update odlux for notification change

update due new notification protocol

Issue-ID: CCSDK-3253
Signed-off-by: Michael DÜrre <michael.duerre@highstreet-technologies.com>
Change-Id: Iad65459fdc18603cd1ddbd97bb2211308744bd8b
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/package.json b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/package.json
index 836af66..4fae39c 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/package.json
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/package.json
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
     "@odlux/framework": "*"
   "peerDependencies": {
-    "@types/react": "16.9.19",
-    "@types/react-dom": "16.9.5",
-    "@types/react-router-dom": "4.3.1",
+    "@types/react": "17.0.3",
+    "@types/react-dom": "17.0.2",
+    "@types/react-router-dom": "5.1.7",
     "@material-ui/core": "4.11.0",
     "@material-ui/icons": "4.9.1",
     "@types/classnames": "2.2.6",
     "@types/flux": "3.1.8",
     "@types/jquery": "3.3.10",
     "jquery": "3.3.1",
-    "react": "16.12.0",
-    "react-dom": "16.12.0",
-    "react-router-dom": "4.3.1"
+    "react": "17.0.1",
+    "react-dom": "17.0.1",
+    "react-router-dom": "5.2.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/policies.json b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/policies.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec7361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/policies.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  {
+    "path": "/rests/**/node=Sim2230**",
+    "methods": {
+      "get": true,
+      "post": false,
+      "put": false,
+      "delete": false,
+      "patch": false
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/actions/commonNetworkElementsActions.ts b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/actions/commonNetworkElementsActions.ts
index a3bdc68..a83e002 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/actions/commonNetworkElementsActions.ts
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/actions/commonNetworkElementsActions.ts
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 import { Dispatch } from '../../../../framework/src/flux/store';
 import { IApplicationStoreState } from '../../../../framework/src/store/applicationStore';
-import { networkElementsReloadAction, networkElementsReloadActionAsync } from '../handlers/networkElementsHandler';
+import { networkElementsReloadAction } from '../handlers/networkElementsHandler';
 import { connectionStatusLogReloadAction } from '../handlers/connectionStatusLogHandler';
 import { PanelId } from '../models/panelId';
 import { guiCutThrough } from '../models/guiCutTrough';
-import connectService from '../services/connectService';
-import { NetworkElementConnection } from '../models/networkElementConnection';
+import { connectService}  from '../services/connectService';
 export class SetPanelAction extends Action {
   constructor(public panelId: PanelId) {
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 export class AddWebUriList extends Action {
-  constructor(public searchedElements: guiCutThrough[], public notSearchedElements: string[], public unsupportedElements: string[], public newlySearchedElements?: string[] ) {
+  constructor(public searchedElements: guiCutThrough[], public notSearchedElements: string[], public unsupportedElements: string[], public newlySearchedElements?: string[]) {
@@ -60,49 +60,47 @@
 let isBusy = false;
-export const findWebUrisForGuiCutThroughAsyncAction = (networkElements: NetworkElementConnection[]) => async (dispatcher: Dispatch, getState: () => IApplicationStoreState) => {
+export const findWebUrisForGuiCutThroughAsyncAction = (networkElementIds: string[]) => async (dispatcher: Dispatch, getState: () => IApplicationStoreState) => {
   // keep method from executing simultanously; state not used because change of iu isn't needed
-  if (isBusy)
-    return;
-  isBusy = true;
-  const { connect: { guiCutThrough } } = getState();
+  const { connect: { guiCutThrough, networkElements } } = getState();
   let notConnectedElements: string[] = [];
   let elementsToSearch: string[] = [];
   let prevFoundElements: string[] = [];
-  let unsupportedElements: string[]= [];
+  let unsupportedElements: string[] = [];
-  networkElements.forEach(item => {
-      const id = item.id as string;
+  networkElementIds.forEach(id => {
+    const item = networkElements.rows.find((ne) => ne.id === id);
+    if (item) {
       if (item.status === "Connected") {
-        if(item.coreModelCapability!== "Unsupported"){
+        // if (item.coreModelCapability !== "Unsupported") {
           // element is connected and is added to search list, if it doesn't exist already
-          const exists = guiCutThrough.searchedElements.filter(element => element.nodeId === id).length > 0;
+          const exists = guiCutThrough.searchedElements.filter(element => element.id === id).length > 0;
           if (!exists) {
             //element was found previously, but wasn't connected
             if (guiCutThrough.notSearchedElements.length > 0 && guiCutThrough.notSearchedElements.includes(id)) {
-        }
-        }else{
-          // element does not support core model and must not be searched for a weburi
-          const id = item.id as string;
-          const exists = guiCutThrough.unsupportedElements.filter(element => element === id).length > 0;
-          if(!exists){
-            unsupportedElements.push(id);
+          }
+        // } else {
+        //   // element does not support core model and must not be searched for a weburi  
+        //   const id = item.id as string;
+        //   const exists = guiCutThrough.unsupportedElements.filter(element => element === id).length > 0;
+        //   if (!exists) {
+        //     unsupportedElements.push(id);
-             //element was found previously, but wasn't connected
-          if (guiCutThrough.notSearchedElements.length > 0 && guiCutThrough.notSearchedElements.includes(id)) {
-            prevFoundElements.push(id);
-          }
-          }
-        }
+        //     //element was found previously, but wasn't connected
+        //     if (guiCutThrough.notSearchedElements.length > 0 && guiCutThrough.notSearchedElements.includes(id)) {
+        //       prevFoundElements.push(id);
