blob: 27b7a587a9bed59f1da59cc1aad02c6cf4957be1 [file] [log] [blame]
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory(require());
} else {
root.AceDiff = factory(root);
}(this, function() {
'use strict';
var Range = require('ace/range').Range;
var C = {
EDITOR_RIGHT: 'right',
EDITOR_LEFT: 'left',
RTL: 'rtl',
LTR: 'ltr',
SVG_NS: '',
// our constructor
function AceDiff(options) {
this.options = {};
extend(true, this.options, {
mode: null,
theme: null,
lockScrolling: false, // not implemented yet
showDiffs: true,
showConnectors: true,
maxDiffs: 5000,
left: {
id: 'acediff-left-editor',
content: null,
mode: null,
theme: null,
editable: true,
copyLinkEnabled: true
right: {
id: 'acediff-right-editor',
content: null,
mode: null,
theme: null,
editable: true,
copyLinkEnabled: true
classes: {
gutterID: 'acediff-gutter',
diff: 'acediff-diff',
connector: 'acediff-connector',
newCodeConnectorLink: 'acediff-new-code-connector-copy',
newCodeConnectorLinkContent: '→',
deletedCodeConnectorLink: 'acediff-deleted-code-connector-copy',
deletedCodeConnectorLinkContent: '←',
copyRightContainer: 'acediff-copy-right',
copyLeftContainer: 'acediff-copy-left'
connectorYOffset: 0
}, options);
// instantiate the editors in an internal data structure that will store a little info about the diffs and
// editor content
this.editors = {
left: {
ace: ace.edit(,
markers: [],
lineLengths: []
right: {
ace: ace.edit(,
markers: [],
lineLengths: []
editorHeight: null
this.lineHeight = this.editors.left.ace.renderer.lineHeight; // assumption: both editors have same line heights
// set up the editors
this.editors.left.ace.getSession().setMode(getMode(this, C.EDITOR_LEFT));
this.editors.right.ace.getSession().setMode(getMode(this, C.EDITOR_RIGHT));
this.editors.left.ace.setTheme(getTheme(this, C.EDITOR_LEFT));
this.editors.right.ace.setTheme(getTheme(this, C.EDITOR_RIGHT));
// if the data is being supplied by an option, set the editor values now
if (this.options.left.content) {
this.editors.left.ace.setValue(this.options.left.content, -1);
if (this.options.right.content) {
this.editors.right.ace.setValue(this.options.right.content, -1);
// store the visible height of the editors (assumed the same)
this.editors.editorHeight = getEditorHeight(this);
// our public API
AceDiff.prototype = {
// allows on-the-fly changes to the AceDiff instance settings
setOptions: function(options) {
extend(true, this.options, options);
getNumDiffs: function() {
return this.diffs.length;
// exposes the Ace editors in case the dev needs it
getEditors: function() {
return {
left: this.editors.left.ace,
right: this.editors.right.ace
// our main diffing function. I actually don't think this needs to exposed: it's called automatically,
// but just to be safe, it's included
diff: function() {
var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
var val1 = this.editors.left.ace.getSession().getValue();
var val2 = this.editors.right.ace.getSession().getValue();
var diff = dmp.diff_main(val2, val1);
this.editors.left.lineLengths = getLineLengths(this.editors.left);
this.editors.right.lineLengths = getLineLengths(this.editors.right);
// parse the raw diff into something a little more palatable
var diffs = [];
var offset = {
left: 0,
right: 0
diff.forEach(function(chunk) {
var chunkType = chunk[0];
var text = chunk[1];
// oddly, occasionally the algorithm returns a diff with no changes made
if (text.length === 0) {
if (chunkType === C.DIFF_EQUAL) {
offset.left += text.length;
offset.right += text.length;
} else if (chunkType === C.DIFF_DELETE) {
diffs.push(computeDiff(this, C.DIFF_DELETE, offset.left, offset.right, text));
offset.right += text.length;
} else if (chunkType === C.DIFF_INSERT) {
diffs.push(computeDiff(this, C.DIFF_INSERT, offset.left, offset.right, text));
offset.left += text.length;
}, this);
// simplify our computed diffs; this groups together multiple diffs on subsequent lines
this.diffs = simplifyDiffs(this, diffs);
// if we're dealing with too many diffs, fail silently
if (this.diffs.length > this.options.maxDiffs) {
destroy: function() {
