Remove useless code

Remove old code of amsterdam not used anymore

Issue-ID: CLAMP-252
Change-Id: I7017d639ee9857e16c61eef862c39cbc2c49a5ed
Signed-off-by: sebdet <>
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/
index b63bb64..327aff1 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  * ============LICENSE_END============================================

  * Modifications copyright (c) 2018 Nokia

  * ===================================================================

- * 

+ *



 package org.onap.clamp.clds.client;

@@ -27,14 +27,11 @@
 import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger;

 import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager;

 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;

-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;



 import java.util.Date;

 import java.util.List;




 import org.json.simple.JSONArray;

 import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

 import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;

@@ -61,32 +58,30 @@
     protected static final EELFLogger logger = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(DcaeInventoryServices.class);

     protected static final EELFLogger auditLogger = EELFManager.getInstance().getAuditLogger();

     protected static final EELFLogger metricsLogger = EELFManager.getInstance().getMetricsLogger();

-    private static final String DCAE_INVENTORY_URL = "dcae.inventory.url";

-    private static final String DCAE_INVENTORY_RETRY_INTERVAL = "dcae.intentory.retry.interval";

-    private static final String DCAE_INVENTORY_RETRY_LIMIT = "dcae.intentory.retry.limit";

-    public static final String DCAE_TYPE_NAME = "typeName";

-    public static final String DCAE_TYPE_ID = "typeId";

+    public static final String DCAE_INVENTORY_URL = "dcae.inventory.url";

+    public static final String DCAE_INVENTORY_RETRY_INTERVAL = "dcae.intentory.retry.interval";

+    public static final String DCAE_INVENTORY_RETRY_LIMIT = "dcae.intentory.retry.limit";

     private final ClampProperties refProp;

     private final CldsDao cldsDao;

     private final DcaeHttpConnectionManager dcaeHttpConnectionManager;



-    public DcaeInventoryServices(ClampProperties refProp, CldsDao cldsDao, DcaeHttpConnectionManager dcaeHttpConnectionManager) {

+    public DcaeInventoryServices(ClampProperties refProp, CldsDao cldsDao,

+        DcaeHttpConnectionManager dcaeHttpConnectionManager) {

         this.refProp = refProp;

         this.cldsDao = cldsDao;

         this.dcaeHttpConnectionManager = dcaeHttpConnectionManager;





      * Set the event inventory.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param cldsModel

-     *            The CldsModel

+     *        The CldsModel

      * @param userId

-     *            The user ID

+     *        The user ID

      * @throws ParseException

-     *             In case of DCAE Json parse exception

+     *         In case of DCAE Json parse exception


     public void setEventInventory(CldsModel cldsModel, String userId) throws ParseException, InterruptedException {

         String artifactName = cldsModel.getControlName();

@@ -100,7 +95,7 @@
         try {

             // Below are the properties required for calling the dcae inventory

             ModelProperties prop = new ModelProperties(cldsModel.getName(), cldsModel.getControlName(), null, false,

-                    "{}", cldsModel.getPropText());

+                "{}", cldsModel.getPropText());

             Global global = prop.getGlobal();

             String invariantServiceUuid = global.getService();

             List<String> resourceUuidList = global.getResourceVf();

@@ -130,7 +125,7 @@


     private void analyzeAndSaveDcaeResponse(DcaeInventoryResponse dcaeResponse, CldsModel cldsModel,

-            DcaeEvent dcaeEvent, String userId) {

+        DcaeEvent dcaeEvent, String userId) {

         if (dcaeResponse != null) {

   "Dcae Response for query on inventory: " + dcaeResponse);

             String oldTypeId = cldsModel.getTypeId();

@@ -141,9 +136,9 @@


             if (oldTypeId == null || !cldsModel.getEvent().getActionCd().equalsIgnoreCase(CldsEvent.ACTION_DISTRIBUTE)

-                    || cldsModel.getEvent().getActionCd().equalsIgnoreCase(CldsEvent.ACTION_SUBMITDCAE)) {

+                || cldsModel.getEvent().getActionCd().equalsIgnoreCase(CldsEvent.ACTION_SUBMITDCAE)) {

                 CldsEvent.insEvent(cldsDao, dcaeEvent.getControlName(), userId, dcaeEvent.getCldsActionCd(),

-                        CldsEvent.ACTION_STATE_RECEIVED, null);

+                    CldsEvent.ACTION_STATE_RECEIVED, null);


   , userId);

         } else {

@@ -160,37 +155,37 @@


     private DcaeInventoryResponse getItemsFromDcaeInventoryResponse(String responseStr)

-            throws ParseException, IOException {

+        throws ParseException, IOException {

         JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();

         Object obj0 = parser.parse(responseStr);

         JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) obj0;

         JSONArray itemsArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get("items");

         JSONObject dcaeServiceType0 = (JSONObject) itemsArray.get(0);

         return JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance().readValue(dcaeServiceType0.toString(),

-                DcaeInventoryResponse.class);

+            DcaeInventoryResponse.class);




      * DO a query to DCAE to get some Information.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param artifactName

-     *            The artifact Name

+     *        The artifact Name

      * @param serviceUuid

-     *            The service UUID

+     *        The service UUID

      * @param resourceUuid

-     *            The resource UUID

+     *        The resource UUID

      * @return The DCAE inventory for the artifact in DcaeInventoryResponse

      * @throws IOException

-     *             In case of issues with the stream

+     *         In case of issues with the stream

      * @throws ParseException

-     *             In case of issues with the Json parsing

+     *         In case of issues with the Json parsing


     public DcaeInventoryResponse getDcaeInformation(String artifactName, String serviceUuid, String resourceUuid)

-            throws IOException, ParseException, InterruptedException {

+        throws IOException, ParseException, InterruptedException {

         Date startTime = new Date();

         LoggingUtils.setTargetContext("DCAE", "getDcaeInformation");

         String queryString = "?asdcResourceId=" + resourceUuid + "&asdcServiceId=" + serviceUuid + "&typeName="

-                + artifactName;

+            + artifactName;

         String fullUrl = refProp.getStringValue(DCAE_INVENTORY_URL) + "/dcae-service-types" + queryString;
"Dcae Inventory Service full url - " + fullUrl);

         DcaeInventoryResponse response = queryDcaeInventory(fullUrl);

@@ -200,7 +195,7 @@


     private DcaeInventoryResponse queryDcaeInventory(String fullUrl)

-            throws IOException, InterruptedException, ParseException {

+        throws IOException, InterruptedException, ParseException {

         int retryInterval = 0;

         int retryLimit = 1;

         if (refProp.getStringValue(DCAE_INVENTORY_RETRY_LIMIT) != null) {

@@ -219,115 +214,11 @@
                 return getItemsFromDcaeInventoryResponse(response);



-                    "Dcae inventory totalCount returned is 0, so waiting " + retryInterval + "ms before retrying ...");