+        //     }
+        //   }
+        // }
       else {
         // element isn't connected and cannot be searched for a weburi
@@ -110,25 +108,25 @@
           notConnectedElements.push(item.id as string);
+    }
-  if (elementsToSearch.length > 0 || notConnectedElements.length > 0 || unsupportedElements.length>0 ) {
-    const result = await connectService.getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListAsync(elementsToSearch);
-  dispatcher(new AddWebUriList(result, notConnectedElements, unsupportedElements, prevFoundElements));
+  if (elementsToSearch.length > 0 || notConnectedElements.length > 0 || unsupportedElements.length > 0) {
+      const result = await connectService.getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListAsync(elementsToSearch);
+     dispatcher(new AddWebUriList(result, notConnectedElements, unsupportedElements, prevFoundElements));
-  isBusy = false;
 export const setPanelAction = (panelId: PanelId) => {
   return new SetPanelAction(panelId);
-export const updateCurrentViewAsyncAction = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => IApplicationStoreState) => {
+export const updateCurrentViewAsyncAction = () => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => IApplicationStoreState) => {
   const { connect: { currentOpenPanel } } = getState();
   if (currentOpenPanel === "NetworkElements") {
-    return await dispatch(networkElementsReloadActionAsync);
+    return dispatch(networkElementsReloadAction);
   else {
     return dispatch(connectionStatusLogReloadAction);
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/connectionStatusLog.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/connectionStatusLog.tsx
index f2fd293..94b4872 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/connectionStatusLog.tsx
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/connectionStatusLog.tsx
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
 import connect, { IDispatcher, Connect } from '../../../../framework/src/flux/connect';
 import { IApplicationStoreState } from '../../../../framework/src/store/applicationStore';
 import { MaterialTable, ColumnType, MaterialTableCtorType } from '../../../../framework/src/components/material-table';
+import  Refresh  from '@material-ui/icons/Refresh';
 import { createConnectionStatusLogActions, createConnectionStatusLogProperties } from '../handlers/connectionStatusLogHandler';
 import { NetworkElementConnectionLog } from '../models/networkElementConnectionLog';
+import RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialog, { RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode } from './refreshConnectionStatusLogDialog';
 const mapProps = (state: IApplicationStoreState) => ({
   connectionStatusLogProperties: createConnectionStatusLogProperties(state),
@@ -34,22 +36,52 @@
 const ConnectionStatusTable = MaterialTable as MaterialTableCtorType<NetworkElementConnectionLog>;
 type ConnectionStatusLogComponentProps = Connect<typeof mapProps, typeof mapDispatch>;
+type ConnectionStatusLogComponentState = {
+  refreshConnectionStatusLogEditorMode: RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode
 let initialSorted = false;
-class ConnectionStatusLogComponent extends React.Component<ConnectionStatusLogComponentProps> {
+class ConnectionStatusLogComponent extends React.Component<ConnectionStatusLogComponentProps,ConnectionStatusLogComponentState > {
+  constructor(props: ConnectionStatusLogComponentProps) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {
+      refreshConnectionStatusLogEditorMode: RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode.None
+    };
+  }
   render(): JSX.Element {
+    const refreshConnectionStatusLogAction = {
+      icon: Refresh, tooltip: 'Refresh Connection Status Log Table', onClick: () => {
+        this.setState({
+          refreshConnectionStatusLogEditorMode: RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode.RefreshConnectionStatusLogTable
+        });
+      }
+    };
     return (
-      <ConnectionStatusTable stickyHeader tableId="connection-status-table" columns={[
+    <>
+      <ConnectionStatusTable stickyHeader tableId="connection-status-table" customActionButtons={[refreshConnectionStatusLogAction]}  columns={[
         { property: "timestamp", title: "Timestamp", type: ColumnType.text },
         { property: "nodeId", title: "Node Name", type: ColumnType.text },
         { property: "status", title: "Connection Status", type: ColumnType.text },
       ]} idProperty="id" {...this.props.connectionStatusLogActions} {...this.props.connectionStatusLogProperties} >
+       <RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialog
+        mode={ this.state.refreshConnectionStatusLogEditorMode }
+        onClose={ this.onCloseRefreshConnectionStatusLogDialog }
+      />
+    </>
+  private onCloseRefreshConnectionStatusLogDialog = () => {
+    this.setState({
+      refreshConnectionStatusLogEditorMode: RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode.None
+    });
+  }
   componentDidMount() {
     if (!initialSorted) {
       initialSorted = true;
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/networkElements.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/networkElements.tsx
index 53e1048..84a22a9 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/networkElements.tsx
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/networkElements.tsx
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@
 import { Theme, createStyles, withStyles, WithStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import AddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Add';
+import  Refresh  from '@material-ui/icons/Refresh';
 import LinkIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Link';
 import LinkOffIcon from '@material-ui/icons/LinkOff';
 import RemoveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/RemoveCircleOutline';
 import EditIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Edit';
 import Info from '@material-ui/icons/Info';
 import ComputerIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Computer';
+import { MenuItem, Divider, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
 import { MaterialTable, ColumnType, MaterialTableCtorType } from '../../../../framework/src/components/material-table';
