionary.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _data_dictionary:
+Data Dictionary
+A data dictionary **models the how** a specific **resource** can be **resolved**.
+A resource is a **variable/parameter** in the context of the service.
+It can be anything, but it should not be confused with SDC or Openstack resources.
+A data dictionary can have **multiple sources** to handle resolution in different ways.
+The main goal of data dictionary is to define **re-usable** entity that could be shared.
+**Creation** of data dictionaries is a **standalone** activity, separated from the blueprint design.
+As part of modelling a data dictionary entry, the following generic information should be provided:
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 25 50 25
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Property
+     - Description
+     - Scope
+   * - updated-by
+     - The creator
+     - Mandatory
+   * - tags
+     - Information related	
+     - Mandatory
+   * - sources
+     - List of resource source instance (see :ref:`resource source`)
+     - Mandatory
+   * - property
+     - Defines type and description, as nested JSON
+     - Mandatory
+   * - name
+     - Data dictionary name
+     - Mandatory  
+**Bellow are properties that all the resource source can have**
+The modeling does allow for **data translation** between external capability 
+and CDS for both input and output key mapping.
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 25 50 25
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Property
+     - Description
+     - Scope
+   * - input-key-mapping
+     - map of resources required to perform the request/query. The left hand-side is what is used within 
+       the query/request, the right hand side refer to a data dictionary instance.
+     - Optional
+   * - output-key-mapping
+     - name of the resource to be resolved mapped to the value resolved by the request/query.  
+     - Optional
+   * - key-dependencies
+     - | list of data dictionary instances to be resolved prior the resolution of this specific resource.
+       | during run time execution the key dependencies are recursively sorted and resolved 
+         in batch processing using the `acyclic graph algorithm 
+         <>`_
+     - Optional
+``vf-module-model-customization-uuid`` and ``vf-module-label`` are two data dictionaries. 
+A SQL table, VF_MODULE_MODEL, exist to correlate them.
+Here is how input-key-mapping, output-key-mapping and key-dependencies can be used:
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 100
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - vf-module-label data dictionary
+   * - .. code-block:: JSON
+         {
+          "name" : "vf-module-label",
+          "tags" : "vf-module-label",
+          "updated-by" : "adetalhouet",
+          "property" : {
+             "description" : "vf-module-label",
+             "type" : "string"
+          },
+          "sources" : {
+             "primary-db" : {
+                "type" : "source-primary-db",
+                "properties" : {
+                "type" : "SQL",
+                "query" : "select sdnctl.VF_MODULE_MODEL.vf_module_label as vf_module_label 
+                           from sdnctl.VF_MODULE_MODEL where sdnctl.VF_MODULE_MODEL.customization_uuid=:customizationid",
+                "input-key-mapping" : {
+                   "customizationid" : "vf-module-model-customization-uuid"
+                },
+                "output-key-mapping" : {
+                   "vf-module-label" : "vf_module_label"
+                },
+                "key-dependencies" : [ "vf-module-model-customization-uuid" ]
+                }
+             }
+          }
+         }
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diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/data-type.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/data-type.rst
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index 0000000..d9861a2
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+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/data-type.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _data_type:
+Data type
+Represents the **schema** of a specific type of **data**.
+Supports both **primitive** and **complex** data types:
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 50 50
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Primitive
+     - Complex
+   * - * string
+       * integer
+       * float
+       * double
+       * boolean
+       * timestamp
+       * null
+     - * json
+       * list
+       * array
+For complex data type, an **entry schema** is required, defining the
+type of value contained within the complex type, if list or array.
+Users can **create** as many **data type** as needed.
+.. note::
+   **Creating Custom Data Types:**
+   To create a custom data-type you can use a POST call to CDS endpoint: 
+   "<cds-ip>:<cds-port>/api/v1/model-type"
+   .. code-block:: python
+      :caption: **Payload:**
+      {
+       "model-name": "<model-name>",
+       "derivedFrom": "tosca.datatypes.Root",
+       "definitionType": "data_type",
+       "definition": {
+          "description": "<description>",
+          "version": "<version-number: eg 1.0.0>",
+          "properties": {<add properties of your custom data type in JSON format>},
+          "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root"
+       },
+       "description": "<description",
+       "version": "<version>",
+       "tags": "<model-name>,datatypes.Root.data_type",
+       "creationDate": "<creation timestamp>",
+       "updatedBy": "<name>"
+      }
+Data type are useful to manipulate data during resource resolution. 
+They can be used to format the JSON output as needed.
+List of existing data type: 
+`TOSCA specification 
+**Below is a list of existing data types**
+.. tabs::
+   .. tab:: resource-assignment
+      **datatype-resource-assignment**
+      Used to define entries within artifact-mapping-resource 
+      (see tab Artifact Type -> artifact-mapping-resource)
+      That datatype represent a **resource** to be resolved. We also refer
+      this as an **instance of a data dictionary** as it's directly linked to
+      its definition.
+      .. list-table::
+         :widths: 50 50
+         :header-rows: 1
+         * - Property
+           - Description
+         * - property
+           - Defines how the resource looks like (see datatype-property on the right tab)
+         * - input-param
+           - Whether the resource can be provided as input.
+         * - dictionary-name
+           - Reference to the name of the data dictionary (see :ref:`data_dictionary`).
+         * - dictionary-source
+           - Reference the source to use to resolve the resource (see :ref:`resource source`).
+         * - dependencies
+           - List of dependencies required to resolve this resource.
+         * - updated-date
+           - Date when mapping was upload.
+         * - updated-by
+           - Name of the person that updated the mapping.
+      `<>`_
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         :caption: **datatype-resource-assignment**
+         {
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "description": "This is Resource Assignment Data Type",
+          "properties": {
+             "property": {
+                   "required": true,
+                   "type": "datatype-property"
+             },
+             "input-param": {
+                   "required": true,
+                   "type": "boolean"
+             },
+             "dictionary-name": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             },
+             "dictionary-source": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             },
+             "dependencies": {
+                   "required": true,
+                   "type": "list",
+                   "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                   }
+             },
+             "updated-date": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             },
+             "updated-by": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             }
+          },
+          "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root"
+         }
+   .. tab:: property
+      **datatype-property**
+      Used to defined the **property** entry of a **resource assignment**.