+                "Dcae inventory totalCount returned is 0, so waiting " + retryInterval + "ms before retrying ...");

             // wait for a while and try to connect to DCAE again



         logger.warn("Dcae inventory totalCount returned is still 0, after " + retryLimit + " attempts, returning NULL");

         return null;



-    /**

-     * Inserts a new DCAEServiceType or updates an existing instance. If the

-     * typeName is same second time(already exists) then the

-     * DCAEServiceTypeRequest is updated

-     * 

-     * @param blueprintTemplate

-     *            blueprint content

-     * @param owner

-     *            owner of the data

-     * @param typeName

-     *            The type/artifact Name

-     * @param typeVersion

-     *            type version

-     * @param asdcServiceId

-     *            The service UUID

-     * @param asdcResourceId

-     *            The vf UUID

-     * @return The DCAE inventory type id

-     */

-    public String createupdateDCAEServiceType(String blueprintTemplate, String owner, String typeName, int typeVersion,

-            String asdcServiceId, String asdcResourceId) {

-        Date startTime = new Date();

-        LoggingUtils.setTargetContext("DCAE", "createDCAEServiceType");

-        String typeId = null;

-        try {

-            ObjectNode dcaeServiceTypeRequest = JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance().createObjectNode();

-            dcaeServiceTypeRequest.put("blueprintTemplate", blueprintTemplate);

-            dcaeServiceTypeRequest.put("owner", owner);

-            dcaeServiceTypeRequest.put("typeName", typeName);

-            dcaeServiceTypeRequest.put("typeVersion", typeVersion);

-            dcaeServiceTypeRequest.put("asdcServiceId", asdcServiceId);

-            dcaeServiceTypeRequest.put("asdcResourceId", asdcResourceId);

-            String apiBodyString = dcaeServiceTypeRequest.toString();

-  "Dcae api Body String - " + apiBodyString);

-            String url = refProp.getStringValue(DCAE_INVENTORY_URL) + "/dcae-service-types";

-            String responseStr = dcaeHttpConnectionManager.doDcaeHttpQuery(url, "POST", apiBodyString,

-                    "application/json");

-            // If the DCAEServiceTypeRequest is created successfully it will

-            // return a json object responce containing a node for newly created

-            // "typeId"

-            // The newly generated DCAEServiceTypeRequest can then be accessed

-            // via URL: https://<DCAE_INVENTORY_URL>/dcae-service-types/<typeId>

-            JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();

-            Object obj0 = parser.parse(responseStr);

-            JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) obj0;

-            typeId = (String) jsonObj.get("typeId"); // need to save this

-                                                     // as

-                                                     // service_type_id

-                                                     // in model table

-        } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception occurred during createupdateDCAEServiceType Operation with DCAE", e);

-            throw new BadRequestException("Exception occurred during createupdateDCAEServiceType Operation with DCAE",

-                    e);

-        } finally {

-            if (typeId != null) {

-                LoggingUtils.setResponseContext("0", "Create update DCAE ServiceType success",

-                        this.getClass().getName());

-            } else {

-                LoggingUtils.setResponseContext("900", "Create update DCAE ServiceType failed",

-                        this.getClass().getName());

-                LoggingUtils.setErrorContext("900", "Create update DCAE ServiceType error");

-            }

-            LoggingUtils.setTimeContext(startTime, new Date());

-  "createupdateDCAEServiceType complete");

-        }

-        return typeId;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Method to delete blueprint from dcae inventory if it's exists.

-     * 

-     * @param typeName

-     * @param serviceUuid

-     * @param resourceUuid

-     * @throws InterruptedException

-     */

-    public void deleteDCAEServiceType(String typeName, String serviceUuid, String resourceUuid)

-            throws InterruptedException {

-        Date startTime = new Date();

-        LoggingUtils.setTargetContext("DCAE", "deleteDCAEServiceType");

-        boolean result = false;

-        try {

-            DcaeInventoryResponse inventoryResponse = getDcaeInformation(typeName, serviceUuid, resourceUuid);

-            if (inventoryResponse != null && inventoryResponse.getTypeId() != null) {

-                String fullUrl = refProp.getStringValue(DCAE_INVENTORY_URL) + "/dcae-service-types/"

-                        + inventoryResponse.getTypeId();

-                dcaeHttpConnectionManager.doDcaeHttpQuery(fullUrl, "DELETE", null, null);

-            }

-            result = true;

-        } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception occurred during deleteDCAEServiceType Operation with DCAE", e);

-            throw new BadRequestException("Exception occurred during deleteDCAEServiceType Operation with DCAE", e);

-        } finally {

-            if (result) {

-                LoggingUtils.setResponseContext("0", "Delete DCAE ServiceType success", this.getClass().getName());

-            } else {

-                LoggingUtils.setResponseContext("900", "Delete DCAE ServiceType failed", this.getClass().getName());

-                LoggingUtils.setErrorContext("900", "Delete DCAE ServiceType error");

-            }

-            LoggingUtils.setTimeContext(startTime, new Date());

-  "deleteDCAEServiceType completed");