 import { IApplicationStoreState } from '../../../../framework/src/store/applicationStore';
@@ -34,12 +36,14 @@
 import { createNetworkElementsActions, createNetworkElementsProperties } from '../handlers/networkElementsHandler';
 import { NetworkElementConnection } from '../models/networkElementConnection';
+import { TopologyNode } from '../models/topologyNetconf';
 import EditNetworkElementDialog, { EditNetworkElementDialogMode } from './editNetworkElementDialog';
+import RefreshNetworkElementsDialog, { RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode } from './refreshNetworkElementsDialog';
 import InfoNetworkElementDialog, { InfoNetworkElementDialogMode } from './infoNetworkElementDialog';
 import { loadAllInfoElementAsync } from '../actions/infoNetworkElementActions';
-import { TopologyNode } from '../models/topologyNetconf';
-import { MenuItem, Divider, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
+import { connectService } from '../services/connectService';
+import { getAccessPolicyByUrl } from '../../../../framework/src/services/restService';
 const styles = (theme: Theme) => createStyles({
   connectionStatusConnected: {
@@ -63,6 +67,22 @@
+type GetStatelessComponentProps<T> = T extends (props: infer P & { children?: React.ReactNode }) => any ? P : any
+const MenuItemExt : React.FC<GetStatelessComponentProps<typeof MenuItem>> = (props) => {
+  const [disabled, setDisabled] = React.useState(true);
+  const onMouseDown = (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
+      if (ev.button ===1){
+        setDisabled(!disabled);  
+        ev.preventDefault();
+      }
+  };
+  return (
+    <div onMouseDown={onMouseDown} >
+      <MenuItem {...{...props, disabled: props.disabled && disabled }}  />
+    </div>  
+  );
 const mapProps = (state: IApplicationStoreState) => ({
   networkElementsProperties: createNetworkElementsProperties(state),
   applicationState: state,
@@ -78,6 +98,7 @@
 type NetworkElementsListComponentState = {
   networkElementToEdit: NetworkElementConnection,
   networkElementEditorMode: EditNetworkElementDialogMode,
+  refreshNetworkElementsEditorMode: RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode,
   infoNetworkElementEditorMode: InfoNetworkElementDialogMode,
   elementInfo: TopologyNode | null
@@ -94,19 +115,21 @@
     this.state = {
       networkElementToEdit: emptyRequireNetworkElement,
       networkElementEditorMode: EditNetworkElementDialogMode.None,
+      refreshNetworkElementsEditorMode: RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode.None,
       elementInfo: null,
       infoNetworkElementEditorMode: InfoNetworkElementDialogMode.None
   getContextMenu(rowData: NetworkElementConnection): JSX.Element[] {
-    const { configuration, fault, inventory } = this.props.applicationState as any;
-    let buttonArray = [
-      <MenuItem aria-label={"mount-button"} onClick={event => this.onOpenMountdNetworkElementsDialog(event, rowData)} ><LinkIcon /><Typography>Mount</Typography></MenuItem>,
-      <MenuItem aria-label={"unmount-button"} onClick={event => this.onOpenUnmountdNetworkElementsDialog(event, rowData)}><LinkOffIcon /><Typography>Unmount</Typography></MenuItem>,
+    const mountUri = rowData.id && connectService.getNetworkElementUri(rowData.id);
+    const mountPolicy = mountUri && getAccessPolicyByUrl(mountUri);
+    const canMount =  mountPolicy && mountPolicy.POST || false;
+    const { configuration} = this.props.applicationState as any;
+    const buttonArray = [
+      <MenuItemExt aria-label={"mount-button"} onClick={event => this.onOpenMountdNetworkElementsDialog(event, rowData)} disabled={!canMount} ><LinkIcon /><Typography>Mount</Typography></MenuItemExt>,
+      <MenuItemExt aria-label={"unmount-button"} onClick={event => this.onOpenUnmountdNetworkElementsDialog(event, rowData)} disabled={!canMount} ><LinkOffIcon /><Typography>Unmount</Typography></MenuItemExt>,
       <Divider />,
       <MenuItem aria-label={"info-button"} onClick={event => this.onOpenInfoNetworkElementDialog(event, rowData)} disabled={rowData.status === "Connecting" || rowData.status === "Disconnected"} ><Info /><Typography>Info</Typography></MenuItem>,
       <MenuItem aria-label={"edit-button"} onClick={event => this.onOpenEditNetworkElementDialog(event, rowData)}><EditIcon /><Typography>Edit</Typography></MenuItem>,
@@ -121,9 +144,9 @@
       <MenuItem onClick={event => this.props.navigateToApplication("security", rowData.nodeId)} disabled={true} ><Typography>Security</Typography></MenuItem>,
-    if (rowData.webUri) {
+    if (rowData.weburi) {
       // add an icon for gui cuttrough, if weburi is available
-      return [<MenuItem aria-label={"web-client-button"} onClick={event => window.open(rowData.webUri, "_blank")} ><ComputerIcon /><Typography>Web Client</Typography></MenuItem>].concat(buttonArray)
+      return [<MenuItem aria-label={"web-client-button"} onClick={event => window.open(rowData.weburi, "_blank")} ><ComputerIcon /><Typography>Web Client</Typography></MenuItem>].concat(buttonArray)
     } else {
       return buttonArray;
@@ -134,6 +157,12 @@
   render(): JSX.Element {
     const { classes } = this.props;
     const { networkElementToEdit } = this.state;
+    // const mountUri = rowData.id && connectService.getNetworkElementUri(rowData.id);
+    // const mountPolicy = mountUri && getAccessPolicyByUrl(mountUri);
+    // const canAdd =  mountPolicy && mountPolicy.POST || false;
+    const canAdd = true;
     const addRequireNetworkElementAction = {
       icon: AddIcon, tooltip: 'Add', onClick: () => {
@@ -143,9 +172,17 @@
+    const refreshNetworkElementsAction = {
+      icon: Refresh, tooltip: 'Refresh Network Elements table', onClick: () => {
+        this.setState({
+          refreshNetworkElementsEditorMode: RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode.RefreshNetworkElementsTable
+        });
+      }
+    };
     return (
-        <NetworkElementTable stickyHeader tableId="network-element-table" customActionButtons={[addRequireNetworkElementAction]} columns={[
+        <NetworkElementTable stickyHeader tableId="network-element-table" customActionButtons={[refreshNetworkElementsAction, ...canAdd ? [addRequireNetworkElementAction]: []]} columns={[