+      .. list-table::
+         :widths: 25 75
+         :header-rows: 1
+         * - Property
+           - Description
+         * - type
+           - Whether it's a primitive type, or a defined data-type
+         * - description
+           - Description of for the property
+         * - required
+           - Whether it's required or not
+         * - default
+           - If there is a default value to provide
+         * - entry_schema
+           - If the type is a complex one, such as list, define what is the type of element within the list.
+      `<>`_
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         :caption: **datatype-property**
+         {
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "description": "This is Resource Assignment Data Type",
+          "properties": {
+             "property": {
+                   "required": true,
+                   "type": "datatype-property"
+             },
+             "input-param": {
+                   "required": true,
+                   "type": "boolean"
+             },
+             "dictionary-name": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             },
+             "dictionary-source": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             },
+             "dependencies": {
+                   "required": true,
+                   "type": "list",
+                   "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                   }
+             },
+             "updated-date": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             },
+             "updated-by": {
+                   "required": false,
+                   "type": "string"
+             }
+          },
+          "derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root"
+         }
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diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/dynamic-payload.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/dynamic-payload.rst
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index 0000000..731df54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/dynamic-payload.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+Dynamic Payload
+One of the most important API provided by the run time is to execute a CBA Package.
+The nature of this API **request** and **response** is **model
+driven** and **dynamic**.
+Here is how the a **generic request** and **response** look like.
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 50 50
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - request
+     - response
+   * - .. code-block:: json
+          {
+           "commonHeader": {
+              "originatorId": "",
+              "requestId": "",
+              "subRequestId": ""
+           },
+           "actionIdentifiers": {
+              "blueprintName": "",
+              "blueprintVersion": "",
+              "actionName": "",
+              "mode": ""
+           },
+           "payload": {
+              "$actionName-request": {
+                 "$actionName-properties": {
+                 }
+              }
+           }
+          }
+     - .. code-block:: json
+          {
+           "commonHeader": {
+              "originatorId": "",
+              "requestId": "",
+              "subRequestId": ""
+           },
+           "actionIdentifiers": {
+              "blueprintName": "",
+              "blueprintVersion": "",
+              "actionName": "",
+              "mode": ""
+           },
+           "payload": {
+              "$actionName-response": {
+              }
+           }
+          }
+The ``actionName``, under the ``actionIdentifiers`` refers to the name of a
+Workflow (see :ref:`workflow`)
+The content of the ``payload`` is what is fully dynamic / model driven.
+The first **top level element** will always be either
+``$actionName-request`` for a request or ``$actionName-response`` for a response.
+Then the **content within this element** is fully based on the
+**workflow** **inputs** and **outputs**.
+During the :ref:`enrichment` CDS will aggregate all the resources
+defined to be resolved as input (see :ref:`node_type` -> Source -> Input), within mapping definition files
+(see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Mapping), as data-type, that will then be use as type 
+of an  input called ``$actionName-properties``.
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diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/enrichment.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/enrichment.rst
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index 0000000..8ea1ed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/enrichment.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _enrichment:
+The idea is that the CBA is a self-sufficient package, hence requires
+all the various types definition its using.
+Reason for this is the types its using might evolve. In order for the
+CBA to be bounded to the version it has been using when it has been
+designed, these types are embedded in the CBA, so if they change, the
+CBA is not affected.
+The enrichment process will complete the package by providing all the
+definition of types used:
+* gather all the node-type used and put them into a :file:`node_types.json` file
+* gather all the data-type used and put them into a :file:`data_types.json` file
+* gather all the artifact-type used and put them into a :file:`artifact_types.json` file
+* gather all the data dictionary definitions used from within the mapping files and put them 
+  into a :file:`resources_definition_types.json` file
+.. warning::
+   Before uploading a CBA, it must be enriched. If your package is already enrich, 
+   you do not need to perform enrichment again.
+The enrichment can be run using REST API, and required the **.zip** file as input. 
+It will return an :file:`` file.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   curl -X POST \
+   'http://{{ip}}:{{cds-designtime}}/api/v1/blueprint-model/enrich' \
+   -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
+   -F
+The enrichment process will also, for all resources to be resolved as input and default:
+* dynamically gather them under a data-type, named ``dt-${actionName}-properties``
+* will add it as a input of the workflow, as follow using this name: ``${actionName}-properties``
+Example for workflow named *resource-assignment*:
+.. code-block:: JSON
+   :caption: **dynamic input**
+   {
+     "resource-assignment-properties": {
+     "required": true,
+     "type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
+   }
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diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/expression.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/expression.rst
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index 0000000..639f700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/expression.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _expression:
+TOSCA provides for a set of functions to reference elements within the template or to retrieve runtime values.
+**Below is a list of supported expressions**
+.. tabs::
+   .. tab:: get_input
+      **get_input**
+      The **get_input** function is used to retrieve the values of properties declared 
+      within the inputs section of a TOSCA Service Template.
+      Within CDS, this is mainly Workflow inputs.
+      `TOSCA specification 
+      <>`_
+      **Example:**
+      `<>`_
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         "resolution-key": {
+         "get_input": "resolution-key"
+         }
+   .. tab:: get_property
+      **get_property**
+      The **get_property** function is used to retrieve property values between modelable 
+      entities defined in the same service template.
+      `TOSCA specification 
+      <>`_
+      **Example:**
+      TBD
+   .. tab:: get_attribute
+      **get_attribute**
+      The **get_attribute** function is used to retrieve the values of named attributes declared 
+      by the referenced node or relationship template name.
+      `TOSCA specification 
+      <>`_
+      **Example:**
+      `<>`_
+      .. code-block:: JSON
+         "get_attribute": [
+            "resource-assignment",
+            "assignment-params"
+         ]
+   .. tab:: get_operation_output
+      **get_operation_output**
+      The **get_operation_output** function is used to retrieve property values between modelable 
+      entities defined in the same service template.
+      `TOSCA specification 
+      <>`_
+      **Example:**
+      TBD
+   .. tab:: get_artifact
+      **get_artifact**
+      The **get_artifact** function is used to retrieve property values between modelable 
+      entities defined in the same service template.
+      `TOSCA specification 
+      <>`_
+      **Example:**
+      TBD
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+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+External Systems support
+Interaction with **external systems** is made **dynamic**, removing
+development cycle to support new endpoint.
+In order to define the external system information, TOSCA provides
+**dsl_definitions**. Link to TOSCA spec `info 1
+`info 2 <>`_.
+Use cases:
+* Resource resolution using **REST** (see tab Node Type) or **SQL** (see tab Node Type) external systems
+* **gRPC** is supported for remote execution
+* Any REST endpoint can be dynamically injected as part of the scripting framework.