// destroy the two editors
var leftValue = this.editors.left.ace.getValue();
var oldDiv = this.editors.left.ace.container;
var newDiv = oldDiv.cloneNode(false);
newDiv.textContent = leftValue;
oldDiv.parentNode.replaceChild(newDiv, oldDiv);
var rightValue = this.editors.right.ace.getValue();
oldDiv = this.editors.right.ace.container;
newDiv = oldDiv.cloneNode(false);
newDiv.textContent = rightValue;
oldDiv.parentNode.replaceChild(newDiv, oldDiv);
document.getElementById(this.options.classes.gutterID).innerHTML = '';
function getMode(acediff, editor) {
var mode = acediff.options.mode;
if (editor === C.EDITOR_LEFT && acediff.options.left.mode !== null) {
mode = acediff.options.left.mode;
if (editor === C.EDITOR_RIGHT && acediff.options.right.mode !== null) {
mode = acediff.options.right.mode;
return mode;
function getTheme(acediff, editor) {
var theme = acediff.options.theme;
if (editor === C.EDITOR_LEFT && acediff.options.left.theme !== null) {
theme = acediff.options.left.theme;
if (editor === C.EDITOR_RIGHT && acediff.options.right.theme !== null) {
theme = acediff.options.right.theme;
return theme;
function addEventHandlers(acediff) {
var leftLastScrollTime = new Date().getTime(),
rightLastScrollTime = new Date().getTime(),
acediff.editors.left.ace.getSession().on('changeScrollTop', function(scroll) {
now = new Date().getTime();
if (rightLastScrollTime + 50 < now) {
updateGap(acediff, 'left', scroll);
acediff.editors.right.ace.getSession().on('changeScrollTop', function(scroll) {
now = new Date().getTime();
if (leftLastScrollTime + 50 < now) {
updateGap(acediff, 'right', scroll);
var diff = acediff.diff.bind(acediff);
acediff.editors.left.ace.on('change', diff);
acediff.editors.right.ace.on('change', diff);
if (acediff.options.left.copyLinkEnabled) {
on('#' + acediff.options.classes.gutterID, 'click', '.' + acediff.options.classes.newCodeConnectorLink, function(e) {
copy(acediff, e, C.LTR);
if (acediff.options.right.copyLinkEnabled) {
on('#' + acediff.options.classes.gutterID, 'click', '.' + acediff.options.classes.deletedCodeConnectorLink, function(e) {
copy(acediff, e, C.RTL);
var onResize = debounce(function() {
acediff.editors.availableHeight = document.getElementById(;
// TODO this should re-init gutter
}, 250);
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
function copy(acediff, e, dir) {
var diffIndex = parseInt('data-diff-index'), 10);
var diff = acediff.diffs[diffIndex];
var sourceEditor, targetEditor;
var startLine, endLine, targetStartLine, targetEndLine;
if (dir === C.LTR) {
sourceEditor = acediff.editors.left;
targetEditor = acediff.editors.right;
startLine = diff.leftStartLine;
endLine = diff.leftEndLine;
targetStartLine = diff.rightStartLine;
targetEndLine = diff.rightEndLine;
} else {
sourceEditor = acediff.editors.right;
targetEditor = acediff.editors.left;
startLine = diff.rightStartLine;
endLine = diff.rightEndLine;
targetStartLine = diff.leftStartLine;
targetEndLine = diff.leftEndLine;
var contentToInsert = '';
for (var i=startLine; i<endLine; i++) {
contentToInsert += getLine(sourceEditor, i) + '\n';
var startContent = '';
for (var i=0; i<targetStartLine; i++) {
startContent += getLine(targetEditor, i) + '\n';
var endContent = '';
var totalLines = targetEditor.ace.getSession().getLength();
for (var i=targetEndLine; i<totalLines; i++) {
endContent += getLine(targetEditor, i);
if (i<totalLines-1) {
endContent += '\n';
endContent = endContent.replace(/\s*$/, '');
// keep track of the scroll height
var h = targetEditor.ace.getSession().getScrollTop();
targetEditor.ace.getSession().setValue(startContent + contentToInsert + endContent);
function getLineLengths(editor) {
var lines = editor.ace.getSession().doc.getAllLines();
var lineLengths = [];
lines.forEach(function(line) {
lineLengths.push(line.length + 1); // +1 for the newline char
return lineLengths;
// shows a diff in one of the two editors.
function showDiff(acediff, editor, startLine, endLine, className) {
var editor = acediff.editors[editor];
if (endLine < startLine) { // can this occur? Just in case.