           { property: "nodeId", title: "Node Name", type: ColumnType.text },
           { property: "isRequired", title: "Required", type: ColumnType.boolean },
           { property: "status", title: "Connection Status", type: ColumnType.text },
@@ -163,6 +200,10 @@
+        <RefreshNetworkElementsDialog
+          mode={this.state.refreshNetworkElementsEditorMode}
+          onClose={this.onCloseRefreshNetworkElementsDialog}
+        />
@@ -243,7 +284,11 @@
       networkElementToEdit: emptyRequireNetworkElement,
+  private onCloseRefreshNetworkElementsDialog = () => {
+    this.setState({
+      refreshNetworkElementsEditorMode: RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode.None
+    });
+  }
 export const NetworkElementsList = withStyles(styles)(connect(mapProps, mapDispatch)(NetworkElementsListComponent));
-export default NetworkElementsList;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/refreshConnectionStatusLogDialog.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/refreshConnectionStatusLogDialog.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41229ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/refreshConnectionStatusLogDialog.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START========================================================================
+ * ONAP : ccsdk feature sdnr wt odlux
+ * =================================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 highstreet technologies GmbH Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * =================================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+ * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+ * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END==========================================================================
+ */
+import * as React from 'react';
+import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
+import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';
+import DialogActions from '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';
+import DialogContent from '@material-ui/core/DialogContent';
+import DialogContentText from '@material-ui/core/DialogContentText';
+import DialogTitle from '@material-ui/core/DialogTitle';
+import { connectionStatusLogReloadAction } from '../handlers/connectionStatusLogHandler';
+import { IDispatcher, connect, Connect } from '../../../../framework/src/flux/connect';
+import { ConnectionStatusLogType } from '../models/connectionStatusLog';
+export enum RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode {
+  None = "none",
+  RefreshConnectionStatusLogTable = "RefreshConnectionStatusLogTable",
+const mapDispatch = (dispatcher: IDispatcher) => ({
+  refreshConnectionStatusLog: () => dispatcher.dispatch(connectionStatusLogReloadAction)
+type DialogSettings = {
+  dialogTitle: string,
+  dialogDescription: string,
+  applyButtonText: string,
+  cancelButtonText: string,
+  enableMountIdEditor: boolean,
+  enableUsernameEditor: boolean,
+  enableExtendedEditor: boolean,
+const settings: { [key: string]: DialogSettings } = {
+  [RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode.None]: {
+    dialogTitle: "",
+    dialogDescription: "",
+    applyButtonText: "",
+    cancelButtonText: "",
+    enableMountIdEditor: false,
+    enableUsernameEditor: false,
+    enableExtendedEditor: false,
+  },
+  [RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode.RefreshConnectionStatusLogTable]: {
+    dialogTitle: "Do you want to refresh the Connection Status Log table?",
+    dialogDescription: "",
+    applyButtonText: "Yes",
+    cancelButtonText: "Cancel",
+    enableMountIdEditor: true,
+    enableUsernameEditor: true,
+    enableExtendedEditor: true,
+  }
+type RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponentProps = Connect<undefined, typeof mapDispatch> & {
+  mode: RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode;
+  onClose: () => void;
+type RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponentState = ConnectionStatusLogType & { isNameValid: boolean, isHostSet: boolean };
+class RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponent extends React.Component<RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponentProps, RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponentState> {
+  constructor(props: RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponentProps) {
+    super(props);
+  }
+  render(): JSX.Element {
+    const setting = settings[this.props.mode];
+    return (
+      <Dialog open={this.props.mode !== RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogMode.None}>
+        <DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title" aria-label={`${setting.dialogTitle.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase()}-dialog`}>{setting.dialogTitle}</DialogTitle>
+        <DialogContent>
+          <DialogContentText>
+            {setting.dialogDescription}
+          </DialogContentText>
+        </DialogContent>
+        <DialogActions>
+          <Button aria-label="dialog-confirm-button" onClick={(event) => {
+            this.onRefresh();
+          }} > {setting.applyButtonText} </Button>
+          <Button aria-label="dialog-cancel-button" onClick={(event) => {
+            this.onCancel();
+          }} color="secondary"> {setting.cancelButtonText} </Button>
+        </DialogActions>
+      </Dialog>
+    )
+  }
+  private onRefresh = () => {
+    this.props.refreshConnectionStatusLog();
+    this.props.onClose();
+  };
+  private onCancel = () => {
+    this.props.onClose();
+  }
+export const RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialog = connect(undefined, mapDispatch)(RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialogComponent);
+export default RefreshConnectionStatusLogDialog;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/refreshNetworkElementsDialog.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/refreshNetworkElementsDialog.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a349977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/components/refreshNetworkElementsDialog.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START========================================================================
+ * ONAP : ccsdk feature sdnr wt odlux