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a3d015..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
- *                             reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END============================================
- * ===================================================================
- * 
- */
-package org.onap.clamp.clds.client;
-import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger;
-import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
-import org.apache.camel.Handler;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
-import org.onap.clamp.clds.client.req.sdc.SdcCatalogServices;
-import org.onap.clamp.clds.client.req.sdc.SdcRequests;
-import org.onap.clamp.clds.config.ClampProperties;
-import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.DcaeEvent;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
- * Send control loop model to dcae proxy.
- */
-public class SdcSendReqDelegate {
-    protected static final EELFLogger logger = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(SdcSendReqDelegate.class);
-    protected static final EELFLogger metricsLogger = EELFManager.getInstance().getMetricsLogger();
-    @Autowired
-    private SdcCatalogServices sdcCatalogServices;
-    @Autowired
-    private SdcRequests sdcReq;
-    @Autowired
-    private ClampProperties refProp;
-    /**
-     * Perform activity. Send to sdc proxy.
-     *
-     * @param camelExchange
-     *            The camel object that contains all fields
-     * @throws DecoderException
-     *             In case of issues with password decryption
-     * @throws GeneralSecurityException
-     *             In case of issues with password decryption
-     * @throws IOException
-     *             In case of issues with file opening
-     */
-    @Handler
-    public void execute(Exchange camelExchange) throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException, IOException {
-        String controlName = (String) camelExchange.getProperty("controlName");
-        String artifactLabel = sdcReq
-                .normalizeResourceInstanceName(refProp.getStringValue("sdc.artifactLabel") + "-" + controlName);
-        String locationArtifactLabel = sdcReq
-                .normalizeResourceInstanceName(refProp.getStringValue("sdc.locationArtifactLabel") + "-" + controlName);
-        String artifactType = refProp.getStringValue("sdc.artifactType");
-        String locationArtifactType = refProp.getStringValue("sdc.locationArtifactType");
-        String userid = (String) camelExchange.getProperty("userid");
-        String docText = (String) camelExchange.getProperty("docText");
-        String artifactName = (String) camelExchange.getProperty("controlName") + DcaeEvent.ARTIFACT_NAME_SUFFIX;
-        camelExchange.setProperty("artifactName", artifactName);
-        ModelProperties prop = ModelProperties.create(camelExchange);
-        String bluprintPayload;
-        bluprintPayload = sdcReq.formatBlueprint(prop, docText);
-        // no need to upload blueprint for Holmes, thus blueprintPayload for
-        // Holmes is empty
-        if (!bluprintPayload.isEmpty()) {
-            String formattedSdcReq = sdcReq.formatSdcReq(bluprintPayload, artifactName, artifactLabel, artifactType);
-            if (formattedSdcReq != null) {
-                camelExchange.setProperty("formattedArtifactReq", formattedSdcReq.getBytes());
-            }
-            Global globalProps = prop.getGlobal();
-            if (globalProps != null && globalProps.getService() != null) {
-                String serviceInvariantUUID = globalProps.getService();
-                camelExchange.setProperty("serviceInvariantUUID", serviceInvariantUUID);
-            }
-            List<String> sdcReqUrlsList = sdcReq.getSdcReqUrlsList(prop);
-            String sdcLocationsPayload = sdcReq.formatSdcLocationsReq(prop, artifactName);
-            String locationArtifactName = (String) camelExchange.getProperty("controlName") + "-location.json";
-            String formattedSdcLocationReq = sdcReq.formatSdcReq(sdcLocationsPayload, locationArtifactName,
-                    locationArtifactLabel, locationArtifactType);
-            if (formattedSdcLocationReq != null) {
-                camelExchange.setProperty("formattedLocationReq", formattedSdcLocationReq.getBytes());
-            }
-            sdcCatalogServices.uploadToSdc(prop, userid, sdcReqUrlsList, formattedSdcReq, formattedSdcLocationReq,
-                    artifactName, locationArtifactName);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/policy/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/policy/
index b7e338c..c705115 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/policy/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/policy/
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
      * Method to return correct policy name with prefix
-     * 
+     *
      * @param prop
      *        The ModelProperties
      * @param policyPrefix
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
         } catch (IOException e) {
-			logger.error("Exception caught when attempting to write Tosca files to disk", e);
+            logger.error("Exception caught when attempting to write Tosca files to disk", e);
             throw new PolicyClientException("Exception caught when attempting to write Tosca files to disk", e);
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@
      *        The ImportParameters
      * @return The response message from policy
-    protected String importModel(ImportParameters importParameters) {
+    private String importModel(ImportParameters importParameters) {
         PolicyChangeResponse response = null;
         String responseMessage = "";
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/sdc/ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/sdc/
index 4422c92..cd7d4f2 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/sdc/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/clamp/clds/client/req/sdc/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  * ============LICENSE_END============================================

  * Modifications copyright (c) 2018 Nokia

  * ===================================================================

- * 

+ *



 package org.onap.clamp.clds.client.req.sdc;

@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode;







@@ -50,10 +49,7 @@
 import java.util.Iterator;

 import java.util.List;




 import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;

-import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;

 import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;

 import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;


@@ -66,9 +62,6 @@
 import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.CldsVfData;

 import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.CldsVfKPIData;

 import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.CldsVfcData;



-import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.sdc.SdcArtifact;

 import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.sdc.SdcResource;

 import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.sdc.SdcResourceBasicInfo;

 import org.onap.clamp.clds.model.sdc.SdcServiceDetail;

@@ -87,17 +80,17 @@

     private static final EELFLogger logger = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(SdcCatalogServices.class);

     private static final EELFLogger metricsLogger = EELFManager.getInstance().getMetricsLogger();

-    private static final String RESOURCE_VF_TYPE = "VF";

-    private static final String RESOURCE_VFC_TYPE = "VFC";

-    private static final String RESOURCE_CVFC_TYPE = "CVFC";

-    private static final String SDC_REQUESTID_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.header.requestId";

-    private static final String SDC_METADATA_URL_PREFIX = "/metadata";

-    private static final String SDC_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.InstanceID";

-    private static final String SDC_CATALOG_URL_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.catalog.url";

-    private static final String SDC_SERVICE_URL_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.serviceUrl";

-    private static final String SDC_INSTANCE_ID_CLAMP = "CLAMP-Tool";

-    private static final String RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX = "resources";

-    private static final LoggingUtils utils = new LoggingUtils (logger);

+    public static final String RESOURCE_VF_TYPE = "VF";

+    public static final String RESOURCE_VFC_TYPE = "VFC";

+    public static final String RESOURCE_CVFC_TYPE = "CVFC";

+    public static final String SDC_REQUESTID_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.header.requestId";

+    public static final String SDC_METADATA_URL_PREFIX = "/metadata";

+    public static final String SDC_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.InstanceID";

+    public static final String SDC_CATALOG_URL_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.catalog.url";

+    public static final String SDC_SERVICE_URL_PROPERTY_NAME = "sdc.serviceUrl";

+    public static final String SDC_INSTANCE_ID_CLAMP = "CLAMP-Tool";

+    public static final String RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX = "resources";

+    private static final LoggingUtils utils = new LoggingUtils(logger);


     private ClampProperties refProp;


@@ -107,11 +100,11 @@

      * @return The String with Basic Auth and password

      * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     *             In case of issue when decryting the SDC password

+     *         In case of issue when decryting the SDC password

      * @throws DecoderException

-     *             In case of issues with the decoding of the HexString message

+     *         In case of issues with the decoding of the HexString message


-    private String getSdcBasicAuth() throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

+    public String getSdcBasicAuth() throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

         String sdcId = refProp.getStringValue("sdc.serviceUsername");

         String sdcPw = refProp.getStringValue("sdc.servicePassword");

         String password = CryptoUtils.decrypt(sdcPw);

@@ -120,16 +113,16 @@



-     * This method get the SDC services Information with the corresponding

-     * Service UUID.

-     * 

+     * This method get the SDC services Information with the corresponding Service

+     * UUID.

