[CCSDK-28] populated the seed code for dgbuilder

updated the code to point to the new package name for sli

Change-Id: I3b5a1d05dc5193664fd4a667afdcd0b2354010a4
Signed-off-by: Chinthakayala, Sheshashailavas (sc2914) <sc2914@att.com>
Signed-off-by: Chinthakayala, Sheshashailavas (sc2914) <sc2914@att.com>
diff --git a/dgbuilder/test/red/nodes/registry_spec.js b/dgbuilder/test/red/nodes/registry_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c1a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dgbuilder/test/red/nodes/registry_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ **/
+var should = require("should");
+var sinon = require("sinon");
+var path = require("path");
+var when = require("when");
+var RedNodes = require("../../../red/nodes");
+var RedNode = require("../../../red/nodes/Node");
+var typeRegistry = require("../../../red/nodes/registry");
+var events = require("../../../red/events");
+afterEach(function() {
+    typeRegistry.clear();
+describe('NodeRegistry', function() {
+    var resourcesDir = __dirname+ path.sep + "resources" + path.sep;
+    function stubSettings(s,available) {
+        s.available =  function() {return available;}
+        s.set = function(s,v) { return when.resolve()},
+        s.get = function(s) { return null;}
+        return s
+    }
+    var settings = stubSettings({},false);
+    var settingsWithStorage = stubSettings({},true);
+    it('automatically registers new nodes',function() {
+        var testNode = RedNodes.getNode('123');
+        should.not.exist(n);
+        var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'});
+        var newNode = RedNodes.getNode('123');
+        should.strictEqual(n,newNode);
+    });
+    it('handles nodes that export a function', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "TestNode1",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            var nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-1");
+            nodeConstructor.should.be.type("function");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('handles nodes that export a function returning a resolving promise', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "TestNode2",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode2.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-2"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            var nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-2");
+            nodeConstructor.should.be.type("function");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('handles nodes that export a function returning a rejecting promise', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "TestNode3",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode3.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-3"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.have.property("err","fail");
+            var nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-3");
+            (nodeConstructor === null).should.be.true;
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('handles files containing multiple nodes', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "MultipleNodes1",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","MultipleNodes1.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-multiple-1a","test-node-multiple-1b"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            var nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-multiple-1a");
+            nodeConstructor.should.be.type("function");
+            nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-multiple-1b");
+            nodeConstructor.should.be.type("function");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('handles nested directories', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "NestedDirectoryNode",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","NestedNode.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["nested-node-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('emits type-registered and node-icon-dir events', function(done) {
+        var eventEmitSpy = sinon.spy(events,"emit");
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "NestedDirectoryNode",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","NestedNode.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["nested-node-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            eventEmitSpy.callCount.should.equal(2);
+            eventEmitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.be.equal("node-icon-dir");
+            eventEmitSpy.firstCall.args[1].should.be.equal(
+                    resourcesDir + "NestedDirectoryNode" + path.sep + "NestedNode" + path.sep + "icons");
+            eventEmitSpy.secondCall.args[0].should.be.equal("type-registered");
+            eventEmitSpy.secondCall.args[1].should.be.equal("nested-node-1");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        }).finally(function() {
+            eventEmitSpy.restore();
+        });
+    });
+    it('rejects a duplicate node type registration', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(stubSettings({
+            nodesDir:[resourcesDir + "TestNode1",resourcesDir + "DuplicateTestNode"]
+        },false));
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(2);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            list[1].should.have.property("id");
+            list[1].id.should.not.equal(list[0].id);
+            list[1].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+            list[1].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+            list[1].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[1].should.have.property("err");
+            /already registered/.test(list[1].err).should.be.true;
+            var nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-1");
+            // Verify the duplicate node hasn't replaced the original one
+            nodeConstructor.name.should.be.equal("TestNode");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('handles nodesDir as a string', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(stubSettings({
+            nodesDir :resourcesDir + "TestNode1"
+        },false));
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done("Loading of non-existing nodesDir should succeed");
+        });
+    });
+    it('handles invalid nodesDir',function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(stubSettings({
+            nodesDir : "wontexist"
+        },false));
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done("Loading of non-existing nodesDir should succeed");
+        });
+    });
+    it('returns nothing for an unregistered type config', function() {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var config = typeRegistry.getNodeConfig("imaginary-shark");
+            (config === null).should.be.true;
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('excludes node files listed in nodesExcludes',function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(stubSettings({
+            nodesExcludes: [ "TestNode1.js" ],
+            nodesDir:[resourcesDir + "TestNode1",resourcesDir + "TestNode2"]
+        },false));
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-2"]);
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('returns the node configurations', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(stubSettings({
+            nodesDir:[resourcesDir + "TestNode1",resourcesDir + "TestNode2"]
+        },false));
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            var nodeConfigs = typeRegistry.getNodeConfigs();
+            // TODO: this is brittle...