+ * =================================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 highstreet technologies GmbH Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * =================================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+ * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+ * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END==========================================================================
+ */
+import * as React from 'react';
+import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
+import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';
+import DialogActions from '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';
+import DialogContent from '@material-ui/core/DialogContent';
+import DialogContentText from '@material-ui/core/DialogContentText';
+import DialogTitle from '@material-ui/core/DialogTitle';
+import { networkElementsReloadAction } from '../handlers/networkElementsHandler';
+import { IDispatcher, connect, Connect } from '../../../../framework/src/flux/connect';
+import { NetworkElementConnection } from '../models/networkElementConnection';
+export enum RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode {
+  None = "none",
+  RefreshNetworkElementsTable = "RefreshNetworkElementsTable",
+const mapDispatch = (dispatcher: IDispatcher) => ({
+  refreshNetworkElement: () => dispatcher.dispatch(networkElementsReloadAction)
+type DialogSettings = {
+  dialogTitle: string,
+  dialogDescription: string,
+  applyButtonText: string,
+  cancelButtonText: string,
+  enableMountIdEditor: boolean,
+  enableUsernameEditor: boolean,
+  enableExtendedEditor: boolean,
+const settings: { [key: string]: DialogSettings } = {
+  [RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode.None]: {
+    dialogTitle: "",
+    dialogDescription: "",
+    applyButtonText: "",
+    cancelButtonText: "",
+    enableMountIdEditor: false,
+    enableUsernameEditor: false,
+    enableExtendedEditor: false,
+  },
+  [RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode.RefreshNetworkElementsTable]: {
+    dialogTitle: "Do you want to refresh the Network Elements table?",
+    dialogDescription: "",
+    applyButtonText: "Yes",
+    cancelButtonText: "Cancel",
+    enableMountIdEditor: true,
+    enableUsernameEditor: true,
+    enableExtendedEditor: true,
+  }
+type RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponentProps = Connect<undefined, typeof mapDispatch> & {
+  mode: RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode;
+  onClose: () => void;
+type RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponentState = NetworkElementConnection & { isNameValid: boolean, isHostSet: boolean };
+class RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponent extends React.Component<RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponentProps, RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponentState> {
+  constructor(props: RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponentProps) {
+    super(props);
+  }
+  render(): JSX.Element {
+    const setting = settings[this.props.mode];
+    return (
+      <Dialog open={this.props.mode !== RefreshNetworkElementsDialogMode.None}>
+        <DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title" aria-label={`${setting.dialogTitle.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase()}-dialog`}>{setting.dialogTitle}</DialogTitle>
+        <DialogContent>
+          <DialogContentText>
+            {setting.dialogDescription}
+          </DialogContentText>
+        </DialogContent>
+        <DialogActions>
+          <Button aria-label="dialog-confirm-button" onClick={(event) => {
+            this.onRefresh();
+          }} > {setting.applyButtonText} </Button>
+          <Button aria-label="dialog-cancel-button" onClick={(event) => {
+            this.onCancel();
+          }} color="secondary"> {setting.cancelButtonText} </Button>
+        </DialogActions>
+      </Dialog>
+    )
+  }
+  private onRefresh = () => {
+    this.props.refreshNetworkElement();
+    this.props.onClose();
+  };
+  private onCancel = () => {
+    this.props.onClose();
+  }
+export const RefreshNetworkElementsDialog = connect(undefined, mapDispatch)(RefreshNetworkElementsDialogComponent);
+export default RefreshNetworkElementsDialog;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/connectAppRootHandler.ts b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/connectAppRootHandler.ts
index 302a981..c23e439 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/connectAppRootHandler.ts
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/connectAppRootHandler.ts
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
   } else if (action instanceof RemoveWebUri) {
     const nodeId = action.element;
-    const webUris = state.searchedElements.filter(item => item.nodeId !== nodeId);
+    const webUris = state.searchedElements.filter(item => item.id !== nodeId);
     const knownElements = state.notSearchedElements.filter(item => item !== nodeId);
     const unsupportedElement = state.unsupportedElements.filter(item => item != nodeId);
     state = { notSearchedElements: knownElements, searchedElements: webUris, unsupportedElements: unsupportedElement  };
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/networkElementsHandler.ts b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/networkElementsHandler.ts
index 4fe858c..b74a394 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/networkElementsHandler.ts
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/handlers/networkElementsHandler.ts
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
 import { createExternal, IExternalTableState } from '../../../../framework/src/components/material-table/utilities';
 import { createSearchDataHandler } from '../../../../framework/src/utilities/elasticSearch';
+import { getAccessPolicyByUrl } from '../../../../framework/src/services/restService';
 import { NetworkElementConnection } from '../models/networkElementConnection';
-import connectService from '../services/connectService';
-import { requestRest } from '../../../../framework/src/services/restService';
+import { connectService } from '../services/connectService';
 export interface INetworkElementsState extends IExternalTableState<NetworkElementConnection> { }
