tree: bb20653e68e087ea317c645efbdbf35f8117e6a3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. apps/
  2. core/
  3. framework/
  4. .gitignore
  5. jest.json
  6. lerna.json
  8. package.json
  9. pom.xml
  11. yarn.lock

Developing a ODLUX application


  • Node: 8.10 or higher
  • Yarn: 1.12.3 or higher
  • Lerna: 3.10.7 or higher

You can install these globally or let it be installed by maven due "mvn clean install"

  • Maven: 3 or higher
  • Java: 8 or higher

Dev-Environment Installation


  • go to features/sdnr/wt/odlux/apps and create your app:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.onap.ccsdk.features.sdnr.wt \
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=odlux-app-archetype \
 -DgroupId=<groupId> \
 -DartifactId=<artifactId> \
 -Dversion=<version> \
  • your start folder for your web application is src/
  • in src2/main/java are located the Java files and in src2/main/resources/ is the blueprint located
  • with yarn start you can run your application due runtime in your application folder
  • by default this will run on http://localhost:3100/index.html
  • if you have added new dependencies you have to run lerna bootstrap in odlux/
  • build your app for development version you can use yarn run build or yarn run build:dev
  • build for karaf with mvn clean install

Including app into karaf environment

  • copy maven repository files to karaf repository e.g.: cp ~/.m2/repository/path/of/groupId/artifactId $KARAF_HOME/system/path/of/groupId/
  • check if odlux-core is started in karaf console: feature:list | grep odlux
  • if not install: sdnr-wt-odlux-core-feature
  • start your app in karaf console: bundle:install -s mvn:<groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>

Including into ONAP sdnc docker container

  • add maven module to odlux/pom.xml
  • add dependency to odlux/apps/app-feature/pom.xml and odlux/apps/app-installer/pom.xml
  • build odlux/pom.xml
  • this will automatically package your app into the packaged zip file of the installer


Default menu positions

  • from 0 for top to 999 for bottom.
0	Connect
10	Fault
20	Maintenance
30	Configuration
40	Protection
50	Performance
60	Security
70	Inventory
80	Topology
90	Mediator
100	Help


<blueprint xmlns="">
    <reference id="loadersvc" availability="mandatory" activation="eager" interface="org.onap.ccsdk.features.sdnr.wt.odlux.model.bundles.OdluxBundleLoader"/>
    <bean id="bundle" init-method="initialize" destroy-method="clean" class="org.onap.ccsdk.features.sdnr.wt.odlux.bundles.MyOdluxBundle">
        <property name="loader" ref="loadersvc"/>
        <property name="bundleName" value="demoApp"/>
        <property name="index" value="999"/>
  • bundleName defines the applicationName => default javascript file: .js
  • index defines the menu position.

  • is just for getting access to the resources of its bundle (implemented because of OSGi access restrictions)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""

        <relativePath />
            <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
                        <id>install node and yarn</id>
                        <!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
                        <id>yarn build</id>
                            <arguments>run build</arguments>
            <id>highstreet repo</id>
  • a modified frontend-maven-plugin installs node, yarn and (optionally lerna) to compile the typescript sources to javascript. These will be build into the dist folder.