endLine = startLine;
var classNames = className + ' ' + ((endLine > startLine) ? 'lines' : 'targetOnly');
endLine--; // because endLine is always + 1
// to get Ace to highlight the full row we just set the start and end chars to 0 and 1
editor.markers.push(editor.ace.session.addMarker(new Range(startLine, 0, endLine, 1), classNames, 'fullLine'));
// called onscroll. Updates the gap to ensure the connectors are all lining up
function updateGap(acediff, editor, scroll) {
// reposition the copy containers containing all the arrows
function clearDiffs(acediff) {
acediff.editors.left.markers.forEach(function(marker) {
}, acediff);
acediff.editors.right.markers.forEach(function(marker) {
}, acediff);
function addConnector(acediff, leftStartLine, leftEndLine, rightStartLine, rightEndLine) {
var leftScrollTop = acediff.editors.left.ace.getSession().getScrollTop();
var rightScrollTop = acediff.editors.right.ace.getSession().getScrollTop();
// All connectors, regardless of ltr or rtl have the same point system, even if p1 === p3 or p2 === p4
// p1 p2
// p3 p4
acediff.connectorYOffset = 1;
var p1_x = -1;
var p1_y = (leftStartLine * acediff.lineHeight) - leftScrollTop;
var p2_x = acediff.gutterWidth + 1;
var p2_y = rightStartLine * acediff.lineHeight - rightScrollTop;
var p3_x = -1;
var p3_y = (leftEndLine * acediff.lineHeight) - leftScrollTop + acediff.connectorYOffset;
var p4_x = acediff.gutterWidth + 1;
var p4_y = (rightEndLine * acediff.lineHeight) - rightScrollTop + acediff.connectorYOffset;
var curve1 = getCurve(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y);
var curve2 = getCurve(p4_x, p4_y, p3_x, p3_y);
var verticalLine1 = 'L' + p2_x + ',' + p2_y + ' ' + p4_x + ',' + p4_y;
var verticalLine2 = 'L' + p3_x + ',' + p3_y + ' ' + p1_x + ',' + p1_y;
var d = curve1 + ' ' + verticalLine1 + ' ' + curve2 + ' ' + verticalLine2;
var el = document.createElementNS(C.SVG_NS, 'path');
el.setAttribute('d', d);
el.setAttribute('class', acediff.options.classes.connector);
function addCopyArrows(acediff, info, diffIndex) {
if (info.leftEndLine > info.leftStartLine && acediff.options.left.copyLinkEnabled) {
var arrow = createArrow({
className: acediff.options.classes.newCodeConnectorLink,
topOffset: info.leftStartLine * acediff.lineHeight,
tooltip: 'Copy to right',
diffIndex: diffIndex,
arrowContent: acediff.options.classes.newCodeConnectorLinkContent
if (info.rightEndLine > info.rightStartLine && acediff.options.right.copyLinkEnabled) {
var arrow = createArrow({
className: acediff.options.classes.deletedCodeConnectorLink,
topOffset: info.rightStartLine * acediff.lineHeight,
tooltip: 'Copy to left',
diffIndex: diffIndex,
arrowContent: acediff.options.classes.deletedCodeConnectorLinkContent
function positionCopyContainers(acediff) {
var leftTopOffset = acediff.editors.left.ace.getSession().getScrollTop();
var rightTopOffset = acediff.editors.right.ace.getSession().getScrollTop(); = 'top: ' + (-leftTopOffset) + 'px'; = 'top: ' + (-rightTopOffset) + 'px';
* This method takes the raw diffing info from the Google lib and returns a nice clean object of the following
* form:
* {
* leftStartLine:
* leftEndLine:
* rightStartLine:
* rightEndLine:
* }
* Ultimately, that's all the info we need to highlight the appropriate lines in the left + right editor, add the
* SVG connectors, and include the appropriate <<, >> arrows.