 // create eleactic search material data fetch handler
@@ -31,8 +32,7 @@
   createActions: createNetworkElementsActions,
   createProperties: createNetworkElementsProperties,
   reloadAction: networkElementsReloadAction,
-  reloadActionAsync: networkElementsReloadActionAsync
   // set value action, to change a value
 } = createExternal<NetworkElementConnection>(networkElementsSearchHandler, appState => {
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
     appState.connect.networkElements.rows.forEach(element => {
       if (element.status === "Connected") {
-        const webUri = webUris.find(item => item.nodeId === element.id as string);
+        const webUri = webUris.find(item => item.id === element.id as string);
         if (webUri) {
-          element.webUri = webUri.webUri;
+          element.weburi = webUri.weburi;
           element.isWebUriUnreachable = false;
         else {
@@ -56,5 +56,10 @@
   return appState.connect.networkElements
+}, (ne) => {
+  if (!ne || !ne.id) return true;
+  const neUrl = connectService.getNetworkElementUri(ne.id);
+  const policy = getAccessPolicyByUrl(neUrl);
+  return !(policy.GET || policy.POST);
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/index.html b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/index.html
index 9c8a206..6f44c25 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/index.html
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/index.html
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+      app("./app.tsx").configureApplication({ authentication:"basic",  enablePolicy:  false,});
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/guiCutTrough.ts b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/guiCutTrough.ts
index d44eea6..b9f515d 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/guiCutTrough.ts
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/guiCutTrough.ts
@@ -16,4 +16,7 @@
  * ============LICENSE_END==========================================================================
-export type guiCutThrough = { webUri?: string, nodeId: string }
\ No newline at end of file
+export type guiCutThrough = {
+    id: string,
+    weburi?: string
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/networkElementConnection.ts b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/networkElementConnection.ts
index b3586d6..71eddc8 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/networkElementConnection.ts
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/models/networkElementConnection.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   port: number;
   username?: string;
   password?: string;
-  webUri?: string;
+  weburi?: string;
   isWebUriUnreachable?: boolean;
   status?: "Connected" | "mounted" | "unmounted" | "Connecting" | "Disconnected" | "idle";
   coreModelCapability?: string;
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/pluginConnect.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/pluginConnect.tsx
index f711c44..93bed1a 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/pluginConnect.tsx
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/pluginConnect.tsx
@@ -20,19 +20,12 @@
 import applicationManager from '../../../framework/src/services/applicationManager';
 import { subscribe, IFormatedMessage } from '../../../framework/src/services/notificationService';
+import { AddSnackbarNotification } from '../../../framework/src/actions/snackbarActions';
 import connectAppRootHandler from './handlers/connectAppRootHandler';
 import ConnectApplication from './views/connectView';
-import { AddSnackbarNotification } from '../../../framework/src/actions/snackbarActions';
-import { updateCurrentViewAsyncAction } from './actions/commonNetworkElementsActions';
-type ObjectNotification = {
-  counter: string;
-  nodeName: string;
-  objectId: string;
-  timeStamp: string;
+import { findWebUrisForGuiCutThroughAsyncAction, updateCurrentViewAsyncAction } from './actions/commonNetworkElementsActions';
 export function register() {
   const applicationApi = applicationManager.registerApplication({
@@ -44,13 +37,19 @@
   // subscribe to the websocket notifications
-  subscribe<ObjectNotification & IFormatedMessage>(["ObjectCreationNotification", "ObjectDeletionNotification", "AttributeValueChangedNotification"], (msg => {
+  subscribe<IFormatedMessage>(["object-creation-notification", "object-deletion-notification", "attribute-value-changed-notification"], (msg => {
     const store = applicationApi.applicationStore;
-    if (msg && msg.notifType === "ObjectCreationNotification" && store) {
-      store.dispatch(new AddSnackbarNotification({ message: `Adding network element [${msg.objectId}]`, options: { variant: 'info' } }));
-    } else if (msg && (msg.notifType === "ObjectDeletionNotification" || msg.notifType === "AttributeValueChangedNotification") && store) {
-      store.dispatch(new AddSnackbarNotification({ message: `Updating network element [${msg.objectId}]`, options: { variant: 'info' } }));
+    if (msg && msg.type.type === "object-creation-notification" && store) {
+      store.dispatch(new AddSnackbarNotification({ message: `Adding network element [${msg['node-id']}]`, options: { variant: 'info' } }));
+    } else if (msg && (msg.type.type === "object-deletion-notification" || msg.type.type === "attribute-value-changed-notification") && store) {
+      store.dispatch(new AddSnackbarNotification({ message: `Updating network element [${msg['node-id']}]`, options: { variant: 'info' } }));
-    store && store.dispatch(updateCurrentViewAsyncAction());
+    if (store) {
+      store.dispatch(updateCurrentViewAsyncAction() as any).then(() => {
+        if (msg['node-id']) {
+          store.dispatch(findWebUrisForGuiCutThroughAsyncAction([msg['node-id']]));
+        }
+      });
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/services/connectService.ts b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/services/connectService.ts
index fbbfa68..5d7667a 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/services/connectService.ts
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/services/connectService.ts
@@ -28,12 +28,15 @@
 * Represents a web api accessor service for all Network Elements actions.
