ODLUX bundle contains the Browser based Grapical User Interface for SDN-R. ODLUX is available as OSGi bundle that is running in Opendaylight Karaf environment, using the configured jetty server of Opendaylight. Since ONAP Frankfurt a second WEB Server setup "sdncweb" is available, that extracts the JavaScrip files.
Actual version in framework pom.xml in the frontend-maven-plugin definition.
You can install these globally or let it be installed by maven due "mvn clean install"
odlux |-apps |-core |-framework
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.onap.ccsdk.features.sdnr.wt \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=odlux-app-archetype \ -DgroupId=<groupId> \ -DartifactId=<artifactId> \ -Dversion=<version> \ -DappName=<applicationName>
yarn start
you can run your application due runtime in your application folderlerna bootstrap
in odlux/yarn run build
or yarn run build:dev
mvn clean install
cp ~/.m2/repository/path/of/groupId/artifactId $KARAF_HOME/system/path/of/groupId/
feature:list | grep odlux
bundle:install -s mvn:<groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>
0 Connect 10 Fault 20 Maintenance 30 Configuration 40 Protection 50 Performance 60 Security 70 Inventory 80 Topology 90 Mediator 100 Help
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"> <reference id="loadersvc" availability="mandatory" activation="eager" interface="org.onap.ccsdk.features.sdnr.wt.odlux.model.bundles.OdluxBundleLoader"/> <bean id="bundle" init-method="initialize" destroy-method="clean" class="org.onap.ccsdk.features.sdnr.wt.odlux.bundles.MyOdluxBundle"> <property name="loader" ref="loadersvc"/> <property name="bundleName" value="demoApp"/> <property name="index" value="999"/> </bean> </blueprint>