+Here are some examples on how to populate the system information within the package:
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 100
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - token-auth
+   * - .. code-block:: JSON
+            {
+             . . .
+             "dsl_definitions": {
+             "ipam-1": {
+                "type": "token-auth",
+                "url": "http://netbox-nginx.netprog:8080",
+                "token": "Token 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567"
+             }
+            }
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 100
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - basic-auth
+   * - .. code-block:: JSON
+            {
+             . . .
+             "dsl_definitions": {
+                "ipam-1": {
+                   "type": "basic-auth",
+                   "url": "http://localhost:8080",
+                   "username": "bob",
+                   "password": "marley"
+                }
+             }
+             . . .
+            }
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 100
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - ssl-basic-auth
+   * - .. code-block:: JSON
+            {
+             . . .
+             "dsl_definitions": {
+                "ipam-1": {
+                   "type" : "ssl-basic-auth",
+                   "url" : "http://localhost:32778",
+                   "keyStoreInstance": "JKS or PKCS12",
+                   "sslTrust": "trusture",
+                   "sslTrustPassword": "trustore password",
+                   "sslKey": "keystore",
+                   "sslKeyPassword: "keystore password"
+                }
+             }
+             . . .
+            }
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 100
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - grpc-executor
+   * - .. code-block:: JSON
+            {
+             . . .
+             "dsl_definitions": {
+             "remote-executor": {
+                "type": "token-auth",
+                "host": "cds-command-executor.netprog",
+                "port": "50051",
+                "token": "Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw=="
+             },
+             }
+             . . .
+            }
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - maria-db
+   * - .. code-block:: JSON
+            {
+             . . .
+             "dsl_definitions": {
+                "netprog-db": {
+                   "type": "maria-db",
+                   "url": "jdbc:mysql://",
+                   "username": "netprog",
+                   "password": "netprog"
+                }
+             }
+             . . .
+            }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/node-type.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/node-type.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f86e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/node-type.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _node_type:
+Node type
+`TOSCA definition 
+In CDS, we have mainly two distinct types: components and source. We have some other type as well, 
+listed in the other section.
+.. tabs::
+   .. tab:: Component
+      **Component:**
+      Used to represent a **functionality** along with its **contract**, such as **inputs**, **ouputs**, and **attributes**
+      `Here <>`_ 
+      is the root component TOSCA node type from which other node type will derive:
+      .. code-block:: json
+         :caption: **tosca.nodes.Component**
+         {
+          "description": "This is default Component Node",
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Root"
+         }
+      **Bellow is a list of supported components**
+      .. tabs::
+         .. tab:: resource-resolution
+            **component-resource-resolution:**
+            Used to perform resolution of **resources**.
+            Requires as many as artifact-mapping-resource (see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Mapping) AND 
+            artifact-template-velocity (see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Jinja) as needed.
+            **Output result:**
+            Will put the resolution result as an **attribute** in the workflow context called **assignment-params**.
+            Using the :ref:`undefined <get_attribute expression>`, this attribute can be retrieve to be 
+            provided as workflow output (see :ref:`workflow`).
+            **Specify which template to resolve:**
+            Currently, resolution is bounded to a template. To specify which template to use, you 
+            need to fill in the `artifact-prefix-names` field.
+            See :ref:`template` to understand what the artifact prefix name is.
+            **Storing the result:**
+            To store each resource being resolved, along with their status, and the resolved template, `store-result` should be set to `true`.
+            Also, when storing the data, it must be in the context of either a `resource-id` and `resource-type`, or based on a given `resolution-key`
+            The concept of resource-id / resource-type, or resolution-key, is to uniquely identify a specific resolution that 
+            has been performed for a given action. Hence the resolution-key has to be unique for a given blueprint name, blueprint version, action name.
+            Through the combination of the fields mentioned previously, one could retrieved what has been resolved. This is useful to manage the life-cycle of the resolved resource, the life-cycle of the template, along with sharing with external systems the outcome of a given resolution.
+            The resource-id / resource-type combo is more geared to uniquely identify a resource in AAI, or external system. For example, for a given AAI resource, say a PNF, you can trigger a given CDS action, and then you will be able to manage all the resolved resources bound to this PNF. Even we could have a history of what has been assigned, unassigned for this given AAI resource.
+            .. warning:: Important not to confuse and AAI resource (e.g. a topology element, 
+                         or service related element) with the resources resolved by CDS, which can be seen 
+                         as parameters required to derived a network configuration.
+            **Run the resolution multiple time:**
+            If you need to run the same resolution component multiple times, use the field `occurence`. 
+            This will add the notion of occurrence to the resolution, and if storing the results, resources 
+            and templates, they will be accessible for each occurrence.
+            Occurrence is a number between 1 and N; when retrieving information 
+            for a given occurrence, the first iteration starts at 1.
+            This feature is useful when you need to apply the same configuration accross network elements.
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the definition:
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **component-resource-resolution**
+               {
+                "description": "This is Resource Assignment Component API",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "attributes": {
+                  "assignment-params": {
+                    "required": true,
+                    "type": "string"
+                  }
+                },
+                "capabilities": {
+                  "component-node": {
+                    "type": "tosca.capabilities.Node"
+                  }
+                },
+                "interfaces": {
+                  "ResourceResolutionComponent": {
+                    "operations": {
+                      "process": {
+                        "inputs": {
+                          "resolution-key": {
+                            "description": "Key for service instance related correlation.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          },
+                          "occurrence": {
+                            "description": "Number of time to perform the resolution.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "default": 1,
+                            "type": "integer"
+                          },
+                          "store-result": {
+                            "description": "Whether or not to store the output.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "boolean"
+                          },
+                          "resource-type": {
+                            "description": "Request type.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          },
+                          "artifact-prefix-names": {
+                            "required": true,
+                            "description": "Template , Resource Assignment Artifact Prefix names",
+                            "type": "list",
+                            "entry_schema": {
+                              "type": "string"
+                            }
+                          },
+                          "request-id": {
+                            "description": "Request Id, Unique Id for the request.",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          },
+                          "resource-id": {
+                            "description": "Resource Id.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          },
+                          "action-name": {
+                            "description": "Action Name of the process",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          },
+                          "dynamic-properties": {
+                            "description": "Dynamic Json Content or DSL Json reference.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "json"
+                          }
+                        },
+                        "outputs": {
+                          "resource-assignment-params": {
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          },
+                          "status": {
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Component"
+               }
+         .. tab:: script-executor
+            **component-script-executor:**
+            Used to **execute** a script to perform **NETCONF, RESTCONF, SSH commands** 
+            from within the runtime container of CDS.