+     *

      * @param uuid

-     *            The service UUID

+     *        The service UUID

      * @return A Json String with all the service list

      * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     *             In case of issue when decryting the SDC password

+     *         In case of issue when decryting the SDC password

      * @throws DecoderException

-     *             In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String

+     *         In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String


     public String getSdcServicesInformation(String uuid) throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

         Date startTime = new Date();

@@ -142,7 +135,7 @@

             URL urlObj = new URL(url);

             HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection();

-            conn = utils.invoke(conn,"SDC", "getSdcServicesInformation");

+            conn = utils.invoke(conn, "SDC", "getSdcServicesInformation");

             conn.setRequestProperty(refProp.getStringValue(SDC_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME), SDC_INSTANCE_ID_CLAMP);

             conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, basicAuth);

             conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json;charset=UTF-8");

@@ -166,9 +159,9 @@


      * To remove duplicate serviceUUIDs from sdc services List.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param rawCldsSdcServiceList

-     *            A list of CldsSdcServiceInfo

+     *        A list of CldsSdcServiceInfo

      * @return A list of CldsSdcServiceInfo without duplicate service UUID


     public List<SdcServiceInfo> removeDuplicateServices(List<SdcServiceInfo> rawCldsSdcServiceList) {

@@ -195,7 +188,7 @@


      * To remove duplicate serviceUUIDs from sdc resources List.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param rawCldsSdcResourceList

      * @return List of CldsSdcResource


@@ -223,12 +216,12 @@


      * To remove duplicate basic resources with same resourceUUIDs.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList

      * @return List of CldsSdcResourceBasicInfo


     public List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> removeDuplicateSdcResourceBasicInfo(

-            List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList) {

+        List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList) {

         List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> cldsSdcResourceBasicInfoList = new ArrayList<>();

         if (rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList != null && !rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList.isEmpty()) {

             // sort list

@@ -245,24 +238,24 @@

             // add the last in the list


-                    .add(rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList.get(rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList.size() - 1));

+                .add(rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList.get(rawCldsSdcResourceListBasicList.size() - 1));


         return cldsSdcResourceBasicInfoList;




      * To get ServiceUUID by using serviceInvariantUUID.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param invariantId

-     *            The invariant ID

+     *        The invariant ID

      * @return The service UUID

      * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     *             In case of issue when decryting the SDC password

+     *         In case of issue when decryting the SDC password

      * @throws DecoderException

-     *             In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String

+     *         In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String


     public String getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(String invariantId)

-            throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

+        throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

         String serviceUuid = "";

         String responseStr = getSdcServicesInformation(null);

         List<SdcServiceInfo> rawCldsSdcServicesList = getCldsSdcServicesListFromJson(responseStr);

@@ -270,7 +263,7 @@
         if (cldsSdcServicesList != null && !cldsSdcServicesList.isEmpty()) {

             for (SdcServiceInfo currCldsSdcServiceInfo : cldsSdcServicesList) {

                 if (currCldsSdcServiceInfo != null && currCldsSdcServiceInfo.getInvariantUUID() != null

-                        && currCldsSdcServiceInfo.getInvariantUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(invariantId)) {

+                    && currCldsSdcServiceInfo.getInvariantUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(invariantId)) {

                     serviceUuid = currCldsSdcServiceInfo.getUuid();



@@ -281,11 +274,11 @@


      * To get CldsAsdsServiceInfo class by parsing json string.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param jsonStr

-     *            The Json string that must be decoded

-     * @return The list of CldsSdcServiceInfo, if there is a failure it return

-     *         an empty list

+     *        The Json string that must be decoded

+     * @return The list of CldsSdcServiceInfo, if there is a failure it return an

+     *         empty list


     private List<SdcServiceInfo> getCldsSdcServicesListFromJson(String jsonStr) {

         if (StringUtils.isBlank(jsonStr)) {

@@ -293,7 +286,7 @@

         try {

             return JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance().readValue(jsonStr, JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance()

-                    .getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, SdcServiceInfo.class));

+                .getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, SdcServiceInfo.class));

         } catch (IOException e) {

             logger.error("Error when attempting to decode the JSON containing CldsSdcServiceInfo", e);

             return new ArrayList<>();

@@ -304,9 +297,8 @@
      * To get List of CldsSdcResourceBasicInfo class by parsing json string.


      * @param jsonStr

-     *            The JSOn string that must be decoded

-     * @return The list of CldsSdcResourceBasicInfo, an empty list in case of

-     *         issues

+     *        The JSOn string that must be decoded

+     * @return The list of CldsSdcResourceBasicInfo, an empty list in case of issues


     private List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> getAllSdcResourcesListFromJson(String jsonStr) {

         if (StringUtils.isBlank(jsonStr)) {

@@ -314,7 +306,7 @@

         try {

             return JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance().readValue(jsonStr, JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance()

-                    .getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, SdcResourceBasicInfo.class));

+                .getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, SdcResourceBasicInfo.class));

         } catch (IOException e) {

             logger.error("Exception occurred when attempting to decode the list of CldsSdcResourceBasicInfo JSON", e);

             return new ArrayList<>();

@@ -323,7 +315,7 @@


      * To get CldsSdcServiceDetail by parsing json string.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param jsonStr

      * @return


@@ -336,75 +328,7 @@



-    // upload artifact to sdc based on serviceUUID and resource name on url

-    private String uploadArtifactToSdc(ModelProperties prop, String userid, String url, String formattedSdcReq) {

-        // Verify whether it is triggered by Validation Test button from UI

-        if (prop.isTestOnly()) {

-            return "sdc artifact upload not executed for test action";

-        }

-        try {

-  "userid=" + userid);

-            byte[] postData = formattedSdcReq.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

-            int postDataLength = postData.length;

-            HttpURLConnection conn = getSdcHttpUrlConnection(userid, postDataLength, url, formattedSdcReq);

-            conn = utils.invoke(conn,"SDC", "uploadArtifact");

-            try (DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream())) {

-                wr.write(postData);

-            }

-            boolean requestFailed = true;

-            int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();

-  "responseCode=" + responseCode);

-            if (responseCode == 200) {

-                requestFailed = false;

-            }

-            String responseStr = getResponse(conn);

-            if (responseStr != null && requestFailed) {

-                logger.error("requestFailed - responseStr=" + responseStr);

-                utils.invokeReturn();

-                throw new BadRequestException(responseStr);

-            }

-            utils.invokeReturn();

-            return responseStr;

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception when attempting to communicate with SDC", e);

-            utils.invokeReturn();

-            throw new SdcCommunicationException("Exception when attempting to communicate with SDC", e);

-        }

-    }


-    private HttpURLConnection getSdcHttpUrlConnection(String userid, int postDataLength, String url, String content) {

-        try {

-  "userid=" + userid);

-            String basicAuth = getSdcBasicAuth();

-            String sdcXonapInstanceId = refProp.getStringValue("sdc.sdcX-InstanceID");

-            URL urlObj = new URL(url);

-            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection();

-            conn.setDoOutput(true);

-            conn.setRequestProperty(refProp.getStringValue(SDC_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME), sdcXonapInstanceId);

-            conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, basicAuth);

-            conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");

-            conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_MD5,

-                    Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(DigestUtils.md5Hex(content).getBytes("UTF-8")));

-            conn.setRequestProperty("USER_ID", userid);

-            conn.setRequestMethod("POST");

-            conn.setRequestProperty("charset", "utf-8");

-            conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(postDataLength));