+            nodeConfigs.should.equal("<script type=\"text/x-red\" data-template-name=\"test-node-1\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/x-red\" data-help-name=\"test-node-1\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">RED.nodes.registerType('test-node-1',{});</script>\n<style></style>\n<p>this should be filtered out</p>\n<script type=\"text/x-red\" data-template-name=\"test-node-2\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/x-red\" data-help-name=\"test-node-2\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">RED.nodes.registerType('test-node-2',{});</script>\n<style></style>\n");
+            var nodeId = list[0].id;
+            var nodeConfig = typeRegistry.getNodeConfig(nodeId);
+            nodeConfig.should.equal("<script type=\"text/x-red\" data-template-name=\"test-node-1\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/x-red\" data-help-name=\"test-node-1\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">RED.nodes.registerType('test-node-1',{});</script>\n<style></style>\n<p>this should be filtered out</p>\n");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('stores the node list', function(done) {
+        var settings = {
+            nodesDir:[resourcesDir + "TestNode1",resourcesDir + "TestNode2",resourcesDir + "TestNode3"],
+            available: function() { return true; },
+            set: function(s,v) {return when.resolve();},
+            get: function(s) { return null;}
+        }
+        var settingsSave = sinon.spy(settings,"set");
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.Array.and.have.length(3);
+            settingsSave.callCount.should.equal(1);
+            settingsSave.firstCall.args[0].should.be.equal("nodes");
+            var savedList = settingsSave.firstCall.args[1];
+            savedList[list[0].id].name == list[0].name;
+            savedList[list[1].id].name == list[1].name;
+            savedList[list[2].id].name == list[2].name;
+            savedList[list[0].id].should.not.have.property("err");
+            savedList[list[1].id].should.not.have.property("err");
+            savedList[list[2].id].should.not.have.property("err");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        }).finally(function() {
+            settingsSave.restore();
+        });
+    });
+    it('allows nodes to be added by filename', function(done) {
+        var settings = {
+            available: function() { return true; },
+            set: function(s,v) {return when.resolve();},
+            get: function(s) { return null;}
+        }            
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            typeRegistry.addNode(resourcesDir + "TestNode1/TestNode1.js").then(function(node) {
+                list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+                list[0].should.have.property("id");
+                list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+                list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+                list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+                list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+                node.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+                node.should.eql(list);
+                done();
+            }).catch(function(e) {
+                done(e);
+            });
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('fails to add non-existent filename', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            typeRegistry.addNode(resourcesDir + "DoesNotExist/DoesNotExist.js").then(function(nodes) {
+                nodes.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+                nodes[0].should.have.property("id");
+                nodes[0].should.have.property("types",[]);
+                nodes[0].should.have.property("err");
+                done();
+            }).otherwise(function(e) {
+                done(e);
+            });
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('returns node info by type or id', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "TestNode1",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            var id = list[0].id;
+            var type = list[0].types[0];
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            var info = typeRegistry.getNodeInfo(id);
+            list[0].should.eql(info);
+            var info2 = typeRegistry.getNodeInfo(type);
+            list[0].should.eql(info2);
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('rejects adding duplicate nodes', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "TestNode1",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            typeRegistry.addNode({file:resourcesDir + "TestNode1" + path.sep + "TestNode1.js"}).then(function(node) {
+                done(new Error("duplicate node loaded"));
+            }).otherwise(function(e) {
+                var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+                list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+                done();
+            });
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('removes nodes from the registry', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir + "TestNode1",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.have.property("loaded",true);
+            typeRegistry.getNodeConfigs().length.should.be.greaterThan(0);
+            var info = typeRegistry.removeNode(list[0].id);
+            info.should.have.property("id",list[0].id);
+            info.should.have.property("enabled",false);
+            info.should.have.property("loaded",false);
+            typeRegistry.getNodeList().should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            typeRegistry.getNodeConfigs().length.should.equal(0);
+            var nodeConstructor = typeRegistry.get("test-node-1");