+            Two type of scripts are supported:
+            * Kotlin: offer a way more integrated scripting framework, along 
+              with a way faster processing capability. See more about Kotlin script:
+            * Python: uses Jython which is bound to Python 2.7, end of life Januray 2020. 
+              See more about Jython:
+            The `script-class-reference` field need to reference
+            * for kotlin: the package name up to the class. e.g. com.example.Bob
+            * for python: it has to be the path from the Scripts folder, e.g. Scripts/python/
+            `Here <>`_
+            is the definition
+            .. _test_test_test:
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **component-script-executor**
+               {
+                "description": "This is Netconf Transaction Configuration Component API",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "interfaces": {
+                   "ComponentScriptExecutor": {
+                      "operations": {
+                      "process": {
+                         "inputs": {
+                            "script-type": {
+                            "description": "Script type, kotlin type is supported",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string",
+                            "default": "internal",
+                            "constraints": [
+                               {
+                                  "valid_values": [
+                                  "kotlin",
+                                  "jython",
+                                  "internal"
+                                  ]
+                               }
+                            ]
+                            },
+                            "script-class-reference": {
+                            "description": "Kotlin Script class name with full package or jython script name.",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },           
+                            "dynamic-properties": {
+                            "description": "Dynamic Json Content or DSL Json reference.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "json"
+                            }
+                         },
+                         "outputs": {
+                            "response-data": {
+                            "description": "Execution Response Data in JSON format.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "status": {
+                            "description": "Status of the Component Execution ( success or failure )",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            }
+                         }
+                      }
+                      }
+                   }
+                },
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Component"
+               }
+         .. tab:: remote-script-executor
+            **component-remote-script-executor:**
+            Used to **execute** a python script in a dedicated micro-service, providing a Python 3.6 environment.
+            **Output result:**
+            prepare-environment-logs: will contain the logs for all the pip install of ansible_galaxy setup
+            execute-command-logs: will contain the execution logs of the script, that were printed into stdout
+            Using the get_attribute expression (see :ref:`expression` -> get_attribute), 
+            this attribute can be retrieve to be provided as workflow output (see :ref:`workflow`).
+            **Params:**
+            The `command` field need to reference the path from the Scripts folder of the 
+            scripts to execute, e.g. Scripts/python/
+            The `packages` field allow to provide a list of **PIP package** to install in the target environment, 
+            or a requirements.txt file. Also, it supports **Ansible role**.
+            If **requirements.txt** is specified, then it should be **provided** as 
+            part of the **Environment** folder of the CBA.
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **Example**
+               "packages": [
+                  {
+                     "type": "pip",
+                     "package": [
+                     "requirements.txt"
+                     ]
+                  },
+                  {
+                     "type": "ansible_galaxy",
+                     "package": [
+                     "juniper.junos"
+                     ]
+                  }
+               ]
+            The `argument-properties` allows to specified input argument to the script to execute. They should be 
+            expressed in a DSL, and they will be ordered as specified.   
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **Example** 
+               "ansible-argument-properties": {
+                  "arg0": "-i",
+                  "arg1": "Scripts/ansible/inventory.yaml",
+                  "arg2": "--extra-vars",
+                  "arg3": {
+                     "get_attribute": [
+                     "resolve-ansible-vars",
+                     "",
+                     "assignment-params",
+                     "ansible-vars"
+                     ]
+                  }
+               }
+               }
+            The `dynamic-properties` can be anything that needs to be passed to the 
+            script that couldn't be passed as an argument, such as JSON object, etc... If used, they will be passed 
+            in as the last argument of the Python script.
+            `Here <>`_
+            is the definition
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **component-remote-script-executor** 
+               {
+                "description": "This is Remote Python Execution Component.",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "attributes": {
+                   "prepare-environment-logs": {
+                      "required": false,
+                      "type": "string"
+                   },
+                   "execute-command-logs": {
+                      "required": false,
+                      "type": "list",
+                      "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                      }
+                   },
+                   "response-data": {
+                      "required": false,
+                      "type": "json"
+                   }
+                },
+                "capabilities": {
+                   "component-node": {
+                      "type": "tosca.capabilities.Node"
+                   }
+                },
+                "interfaces": {
+                   "ComponentRemotePythonExecutor": {
+                      "operations": {
+                      "process": {
+                         "inputs": {
+                            "endpoint-selector": {
+                            "description": "Remote Container or Server selector name.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string",
+                            "default": "remote-python"
+                            },
+                            "dynamic-properties": {
+                            "description": "Dynamic Json Content or DSL Json reference.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "json"
+                            },
+                            "argument-properties": {
+                            "description": "Argument Json Content or DSL Json reference.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "json"
+                            },
+                            "command": {
+                            "description": "Command to execute.",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "packages": {
+                            "description": "Packages to install based on type.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type" : "list",
+                            "entry_schema" : {
+                               "type" : "dt-system-packages"
+                            }
+                            }
+                         }
+                      }
+                      }
+                   }
+                },
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Component"
+               }
+         .. tab:: remote-ansible-executor
+            **component-remote-ansible-executor:**
+            Used to **execute** an ansible playbook hosted in AWX/Anisble Tower.
+            **Ouput result:**
+            ansible-command-status: status of the command
+            ansible-command-logs: will contain the execution logs of the playbook
+            Using the get_attribute expression, this attribute can be retrieve to be provided as workflow output (see Workflow).
+            **Param:**
+            TBD
+            `Here <>`_
+            is the definition
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **component-remote-script-executor**
+               {
+                "description": "This is Remote Ansible Playbook (AWX) Execution Component.",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "attributes": {
+                   "ansible-command-status": {
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "string"
+                   },
+                   "ansible-command-logs": {
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "string"
+                   }
+                },
+                "capabilities": {
+                   "component-node": {
+                      "type": "tosca.capabilities.Node"
+                   }
+                },
+                "interfaces": {
+                   "ComponentRemoteAnsibleExecutor": {
+                      "operations": {
+                      "process": {
+                         "inputs": {
+                            "job-template-name": {
+                            "description": "Primary key or name of the job template to launch new job.",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "limit": {
+                            "description": "Specify host limit for job template to run.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "inventory": {
+                            "description": "Specify inventory for job template to run.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "extra-vars" : {
+                            "required" : false,
+                            "type" : "json",
+                            "description": "json formatted text that contains extra variables to pass on."