-            conn.setUseCaches(false);

-            conn.setRequestProperty(refProp.getStringValue(SDC_REQUESTID_PROPERTY_NAME), LoggingUtils.getRequestId());

-            return conn;

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception when attempting to open connection with SDC", e);

-            throw new SdcCommunicationException("Exception when attempting to open connection with SDC", e);

-        } catch (DecoderException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception when attempting to decode the Hex string", e);

-            throw new SdcCommunicationException("Exception when attempting to decode the Hex string", e);

-        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception when attempting to decrypt the encrypted password", e);

-            throw new SdcCommunicationException("Exception when attempting to decrypt the encrypted password", e);

-        }

-    }


-    private String getResponse(HttpURLConnection conn) {

+    public String getResponse(HttpURLConnection conn) {

         try (InputStream is = getInputStream(conn)) {

             try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is))) {

                 return IOUtils.toString(in);

@@ -430,46 +354,45 @@


      * Check if the SDC Info in cache has expired.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param cldsServiceData

-     *            The object representing the service data

+     *        The object representing the service data

      * @return boolean flag

      * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     *             In case of issues with the decryting the encrypted password

+     *         In case of issues with the decryting the encrypted password

      * @throws DecoderException

-     *             In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String

+     *         In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String


     public boolean isCldsSdcCacheDataExpired(CldsServiceData cldsServiceData)

-            throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

+        throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

         if (cldsServiceData != null && cldsServiceData.getServiceUUID() != null) {

             String cachedServiceUuid = cldsServiceData.getServiceUUID();

             String latestServiceUuid = getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(cldsServiceData.getServiceInvariantUUID());

             String configuredMaxAge = refProp.getStringValue("clds.service.cache.invalidate.after.seconds");

             if (configuredMaxAge == null) {


-                        "clds.service.cache.invalidate.after.seconds NOT set in file, taking 60s as default");

+                    "clds.service.cache.invalidate.after.seconds NOT set in file, taking 60s as default");

                 configuredMaxAge = "60";


             return (!cachedServiceUuid.equalsIgnoreCase(latestServiceUuid)) || (cldsServiceData.getAgeOfRecord() != null

-                    && cldsServiceData.getAgeOfRecord() > Long.parseLong(configuredMaxAge));

+                && cldsServiceData.getAgeOfRecord() > Long.parseLong(configuredMaxAge));

         } else {

             return true;





-     * Get the Service Data with Alarm Conditions for a given

-     * invariantServiceUuid.

-     * 

+     * Get the Service Data with Alarm Conditions for a given invariantServiceUuid.

+     *

      * @param invariantServiceUuid

      * @return The CldsServiceData

      * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     *             In case of issues with the decryting the encrypted password

+     *         In case of issues with the decryting the encrypted password

      * @throws DecoderException

-     *             In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String

+     *         In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String


     public CldsServiceData getCldsServiceDataWithAlarmConditions(String invariantServiceUuid)

-            throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

+        throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

         String url = refProp.getStringValue(SDC_SERVICE_URL_PROPERTY_NAME);

         String catalogUrl = refProp.getStringValue(SDC_CATALOG_URL_PROPERTY_NAME);

         String serviceUuid = getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(invariantServiceUuid);

@@ -480,7 +403,7 @@
             SdcServiceDetail cldsSdcServiceDetail;

             try {

                 cldsSdcServiceDetail = JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance().readValue(responseStr,

-                        SdcServiceDetail.class);

+                    SdcServiceDetail.class);

             } catch (IOException e) {

                 logger.error("Exception when decoding the CldsServiceData JSON from SDC", e);

                 throw new SdcCommunicationException("Exception when decoding the CldsServiceData JSON from SDC", e);

@@ -491,12 +414,12 @@


                 List<SdcResource> cldsSdcResourceList = removeDuplicateSdcResourceInstances(

-                        cldsSdcServiceDetail.getResources());

+                    cldsSdcServiceDetail.getResources());

                 if (cldsSdcResourceList != null && !cldsSdcResourceList.isEmpty()) {

                     List<CldsVfData> cldsVfDataList = new ArrayList<>();

                     for (SdcResource currCldsSdcResource : cldsSdcResourceList) {

                         if (currCldsSdcResource != null && currCldsSdcResource.getResoucreType() != null

-                                && "VF".equalsIgnoreCase(currCldsSdcResource.getResoucreType())) {

+                            && "VF".equalsIgnoreCase(currCldsSdcResource.getResoucreType())) {

                             CldsVfData currCldsVfData = new CldsVfData();



@@ -514,20 +437,20 @@


     private void getAllVfcForVfList(List<CldsVfData> cldsVfDataList, String catalogUrl)

-            throws GeneralSecurityException {

+        throws GeneralSecurityException {

         // todo : refact this..

         if (cldsVfDataList != null && !cldsVfDataList.isEmpty()) {

             List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> allVfResources = getAllSdcVForVfcResourcesBasedOnResourceType(RESOURCE_VF_TYPE);

             List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> allVfcResources = getAllSdcVForVfcResourcesBasedOnResourceType(

-                    RESOURCE_VFC_TYPE);

+                RESOURCE_VFC_TYPE);


             for (CldsVfData currCldsVfData : cldsVfDataList) {

                 if (currCldsVfData != null && currCldsVfData.getVfInvariantResourceUUID() != null) {

                     String resourceUuid = getResourceUuidFromResourceInvariantUuid(

-                            currCldsVfData.getVfInvariantResourceUUID(), allVfResources);

+                        currCldsVfData.getVfInvariantResourceUUID(), allVfResources);

                     if (resourceUuid != null) {

                         String vfResourceUuidUrl = catalogUrl + RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX + "/" + resourceUuid

-                                + SDC_METADATA_URL_PREFIX;

+                            + SDC_METADATA_URL_PREFIX;

                         String vfResponse = getCldsServicesOrResourcesBasedOnURL(vfResourceUuidUrl);

                         if (vfResponse != null) {

                             // Below 2 line are to get the KPI(field path) data

@@ -542,22 +465,22 @@
                                     // alarm conditions from artifact

                                     for (CldsVfcData currCldsVfcData : vfcDataListFromVfResponse) {

                                         if (currCldsVfcData != null

-                                                && currCldsVfcData.getVfcInvariantResourceUUID() != null) {

+                                            && currCldsVfcData.getVfcInvariantResourceUUID() != null) {

                                             String resourceVfcUuid = getResourceUuidFromResourceInvariantUuid(

-                                                    currCldsVfcData.getVfcInvariantResourceUUID(), allVfcResources);

+                                                currCldsVfcData.getVfcInvariantResourceUUID(), allVfcResources);

                                             if (resourceVfcUuid != null) {

                                                 String vfcResourceUuidUrl = catalogUrl + RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX + "/"

-                                                        + resourceVfcUuid + SDC_METADATA_URL_PREFIX;

