Aiign requestID, subrequestID for DMAAP msgs

Updated DMAAP listener to keep track of requestID
and subRequestID for DMAAP message publication.
These values are sent to DG as part of SLI parms

Issue-ID: CCSDK-2413
Signed-off-by: SandeepLinux <>
Change-Id: I207a7d1223416475de0b44ba80944ed2f4f57305
1 file changed
tree: fd6531f87ef99f2639c45a754bacbec8c3883dfb
  1. artifacts/
  2. asdcApi/
  3. daexim-offsite-backup/
  4. dataChange/
  5. dmaap-listener/
  6. features/
  7. lcm/
  8. releases/
  9. ueb-listener/
  10. .gitignore
  11. INFO.yaml
  12. LICENSE.txt
  13. pom.xml

This source repository contains the code for the SDN Controller northbound interface adaptors. To compile this code:

  1. Make sure your local Maven settings file ($HOME/.m2/settings.xml) contains references to the OpenECOMP repositories and OpenDaylight repositories. See example-settings.xml for an example.

  2. To compile, run "mvn clean install".