+                            },
+                            "tags": {
+                            "description": "Specify tagged actions in the playbook to run.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "skip-tags": {
+                            "description": "Specify tagged actions in the playbook to omit.",
+                            "required": false,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            },
+                            "endpoint-selector": {
+                            "description": "Remote AWX Server selector name.",
+                            "required": true,
+                            "type": "string"
+                            }
+                         }
+                      }
+                      }
+                   }
+                },
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Component"
+               }
+   .. tab:: Source
+      **Source:**
+      Used to represent a **type of source** to **resolve** a **resource**, along with the expected **properties**
+      Defines the **contract** to resolve a resource.
+      `Here <>`_ 
+      is the root component TOSCA node type from which other node type will derive:
+      .. code-block::
+         :caption: **tosca.nodes.Component**
+         {
+          "description": "TOSCA base type for Resource Sources",
+          "version": "1.0.0",
+          "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Root"
+         }
+      **Bellow is a list of supported sources**
+      .. tabs:: 
+         .. tab:: input
+            **Input:**
+            Expects the **value to be provided as input** to the request.
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the Definition
+            .. code-block:: 
+               :caption: **source-input**
+               {
+                "description": "This is Input Resource Source Node Type",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "properties": {},
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.ResourceSource"
+               }
+         .. tab:: default
+            **Default:**
+            Expects the **value to be defaulted** in the model itself.
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the Definition
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **source-default**
+               {
+                "description": "This is Default Resource Source Node Type",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "properties": {},
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.ResourceSource"
+               }
+         .. tab:: rest
+            **REST**
+            Expects the **URI along with the VERB and the payload**, if needed.
+            CDS is currently deployed along the side of SDNC, hence the **default** rest 
+            **connection** provided by the framework is to **SDNC MDSAL**.
+            .. list-table::
+               :widths: 25 50 25
+               :header-rows: 1
+               * - Property
+                 - Description
+                 - Scope
+               * - type
+                 - Expected output value, only JSON supported for now
+                 - Optional
+               * - verb
+                 - HTTP verb for the request - default value is GET
+                 - Optional
+               * - payload
+                 - Payload to sent
+                 - Optional
+               * - endpoint-selector
+                 - **Specific REST system** to interact with to (see **Dynamic Endpoint**)
+                 - Optional
+               * - url-path
+                 - URI
+                 - Mandatory
+               * - path
+                 - JSON path to the value to fetch from the response
+                 - Mandatory
+               * - expression-type
+                 - Path expression type - default value is JSON_PATH
+                 - Optional
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the definition:
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **source-rest**
+               {
+               "description": "This is Rest Resource Source Node Type",
+               "version": "1.0.0",
+               "properties": {
+                  "type": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "string",
+                     "default": "JSON",
+                     "constraints": [
+                     {
+                        "valid_values": [
+                           "JSON"
+                        ]
+                     }
+                     ]
+                  },
+                  "verb": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "string",
+                     "default": "GET",
+                     "constraints": [
+                     {
+                        "valid_values": [
+                           "GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PUT"
+                        ]
+                     }
+                     ]
+                  },
+                  "payload": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "string",
+                     "default": ""
+                  },
+                  "endpoint-selector": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "string"
+                  },
+                  "url-path": {
+                     "required": true,
+                     "type": "string"
+                  },
+                  "path": {
+                     "required": true,
+                     "type": "string"
+                  },
+                  "expression-type": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "string",
+                     "default": "JSON_PATH",
+                     "constraints": [
+                     {
+                        "valid_values": [
+                           "JSON_PATH",
+                           "JSON_POINTER"
+                        ]
+                     }
+                     ]
+                  },
+                  "input-key-mapping": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "map",
+                     "entry_schema": {
+                     "type": "string"
+                     }
+                  },
+                  "output-key-mapping": {
+                     "required": false,
+                     "type": "map",
+                     "entry_schema": {
+                     "type": "string"
+                     }
+                  },
+                  "key-dependencies": {
+                     "required": true,
+                     "type": "list",
+                     "entry_schema": {
+                     "type": "string"
+                     }
+                  }
+               },
+               "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.ResourceSource"
+               }
+         .. tab:: sql
+            **SQL**
+            Expects the **SQL query** to be modeled; that SQL query can be parameterized, 
+            and the parameters be other resources resolved through other means. 
+            If that's the case, this data dictionary definition will have to define ``key-dependencies`` along with ``input-key-mapping``.
+            CDS is currently deployed along the side of SDNC, hence the **primary** database 
+            **connection** provided by the framework is to **SDNC database**.
+            .. list-table::
+               :widths: 25 50 25
+               * - Property
+                 - Description
+                 - Scope
+               * - type
+                 - Database type, only SQL supported for now
+                 - Mandatory
+               * - endpoint-selector
+                 - Specific Database system to interact with to (see **Dynamic Endpoint**)
+                 - Optional
+               * - query
+                 - Statement to execute
+                 - Mandatory
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the definition:
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **source-db**
+               {
+                "description": "This is Database Resource Source Node Type",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "properties": {
+                   "type": {
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "string",
+                      "constraints": [
+                      {
+                         "valid_values": [
+                            "SQL"
+                         ]
+                      }
+                      ]
+                   },
+                   "endpoint-selector": {
+                      "required": false,
+                      "type": "string"
+                   },
+                   "query": {
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "string"
+                   },
+                   "input-key-mapping": {
+                      "required": false,
+                      "type": "map",
+                      "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                      }
+                   },
+                   "output-key-mapping": {
+                      "required": false,
+                      "type": "map",
+                      "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                      }
+                   },
+                   "key-dependencies": {
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "list",
+                      "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                      }
+                   }
+                },
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.ResourceSource"
+               }
+         .. tab:: capability
+                  **Capability:**
+                  Expects a **script** to be provided.