* Note: leftEndLine and rightEndLine are always the start of the NEXT line, so for a single line diff, there will
* be 1 separating the startLine and endLine values. So if leftStartLine === leftEndLine or rightStartLine ===
* rightEndLine, it means that new content from the other editor is being inserted and a single 1px line will be
* drawn.
function computeDiff(acediff, diffType, offsetLeft, offsetRight, diffText) {
var lineInfo = {};
// this was added in to hack around an oddity with the Google lib. Sometimes it would include a newline
// as the first char for a diff, other times not - and it would change when you were typing on-the-fly. This
// is used to level things out so the diffs don't appear to shift around
var newContentStartsWithNewline = /^\n/.test(diffText);
if (diffType === C.DIFF_INSERT) {
// pretty confident this returns the right stuff for the left editor: start & end line & char
var info = getSingleDiffInfo(acediff.editors.left, offsetLeft, diffText);
// this is the ACTUAL undoctored current line in the other editor. It's always right. Doesn't mean it's
// going to be used as the start line for the diff though.
var currentLineOtherEditor = getLineForCharPosition(acediff.editors.right, offsetRight);
var numCharsOnLineOtherEditor = getCharsOnLine(acediff.editors.right, currentLineOtherEditor);
var numCharsOnLeftEditorStartLine = getCharsOnLine(acediff.editors.left, info.startLine);
var numCharsOnLine = getCharsOnLine(acediff.editors.left, info.startLine);
// this is necessary because if a new diff starts on the FIRST char of the left editor, the diff can comes
// back from google as being on the last char of the previous line so we need to bump it up one
var rightStartLine = currentLineOtherEditor;
if (numCharsOnLine === 0 && newContentStartsWithNewline) {
newContentStartsWithNewline = false;
if (info.startChar === 0 && isLastChar(acediff.editors.right, offsetRight, newContentStartsWithNewline)) {
rightStartLine = currentLineOtherEditor + 1;
var sameLineInsert = info.startLine === info.endLine;
// whether or not this diff is a plain INSERT into the other editor, or overwrites a line take a little work to
// figure out. This feels like the hardest part of the entire script.
var numRows = 0;
if (
// dense, but this accommodates two scenarios:
// 1. where a completely fresh new line is being inserted in left editor, we want the line on right to stay a 1px line
// 2. where a new character is inserted at the start of a newline on the left but the line contains other stuff,
// we DO want to make it a full line
(info.startChar > 0 || (sameLineInsert && diffText.length < numCharsOnLeftEditorStartLine)) &&
// if the right editor line was empty, it's ALWAYS a single line insert [not an OR above?]
numCharsOnLineOtherEditor > 0 &&
// if the text being inserted starts mid-line
(info.startChar < numCharsOnLeftEditorStartLine)) {
lineInfo = {
leftStartLine: info.startLine,
leftEndLine: info.endLine + 1,
rightStartLine: rightStartLine,
rightEndLine: rightStartLine + numRows
} else {
var info = getSingleDiffInfo(acediff.editors.right, offsetRight, diffText);
var currentLineOtherEditor = getLineForCharPosition(acediff.editors.left, offsetLeft);
var numCharsOnLineOtherEditor = getCharsOnLine(acediff.editors.left, currentLineOtherEditor);
var numCharsOnRightEditorStartLine = getCharsOnLine(acediff.editors.right, info.startLine);
var numCharsOnLine = getCharsOnLine(acediff.editors.right, info.startLine);
// this is necessary because if a new diff starts on the FIRST char of the left editor, the diff can comes
// back from google as being on the last char of the previous line so we need to bump it up one
var leftStartLine = currentLineOtherEditor;
if (numCharsOnLine === 0 && newContentStartsWithNewline) {
newContentStartsWithNewline = false;
if (info.startChar === 0 && isLastChar(acediff.editors.left, offsetLeft, newContentStartsWithNewline)) {
leftStartLine = currentLineOtherEditor + 1;
var sameLineInsert = info.startLine === info.endLine;
var numRows = 0;
if (
// dense, but this accommodates two scenarios:
// 1. where a completely fresh new line is being inserted in left editor, we want the line on right to stay a 1px line
// 2. where a new character is inserted at the start of a newline on the left but the line contains other stuff,
// we DO want to make it a full line
(info.startChar > 0 || (sameLineInsert && diffText.length < numCharsOnRightEditorStartLine)) &&
// if the right editor line was empty, it's ALWAYS a single line insert [not an OR above?]