+                                                    + resourceVfcUuid + SDC_METADATA_URL_PREFIX;

                                                 String vfcResponse = getCldsServicesOrResourcesBasedOnURL(

-                                                        vfcResourceUuidUrl);

+                                                    vfcResourceUuidUrl);

                                                 if (vfcResponse != null) {

                                                     List<CldsAlarmCondition> alarmCondtionsFromVfc = getAlarmCondtionsFromVfc(

-                                                            vfcResponse);

+                                                        vfcResponse);



                                             } else {

                                       "No resourceVFC UUID found for given invariantID:"

-                                                        + currCldsVfcData.getVfcInvariantResourceUUID());

+                                                    + currCldsVfcData.getVfcInvariantResourceUUID());




@@ -566,7 +489,7 @@

                     } else {

               "No resourceUUID found for given invariantREsourceUUID:"

-                                + currCldsVfData.getVfInvariantResourceUUID());

+                            + currCldsVfData.getVfInvariantResourceUUID());




@@ -720,7 +643,7 @@
             return null;


         if (StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(1)) || StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(3))

-                || StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(5))) {

+            || StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(5))) {

             logger.debug("Invalid csv field path Record,one of column is having blank value : " + record);

             return null;


@@ -764,7 +687,7 @@


         if (StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(1)) || StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(3))

-                || StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(4))) {

+            || StringUtils.isBlank(record.get(4))) {

             logger.debug("invalid csv alarm Record,one of column is having blank value : " + record);



@@ -788,11 +711,11 @@



-     * Service to services/resources/artifacts from sdc.Pass alarmConditions as

-     * true to get alarm conditons from artifact url and else it is false

-     * 

+     * Service to services/resources/artifacts from sdc.Pass alarmConditions as true

+     * to get alarm conditons from artifact url and else it is false

+     *

      * @param url

-     *            The URL to trigger

+     *        The URL to trigger

      * @return The String containing the payload


     public String getCldsServicesOrResourcesBasedOnURL(String url) {

@@ -802,7 +725,7 @@
             String urlReworked = removeUnwantedBracesFromString(url);

             URL urlObj = new URL(urlReworked);

             HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection();

-            conn = utils.invoke(conn,"SDC", "getSdcResources");

+            conn = utils.invoke(conn, "SDC", "getSdcResources");

             String basicAuth = getSdcBasicAuth();

             conn.setRequestProperty(refProp.getStringValue(SDC_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME), SDC_INSTANCE_ID_CLAMP);

             conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, basicAuth);

@@ -841,7 +764,7 @@
      * @param cldsServiceData

      * @return

      * @throws IOException

-     *             In case of issues during the parsing of the Global Properties

+     *         In case of issues during the parsing of the Global Properties


     public String createPropertiesObjectByUUID(CldsServiceData cldsServiceData) throws IOException {

         String totalPropsStr;

@@ -878,12 +801,12 @@
             byIdObjectNode.putPOJO("byVfc", vfcResourceUuidObjectNode);

             // To create byAlarmCondition with alarmConditionKey

             List<CldsAlarmCondition> allAlarmConditions = getAllAlarmConditionsFromCldsServiceData(cldsServiceData,

-                    "alarmCondition");

+                "alarmCondition");

             ObjectNode alarmCondObjectNodeByAlarmKey = createAlarmCondObjectNodeByAlarmKey(allAlarmConditions);

             byIdObjectNode.putPOJO("byAlarmCondition", alarmCondObjectNodeByAlarmKey);

             // To create byAlertDescription with AlertDescription

             List<CldsAlarmCondition> allAlertDescriptions = getAllAlarmConditionsFromCldsServiceData(cldsServiceData,

-                    "alertDescription");

+                "alertDescription");

             ObjectNode alertDescObjectNodeByAlert = createAlarmCondObjectNodeByAlarmKey(allAlertDescriptions);

             byIdObjectNode.putPOJO("byAlertDescription", alertDescObjectNodeByAlert);

             globalPropsJson.putPOJO("shared", byIdObjectNode);

@@ -895,19 +818,18 @@


      * Method to get alarm conditions/alert description from Service Data.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param cldsServiceData

-     *            CldsServiceData the Service Data to analyze

+     *        CldsServiceData the Service Data to analyze

      * @param eventName

-     *            The String event name that will be used to filter the alarm

-     *            list

+     *        The String event name that will be used to filter the alarm list

      * @return The list of CldsAlarmCondition for the event name specified


     public List<CldsAlarmCondition> getAllAlarmConditionsFromCldsServiceData(CldsServiceData cldsServiceData,

-            String eventName) {

+        String eventName) {

         List<CldsAlarmCondition> alarmCondList = new ArrayList<>();

         if (cldsServiceData != null && cldsServiceData.getCldsVfs() != null

-                && !cldsServiceData.getCldsVfs().isEmpty()) {

+            && !cldsServiceData.getCldsVfs().isEmpty()) {

             for (CldsVfData currCldsVfData : cldsServiceData.getCldsVfs()) {

                 alarmCondList.addAll(getAllAlarmConditionsFromCldsVfData(currCldsVfData, eventName));


@@ -917,12 +839,11 @@


      * Method to get alarm conditions/alert description from VF Data.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param currCldsVfData

-     *            The Vf Data to analyze

+     *        The Vf Data to analyze

      * @param eventName

-     *            The String event name that will be used to filter the alarm

-     *            list

+     *        The String event name that will be used to filter the alarm list

      * @return The list of CldsAlarmCondition for the event name specified


     private List<CldsAlarmCondition> getAllAlarmConditionsFromCldsVfData(CldsVfData currCldsVfData, String eventName) {

@@ -937,22 +858,21 @@


      * Method to get alarm conditions/alert description from VFC Data.

-     * 

+     *

      * @param currCldsVfcData

-     *            The VfC Data to analyze

+     *        The VfC Data to analyze

      * @param eventName

-     *            The String event name that will be used to filter the alarm

-     *            list

+     *        The String event name that will be used to filter the alarm list

      * @return The list of CldsAlarmCondition for the event name specified


     private List<CldsAlarmCondition> getAllAlarmConditionsFromCldsVfcData(CldsVfcData currCldsVfcData,

-            String eventName) {

+        String eventName) {

         List<CldsAlarmCondition> alarmCondList = new ArrayList<>();

         if (currCldsVfcData != null && currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions() != null

-                && !currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions().isEmpty()) {

+            && !currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions().isEmpty()) {

             for (CldsAlarmCondition currCldsAlarmCondition : currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions()) {

                 if (currCldsAlarmCondition != null

-                        && currCldsAlarmCondition.getEventName().equalsIgnoreCase(eventName)) {

+                    && currCldsAlarmCondition.getEventName().equalsIgnoreCase(eventName)) {




