[SDC] split verify job

Split Verify job into 2 parts:
one doing classic maven build without docker but with unit tests
one without unit tests but building dockers and running integration test phase (CSITs)
reused new templates introduced by integration team

Issue-ID: SDC-3465
Signed-off-by: ChrisC <christophe.closset@intl.att.com>
Change-Id: I1891f77a2a7d4f832f78d10cfccc6cfe02d380cd
diff --git a/jjb/sdc/sdc-csit.yaml b/jjb/sdc/sdc-csit.yaml
index 51654c5..3ebab83 100644
--- a/jjb/sdc/sdc-csit.yaml
+++ b/jjb/sdc/sdc-csit.yaml
@@ -1,26 +1,37 @@
 - project:
-    name: sdc-csit
-    jobs:
-      - '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-csit-{functionality}'
-      - '{project-name}-{stream}-csit-{functionality}'
-    project-name: 'sdc'
-    disabled: true
-    recipients: 'ofir.sonsino@intl.att.com'
-    stream:
-      - 'master':
-          branch: 'master'
-    functionality:
-      - 'sanity':
-          trigger_jobs:
-      - 'nightly':
-          trigger_jobs:
-      - 'uiSanity':
-          trigger_jobs:
-    robot-options: ''
-    branch: 'master'
-    html-dir: 'archives'
-    html-files: 'SDC_CI_Extent_Report.html'
+      name: sdc-csit
+      jobs:
+          - '{project-name}-review-verification-maven-{stream}':
+                build-node: ubuntu1804-docker-8c-16g
+                container-public-registry: 'nexus3.onap.org:10001'
+                container-snapshot-registry: 'nexus3.onap.org:10003'
+                mvn-goals: clean install
+                mvn-params: '-Dnpm.registry=https://nexus3.onap.org/repository/npm.public/ -Ddocker.skip.push=true -P docker, all-for-integration-tests-only'
+                maven-versions-plugin: true
+          - '{project-name}-merge-verification-maven-{stream}':
+                build-node: ubuntu1804-docker-8c-16g
+                container-public-registry: 'nexus3.onap.org:10001'
+                container-snapshot-registry: 'nexus3.onap.org:10003'
+                mvn-goals: clean install
+                mvn-params: '-Dnpm.registry=https://nexus3.onap.org/repository/npm.public/ -Ddocker.skip.push=true -P docker, all-for-integration-tests-only'
+                maven-versions-plugin: true
+      project-name: 'sdc'
+      recipients: 'christophe.closset@intl.att.com'
+      # project name in gerrit
+      project: 'sdc'
+      stream:
+          - 'master':
+                branch: 'master'
+          - 'guilin':
+                branch: 'guilin'
+      java-version: openjdk11
+      mvn-version: 'mvn36'
+      mvn-settings: 'sdc-settings'
+      mvn-global-settings: global-settings
+      robot-options: ''
+      branch: 'master'
 #- project:
 #    name: sdc-csit-arm64
diff --git a/jjb/sdc/sdc.yaml b/jjb/sdc/sdc.yaml
index c6a9ecc..71eb39a 100644
--- a/jjb/sdc/sdc.yaml
+++ b/jjb/sdc/sdc.yaml
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
     project-name: 'sdc'
       - '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-java':
-          mvn-params: '-P docker -Dnpm.registry=https://nexus3.onap.org/repository/npm.public/'
-          build-node: 'ubuntu1804-docker-8c-16g'
+          mvn-params: '-P skip-integration-tests -Dnpm.registry=https://nexus3.onap.org/repository/npm.public/'
+          build-node: 'ubuntu1804-builder-4c-4g'
       - '{project-name}-{stream}-sdc-merge-java':
-          build-node: 'ubuntu1804-docker-8c-16g'
+          build-node: 'ubuntu1804-builder-4c-4g'
           docker-pom: 'pom.xml'
-          mvn-profile: 'docker'
+          mvn-profile: 'skip-integration-tests'
           mvn-params: '-Dnpm.registry=https://nexus3.onap.org/repository/npm.public/'
       - gerrit-maven-stage:
           build-timeout: 90
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
       - 'guilin':
           branch: 'guilin'
           java-version: openjdk11
-      - 'frankfurt':
-          branch: 'frankfurt'
-          java-version: openjdk8
+#     - 'frankfurt':
+#         branch: 'frankfurt'
+#         java-version: openjdk8
     mvn-settings: 'sdc-settings'
     files: '**'
     archive-artifacts: ''