Merge "Add ci job script for vfc-nfvo-lcm"
diff --git a/jjb/clamp/clamp.yaml b/jjb/clamp/clamp.yaml
index 4f08ed0..130497f 100644
--- a/jjb/clamp/clamp.yaml
+++ b/jjb/clamp/clamp.yaml
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
     name: clamp
     project-name: 'clamp'
-      - '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-java'
+      - '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-java-checkstyle'
       - '{project-name}-{stream}-merge-java'
-      - '{project-name}-{stream}-release-java-daily'
+      - '{project-name}-{stream}-release-java-daily-checkstyle'
       - '{project-name}-{stream}-docker-java-properties-daily':
          docker-pom: 'pom.xml'
          mvn-profile: 'docker'
diff --git a/jjb/global-macros.yaml b/jjb/global-macros.yaml
index 2270f57..454d056 100644
--- a/jjb/global-macros.yaml
+++ b/jjb/global-macros.yaml
@@ -169,6 +169,44 @@
                 unhealthy: 40
 - publisher:
+    name: checkstyle-result
+    publishers:
+      - checkstyle:
+          pattern: '**/checkstyle-result.xml'
+          healthy: 0
+          unhealthy: 100
+          health-threshold: 'high'
+          thresholds:
+            unstable:
+              total-all: 30
+              total-high: 15
+              total-normal: 20
+              total-low: 25
+              new-all: 5
+              new-high: 0
+              new-normal: 2
+              new-low: 5
+- publisher:
+    name: checkstyle-result-daily
+    publishers:
+      - checkstyle:
+          pattern: '**/checkstyle-result.xml'
+          healthy: 0
+          unhealthy: 100
+          health-threshold: 'high'
+          thresholds:
+            unstable:
+              total-all: 30
+              total-high: 15
+              total-normal: 20
+              total-low: 25
+              new-all: 1
+              new-high: 0
+              new-normal: 1
+              new-low: 1
+- publisher:
     name: infra-shiplogs
     # To archive things, the job will need to create an "archives" directory in
     # the workspace and this macro will handle copying the contents of the
diff --git a/jjb/global-templates-java.yaml b/jjb/global-templates-java.yaml
index e58954b..580d65b 100644
--- a/jjb/global-templates-java.yaml
+++ b/jjb/global-templates-java.yaml
@@ -186,6 +186,61 @@
           maven-version: '{maven-version}'
 - job-template:
+    # Job template for Java verify jobs running checkstyle at the end
+    # When checkstyle will be fully incorporated, it is meant to replace
+    #  '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-java-checkstyle'
+    # The purpose of this job template is to run "maven clean install" for
+    # projects using this template.
+    #
+    # Required Variables:
+    #     branch:    git branch (eg. stable/lithium or master)
+    name: '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-java-checkstyle'
+    project-type: freestyle
+    concurrent: true
+    node: '{build-node}'
+    properties:
+      - infra-properties:
+          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
+    parameters:
+      - infra-parameters:
+          project: '{project}'
+          branch: '{branch}'
+          refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}'
+          artifacts: '{archive-artifacts}'
+      - maven-exec:
+          maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+    scm:
+      - gerrit-trigger-scm:
+          refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
+          choosing-strategy: 'gerrit'
+          submodule-recursive: '{submodule-recursive}'
+    wrappers:
+      - infra-wrappers:
+          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
+    triggers:
+      - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted:
+          server: '{server-name}'
+          project: '{project}'
+          branch: '{branch}'
+          files: '**'
+    builders:
+      - provide-maven-settings:
+          global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
+          settings-file: '{mvn-settings}'
+      - maven-target:
+          maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+          goals: 'clean install -B
+  '
+          settings: '{mvn-settings}'
+          settings-type: cfp
+          global-settings: 'global-settings'
+          global-settings-type: cfp
+    publishers:
+      - infra-shiplogs:
+          maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+      - checkstyle-result
+- job-template:
     # Job template for Java verify jobs that takes a maven template
     # The purpose of this job template is to run "maven clean install -P {x}"
@@ -378,6 +433,64 @@
           maven-version: '{maven-version}'
 - job-template:
+    # Job template for Java daily release jobs running checkstyle at the end
+    # When checkstyle will be fully incorporated, it is meant to replace
+    #  '{project-name}-{stream}-release-java-daily'
+    # The purpose of this job template is to run "maven version && maven clean
+    # deploy" for projects using this template.
+    #
+    # Required Variables:
+    #     branch:    git branch (eg. stable/lithium or master)
+    name: '{project-name}-{stream}-release-java-daily-checkstyle'
+    project-type: freestyle
+    node: '{build-node}'
+    maven-deploy-properties:
+    properties:
+      - infra-properties:
+          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
+    parameters:
+      - infra-parameters:
+          project: '{project}'
+          branch: '{branch}'
+          refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}'
+          artifacts: '{archive-artifacts}'
+      - maven-exec:
+          maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+    scm:
+      - gerrit-trigger-scm:
+          refspec: ''
+          choosing-strategy: 'default'
+          submodule-recursive: '{submodule-recursive}'
+    wrappers:
+      - infra-wrappers:
+          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
+    triggers:
+      # 11 AM UTC
+      - timed: 'H 11 * * *'
+      - gerrit-trigger-release-manually:
+          server: '{server-name}'
+          project: '{project}'
+          branch: '{branch}'
+    builders:
+      - provide-maven-settings:
+          global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
+          settings-file: '{mvn-settings}'
+      - maven-target:
+          maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+          goals: 'clean deploy sonar:sonar${{SONAR}} -B
+  '
+          properties:
+            - '{maven-deploy-properties}'
+          settings: '{mvn-settings}'
+          settings-type: cfp
+          global-settings: 'global-settings'
+          global-settings-type: cfp
+    publishers:
+      - infra-shiplogs:
+          maven-version: '{maven-version}'
+      - checkstyle-result-daily
+- job-template:
     # Job template for Java daily release jobs
     # The purpose of this job template is to run "maven version && maven clean