 class ConnectService {
+  public getNetworkElementUri = (nodeId: string) => '/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=' + nodeId;
+  public getNetworkElementConnectDataProviderUri = (operation: "create" | "update" | "delete" ) => `/rests/operations/data-provider:${operation}-network-element-connection`;
+  public getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListUri = (nodeId: string) => this.getNetworkElementUri(nodeId) + '/yang-ext:mount/core-model:network-element';
    * Inserts a network elements.
   public async createNetworkElement(element: NetworkElementConnection): Promise<NetworkElementConnection | null> {
-    const path = `/rests/operations/data-provider:create-network-element-connection`;
+    const path = this.getNetworkElementConnectDataProviderUri("create") ;
     const result = await requestRest<NetworkElementConnection>(path, {
       method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(convertPropertyNames({ "data-provider:input": element }, replaceUpperCase))
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@
   * Updates a network element.
   public async updateNetworkElement(element: UpdateNetworkElement): Promise<NetworkElementConnection | null> {
-    const path = `/rests/operations/data-provider:update-network-element-connection`;
+    const path = this.getNetworkElementConnectDataProviderUri("update");
     const result = await requestRest<NetworkElementConnection>(path, {
       method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(convertPropertyNames({ "data-provider:input": element }, replaceUpperCase))
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@
     const query = {
       "id": element.id
-    const path = `/rests/operations/data-provider:delete-network-element-connection`;
+    const path = this.getNetworkElementConnectDataProviderUri("delete");
     const result = await requestRest<NetworkElementConnection>(path, {
       method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(convertPropertyNames({ "data-provider:input": query }, replaceUpperCase))
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@
   /** Mounts network element. */
   public async mountNetworkElement(networkElement: NetworkElementConnection): Promise<boolean> {
-    const path = '/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=' + networkElement.nodeId;
+    const path = this.getNetworkElementUri(networkElement.nodeId);
     const mountXml = [
       '<node xmlns="urn:TBD:params:xml:ns:yang:network-topology">',
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@
   /** Unmounts a network element by its id. */
   public async unmountNetworkElement(nodeId: string): Promise<boolean> {
-    const path = '/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=' + nodeId;
+    const path = this.getNetworkElementUri(nodeId);
     try {
       const result = await requestRest<string>(path, {
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@
   /** Yang capabilities of the selected network elements. */
   public async infoNetworkElement(nodeId: string): Promise<TopologyNode | null> {
-    const path = '/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=' + nodeId;
+    const path = this.getNetworkElementUri(nodeId);
     const topologyRequestPomise = requestRest<Topology>(path, { method: "GET" });
     return topologyRequestPomise && topologyRequestPomise.then(result => {
@@ -157,38 +160,80 @@
     })) || null;
-  public getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListAsync(ne: string[]) {
+  public async getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListAsync(neList: string[]): Promise<(guiCutThrough)[]> {
+    const path = `/rests/operations/data-provider:read-gui-cut-through-entry`;
+    let webUriList: guiCutThrough[] = []
+    const query = {
+      "data-provider:input": {
+        "filter": [{
+          "property": "id",
+          "filtervalues": neList
+        }],
+        "pagination": {
+          "size": 20,
+          "page": 1
+        }
+      }
+    }
-    let promises: any[] = [];
-    let webUris: guiCutThrough[] = []
-    ne.forEach(nodeId => {
-      const path = '/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=' + nodeId + '/yang-ext:mount/core-model:network-element';
-      // add search request to array
-      promises.push(requestRest<any>(path, { method: "GET" })
-        .then(result => {
-          if (result != null && result['core-model:network-element'] && result['core-model:network-element'].extension) {
-            const webUri = result['core-model:network-element'].extension.find((item: any) => item['value-name'] === "webUri")
-            if (webUri) {
-              webUris.push({ webUri: webUri.value, nodeId: nodeId });
-            } else {
-              webUris.push({ webUri: undefined, nodeId: nodeId });
+    const result = await requestRest<Result<guiCutThrough>>(path, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(query) });
+    const resultData = result && result["data-provider:output"] && result["data-provider:output"].data;
+    neList.forEach(nodeId => {
+      let entryNotFound = true;
+      if (resultData) {
+        const BreakException = {};
+        try {
+          resultData.forEach(entry => {
+            if (entry.id == nodeId) {
+              entryNotFound = false;
+              if (entry.weburi) {
+                webUriList.push({ id: nodeId, weburi: entry.weburi });
+              } else {
+                webUriList.push({ id: nodeId, weburi: undefined });
+              }
+              throw BreakException;
-          } else {
-            webUris.push({ webUri: undefined, nodeId: nodeId });
-          }
-        })
-        .catch(error => {
-          webUris.push({ webUri: undefined, nodeId: nodeId });
-        }))
-    })
-    // wait until all promises are done and return weburis