+            (typeof nodeConstructor).should.be.equal("undefined");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('rejects removing unknown nodes from the registry', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            /*jshint immed: false */
+            (function() {
+                typeRegistry.removeNode("1234");
+            }).should.throw();
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('scans the node_modules path for node files', function(done) {
+        var fs = require("fs");
+        var path = require("path");
+        var eventEmitSpy = sinon.spy(events,"emit");
+        var pathJoin = (function() {
+            var _join = path.join;
+            return sinon.stub(path,"join",function() {
+                if (arguments.length  == 3 && arguments[2] == "package.json") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1],arguments[2]);
+                }
+                if (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] == "TestNodeModule") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1]);
+                }
+                return _join.apply(this,arguments);
+            });
+        })();
+        var readdirSync = (function() {
+            var originalReaddirSync = fs.readdirSync;
+            var callCount = 0;
+            return sinon.stub(fs,"readdirSync",function(dir) {
+                var result = [];
+                if (callCount == 1) {
+                    result = originalReaddirSync(resourcesDir + "TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules");
+                }
+                callCount++;
+                return result;
+            });
+        })();
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",false).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(2);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNodeModule:TestNodeMod1");
+            list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-mod-1"]);
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+            list[1].should.have.property("id");
+            list[1].should.have.property("name","TestNodeModule:TestNodeMod2");
+            list[1].should.have.property("types",["test-node-mod-2"]);
+            list[1].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            list[1].should.have.property("err");
+            eventEmitSpy.callCount.should.equal(2);
+            eventEmitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.be.equal("node-icon-dir");
+            eventEmitSpy.firstCall.args[1].should.be.equal(
+                    resourcesDir + "TestNodeModule" + path.sep+ "node_modules" + path.sep + "TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "icons");
+            eventEmitSpy.secondCall.args[0].should.be.equal("type-registered");
+            eventEmitSpy.secondCall.args[1].should.be.equal("test-node-mod-1");
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        }).finally(function() {
+            readdirSync.restore();
+            pathJoin.restore();
+            eventEmitSpy.restore();
+        });
+    });
+    it('allows nodes to be added by module name', function(done) {
+        var fs = require("fs");
+        var path = require("path");
+        var pathJoin = (function() {
+            var _join = path.join;
+            return sinon.stub(path,"join",function() {
+                if (arguments.length  == 3 && arguments[2] == "package.json") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1],arguments[2]);
+                }
+                if (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] == "TestNodeModule") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1]);
+                }
+                return _join.apply(this,arguments);
+            });
+        })();
+        var readdirSync = (function() {
+            var originalReaddirSync = fs.readdirSync;
+            var callCount = 0;
+            return sinon.stub(fs,"readdirSync",function(dir) {
+                var result = [];
+                if (callCount == 1) {
+                    result = originalReaddirSync(resourcesDir + "TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules");
+                }
+                callCount++;
+                return result;
+            });
+        })();
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            typeRegistry.addModule("TestNodeModule").then(function(node) {
+                list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+                list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(2);
+                list[0].should.have.property("id");
+                list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNodeModule:TestNodeMod1");
+                list[0].should.have.property("types",["test-node-mod-1"]);
+                list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+                list[0].should.not.have.property("err");
+                list[1].should.have.property("id");
+                list[1].should.have.property("name","TestNodeModule:TestNodeMod2");
+                list[1].should.have.property("types",["test-node-mod-2"]);
+                list[1].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+                list[1].should.have.property("err");
+                node.should.eql(list);
+                done();
+            }).catch(function(e) {
+                done(e);
+            });
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        }).finally(function() {
+            readdirSync.restore();
+            pathJoin.restore();
+        });
+    });
+    it('rejects adding duplicate node modules', function(done) {
+        var fs = require("fs");
+        var path = require("path");
+        var pathJoin = (function() {
+            var _join = path.join;
+            return sinon.stub(path,"join",function() {
+                if (arguments.length  == 3 && arguments[2] == "package.json") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1],arguments[2]);
+                }
+                if (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] == "TestNodeModule") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1]);