+                  .. list-table::
+                     :widths: 25 50 25
+                     :header-rows: 1
+                     * - Property
+                       - Description
+                       - Scope
+                     * - script-type	
+                       - The type of the script - default value is Koltin
+                       - Optional
+                     * - script-class-reference
+                       - The name of the class to use to create an instance of the script
+                       - Mandatory
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the definition:     
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **source-capability** 
+               {
+                "description": "This is Component Resource Source Node Type",
+                "version": "1.0.0",
+                "properties": {
+                   "script-type": {
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "string",
+                      "default": "kotlin",
+                      "constraints": [
+                      {
+                         "valid_values": [
+                            "internal",
+                            "kotlin",
+                            "jython"
+                         ]
+                      }
+                      ]
+                   },
+                   "script-class-reference": {
+                      "description": "Capability reference name for internal and kotlin, for jython script file path",
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "string"
+                   },
+                   "key-dependencies": {
+                      "description": "Resource Resolution dependency dictionary names.",
+                      "required": true,
+                      "type": "list",
+                      "entry_schema": {
+                      "type": "string"
+                      }
+                   }
+                },
+                "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.ResourceSource"
+               }        
+   .. tab:: Other
+      **Other:**
+      .. tabs::
+         .. tab:: DG
+            **dg-generic:**
+            Identifies a Directed Graph used as **imperative workflow**.
+            .. list-table::
+               :widths: 40 40 20
+               :header-rows: 1
+               * - Property
+                 - Description
+                 - Scope
+               * - dependency-node-templates	
+                 - The node template the workflow depends on
+                 - Required
+            `Here <>`_ 
+            is the definition:   
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **dg-generic**
+               {
+               "description": "This is Generic Directed Graph Type",
+               "version": "1.0.0",
+               "properties": {
+                  "content": {
+                     "required": true,
+                     "type": "string"
+                  },
+                  "dependency-node-templates": {
+                     "required": true,
+                     "description": "Dependent Step Components NodeTemplate name.",
+                     "type": "list",
+                     "entry_schema": {
+                     "type": "string"
+                     }
+                  }
+               },
+               "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.DG"
+               }
+            A node_template of this type always provide one artifact, of type artifact-directed-graph, 
+            which will be located under the Plans/ folder within the CBA.
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **node_template example**
+               "config-deploy-process" : {
+               "type" : "dg-generic",
+               "properties" : {
+                  "content" : {
+                     "get_artifact" : [ "SELF", "dg-config-deploy-process" ]
+                  },
+                  "dependency-node-templates" : [ "nf-account-collection", "execute" ]
+               },
+               "artifacts" : {
+                  "dg-config-deploy-process" : {
+                     "type" : "artifact-directed-graph",
+                     "file" : "Plans/CONFIG_ConfigDeploy.xml"
+                  }
+               }
+               }
+            In the DG bellow, the execute node refers to the node_template.
+            .. code-block:: xml
+               :caption: **Plans/CONFIG_ConfigDeploy.xml**
+               <service-logic
+               xmlns=''
+               xmlns:xsi=''
+               xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='CONFIG' version='1.0.0'>
+                  <method rpc='ConfigDeploy' mode='sync'>
+                     <block atomic="true">
+                           <execute plugin="nf-account-collection" method="process">
+                              <outcome value='failure'>
+                                 <return status="failure">
+                                 </return>
+                              </outcome>
+                              <outcome value='success'>
+                                 <execute plugin="execute" method="process">
+                                       <outcome value='failure'>
+                                          <return status="failure">
+                                          </return>
+                                       </outcome>
+                                       <outcome value='success'>
+                                          <return status='success'>
+                                          </return>
+                                       </outcome>
+                                 </execute>
+                              </outcome>
+                           </execute>
+                     </block>
+                  </method>
+               </service-logic>
+         .. tab:: VNF
+            **tosca.nodes.VNF**
+            Identifies a VNF, can be used to **correlate** any type of **VNF** related **information**.
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **tosca.nodes.vnf**
+               {
+                 "description": "This is VNF Node Type",
+                 "version": "1.0.0",
+                 "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Root"
+               }
+            **vnf-netconf-device**
+            Represents the VNF information to **establish** a **NETCONF communication**.
+            .. code-block:: json
+               :caption: **vnf-netconf-device**
+               {
+                 "description": "This is VNF Device with Netconf  Capability",
+                 "version": "1.0.0",
+                 "capabilities": {
+                   "netconf": {
+                     "type": "tosca.capabilities.Netconf",
+                     "properties": {
+                       "login-key": {
+                         "required": true,
+                         "type": "string",
+                         "default": "sdnc"
+                       },
+                       "login-account": {
+                         "required": true,
+                         "type": "string",
+                         "default": "sdnc-tacacs"
+                       },
+                       "source": {
+                         "required": false,
+                         "type": "string",
+                         "default": "npm"
+                       },
+                       "target-ip-address": {
+                         "required": true,
+                         "type": "string"
+                       },
+                       "port-number": {
+                         "required": true,
+                         "type": "integer",
+                         "default": 830
+                       },
+                       "connection-time-out": {
+                         "required": false,
+                         "type": "integer",
+                         "default": 30
+                       }
+                     }
+                   }
+                 },
+                 "derived_from": "tosca.nodes.Vnf"
+               }
diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/overview.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/overview.rst
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index 0000000..80ce8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/overview.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+Modeling Concepts
+CDS is a framework to automate the **resolution of resources** for
+**instantiation** and any **config** provisioning operation, such as
+day0, day1 or day2 configuration.
+CDS has a both **design time** and **run time** activities; during
+design time, **Designer** can **define** what **actions** are required
+for a given service, along with anything comprising the action. The
+design produce a :ref:`CBA Package<cba>`. Its **content** is driven from a
+**catalog** of **reusable data dictionary** and **component**,
+delivering a reusable and simplified **self service** experience.
+DS modelling is mainly based on `TOSCA
+standard, <>`_
+using JSON as reprensentation.
+Most of the TOSCA modeled entity presented in the bellow documentation
+can be found
+`here <>`_.
+.. toctree::
+   :caption: Table of Contents
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   CBA <cba>
+   Tosca.Meta <tosca-meta>
+   dynamic-payload
+   enrichment
+   Flexible Plug-in <flexible-plug-in>
+   expression
+   data-dictionary
+   data-type
+   artifact-type
+   node-type
+   workflow
+   template
+   scripts
+   southbound-interfaces
+   test
diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/scripts.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/scripts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1cbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/scripts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+In order to facilitate NETCONF interaction within scripts, a python NetconfClient binded to our Kotlin implementation is made available. 
+This NetconfClient can be used when using the component-netconf-executor.
+The client can be find here:
+When executing a component executor script, designer might want to perform 
+resource resolution along with template meshing directly from the script itself.
+The helper can be find here: 
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d7007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/southbound-interfaces.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+Southbound Interfaces
+CDS comes with native python 3.6 support and Ansible AWX (Ansible Tower): 
+idea is Network Ops are familiar with Python and/or Ansible, and our goal is not to dictate the SBI to use for 
+their operations. Ansible and Python provide already many, and well adopted, 
+SBI libraries, hence they could be utilized as needed.