numCharsOnLineOtherEditor > 0 &&
// if the text being inserted starts mid-line
(info.startChar < numCharsOnRightEditorStartLine)) {
lineInfo = {
leftStartLine: leftStartLine,
leftEndLine: leftStartLine + numRows,
rightStartLine: info.startLine,
rightEndLine: info.endLine + 1
return lineInfo;
// helper to return the startline, endline, startChar and endChar for a diff in a particular editor. Pretty
// fussy function
function getSingleDiffInfo(editor, offset, diffString) {
var info = {
startLine: 0,
startChar: 0,
endLine: 0,
endChar: 0
var endCharNum = offset + diffString.length;
var runningTotal = 0;
var startLineSet = false,
endLineSet = false;
editor.lineLengths.forEach(function(lineLength, lineIndex) {
runningTotal += lineLength;
if (!startLineSet && offset < runningTotal) {
info.startLine = lineIndex;
info.startChar = offset - runningTotal + lineLength;
startLineSet = true;
if (!endLineSet && endCharNum <= runningTotal) {
info.endLine = lineIndex;
info.endChar = endCharNum - runningTotal + lineLength;
endLineSet = true;
// if the start char is the final char on the line, it's a newline & we ignore it
if (info.startChar > 0 && getCharsOnLine(editor, info.startLine) === info.startChar) {
info.startChar = 0;
// if the end char is the first char on the line, we don't want to highlight that extra line
if (info.endChar === 0) {
var endsWithNewline = /\n$/.test(diffString);
if (info.startChar > 0 && endsWithNewline) {
return info;
// note that this and everything else in this script uses 0-indexed row numbers
function getCharsOnLine(editor, line) {
return getLine(editor, line).length;
function getLine(editor, line) {
return editor.ace.getSession().doc.getLine(line);
function getLineForCharPosition(editor, offsetChars) {
var lines = editor.ace.getSession().doc.getAllLines(),
foundLine = 0,
runningTotal = 0;
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
runningTotal += lines[i].length + 1; // +1 needed for newline char
if (offsetChars <= runningTotal) {
foundLine = i;
return foundLine;
function isLastChar(editor, char, startsWithNewline) {
var lines = editor.ace.getSession().doc.getAllLines(),
runningTotal = 0,
isLastChar = false;
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
runningTotal += lines[i].length + 1; // +1 needed for newline char
var comparison = runningTotal;
if (startsWithNewline) {
if (char === comparison) {
isLastChar = true;
return isLastChar;
function createArrow(info) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
var props = {
'class': info.className,
'style': 'top:' + info.topOffset + 'px',
title: info.tooltip,
'data-diff-index': info.diffIndex
for (var key in props) {
el.setAttribute(key, props[key]);
el.innerHTML = info.arrowContent;
return el;
function createGutter(acediff) {
acediff.gutterHeight = document.getElementById(acediff.options.classes.gutterID).clientHeight;
acediff.gutterWidth = document.getElementById(acediff.options.classes.gutterID).clientWidth;
var leftHeight = getTotalHeight(acediff, C.EDITOR_LEFT);
var rightHeight = getTotalHeight(acediff, C.EDITOR_RIGHT);
var height = Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight, acediff.gutterHeight);
acediff.gutterSVG = document.createElementNS(C.SVG_NS, 'svg');
acediff.gutterSVG.setAttribute('width', acediff.gutterWidth);
acediff.gutterSVG.setAttribute('height', height);
// acediff.editors.left.ace.getSession().getLength() * acediff.lineHeight
function getTotalHeight(acediff, editor) {
var ed = (editor === C.EDITOR_LEFT) ? acediff.editors.left : acediff.editors.right;
return ed.ace.getSession().getLength() * acediff.lineHeight;
// creates two contains for positioning the copy left + copy right arrows
function createCopyContainers(acediff) {
acediff.copyRightContainer = document.createElement('div');
acediff.copyRightContainer.setAttribute('class', acediff.options.classes.copyRightContainer);
acediff.copyLeftContainer = document.createElement('div');
acediff.copyLeftContainer.setAttribute('class', acediff.options.classes.copyLeftContainer);
function clearGutter(acediff) {
//gutter.innerHTML = '';
var gutterEl = document.getElementById(acediff.options.classes.gutterID);
function clearArrows(acediff) {
acediff.copyLeftContainer.innerHTML = '';
acediff.copyRightContainer.innerHTML = '';
* This combines multiple rows where, say, line 1 => line 1, line 2 => line 2, line 3-4 => line 3. That could be
* reduced to a single connector line 1=4 => line 1-3
function simplifyDiffs(acediff, diffs) {
var groupedDiffs = [];
function compare(val) {
return (acediff.options.diffGranularity === C.DIFF_GRANULARITY_SPECIFIC) ? val < 1 : val <= 1;
diffs.forEach(function(diff, index) {
if (index === 0) {
// loop through all grouped diffs. If this new diff lies between an existing one, we'll just add to it, rather