@@ -1002,7 +922,7 @@


     private void createKpiObjectNodeByVfUuid(ObjectNode vfResourceUuidObjectNode,

-            List<CldsVfKPIData> cldsVfKpiDataList) {

+        List<CldsVfKPIData> cldsVfKpiDataList) {

         ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance();

         if (cldsVfKpiDataList != null && !cldsVfKpiDataList.isEmpty()) {

             for (CldsVfKPIData currCldsVfKpiData : cldsVfKpiDataList) {

@@ -1011,7 +931,7 @@
                     ObjectNode fieldPathObjectNode = mapper.createObjectNode();

                     ObjectNode nfNamingCodeNode = mapper.createObjectNode();


-                            currCldsVfKpiData.getFieldPathValue());

+                        currCldsVfKpiData.getFieldPathValue());

                     nfNamingCodeNode.put(currCldsVfKpiData.getNfNamingValue(), currCldsVfKpiData.getNfNamingValue());

                     thresholdNameObjectNode.putPOJO("fieldPath", fieldPathObjectNode);

                     thresholdNameObjectNode.putPOJO("nfNamingCode", nfNamingCodeNode);

@@ -1022,7 +942,7 @@


     private void createAlarmCondObjectNodeByVfcUuid(ObjectNode vfcResourceUuidObjectNode,

-            List<CldsVfcData> cldsVfcDataList) {

+        List<CldsVfcData> cldsVfcDataList) {

         ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonUtils.getObjectMapperInstance();

         ObjectNode vfcObjectNode = mapper.createObjectNode();

         ObjectNode alarmCondNode = mapper.createObjectNode();

@@ -1031,14 +951,14 @@
             for (CldsVfcData currCldsVfcData : cldsVfcDataList) {

                 if (currCldsVfcData != null) {

                     if (currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions() != null

-                            && !currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions().isEmpty()) {

+                        && !currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions().isEmpty()) {

                         for (CldsAlarmCondition currCldsAlarmCondition : currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions()) {

                             if ("alarmCondition".equalsIgnoreCase(currCldsAlarmCondition.getEventName())) {


-                                        currCldsAlarmCondition.getAlarmConditionKey());

+                                    currCldsAlarmCondition.getAlarmConditionKey());

                             } else {


-                                        currCldsAlarmCondition.getAlarmConditionKey());

+                                    currCldsAlarmCondition.getAlarmConditionKey());




@@ -1058,7 +978,7 @@


      * Method to create vfc and kpi nodes inside vf node

-     * 

+     *

      * @param mapper

      * @param cldsVfDataList

      * @return

@@ -1075,9 +995,9 @@
                     if (currCldsVfData.getCldsVfcs() != null && !currCldsVfData.getCldsVfcs().isEmpty()) {

                         for (CldsVfcData currCldsVfcData : currCldsVfData.getCldsVfcs()) {

                             if (currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions() != null

-                                    && !currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions().isEmpty()) {

+                                && !currCldsVfcData.getCldsAlarmConditions().isEmpty()) {


-                                        currCldsVfcData.getVfcName());

+                                    currCldsVfcData.getVfcName());



                     } else {

@@ -1086,7 +1006,7 @@
                     if (currCldsVfData.getCldsKPIList() != null && !currCldsVfData.getCldsKPIList().isEmpty()) {

                         for (CldsVfKPIData currCldsVfKPIData : currCldsVfData.getCldsKPIList()) {


-                                    currCldsVfKPIData.getThresholdValue());

+                                currCldsVfKPIData.getThresholdValue());


                     } else {

                         kpiObjectNode.put("", "");

@@ -1106,41 +1026,6 @@
         return vfUuidObjectNode;



-    /**

-     * This method searches the equivalent artifact UUID for a specific

-     * artifactName in a SdcServiceDetail.

-     * 

-     * @param cldsSdcServiceDetail

-     *            The SdcServiceDetail that will be analyzed

-     * @param artifactName

-     *            The artifact name that will be searched

-     * @return The artifact UUID found

-     */

-    public String getArtifactIdIfArtifactAlreadyExists(SdcServiceDetail cldsSdcServiceDetail, String artifactName) {

-        String artifactUuid = null;

-        boolean artifactExists = false;

-        if (cldsSdcServiceDetail != null && cldsSdcServiceDetail.getResources() != null

-                && !cldsSdcServiceDetail.getResources().isEmpty()) {

-            for (SdcResource currCldsSdcResource : cldsSdcServiceDetail.getResources()) {

-                if (artifactExists) {

-                    break;

-                }

-                if (currCldsSdcResource != null && currCldsSdcResource.getArtifacts() != null

-                        && !currCldsSdcResource.getArtifacts().isEmpty()) {

-                    for (SdcArtifact currCldsSdcArtifact : currCldsSdcResource.getArtifacts()) {

-                        if (currCldsSdcArtifact != null && currCldsSdcArtifact.getArtifactName() != null

-                                && currCldsSdcArtifact.getArtifactName().equalsIgnoreCase(artifactName)) {

-                            artifactUuid = currCldsSdcArtifact.getArtifactUUID();

-                            artifactExists = true;

-                            break;

-                        }

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        return artifactUuid;

-    }


     // To get all sdc VF/VFC Resources basic info.

     private List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> getAllSdcVForVfcResourcesBasedOnResourceType(String resourceType) {

         String catalogUrl = refProp.getStringValue(SDC_CATALOG_URL_PROPERTY_NAME);

@@ -1150,12 +1035,12 @@


     private String getResourceUuidFromResourceInvariantUuid(String resourceInvariantUuid,

-            List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> resourceInfoList) {

+        List<SdcResourceBasicInfo> resourceInfoList) {

         String resourceUuid = null;

         if (resourceInfoList != null && !resourceInfoList.isEmpty()) {

             for (SdcResourceBasicInfo currResource : resourceInfoList) {

                 if (currResource != null && currResource.getInvariantUUID() != null && currResource.getUuid() != null

-                        && currResource.getInvariantUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(resourceInvariantUuid)) {

+                    && currResource.getInvariantUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(resourceInvariantUuid)) {

                     resourceUuid = currResource.getUuid();



@@ -1163,150 +1048,4 @@

         return resourceUuid;



-    // Method to get service invariant uuid from model properties.

-    private String getServiceInvariantUuidFromProps(ModelProperties props) {

-        String invariantUuid = "";

-        Global globalProps = props.getGlobal();

-        if (globalProps != null && globalProps.getService() != null) {

-            invariantUuid = globalProps.getService();

-        }

-        return invariantUuid;

-    }


-    /**

-     * This method upload the BluePrint to SDC.