+CDS also provide native support for the following libraries:
+* NetConf
+* CLI
+* SSH
+* gRPC (hence gNMI / gNOI should be supported)
+CDS also has extensible REST support, meaning any RESTful interface used for network interaction can be used, 
+such as external VNFM or EMS.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951b51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/template.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _template:
+A template is an **artifact**, and uses artifact-mapping-resource (see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Mapping) 
+and artifact-template-velocity (see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Velocity).
+A template is **parameterized** and each parameter must be defined in a corresponding **mapping file**.
+In order to know which mapping correlates to which template, the file name must start with an ``artifact-prefix``, 
+serving as identifier to the overall template + mapping.
+The **requirement** is as follows:
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index 0000000..89003e0
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+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/test.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+The **tests** folder contains the **uat.yaml** file for execution the cba actions for sunny day and rainy day 
+scenario using mock data. The process to generate the uat file is documented TBD. The file can be dragged 
+and drop to the Tests folder after the test for all actions are executed. 
+NOTE: You need to activate the "uat" Spring Boot profile in order to enable the spy/verify endpoints. 
+They are disabled by default because the mocks created at runtime can potentially cause collateral problems in production. 
+You can either pass an option to JVM (````) or set and export an 
+environment variable (``export spring_profiles_active=uat``).
+A quick outline of the UAT generation process follows:
+1. Create a minimum :file:`uat.yaml` containing only the NB requests to be sent to the BlueprintsProcessor (BPP) service;
+2. Submit the blueprint CBA and this draft :file:`uat.yaml` to BPP in a single HTTP POST call:
+   ``curl -u ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps -F cba=@<path to your CBA file> -F uat=@<path to the 
+   draft uat.yaml> http://localhost:8080/api/v1/uat/spy``
+3. If your environment is properly setup, at the end this service will generate the complete :file:`uat.yaml`;
+4. Revise the generate file, eventually removing superfluous message fields;
+5. Include this file in your CBA under :file:`Tests/uat.yaml`;
+6. Submit the candidate CBA + UAT to be validated by BPP, that now will create runtime mocks to simulate 
+   all SB collaborators, by running:
+   ``$ curl -u ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps -F cba=@<path to your CBA file> http://localhost:8080/api/v1/uat/verify``
+7. Once validated, your CBA enhanced with its corresponding UAT is eligible 
+   to be integrated into the CDS project, under the folder :file:`components/model-catalog/blueprint-model/uat-blueprints`.
+Reference link for sample generated uat.yaml file for pnf plug & play use case: 
+`uat.yaml file <;a=tree;f=components/model-catalog/blueprint-model/uat-blueprints/pnf_config/Tests;h=230d506720c4a1066784c1fe9e0ba0206bbb13cf;hb=refs/heads/master>`_.
+As UAT is part of unit testing, it runs in jenkins job 
+`ccsdk-cds-master-verify-java <>`_ 
+whenever a new commit/patch pushed on gerrit in ccsdk/cds repo.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fed14
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+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/tosca-meta.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+Tosca Meta
+Tosca meta file captures the model entities that compose the cba package name, version, type and searchable tags.
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 20 15 15 50
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Attribute
+     - R/C/O
+     - Data Type
+     - Description
+   * - TOSCA-Meta-File-Version
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - The attribute that holds TOSCA-Meta-File-Version. Set to 1.0.0
+   * - CSAR-Version
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - The attribute that holds CSAR-version. Set to 1.0
+   * - Created-By
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - The attribute that holds the entry points
+   * - Entry-Definitions
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - The attribute that holds the entry points file PATH to the main cba tosca definition file 
+       or non tosca script file.
+   * - Template-Name
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - The attribute that holds the blueprint name
+   * - Template-Version
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - | The attribute that holds the blueprint version
+       |
+       | X.Y.Z
+       |
+       | X=Major version
+       | Y=Minor Version
+       | Z=Revision Version
+       | 
+       | X=Ex. 1.0.0         
+   * - Template-Type
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - | The attribute that holds the blueprint package types.
+       | Valid Options:
+       * "DEFAULT" – .JSON file consistent of tosca based cba package that describes the package intent.
+       * "KOTLIN_DSL" – .KT file consistent of tosca based cba package that describes the package intent 
+         composed using Domain Specific Language (DSL). 
+       * "GENERIC_SCRIPT" – Script file consistent of NONE tosca based cba package that describes the package intent 
+         using DSL Language.
+       | If not specified in the tosca.meta file the default is "DEFAULT"
+   * - Template-Tags
+     - Required
+     - String
+     - The attribute that holds the blueprint package comma delimited list of Searchable attributes.
+**Template Type Reference**
+**Default Template Type**
+**KOTLIN_DSL Template Type**
+**GENERIC_SCRIPT Template Type**
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diff --git a/docs/modelingconcepts/workflow.rst b/docs/modelingconcepts/workflow.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c7dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modelingconcepts/workflow.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+.. This work is a derivative of by IBM 
+.. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
+.. _workflow:
+.. note::
+   **Workflow Scope within CDS Framework**
+   The workflow is within the scope of the micro provisioning and configuration 
+   management in **controller domain** and does NOT account for the MACRO service orchestration workflow which is covered by the SO Project. 
+A workflow defines an overall action to be taken on the service, hence is an 
+entry-point for the run-time execution of the :ref:`CBA Package <cba>`.
+A workflow also defines **inputs** and **outputs** that will defined the **payload contract** 
+of the **request** and **response** (see :ref:`Dynamic API`)
+A workflow can be **composed** of one or multiple **sub-actions** to execute.
+A CBA package can have as **many workflows** as needed.
+.. _workflow_single_action:
+Single action
+The workflow is directly backed by a component (see :ref:`node_type` -> Component).
+In the example bellow, the target of the workflow's steps resource-assignment is ``resource-assignment`` 
+which actually is the name of the ``node_template`` defined after, of type ``component-resource-resolution``.
+`Link to example 
+.. code-block:: json
+   :caption: **Example**
+      . . .
