[DCAE-1] New script template to allow release job
Required for Maven project with complex module/parent
Change-Id: Ida2035b733935856170f0b9c8488ff1e69a4fdbd
Signed-off-by: Carsten Lund <lund@research.att.com>
diff --git a/jjb/global-templates-script.yaml b/jjb/global-templates-script.yaml
index 9058133..dd0cd0f 100644
--- a/jjb/global-templates-script.yaml
+++ b/jjb/global-templates-script.yaml
@@ -198,6 +198,75 @@
- docker-login
- shell: '{script}'
+- job-template:
+ # Job template for daily-release a submission. triggered on timer, does
+ # scm mvn with passed-in goals, then run script.
+ # Version changed using include-update-pom-versions.sh script
+ #
+ # Required Variables:
+ # branch: git branch
+ # script: build script to execute
+ # mvn-goals: space separated list of maven build goals (--version for
+ # noop, or clean deploy)
+ name: '{project-name}-{stream}-daily-release-version2-scm-mvn-script'
+ project-type: freestyle
+ concurrent: true
+ node: 'ubuntu1604-docker-8c-8g'
+ properties:
+ - ecomp-infra-properties:
+ build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
+ parameters:
+ - ecomp-infra-parameters:
+ project: '{project}'
+ branch: '{branch}'
+ refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}'
+ artifacts: '{archive-artifacts}'
+ - maven-exec:
+ maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+ scm:
+ - gerrit-trigger-scm:
+ refspec: ''
+ choosing-strategy: 'default'
+ wrappers:
+ - ecomp-infra-wrappers:
+ build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
+ triggers:
+ # 11 AM UTC
+ - timed: 'H 11 * * *'
+ - gerrit-trigger-release-manually:
+ server: '{server-name}'
+ project: '{project}'
+ branch: '{branch}'
+ builders:
+ - provide-maven-settings:
+ global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
+ settings-file: '{mvn-settings}'
+ - inject:
+ properties-file: version.properties
+ - shell: !include-raw-escape: include-update-pom-versions.sh
+ - maven-target:
+ maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+ goals: '{mvn-goals}'
+ properties:
+ - '{maven-deploy-properties}'
+ settings: '{mvn-settings}'
+ settings-type: cfp
+ global-settings: 'global-settings'
+ global-settings-type: cfp
+ - docker-login
+ - shell: '{script}'
- job-template:
# Job template for verifying a submission. triggered on