-    return Promise.all(promises).then(result => { return webUris });
+          });
+        } catch (e) {}
+      }
+      if (entryNotFound)
+        webUriList.push({ id: nodeId, weburi: undefined });
+    });
+    return webUriList;
+  //  public async getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListAsync(ne: string[]): Promise<(guiCutThrough)[] | null> {
+  //   let promises: any[] = [];
+  //   let webUris: guiCutThrough[] = []
+  //   ne.forEach(nodeId => {
+  //     const path = this.getAllWebUriExtensionsForNetworkElementListUri(nodeId);
+  // // add search request to array
+  //     promises.push(requestRest<any>(path, { method: "GET" })
+  //       .then(result => {
+  //         if (result != null && result['core-model:network-element'] && result['core-model:network-element'].extension) {
+  //           const webUri = result['core-model:network-element'].extension.find((item: any) => item['value-name'] === "webUri")
+  //           if (webUri) {
+  //             webUris.push({ weburi: webUri.value, id: nodeId });
+  //           } else {
+  //             webUris.push({ weburi: undefined, id: nodeId });
+  //           }
+  //         } else {
+  //           webUris.push({ weburi: undefined, id: nodeId });
+  //         }
+  //       })
+  //       .catch(error => {
+  //         webUris.push({ weburi: undefined, id: nodeId });
+  //       }))
+  //   })
+  //   // wait until all promises are done and return weburis
+  //   return Promise.all(promises).then(result => { return webUris });
+  // }
 export const connectService = new ConnectService();
-export default connectService;
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/views/connectView.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/views/connectView.tsx
index 1fa5e19..34b1b94 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/views/connectView.tsx
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/src/views/connectView.tsx
@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@
 const mapDispatcher = (dispatcher: IDispatcher) => ({
   networkElementsActions: createNetworkElementsActions(dispatcher.dispatch),
   connectionStatusLogActions: createConnectionStatusLogActions(dispatcher.dispatch),
-  onLoadNetworkElements: () => {
-    dispatcher.dispatch(networkElementsReloadAction);
-  },
-  loadWebUris: async (networkElements: NetworkElementConnection[]) => { await dispatcher.dispatch(findWebUrisForGuiCutThroughAsyncAction(networkElements)) },
+  onLoadNetworkElements: () => dispatcher.dispatch(networkElementsReloadAction),
+  loadWebUris: (networkElements: NetworkElementConnection[]) => 
+    dispatcher.dispatch(findWebUrisForGuiCutThroughAsyncAction(networkElements.map((ne) => ne.id!))),
   isBusy: (busy: boolean) => dispatcher.dispatch(new SetWeburiSearchBusy(busy)),
   onLoadConnectionStatusLog: () => {
@@ -65,12 +64,14 @@
-  public componentDidUpdate = async () => {
-    // search for guicutthroughs after networkelements were found
+  public componentDidUpdate = () => {
     const networkElements = this.props.netWorkElements;
     if (networkElements.rows.length > 0) {
-      await this.props.loadWebUris(networkElements.rows);
+      // Update all netWorkElements for propper WebUriClient settings in case of table data changes.
+      // e.G: Pagination of the table data (there is no event)
+      this.props.loadWebUris(networkElements.rows);
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/webpack.config.js b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/webpack.config.js
index 7f36e4e..df88a80 100644
--- a/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/webpack.config.js
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps/connectApp/webpack.config.js
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
 const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
+const policies = require('./policies.json');
 // const __dirname = (path => path.replace(/^([a-z]\:)/, c => c.toUpperCase()))(process.__dirname());
 module.exports = (env) => {
@@ -124,34 +126,54 @@
       stats: {
         colors: true
-      proxy: {
-        "/oauth2/": {
-          target: "http://sdnr:8181",
+      before: function(app, server, compiler) {
+        app.get('/oauth/policies',(_, res) => res.json(policies));
+      },
+       proxy: {
+        "/about": {
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
+          secure: false
+        }, 
+        "/yang-schema/": {
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
+          secure: false
+        },   
+        "/oauth/": {
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
           secure: false
-          "/oauth/": {
-            target: "http://sdnr:8181",
-            secure: false
-          },
         "/database/": {
-          target: "http://sdnr:8181",
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
           secure: false
         "/restconf/": {
-          target: "http://sdnr:8181",
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
           secure: false
         "/rests/": {
-          target: "http://sdnr:8181",
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
           secure: false
         "/help/": {
-          target: "http://sdnr:8181",
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
+          secure: false
+        },
+         "/about/": {
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
+          secure: false
+        },
+        "/tree/": {
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
           secure: false
         "/websocket": {
-          target: "http://sdnr:8181",
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
+          ws: true,
+          changeOrigin: true,
+          secure: false
+        },
+        "/apidoc": {
+          target: "http://localhost:18181",
           ws: true,
           changeOrigin: true,
           secure: false