Update format of postbuildscript call

Change-Id: Ice34595c329330a038c267d9577d8054bf8c5e0a
Issue-ID: CIMAN-153
Signed-off-by: Jeremy Phelps <jphelps@linuxfoundation.org>
diff --git a/jjb/global-macros.yaml b/jjb/global-macros.yaml
index 27167b6..49446ef 100644
--- a/jjb/global-macros.yaml
+++ b/jjb/global-macros.yaml
@@ -249,34 +249,32 @@
 - publisher:
     name: infra-shiplogs
-    # To archive things, the job will need to create an "archives" directory in
-    # the workspace and this macro will handle copying the contents of the
-    # archives directory.
+    # lf-infra macro to finish up a build.
-    # Uses the build parameter ARCHIVE_ARTIFACTS if not empty to find files to
-    # archive. You can pass globstar patterns for example "**/*.xml **/*.log" as
-    # the archive pattern. This is a space separated list of files to archive.
-    #
-    # Also ensure that the workspace is cleaned up at the end of the build.
+    # Handles the following:
+    #   - Shipping logs to Nexus logs site repository
+    #   - Cleanup workspace
       - postbuildscript:
-            - shell: !include-raw-escape: include-raw-deploy-archives.sh
-            - maven-target:
-                maven-version: '{maven-version}'
-                pom: '.archives/deploy-archives.xml'
-                goals: 'clean deploy -V -B -q -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/r'
-                settings: 'jenkins-log-archives-settings'
-                settings-type: cfp
-                global-settings: 'global-settings'
-                global-settings-type: cfp
-            - description-setter:
-                regexp: '^Build logs: .*'
-          script-only-if-succeeded: false
-          script-only-if-failed: false
+            - role: BOTH
+              build-on:
+                - ABORTED
+                - FAILURE
+                - NOT_BUILT
+                - SUCCESS
+                - UNSTABLE
+              build-steps:
+                - lf-infra-sysstat
+                - lf-infra-ship-logs
           mark-unstable-if-failed: true
       - workspace-cleanup:
-          fail-build: false`
+          exclude:
+            # Do not clean up *.jenkins-trigger files for jobs that use a
+            # properties file as input for triggering another build.
+            - '**/*.jenkins-trigger'
+          fail-build: false
 - scm: