Allow separate registration of DMIDataPlugin and DmiModelPugin

Moved relevant code from NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImp to DmiOperations
Split DmiOperations into DMiData... and DMIModelOperations
Merged update-operation changes
Added tests for error message validation in NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplSpec
Removede @Service from DMIOperations and added @component to
DmiDataOperations & DmiModelOperations
Verify sync robot test is now hardened
Added exitonfailure so robot tests stop after first encountered failed

Issue-ID: CPS-736
Change-Id: I0b40931cc8cd4fc0452328a0a7e0f60e6fc38d0a
Signed-off-by: JosephKeenan <>
Signed-off-by: ToineSiebelink <>
Signed-off-by: DylanB95EST <>
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a85a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
+ *  ================================================================================
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl
+import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAdminService
+import org.onap.cps.api.CpsModuleService
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiModelOperations
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.PersistenceCmHandle
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.utils.TestUtils
+import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleReference
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
+import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
+import spock.lang.Specification
+class NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec extends Specification {
+    def mockCpsModuleService = Mock(CpsModuleService)
+    def mockCpsAdminService = Mock(CpsAdminService)
+    def mockDmiModelOperations = Mock(DmiModelOperations)
+    def objectUnderTest = new NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl(null, mockDmiModelOperations,
+        mockCpsModuleService, null, null, mockCpsAdminService, null)
+    def expectedDataspaceName = 'NFP-Operational'
+    def 'Sync model for a (new) cm handle with #scenario'() {
+        given: 'persistence cm handle is given'
+            def cmHandleForModelSync = new PersistenceCmHandle(id:'some cm handle', dmiServiceName: 'some service name')
+        and: 'additional properties are set as required'
+            if (additionalProperties!=null) {
+                cmHandleForModelSync.asAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties)
+            }
+        and: 'dmi operations returns some module references'
+            def jsonData = TestUtils.getResourceFileContent('cmHandleModules.json')
+            def moduleReferencesFromCmHandleAsJson = new ResponseEntity<String>(jsonData, HttpStatus.OK)
+            mockDmiModelOperations.getModuleReferences(cmHandleForModelSync) >> moduleReferencesFromCmHandleAsJson
+        and: 'CPS-Core returns list of existing module resources'
+            mockCpsModuleService.getYangResourceModuleReferences(expectedDataspaceName) >> existingModuleResourcesInCps
+        and: 'DMI-Plugin returns resource(s) for "new" module(s)'
+            def moduleResources = new ResponseEntity<String>(sdncReponseBody, HttpStatus.OK)
+            mockDmiModelOperations.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(cmHandleForModelSync, [new ModuleReference('module1', '1')]) >> moduleResources
+        when: 'module sync is triggered'
+            objectUnderTest.syncModulesAndCreateAnchor(cmHandleForModelSync)
+        then: 'the CPS module service is called once with the correct parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsModuleService.createSchemaSetFromModules(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandleForModelSync.getId(), expectedYangResourceToContentMap, expectedKnownModules)
+        and: 'admin service create anchor method has been called with correct parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsAdminService.createAnchor(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandleForModelSync.getId(), cmHandleForModelSync.getId())
+        where: 'the following parameters are used'
+            scenario                        | additionalProperties | existingModuleResourcesInCps                                               | sdncReponseBody                                                                     || expectedYangResourceToContentMap | expectedKnownModules                                                       | expectedJsonForAdditionalProperties
+            'one unknown module'            | ['name1': 'value1']  | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')] | '[{"moduleName" : "module1", "revision" : "1","yangSource": "[some yang source]"}]' || [module1: 'some yang source']    | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]                                      | '{"name1":"value1"}'
+            'no add. properties'            | [:]                  | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')] | '[{"moduleName" : "module1", "revision" : "1","yangSource": "[some yang source]"}]' || [module1: 'some yang source']    | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]                                      | '{}'
+            'additional properties is null' | null                 | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')] | '[{"moduleName" : "module1", "revision" : "1","yangSource": "[some yang source]"}]' || [module1: 'some yang source']    | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]                                      | '{}'
+            'no unknown module'             | [:]                  | [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'), new ModuleReference('module2', '2')] | '[]'                                                                                || [:]                              | [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'), new ModuleReference('module2', '2')] | '{}'
+    }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c01b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
+ *  ================================================================================
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
+import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.NcmpException
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.CmHandle
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.DmiPluginRegistration
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataNodeNotFoundException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataValidationException
+import spock.lang.Shared
+import spock.lang.Specification
+class NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec extends Specification {
+    @Shared
+    def persistenceCmHandle = new CmHandle()
+    @Shared
+    def cmHandlesArray = ['cmHandle001']
+    def mockCpsDataService = Mock(CpsDataService)
+    def spyObjectMapper = Spy(ObjectMapper)
+    def noTimestamp = null
+    def 'Register or re-register a DMI Plugin for the given cm-handle(s) with #scenario process.'() {
+        given: 'a registration'
+            def objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
+            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:'my-server')
+            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleID = '123'
+            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleProperties = [name1: 'value1', name2: 'value2']
+            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = createdCmHandles
+            dmiPluginRegistration.updatedCmHandles = updatedCmHandles
+            dmiPluginRegistration.removedCmHandles = removedCmHandles
+            def expectedJsonData = '{"cm-handles":[{"id":"123","dmi-service-name":"my-server","dmi-data-service-name":null,"dmi-model-service-name":null,"additional-properties":[{"name":"name1","value":"value1"},{"name":"name2","value":"value2"}]}]}'
+        when: 'registration is updated and modules are synced'
+            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        then: 'save list elements is invoked with the expected parameters'
+            expectedCallsToSaveNode * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                    '/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
+        and: 'update node and child data nodes is invoked with correct parameters'
+            expectedCallsToUpdateNode * mockCpsDataService.updateNodeLeavesAndExistingDescendantLeaves('NCMP-Admin',
+                    'ncmp-dmi-registry', '/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
+        and : 'delete list or list element is invoked with the correct parameters'
+            expectedCallsToDeleteListElement * mockCpsDataService.deleteListOrListElement('NCMP-Admin',
+                    'ncmp-dmi-registry', "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@id='cmHandle001']", noTimestamp)
+        where:
+            scenario                        | createdCmHandles      | updatedCmHandles      | removedCmHandles || expectedCallsToSaveNode   | expectedCallsToUpdateNode | expectedCallsToDeleteListElement
+            'create'                        | [persistenceCmHandle] | []                    | []               || 1                         | 0                         | 0
+            'update'                        | []                    | [persistenceCmHandle] | []               || 0                         | 1                         | 0
+            'delete'                        | []                    | []                    | cmHandlesArray   || 0                         | 0                         | 1
+            'create, update and delete'     | [persistenceCmHandle] | [persistenceCmHandle] | cmHandlesArray   || 1                         | 1                         | 1
+            'no valid data'                 | null                  | null                  |  null            || 0                         | 0                         | 0
+    }
+    def 'Register a DMI Plugin for the given cm-handle(s) without additional properties.'() {
+        given: 'a registration without cm-handle properties'
+            NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
+            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:'my-server')
+            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleID = '123'
+            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleProperties = null
+            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = [persistenceCmHandle]
+            def expectedJsonData = '{"cm-handles":[{"id":"123","dmi-service-name":"my-server","dmi-data-service-name":null,"dmi-model-service-name":null,"additional-properties":[]}]}'
+        when: 'registration is updated'
+            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        then: 'save list elements is invoked with the expected parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                    '/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
+    }
+    def 'Register a DMI Plugin for a given cm-handle(s) with JSON processing errors during #scenario process.'() {
+        given: 'a registration without cm-handle properties '
+            NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
+            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:'some-plugin')
+            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = createdCmHandles
+            dmiPluginRegistration.updatedCmHandles = updatedCmHandles
+        and: 'an json processing exception occurs'
+            spyObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw (new JsonProcessingException('')) }
+        when: 'registration is updated and modules are synced'
+            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        then: 'a data validation exception is thrown'
+            thrown(DataValidationException)
+        where:
+            scenario | createdCmHandles      | updatedCmHandles
+            'create' | [persistenceCmHandle] | []
+            'update' | []                    | [persistenceCmHandle]
+    }
+    def 'Register a DMI Plugin for the given cm-handle(s) with no data found during delete process.'() {
+        given: 'a registration without cm-handle properties '
+            NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
+            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:'some-plugin')
+            dmiPluginRegistration.removedCmHandles = ['some cm handle']
+        and: 'an json processing exception occurs during delete process'
+            mockCpsDataService.deleteListOrListElement(*_) >>  { throw (new DataNodeNotFoundException('','')) }
+        when: 'registration is updated and modules are synced'
+            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        then: 'no exception is thrown'
+            noExceptionThrown()
+    }
+    def 'Dmi plugin registration with #scenario'() {
+        given: 'a registration '
+            def objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
+            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:dmiPlugin, dmiModelPlugin:dmiModelPlugin,
+                    dmiDataPlugin:dmiDataPlugin)
+            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = [persistenceCmHandle]
+        when: 'update registration and sync module is called with correct DMI plugin information'
+            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        then: 'create cm handles registration and sync modules is called with the correct plugin information'
+            1 * objectUnderTest.parseAndCreateCmHandlesInDmiRegistrationAndSyncModules(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        where:
+            scenario                          | dmiPlugin  | dmiModelPlugin | dmiDataPlugin
+            'combined DMI plugin'             | 'service1' | ''             | ''
+            'data & model DMI plugins'        | ''         | 'service1'     | 'service2'
+            'data & model using same service' | ''         | 'service1'     | 'service1'
+    }
+    def 'Invalid dmi plugin registration with #scenario'() {
+        given: 'a registration '
+            def objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
+            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:dmiPlugin, dmiModelPlugin:dmiModelPlugin,
+                    dmiDataPlugin:dmiDataPlugin)
+            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = [persistenceCmHandle]
+        when: 'registration is called with incorrect DMI plugin information'
+            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        then: 'an NcmpException is thrown with correct message details'
+            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException)
+            assert exceptionThrown.getMessage().contains(expectedMessageDetails)
+        and: 'registration is not called'
+            0 * objectUnderTest.parseAndCreateCmHandlesInDmiRegistrationAndSyncModules(dmiPluginRegistration)
+        where:
+            scenario              | dmiPlugin  | dmiModelPlugin | dmiDataPlugin || expectedMessageDetails
+            'no DMI plugin'       | ''         | ''             | ''            || 'No DMI plugin service names'
+            'all DMI plugins'     | 'service1' | 'service2'     | 'service3'    || 'Invalid combination of plugin service names'
+            'no model DMI plugin' | 'service1' | ''             | 'service2'    || 'Invalid combination of plugin service names'
+            'no data DMI plugin'  | 'service1' | 'service2'     | ''            || 'Invalid combination of plugin service names'
+    }
+    def getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled() {
+        def objectUnderTest = Spy(new NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl(null, null, null,
+                mockCpsDataService, null, null, spyObjectMapper))
+        objectUnderTest.syncModulesAndCreateAnchor(*_) >> null
+        return objectUnderTest
+    }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplSpec.groovy
index b0c447e..8bb0ee2 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplSpec.groovy
@@ -22,79 +22,54 @@
 package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.client.DmiRestClient
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiRequestBody
+import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiOperations.DataStoreEnum.PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiOperations.DataStoreEnum.PASSTHROUGH_RUNNING
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiRequestBody.OperationEnum.CREATE
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiRequestBody.OperationEnum.READ
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiRequestBody.OperationEnum.UPDATE
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
 import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAdminService
 import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService
 import org.onap.cps.api.CpsModuleService
 import org.onap.cps.api.CpsQueryService
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.NcmpConfiguration
 import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.NcmpException
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operation.DmiOperations
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.CmHandle
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.DmiPluginRegistration
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.PersistenceCmHandle
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.utils.TestUtils
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiDataOperations
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiModelOperations
 import org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption
-import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataNodeNotFoundException
-import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataValidationException
 import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode
-import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleReference
 import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
 import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
-import spock.lang.Shared
 import spock.lang.Specification
 class NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplSpec extends Specification {
-    @Shared
-    def persistenceCmHandle = new CmHandle()
-    @Shared
-    def cmHandlesArray = ['cmHandle001']
     def mockCpsDataService = Mock(CpsDataService)
     def mockCpsQueryService = Mock(CpsQueryService)
-    def mockDmiOperations = Mock(DmiOperations)
     def mockCpsModuleService = Mock(CpsModuleService)
     def mockCpsAdminService = Mock(CpsAdminService)
-    def mockDmiProperties = Mock(NcmpConfiguration.DmiProperties)
     def spyObjectMapper = Spy(ObjectMapper)
+    def mockDmiDataOperations = Mock(DmiDataOperations)
-    def objectUnderTest = new NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl(mockDmiOperations, mockCpsModuleService,
-            mockCpsDataService, mockCpsQueryService, mockCpsAdminService, spyObjectMapper)
+    def objectUnderTest = new NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl(mockDmiDataOperations, null,
+        mockCpsModuleService, mockCpsDataService, mockCpsQueryService, mockCpsAdminService, spyObjectMapper)
     def cmHandle = 'some handle'
     def noTimestamp = null
     def cmHandleXPath = "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@id='testCmHandle']"
     def expectedDataspaceName = 'NFP-Operational'
-    def 'Get data node.'() {
-        when: 'queryDataNodes is invoked'
-            objectUnderTest.getDataNode(cmHandle, 'some xpath', fetchDescendantsOption)
-        then: 'the persistence data service is called once with the correct parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsDataService.getDataNode(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, 'some xpath', fetchDescendantsOption)
-        where: 'all fetch descendants options are supported'
-            fetchDescendantsOption << FetchDescendantsOption.values()
-    }
-    def 'Query data nodes by cps path with #fetchDescendantsOption.'() {
-        given: 'a cm Handle and a cps path'
-            def cpsPath = '/cps-path'
-        when: 'queryDataNodes is invoked'
-            objectUnderTest.queryDataNodes(cmHandle, cpsPath, fetchDescendantsOption)
-        then: 'the persistence query service is called once with the correct parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsQueryService.queryDataNodes(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, cpsPath, fetchDescendantsOption)
-        where: 'all fetch descendants options are supported'
-            fetchDescendantsOption << FetchDescendantsOption.values()
-    }
     def 'Create full data node: #scenario.'() {
-        given: 'a cm handle and root xpath'
+        given: 'json data'
             def jsonData = 'some json'
         when: 'createDataNode is invoked'
             objectUnderTest.createDataNode(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
-        then: 'the CPS service method is invoked once with the expected parameters'
+        then: 'save data is invoked once with the expected parameters'
             1 * mockCpsDataService.saveData(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, jsonData, noTimestamp)
         where: 'following parameters were used'
             scenario           | xpath
@@ -103,274 +78,38 @@
     def 'Create child data node.'() {
-        given: 'a cm handle and parent node xpath'
+        given: 'json data and xpath'
             def jsonData = 'some json'
             def xpath = '/test-node'
-        when: 'createDataNode is invoked'
+        when: 'create data node is invoked'
             objectUnderTest.createDataNode(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
-        then: 'the CPS service method is invoked once with the expected parameters'
+        then: 'save data is invoked once with the expected parameters'
             1 * mockCpsDataService.saveData(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, xpath, jsonData, noTimestamp)
     def 'Add list-node elements.'() {
-        given: 'a cm handle and parent node xpath'
+        given: 'json data and xpath'
             def jsonData = 'some json'
             def xpath = '/test-node'
-        when: 'addListNodeElements is invoked'
+        when: 'add list node element is invoked'
             objectUnderTest.addListNodeElements(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
-        then: 'the CPS service method is invoked once with the expected parameters'
+        then: 'the save list elements is invoked once with the expected parameters'
             1 * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, xpath, jsonData, noTimestamp)
-    def 'Update data node leaves.'() {
-        given: 'a cm Handle and a cps path'
-            def xpath = '/xpath'
-            def jsonData = 'some json'
-        when: 'updateNodeLeaves is invoked'
-            objectUnderTest.updateNodeLeaves(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
-        then: 'the persistence service is called once with the correct parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsDataService.updateNodeLeaves(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, xpath, jsonData, noTimestamp)
-    }
-    def 'Replace data node tree.'() {
-        given: 'a cm Handle and a cps path'
-            def xpath = '/xpath'
-            def jsonData = 'some json'
-        when: 'replaceNodeTree is invoked'
-            objectUnderTest.replaceNodeTree(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
-        then: 'the persistence service is called once with the correct parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsDataService.replaceNodeTree(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, xpath, jsonData, noTimestamp)
-    }
-    def 'Register or re-register a DMI Plugin with #scenario cm handles.'() {
-        given: 'a registration '
-            def objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
-            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration()
-            dmiPluginRegistration.dmiPlugin = 'my-server'
-            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleID = '123'
-            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleProperties = [name1: 'value1', name2: 'value2']
-            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = createdCmHandles
-            dmiPluginRegistration.updatedCmHandles = updatedCmHandles
-            dmiPluginRegistration.removedCmHandles = removedCmHandles
-            def expectedJsonData = '{"cm-handles":[{"id":"123","dmi-service-name":"my-server","additional-properties":[{"name":"name1","value":"value1"},{"name":"name2","value":"value2"}]}]}'
-        when: 'registration is updated'
-            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
-        then: 'cps save list elements is invoked with the expected parameters'
-            expectedCallsToSaveNode * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                '/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
-        and: 'update node and child data nodes is invoked with correct parameters'
-            expectedCallsToUpdateNode * mockCpsDataService.updateNodeLeavesAndExistingDescendantLeaves('NCMP-Admin',
-                'ncmp-dmi-registry', '/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
-        and : 'delete list or list element is invoked with the correct parameters'
-            expectedCallsToDeleteListElement * mockCpsDataService.deleteListOrListElement('NCMP-Admin',
-                'ncmp-dmi-registry', "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@id='cmHandle001']", noTimestamp)
-        where:
-            scenario                        | createdCmHandles      | updatedCmHandles      | removedCmHandles || expectedCallsToSaveNode   | expectedCallsToUpdateNode | expectedCallsToDeleteListElement
-            'create'                        | [persistenceCmHandle] | []                    | []               || 1                         | 0                         | 0
-            'update'                        | []                    | [persistenceCmHandle] | []               || 0                         | 1                         | 0
-            'delete'                        | []                    | []                    | cmHandlesArray   || 0                         | 0                         | 1
-            'create, update and delete'     | [persistenceCmHandle] | [persistenceCmHandle] | cmHandlesArray   || 1                         | 1                         | 1
-            'no valid data'                 | null                  | null                  |  null            || 0                         | 0                         | 0
-    }
-    def 'Register a DMI Plugin for the given cmHandle without additional properties.'() {
-        given: 'a registration without cmHandle properties '
-            NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
-            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration()
-            dmiPluginRegistration.dmiPlugin = 'my-server'
-            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleID = '123'
-            persistenceCmHandle.cmHandleProperties = null
-            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = [persistenceCmHandle]
-            def expectedJsonData = '{"cm-handles":[{"id":"123","dmi-service-name":"my-server","additional-properties":[]}]}'
-        when: 'registration is updated'
-            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
-        then: 'the cps save list element is invoked with the expected parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                '/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
-    }
-    def 'Register a DMI Plugin with JSON processing errors during #scenario.'() {
-        given: 'a registration without cmHandle properties '
-            NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
-            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration()
-            dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = createdCmHandles
-            dmiPluginRegistration.updatedCmHandles = updatedCmHandles
-        and: 'an JSON processing exception occurs'
-            spyObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw (new JsonProcessingException('')) }
-        when: 'registration is updated'
-            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
-        then: 'a data validation exception is thrown'
-            thrown(DataValidationException)
-        where:
-            scenario | createdCmHandles      | updatedCmHandles
-            'create' | [persistenceCmHandle] | []
-            'update' | []                    | [persistenceCmHandle]
-    }
-    def 'Register a DMI Plugin with no data found during delete.'() {
-        given: 'a registration without cmHandle properties '
-            NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
-            def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration()
-            dmiPluginRegistration.removedCmHandles = ['some cm handle']
-        and: 'an JSON processing exception occurs'
-            mockCpsDataService.deleteListOrListElement(*_) >>  { throw (new DataNodeNotFoundException('','')) }
-        when: 'registration is updated'
-            objectUnderTest.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(dmiPluginRegistration)
-        then: 'no exception is thrown'
-            noExceptionThrown()
-    }
-    def 'Get resource data for pass-through operational from dmi.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
-        and: 'data node is got from data service'
+    def 'Write resource data for passthrough running from dmi using POST #scenario cm handle properties.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(includeCmHandleProperties)
+        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid datanode'
             mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'resource data is got from DMI'
-            mockDmiOperations.getResourceDataOperationalFromDmi('testDmiService',
-                'testCmHandle',
-                'testResourceId',
-                '(a=1,b=2)',
-                'testAcceptParam',
-                '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"testName":"testValue"}}') >> new ResponseEntity<>('result-json', HttpStatus.OK)
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
         when: 'get resource data is called'
-            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-            'testResourceId',
-            'testAcceptParam',
-            '(a=1,b=2)')
-        then: 'dmi returns ok response'
-            response == 'result-json'
-    }
-    def 'Get resource data for pass-through operational from dmi threw parsing exception.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
-        and: 'cps data service returns valid cmHandle data node'
-            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'objectMapper not able to parse object'
-            def mockObjectMapper = Mock(ObjectMapper)
-            objectUnderTest.objectMapper = mockObjectMapper
-            mockObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw new JsonProcessingException('testException') }
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)')
-        then: 'exception is thrown with the expected details'
-            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
-            exceptionThrown.details == 'testException'
-    }
-    def 'Get resource data for pass-through operational from dmi return NOK response.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
-        and: 'cps data service returns valid cmHandle data node'
-            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'dmi returns NOK response'
-            mockDmiOperations.getResourceDataOperationalFromDmi('testDmiService',
-                    'testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"testName":"testValue"}}')
-                    >> new ResponseEntity<>('NOK-json', HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)')
-        then: 'exception is thrown'
-            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
-        and: 'details contains the original response'
-            exceptionThrown.details.contains('NOK-json')
-    }
-    def 'Get resource data for pass-through running from dmi.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
-        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid dataNode'
-            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'dmi returns valid response and data'
-            mockDmiOperations.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testDmiService',
-                    'testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"testName":"testValue"}}') >> new ResponseEntity<>('{result-json}', HttpStatus.OK)
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)')
-        then: 'get resource data returns expected response'
-            response == '{result-json}'
-    }
-    def 'Get resource data for pass-through running from dmi threw parsing exception.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
-        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid dataNode'
-            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'objectMapper not able to parse object'
-            def mockObjectMapper = Mock(ObjectMapper)
-            objectUnderTest.objectMapper = mockObjectMapper
-            mockObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw new JsonProcessingException('testException') }
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)')
-        then: 'exception is thrown with the expected details'
-            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
-            exceptionThrown.details == 'testException'
-    }
-    def 'Get resource data for pass-through running from dmi return NOK response.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
-        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid dataNode'
-            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'dmi returns NOK response'
-            mockDmiOperations.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testDmiService',
-                    'testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"testName":"testValue"}}')
-                    >> new ResponseEntity<>('NOK-json', HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    'testAcceptParam',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)')
-        then: 'exception is thrown'
-            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
-        and: 'details contains the original response'
-            exceptionThrown.details.contains('NOK-json')
-    }
-    def 'Write resource data for pass-through running from dmi using POST #scenario cm handle properties.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle #scenario cm handle properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(includeCmHandleProperties)
-        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid cm-handle datanode'
-            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            objectUnderTest.createResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '{some-json}', 'application/json')
+            objectUnderTest.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId', CREATE,
+                '{some-json}', 'application/json')
         then: 'dmi called with correct data'
-            1 * mockDmiOperations.createResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testDmiService',
-                'testCmHandle',
-                'testResourceId',
-                '{"operation":"create","dataType":"application/json","data":"{some-json}","cmHandleProperties":'
-                + expectedJsonForCmhandleProperties+ '}')
+            1 * mockDmiDataOperations.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testCmHandle', 'testResourceId',
+                CREATE, '{some-json}', 'application/json')
                 >> { new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED) }
             scenario  | includeCmHandleProperties || expectedJsonForCmhandleProperties
@@ -378,57 +117,148 @@
             'without' | false                     || '{}'
-    def 'Write resource data for pass-through running from dmi using POST "not found" response (from DMI).'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle and its properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(true)
+    def 'Write resource data for passthrough running from dmi using POST "not found" response (from DMI).'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(true)
         and: 'cpsDataService returns valid dataNode'
             mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        and: 'dmi throws exception'
-            mockDmiOperations.createResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi(_ as String, _ as String, _ as String, _ as String)
-                    >> { new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) }
-        when: 'get resource data is called'
-            objectUnderTest.createResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '{some-json}', 'application/json')
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        and: 'dmi returns a response with 404 status code'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId', CREATE,
+                '{some-json}', 'application/json')
+                >> { new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) }
+        when: 'write resource data is called'
+            objectUnderTest.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId', CREATE,
+                '{some-json}', 'application/json')
         then: 'exception is thrown'
             def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
         and: 'details contains (not found) error code: 404'
-    def 'Sync model for a (new) cm handle with #scenario'() {
-        given: 'persistence cm handle is given'
-            def cmHandleForModelSync = new PersistenceCmHandle(id:'some cm handle', dmiServiceName: 'some service name')
-        and: 'additional properties are set as required'
-            if (additionalProperties!=null) {
-                cmHandleForModelSync.setAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties)
-            }
-        and: 'dmi operations returns some module references'
-            def jsonData = TestUtils.getResourceFileContent('cmHandleModules.json')
-            def expectedJsonBody = '{"cmHandleProperties":' + expectedJsonForAdditionalProperties + '}'
-            mockDmiProperties.getAuthUsername() >> 'someUser'
-            mockDmiProperties.getAuthPassword() >> 'somePassword'
-            def moduleReferencesFromCmHandleAsJson = new ResponseEntity<String>(jsonData, HttpStatus.OK)
-            mockDmiOperations.getResourceFromDmiWithJsonData('some service name', expectedJsonBody, 'some cm handle', 'modules') >> moduleReferencesFromCmHandleAsJson
-        and: 'CPS-Core returns list of known modules'
-            mockCpsModuleService.getYangResourceModuleReferences(_) >> existingModuleResourcesInCps
-        and: 'DMI-Plugin returns resource(s) for "new" module(s)'
-            def moduleResources = new ResponseEntity<String>(sdncReponseBody, HttpStatus.OK)
-            def jsonDataToFetchYangResource = '{"data":{"modules":[{"name":"module1","revision":"1"}]},"cmHandleProperties":' + expectedJsonForAdditionalProperties + '}'
-            mockDmiOperations.getResourceFromDmiWithJsonData('some service name', jsonDataToFetchYangResource, 'some cm handle', 'moduleResources') >> moduleResources
-        when: 'module Sync is triggered'
-            objectUnderTest.syncModulesAndCreateAnchor(cmHandleForModelSync)
-        then: 'the CPS module service is called once with the correct parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsModuleService.createSchemaSetFromModules(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandleForModelSync.getId(), expectedYangResourceToContentMap, expectedKnownModules)
-        and: 'admin service create anchor method has been called with correct parameters'
-            1 * mockCpsAdminService.createAnchor(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandleForModelSync.getId(), cmHandleForModelSync.getId())
-        where: 'the following responses are received from SDNC'
-            scenario                         | additionalProperties | existingModuleResourcesInCps                                                  | sdncReponseBody                                                                     || expectedYangResourceToContentMap | expectedKnownModules                                                       | expectedJsonForAdditionalProperties
-            'one unknown module'             | ['name1':'value1']   | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')]    | '[{"moduleName" : "module1", "revision" : "1","yangSource": "[some yang source]"}]' || [module1: 'some yang source']    | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]                                      |'{"name1":"value1"}'
-            'no add. properties'             | [:]                  | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')]    | '[{"moduleName" : "module1", "revision" : "1","yangSource": "[some yang source]"}]' || [module1: 'some yang source']    | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]                                      |'{}'
-            'additional properties is null'  | null                 | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')]    | '[{"moduleName" : "module1", "revision" : "1","yangSource": "[some yang source]"}]' || [module1: 'some yang source']    | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]                                      |'{}'
-            'no unknown module'              | [:]                  | [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'),    new ModuleReference('module2', '2')] | '[]'                                                                                || [:]                              | [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'), new ModuleReference('module2', '2')] |'{}'
+    def 'Get data node.'() {
+        when: 'get data node is invoked'
+            objectUnderTest.getDataNode(cmHandle, 'some xpath', fetchDescendantsOption)
+        then: 'the persistence data service is called once with the correct parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsDataService.getDataNode(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, 'some xpath', fetchDescendantsOption)
+        where: 'all fetch descendants options are supported'
+            fetchDescendantsOption << FetchDescendantsOption.values()
+    }
+    def 'Get resource data for passthrough operational from dmi.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(true)
+        and: 'get data node is called'
+            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        and: 'get resource data from dmi is called'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.getResourceDataFromDmi(
+                'testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                '(a=1,b=2)',
+                'testAcceptParam' ,