-     * 

-     * @param prop

-     *            The Clds model Properties

-     * @param userid

-     *            The user id for SDC

-     * @param sdcReqUrlsList

-     *            The list of SDC URL to try

-     * @param formattedSdcReq

-     *            The blueprint to upload

-     * @param formattedSdcLocationReq

-     *            THe location Blueprint to upload

-     * @param artifactName

-     *            The artifact name from where we can get the Artifact UUID

-     * @param locationArtifactName

-     *            The location artifact name from where we can get the Artifact

-     *            UUID

-     * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     *             In case of issues with the decryting the encrypted password

-     * @throws DecoderException

-     *             In case of issues with the decoding of the Hex String

-     */

-    public void uploadToSdc(ModelProperties prop, String userid, List<String> sdcReqUrlsList, String formattedSdcReq,

-            String formattedSdcLocationReq, String artifactName, String locationArtifactName)

-            throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

-"userid=" + userid);

-        String serviceInvariantUuid = getServiceInvariantUuidFromProps(prop);

-        if (sdcReqUrlsList != null && !sdcReqUrlsList.isEmpty()) {

-            for (String url : sdcReqUrlsList) {

-                if (url != null) {

-                    String originalServiceUuid = getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(serviceInvariantUuid);

-          "ServiceUUID used before upload in url:" + originalServiceUuid);

-                    String sdcServicesInformation = getSdcServicesInformation(originalServiceUuid);

-                    SdcServiceDetail cldsSdcServiceDetail = decodeCldsSdcServiceDetailFromJson(sdcServicesInformation);

-                    String uploadedArtifactUuid = getArtifactIdIfArtifactAlreadyExists(cldsSdcServiceDetail,

-                            artifactName);

-                    // Upload artifacts to sdc

-                    String updateUrl = uploadedArtifactUuid != null ? url + "/" + uploadedArtifactUuid : url;

-                    String responseStr = uploadArtifactToSdc(prop, userid, updateUrl, formattedSdcReq);

-          "value of sdc Response of uploading to sdc :" + responseStr);

-                    String updatedServiceUuid = getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(serviceInvariantUuid);

-                    if (!originalServiceUuid.equalsIgnoreCase(updatedServiceUuid)) {

-                        url = url.replace(originalServiceUuid, updatedServiceUuid);

-                    }

-          "ServiceUUID used after upload in ulr:" + updatedServiceUuid);

-                    sdcServicesInformation = getSdcServicesInformation(updatedServiceUuid);

-                    cldsSdcServiceDetail = decodeCldsSdcServiceDetailFromJson(sdcServicesInformation);

-                    uploadedArtifactUuid = getArtifactIdIfArtifactAlreadyExists(cldsSdcServiceDetail,

-                            locationArtifactName);

-                    // To send location information also to sdc

-                    updateUrl = uploadedArtifactUuid != null ? url + "/" + uploadedArtifactUuid : url;

-                    responseStr = uploadArtifactToSdc(prop, userid, updateUrl, formattedSdcLocationReq);

-          "value of sdc Response of uploading location to sdc :" + responseStr);

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Method to delete blueprint and location json artifacts from sdc

-     * 

-     * @param prop

-     * @param userid

-     * @param sdcReqUrlsList

-     * @param artifactName

-     * @param locationArtifactName

-     * @throws GeneralSecurityException

-     * @throws DecoderException

-     */

-    public void deleteArtifactsFromSdc(ModelProperties prop, String userid, List<String> sdcReqUrlsList,

-            String artifactName, String locationArtifactName) throws GeneralSecurityException, DecoderException {

-        String serviceInvariantUuid = getServiceInvariantUuidFromProps(prop);

-        for (String url : sdcReqUrlsList) {

-            String originalServiceUuid = getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(serviceInvariantUuid);

-  "ServiceUUID used before deleting in url:" + originalServiceUuid);

-            String sdcServicesInformation = getSdcServicesInformation(originalServiceUuid);

-            SdcServiceDetail cldsSdcServiceDetail = decodeCldsSdcServiceDetailFromJson(sdcServicesInformation);

-            String uploadedArtifactUuid = getArtifactIdIfArtifactAlreadyExists(cldsSdcServiceDetail, artifactName);

-            String responseStr = deleteArtifact(userid, url, uploadedArtifactUuid);

-  "value of sdc Response of deleting blueprint from sdc :" + responseStr);

-            String updatedServiceUuid = getServiceUuidFromServiceInvariantId(serviceInvariantUuid);

-            if (!originalServiceUuid.equalsIgnoreCase(updatedServiceUuid)) {

-                url = url.replace(originalServiceUuid, updatedServiceUuid);

-            }

-  "ServiceUUID used after delete in ulr:" + updatedServiceUuid);

-            sdcServicesInformation = getSdcServicesInformation(updatedServiceUuid);

-            cldsSdcServiceDetail = decodeCldsSdcServiceDetailFromJson(sdcServicesInformation);

-            uploadedArtifactUuid = getArtifactIdIfArtifactAlreadyExists(cldsSdcServiceDetail, locationArtifactName);

-            responseStr = deleteArtifact(userid, url, uploadedArtifactUuid);

-  "value of sdc Response of deleting location json from sdc :" + responseStr);

-        }

-    }


-    private String deleteArtifact(String userid, String url, String uploadedArtifactUuid) {

-        try {

-            String responseStr = "";

-            if (uploadedArtifactUuid != null && !uploadedArtifactUuid.isEmpty()) {

-      "userid=" + userid);

-                String basicAuth = getSdcBasicAuth();

-                String sdcXonapInstanceId = refProp.getStringValue("sdc.sdcX-InstanceID");

-                url = url + "/" + uploadedArtifactUuid;

-                URL urlObj = new URL(url);

-                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection();

-                conn = utils.invoke(conn,"SDC", "deleteArtifact");

-                conn.setDoOutput(true);

-                conn.setRequestProperty(refProp.getStringValue(SDC_INSTANCE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME), sdcXonapInstanceId);

-                conn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, basicAuth);

-                conn.setRequestProperty("USER_ID", userid);

-                conn.setRequestMethod("DELETE");

-                conn.setRequestProperty("charset", "utf-8");

-                conn.setUseCaches(false);

-                conn.setRequestProperty(refProp.getStringValue(SDC_REQUESTID_PROPERTY_NAME),

-                        LoggingUtils.getRequestId());

-                boolean requestFailed = true;

-                int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();

-      "responseCode=" + responseCode);

-                if (responseCode == 200) {

-                    requestFailed = false;

-                }

-                responseStr = getResponse(conn);

-                if (responseStr != null && requestFailed) {

-                    logger.error("requestFailed - responseStr=" + responseStr);

-                    utils.invokeReturn();

-                    throw new BadRequestException(responseStr);

-                }

-            }

-            utils.invokeReturn();

-            return responseStr;

-        } catch (IOException | DecoderException | GeneralSecurityException e) {

-            logger.error("Exception when attempting to communicate with SDC", e);

-            utils.invokeReturn();

-            throw new SdcCommunicationException("Exception when attempting to communicate with SDC", e);

-        }

-    }
