Add INFO.yaml file

Add INFO.yaml to list:
- Project description
- Properties
- PTL information
- Meeting information
- Committer information

Change-Id: Ib93e3a1c6b9af4501fefa2c486c73455f0910688
Issue-ID: CIMAN-134
Signed-off-by: Jessica Wagantall <>
1 file changed
tree: bf397011c87c2677acfb4e5f068a45881130ce0b
  1. bin/
  2. cdf/
  3. docs/
  4. pgaas/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .gitreview
  7. INFO.yaml
  8. LICENSE.txt
  9. makefile
  10. pom.xml

PostgreSQL as a Service (PGaaS) DB VM.

This package is built on top of the stock PostgreSQL and Repmgr packages.

PGaaS contains a set of configuration scripts, daemons, and administrative scripts that allow PostgreSQL to be deployed, configured and managed by the DCAE Controller. PGaaS may be deployed singly or in a cascaded cluster.

The running daemons provide health check and other information suitable for the DCAE Controller and future dashboard access.

Building the Code

To build the code, use the "make build" command.

To build the code and upload to a debian repository, use the "make debian" command.