''' /*-
1, Install VirtualBox. 2, Install Vagrant. 3, Download https://github.com/UtahDave/salt-vagrant-demo. You can use git or download a zip of the project directly from GitHub (sample Vagrant attached). 4, Extract the zip file you downloaded, and then open a command prompt to the extracted directory. 5, Run vagrant up to start the demo environment: vagrant up After Vagrant ups (~10 minutes) and you are back at the command prompt, you are ready to continue. More info: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/getstarted/fundamentals/
1, login to Master Saltstack server node: "sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config" and SET the following PermitEmptyPasswords yes PermitRootLogin yes
SAVE and close.
2, Run: "sudo passwd root" and set the root password. Then run: "sudo reboot"
3, On the host machine, open the virtual box set a port forwarding to the master server for 2222 -> 22 This will redirect messages to host machine to the Vagarant Master server.
@Test public void reqExecCommand_shouldSetSuccessReal() throws SvcLogicException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { params.put("HostName", ""); params.put("Port", "22"); params.put("User", "sdn"); params.put("Password", "foo"); params.put("Id", "test1"); params.put("cmd", "ls -l"); params.put("slsExec", "false"); params.put("execTimeout", "12000"); adapter = new SaltstackAdapterImpl(); try { adapter.reqExecCommand(params, svcContext); String status = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.result.code"); TestId = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.Id"); assertEquals("250", status); assertEquals(TestId, "test1"); } catch (Exception e){ //if local ssh is not enabled return; } } @Test public void reqExecCommand_shouldSetSuccessRealCommand() throws SvcLogicException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { params.put("HostName", "<IP address of SS server>"); params.put("Port", "2222"); params.put("User", "root"); params.put("Password", "vagrant"); params.put("Id", "test1"); params.put("cmd", "cd /srv/salt/; salt '*' state.apply vim --out=json --static"); params.put("slsExec", "true"); params.put("execTimeout", "12000"); adapter = new SaltstackAdapterImpl(); try { adapter.reqExecCommand(params, svcContext); String status = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.result.code"); TestId = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.Id"); assertEquals("200", status); assertEquals(TestId, "test1"); } catch (Exception e){ //if saltstack ssh IP is not enabled return; } } @Test public void reqExecCommand_shouldSetSuccessRealSSL() throws SvcLogicException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { params.put("HostName", ""); params.put("Port", "2222"); params.put("User", "root"); params.put("Password", "vagrant"); params.put("Id", "test1"); params.put("slsName", "vim"); params.put("execTimeout", "12000"); params.put("applyTo", "minion1"); adapter = new SaltstackAdapterImpl(); try { adapter.reqExecSLS(params, svcContext); String status = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.result.code"); TestId = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.Id"); assertEquals("200", status); assertEquals(TestId, "test1"); } catch (Exception e){ //if saltstack ssh IP is not enabled return; } } @Test public void reqExecCommand_shouldSetSuccessRealSSLNoApplyTo() throws SvcLogicException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { params.put("HostName", ""); params.put("Port", "2222"); params.put("User", "root"); params.put("Password", "vagrant"); params.put("Id", "test1"); params.put("slsName", "vim"); params.put("execTimeout", "12000"); adapter = new SaltstackAdapterImpl(); try { adapter.reqExecSLS(params, svcContext); String status = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.result.code"); TestId = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.Id"); assertEquals("200", status); assertEquals(TestId, "test1"); } catch (Exception e){ //if saltstack ssh IP is not enabled return; } } @Test public void reqExecCommand_shouldSetSuccessSSLFile() throws SvcLogicException, IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { params.put("HostName", ""); params.put("Port", "2222"); params.put("User", "root"); params.put("Password", "vagrant"); params.put("Id", "test1"); params.put("execTimeout", "12000"); params.put("applyTo", "minion1"); params.put("slsFile", "src/test/resources/config.sls"); adapter = new SaltstackAdapterImpl(); try { adapter.reqExecSLSFile(params, svcContext); String status = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.result.code"); TestId = svcContext.getAttribute("org.onap.appc.adapter.saltstack.Id"); assertEquals("200", status); assertEquals(TestId, "test1"); } catch (Exception e){ //if saltstack ssh IP is not enabled return; } }