update readthedocs

update helpserver and readthedocs

Issue-ID: CCSDK-2667
Signed-off-by: Aijana Schumann <aijana.schumann@highstreet-technologies.com>
Change-Id: I9c0d306e67ed0042bf19079b46566ecc43b20a19
diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/general.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/general.rst
index 85814d5..a63ba4d 100644
--- a/docs/guides/onap-user/general.rst
+++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/general.rst
@@ -34,26 +34,25 @@
 The following filters are supported by all tables based on the data type
 of the column.
-| Data type  | Possible Filter  | Example    |
-| Text       | Any characters   | Test,      |
-|            | or numbers,      | Tes\ \*,   |
-|            | matches exactly  | \*\ t      |
-|            | unless a \* is   |            |
-|            | used. The \*     |            |
-|            | acts as a        |            |
-|            | wildcard and can |            |
-|            | be used for      |            |
-|            | contains, ends   |            |
-|            | with and begins  |            |
-|            | with queries.    |            |
-| Numeric    | < or <= or > or  | >5000, 20, |
-|            | >= or exact      | <=82       |
-|            | number           |            |
-| Boolean    | None (no filter  | true,      |
-|            | set), true or    | false      |
-|            | false            |            |
+| Data type        | Possible Filter               | Example          |
+| Text             | Any characters or numbers,    | Test,            |
+|                  | matches exactly unless a \*   | T\ *,*\ st,      |
+|                  | or a ? are used. Both special | Te?t, ?est       |
+|                  | characters act as wildcards,  |                  |
+|                  | which can be used for         |                  |
+|                  | contains, ends with and       |                  |
+|                  | begins with queries. The \*   |                  |
+|                  | matches any number of         |                  |
+|                  | characters whereas the ?      |                  |
+|                  | matches exactly one           |                  |
+|                  | character. Both wildcards can |                  |
+|                  | be used in the same query.    |                  |
+| Numeric          | < or <= or > or >= or exact   | >5000, 20, <=82  |
+|                  | number                        |                  |
+| Boolean          | None (no filter set), true or | true, false      |
+|                  | false                         |                  |