+   "topology_template": {
+      "workflows": {
+         "resource-assignment": {
+         "steps": {
+            "resource-assignment": {
+               "description": "Resource Assign Workflow",
+               "target": "resource-assignment"
+               ]
+            }
+         },
+         "inputs": {
+            "resource-assignment-properties": {
+               "description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(resource-assignment).",
+               "required": true,
+               "type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
+            }
+         },
+         "outputs": {
+            "meshed-template": {
+               "type": "json",
+               "value": {
+               "get_attribute": [
+                  "resource-assignment",
+                  "assignment-params"
+               ]
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         },
+      "node_templates": {
+         "resource-assignment": {
+         "type": "component-resource-resolution",
+         "interfaces": {
+            "ResourceResolutionComponent": {
+               "operations": {
+               "process": {
+                  "inputs": {
+                     "artifact-prefix-names": [
+                     "vf-module-1"
+                     ]
+                  }
+               }
+               }
+            }
+         },
+         "artifacts": {
+            "vf-module-1-template": {
+               "type": "artifact-template-velocity",
+               "file": "Templates/vf-module-1-template.vtl"
+            },
+            "vf-module-1-mapping": {
+               "type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
+               "file": "Templates/vf-module-1-mapping.json"
+            }
+         }
+         }
+      }
+   . . .
+.. _workflow_multiple_actions:
+Multiple sub-actions
+The workflow is backed by a Directed Graph engine, dg-generic (see :ref:`node_type` -> DG, 
+and is an **imperative** workflow.
+A DG used as workflow for CDS is composed of multiple execute nodes; each individual 
+execute node refers to an modelled Component (see :ref:`node_type` -> Component) instance.
+In the example above, you can see the target of the workflow's steps execute-script is 
+``execute-remote-ansible-process``, which is a node_template of type ``dg_generic``
+`Link of example 
+.. code-block:: json
+   :caption: **workflow plan example**
+   . . .
+   "topology_template": {
+      "workflows": {
+         "execute-remote-ansible": {
+         "steps": {
+            "execute-script": {
+               "description": "Execute Remote Ansible Script",
+               "target": "execute-remote-ansible-process"
+               ]
+            }
+         },
+         "inputs": {
+            "ip": {
+               "required": false,
+               "type": "string"
+            },
+            "username": {
+               "required": false,
+               "type": "string"
+            },
+            "password": {
+               "required": false,
+               "type": "string"
+            },
+            "execute-remote-ansible-properties": {
+               "description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(execute-remote-ansible).",
+               "required": true,
+               "type": "dt-execute-remote-ansible-properties"
+            }
+         },
+         "outputs": {
+            "ansible-variable-resolution": {
+               "type": "json",
+               "value": {
+               "get_attribute": [
+                  "resolve-ansible-vars",
+                  "assignment-params"
+               ]
+               }
+            },
+            "prepare-environment-logs": {
+               "type": "string",
+               "value": {
+               "get_attribute": [
+                  "execute-remote-ansible",
+                  "prepare-environment-logs"
+               ]
+               }
+            },
+            "execute-command-logs": {
+               "type": "string",
+               "value": {
+               "get_attribute": [
+                  "execute-remote-ansible",
+                  "execute-command-logs"
+               ]
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         }
+      },
+      "node_templates": {
+         "execute-remote-ansible-process": {
+         "type": "dg-generic",
+         "properties": {
+            "content": {
+               "get_artifact": [
+               "SELF",
+               "dg-execute-remote-ansible-process"
+               ]
+            },
+            "dependency-node-templates": [
+               "resolve-ansible-vars",
+               "execute-remote-ansible"
+            ]
+         },
+         "artifacts": {
+            "dg-execute-remote-ansible-process": {
+               "type": "artifact-directed-graph",
+               "file": "Plans/CONFIG_ExecAnsiblePlaybook.xml"
+            }
+         }
+         }
+Properties of a workflow
+.. list-table::
+   :widths: 25 75
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Property
+     - Description
+   * - workflow-name
+     - Defines the name of the action that can be triggered by external system
+   * - inputs
+     - | They are two types of inputs, the dynamic ones, and the static one.
+       | 
+       .. tabs::
+          .. tab:: static
+             Specified at workflow level
+             * can be inputs for the Component(s), see the inputs section of the component of interest.
+             * represent inputs to derived custom logic within scripting
+             These will end up under ``${actionName}-request`` section of the payload (see Dynamic API)
+          .. tab:: dynamic
+             Represent the resources defined as input (see :ref:`node_type` -> Source -> Input) 
+             within mapping definition files (see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Mapping).
+             The **enrichment process** will (see :ref:`enrichment`)
+             * dynamically gather all of them under a data-type, named ``dt-${actionName}-properties``
+             * will add it as a input of the workflow, as follow using this name: ``${actionName}-properties``
+             Example for workflow named `resource-assignment`:
+             .. code-block:: json
+                :caption: **dynamic input**
+                "resource-assignment-properties": {
+                "required": true,
+                "type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
+                }
+   * - outputs
+     - | Defines the outputs of the execution; there can be as many output as needed.
+       | Depending on the Component (see :ref:`node_type` -> Component) of use, some attribute might be retrievable.
+       .. list-table::
+            :widths: 50 50
+            :header-rows: 1
+            * - type
+              - value
+            * - data type (complex / primitive)
+              - value resolvable using :ref:`expression` -> get_attribute
+   * - steps
+     - | Defines the actual step to execute as part of the workflow
+       | 
+       .. list-table::
+          :widths: 25 25 50
+          :header-rows: 1      
+          * - step-name
+            - description
+            - target
+          * - name of the step
+            - step description
+            - | a node_template implementing on of the supported Node Type (see :ref:`node_type` -> DG), 
+                either a Component or a DG
+              | (see :ref:`workflow_single_action` or :ref:`workflow_multiple_actions`)
+.. code-block:: json
+   :caption: **workflow example**
+   {
+    "workflow": {
+       "resource-assignment": {                                <- workflow-name
+          "inputs": {
+          "vnf-id": {                                         <- static inputs
+             "required": true,
+             "type": "string"
+          },
+          "resource-assignment-properties": {                    <- dynamic inputs
+             "required": true,
+             "type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
+          }
+          },
+          "steps": {
+          "call-resource-assignment": {                       <- step-name
+             "description": "Resource Assignment Workflow",
+             "target": "resource-assignment-process"           <- node_template targeted by the step
+          }
+          },
+          "outputs": {
+          "template-properties": {                            <- output
+             "type": "json",                                   <- complex type
+             "value": {
+                "get_attribute": [                              <- uses expression to retrieve attribute from context
+                "resource-assignment",
+                "assignment-params"
+                ]
+             }
+          }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+   }
+`TOSCA definition <>`_