// than create a new one
var isGrouped = false;
for (var i=0; i<groupedDiffs.length; i++) {
if (compare(Math.abs(diff.leftStartLine - groupedDiffs[i].leftEndLine)) &&
compare(Math.abs(diff.rightStartLine - groupedDiffs[i].rightEndLine))) {
// update the existing grouped diff to expand its horizons to include this new diff start + end lines
groupedDiffs[i].leftStartLine = Math.min(diff.leftStartLine, groupedDiffs[i].leftStartLine);
groupedDiffs[i].rightStartLine = Math.min(diff.rightStartLine, groupedDiffs[i].rightStartLine);
groupedDiffs[i].leftEndLine = Math.max(diff.leftEndLine, groupedDiffs[i].leftEndLine);
groupedDiffs[i].rightEndLine = Math.max(diff.rightEndLine, groupedDiffs[i].rightEndLine);
isGrouped = true;
if (!isGrouped) {
// clear out any single line diffs (i.e. single line on both editors)
var fullDiffs = [];
groupedDiffs.forEach(function(diff) {
if (diff.leftStartLine === diff.leftEndLine && diff.rightStartLine === diff.rightEndLine) {
return fullDiffs;
function decorate(acediff) {
acediff.diffs.forEach(function(info, diffIndex) {
if (this.options.showDiffs) {
showDiff(this, C.EDITOR_LEFT, info.leftStartLine, info.leftEndLine, this.options.classes.diff);
showDiff(this, C.EDITOR_RIGHT, info.rightStartLine, info.rightEndLine, this.options.classes.diff);
if (this.options.showConnectors) {
addConnector(this, info.leftStartLine, info.leftEndLine, info.rightStartLine, info.rightEndLine);
addCopyArrows(this, info, diffIndex);
}, acediff);
function extend() {
var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone, target = arguments[0] || {},
i = 1,
length = arguments.length,
deep = false,
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
class2type = {
"[object Boolean]": "boolean",
"[object Number]": "number",
"[object String]": "string",
"[object Function]": "function",
"[object Array]": "array",
"[object Date]": "date",
"[object RegExp]": "regexp",
"[object Object]": "object"
jQuery = {
isFunction: function(obj) {
return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
isArray: Array.isArray ||
function(obj) {
return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
isWindow: function(obj) {
return obj !== null && obj === obj.window;
isNumeric: function(obj) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)) && isFinite(obj);
type: function(obj) {
return obj === null ? String(obj) : class2type[] || "object";
isPlainObject: function(obj) {
if (!obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType) {
return false;
try {
if (obj.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf")) {
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
var key;
for (key in obj) {}
return key === undefined ||, key);
if (typeof target === "boolean") {
deep = target;
target = arguments[1] || {};
i = 2;
if (typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target)) {
target = {};
if (length === i) {
target = this;
for (i; i < length; i++) {
if ((options = arguments[i]) !== null) {
for (name in options) {
src = target[name];
copy = options[name];
if (target === copy) {
if (deep && copy && (jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)))) {
if (copyIsArray) {
copyIsArray = false;
clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
} else {
clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
target[name] = extend(deep, clone, copy);
} else if (copy !== undefined) {
target[name] = copy;
return target;
function getScrollingInfo(acediff, dir) {
return (dir == C.EDITOR_LEFT) ? acediff.editors.left.ace.getSession().getScrollTop() : acediff.editors.right.ace.getSession().getScrollTop();
function getEditorHeight(acediff) {
//editorHeight: document.getElementById(
return document.getElementById(;
// generates a Bezier curve in SVG format
function getCurve(startX, startY, endX, endY) {
var w = endX - startX;
var halfWidth = startX + (w / 2);
// position it at the initial x,y coords
var curve = 'M ' + startX + ' ' + startY +
// now create the curve. This is of the form "C M,N O,P Q,R" where C is a directive for SVG ("curveto"),
// M,N are the first curve control point, O,P the second control point and Q,R are the final coords
' C ' + halfWidth + ',' + startY + ' ' + halfWidth + ',' + endY + ' ' + endX + ',' + endY;
return curve;
function on(elSelector, eventName, selector, fn) {
var element = (elSelector === 'document') ? document : document.querySelector(elSelector);
element.addEventListener(eventName, function(event) {
var possibleTargets = element.querySelectorAll(selector);
var target =;
for (var i = 0, l = possibleTargets.length; i < l; i++) {
var el = target;
var p = possibleTargets[i];
while(el && el !== element) {
if (el === p) {
return, event);
el = el.parentNode;
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
return AceDiff;