tree: a79e5fae39c8c25ebeb96001f55c18a1fabab3b6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. oom-ddl-postgres-1707-common.sql
  2. oom-dml-postgres-1707-common.sql

ONAP Operations Manager Dashboard Database Scripts

This directory has a DDL to create tables and and DML scripts to populate tables in Postgresql for the ONAP Operations Manager Dashboard web application.

Internal deployments

To create a database for internal use:

  • Run the common DDL script
  • Run the common DML script
  • Run the internal-use-only DML script, which can be found in a different project

Open-source deployments

To create a database for ONAP use:

  • Run the common DDL script
  • Run the common DML script

Notes on Postgresql:

Set default schema for user: ALTER USER SET search_path to ; (the above statement is not needed for version 9.4 and above)