+                }
+                return _join.apply(this,arguments);
+            });
+        })();
+        var readdirSync = (function() {
+            var originalReaddirSync = fs.readdirSync;
+            var callCount = 0;
+            return sinon.stub(fs,"readdirSync",function(dir) {
+                var result = [];
+                if (callCount == 1) {
+                    result = originalReaddirSync(resourcesDir + "TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules");
+                }
+                callCount++;
+                return result;
+            });
+        })();
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load('wontexist',false).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(2);
+            typeRegistry.addModule("TestNodeModule").then(function(node) {
+                done(new Error("addModule resolved"));
+            }).otherwise(function(err) {
+                done();
+            });
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        }).finally(function() {
+            readdirSync.restore();
+            pathJoin.restore();
+        });
+    });
+    it('fails to add non-existent module name', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            typeRegistry.addModule("DoesNotExistModule").then(function(node) {
+                done(new Error("ENOENT not thrown"));
+            }).otherwise(function(e) {
+                e.code.should.eql("MODULE_NOT_FOUND");
+                done();
+            });
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('removes nodes from the registry by module', function(done) {
+        var fs = require("fs");
+        var path = require("path");
+        var pathJoin = (function() {
+            var _join = path.join;
+            return sinon.stub(path,"join",function() {
+                if (arguments.length  == 3 && arguments[2] == "package.json") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1],arguments[2]);
+                }
+                if (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] == "TestNodeModule") {
+                    return _join(resourcesDir,"TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules" + path.sep,arguments[1]);
+                }
+                return _join.apply(this,arguments);
+            });
+        })();
+        var readdirSync = (function() {
+            var originalReaddirSync = fs.readdirSync;
+            var callCount = 0;
+            return sinon.stub(fs,"readdirSync",function(dir) {
+                var result = [];
+                if (callCount == 1) {
+                    result = originalReaddirSync(resourcesDir + "TestNodeModule" + path.sep + "node_modules");
+                }
+                callCount++;
+                return result;
+            });
+        })();
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load('wontexist',false).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(2);
+            var res = typeRegistry.removeModule("TestNodeModule");
+            res.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(2);
+            res[0].should.have.a.property("id",list[0].id);
+            res[1].should.have.a.property("id",list[1].id);
+            list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        }).finally(function() {
+            readdirSync.restore();
+            pathJoin.restore();
+        });
+    });
+    it('fails to remove non-existent module name', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function(){
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            /*jshint immed: false */
+            (function() {
+                typeRegistry.removeModule("DoesNotExistModule");
+            }).should.throw();
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('allows nodes to be enabled and disabled', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settingsWithStorage);
+        typeRegistry.load(resourcesDir+path.sep+"TestNode1",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list[0].should.have.property("id");
+            list[0].should.have.property("name","TestNode1.js");
+            list[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            var nodeConfig = typeRegistry.getNodeConfigs();
+            nodeConfig.length.should.be.greaterThan(0);
+            var info = typeRegistry.disableNode(list[0].id);
+            info.should.have.property("id",list[0].id);
+            info.should.have.property("enabled",false);
+            var list2 = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list2.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list2[0].should.have.property("enabled",false);
+            typeRegistry.getNodeConfigs().length.should.equal(0);
+            var info2 = typeRegistry.enableNode(list[0].id);
+            info2.should.have.property("id",list[0].id);
+            info2.should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            var list3 = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list3.should.be.an.Array.and.have.lengthOf(1);
+            list3[0].should.have.property("enabled",true);
+            var nodeConfig2 = typeRegistry.getNodeConfigs();
+            nodeConfig2.should.eql(nodeConfig);
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });
+    it('fails to enable/disable non-existent nodes', function(done) {
+        typeRegistry.init(settings);
+        typeRegistry.load("wontexist",true).then(function() {
+            var list = typeRegistry.getNodeList();
+            list.should.be.an.Array.and.be.empty;
+            /*jshint immed: false */
+            (function() {
+                    typeRegistry.disableNode("123");
+            }).should.throw();
+            /*jshint immed: false */
+            (function() {
+                typeRegistry.enableNode("123");
+            }).should.throw();
+            done();
+        }).catch(function(e) {
+            done(e);
+        });
+    });