+                PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL) >> new ResponseEntity<>('result-json', HttpStatus.OK)
+        when: 'get resource data operational for cm-handle is called'
+            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                '(a=1,b=2)')
+        then: 'dmi returns a json response'
+            response == 'result-json'
+    }
+    def 'Get resource data for passthrough operational from dmi with Json Processing Exception.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(true)
+        and: 'cps data service returns valid data node'
+            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        and: 'objectMapper not able to parse object'
+            def mockObjectMapper = Mock(ObjectMapper)
+            objectUnderTest.objectMapper = mockObjectMapper
+            mockObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw new JsonProcessingException('testException') }
+        and: 'dmi returns NOK response'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.getResourceDataFromDmi(*_)
+                >> new ResponseEntity<>('NOK-json', HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
+        when: 'get resource data is called'
+            objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                '(a=1,b=2)')
+        then: 'exception is thrown with the expected details'
+            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
+            exceptionThrown.details == 'DMI status code: 404, DMI response body: NOK-json'
+    }
+    def 'Get resource data for passthrough operational from dmi return NOK response.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(true)
+        and: 'cps data service returns valid data node'
+            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        and: 'dmi returns NOK response'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.getResourceDataFromDmi('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                '(a=1,b=2)',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                >> new ResponseEntity<>('NOK-json', HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
+        when: 'get resource data is called'
+            objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                '(a=1,b=2)')
+        then: 'exception is thrown'
+            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
+        and: 'details contains the original response'
+            exceptionThrown.details.contains('NOK-json')
+    }
+    def 'Get resource data for passthrough running from dmi.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(true)
+        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid data node'
+            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        and: 'dmi returns valid response and data'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.getResourceDataFromDmi('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                '(a=1,b=2)',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                PASSTHROUGH_RUNNING) >> new ResponseEntity<>('{result-json}', HttpStatus.OK)
+        when: 'get resource data is called'
+            def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                '(a=1,b=2)')
+        then: 'get resource data returns expected response'
+            response == '{result-json}'
+    }
+    def 'Get resource data for passthrough running from dmi return NOK response.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(true)
+        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid dataNode'
+            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        and: 'dmi returns NOK response'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.getResourceDataFromDmi('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                '(a=1,b=2)',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                PASSTHROUGH_RUNNING)
+                >> new ResponseEntity<>('NOK-json', HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
+        when: 'get resource data is called'
+            objectUnderTest.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                'testAcceptParam',
+                '(a=1,b=2)')
+        then: 'exception is thrown'
+            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
+        and: 'details contains the original response'
+            exceptionThrown.details.contains('NOK-json')
     def 'Getting Yang Resources.'() {
@@ -438,18 +268,6 @@
             1 * mockCpsModuleService.getYangResourcesModuleReferences('NFP-Operational','some cm handle')
-    def 'Create the request body to get yang resources from DMI.'() {
-        given: 'the expected json request'
-            def expectedRequestBody = '{"data":{"modules":[{"name":"module1","revision":"1"},{"name":"module2","revision":"2"}]},"cmHandleProperties":{"name1":"value1"}}'
-        and: 'module references and cm handle properties'
-            def moduleReferences = [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'),new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]
-            def cmHandleProperties = ['name1':'value1']
-        when: 'get request body to fetch yang resources from DMI is called'
-            def result = objectUnderTest.getRequestBodyToFetchYangResourceFromDmi(moduleReferences, cmHandleProperties)
-        then: 'the result is the same as the expected request body'
-            result == expectedRequestBody
-    }
     def 'Get cm handle identifiers for the given module names.'() {
         when: 'execute a cm handle search for the given module names'
@@ -457,45 +275,86 @@
             1 * mockCpsAdminService.queryAnchorNames('NFP-Operational', ['some-module-name'])
-    def 'Update resource data for pass-through running from dmi using POST #scenario cm handle properties.'() {
-        given: 'data node representing cmHandle #scenario cm handle properties'
-            def cmHandleDataNode = getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(includeCmHandleProperties)
-        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid cm-handle datanode'
+    def 'Update data node leaves.'() {
+        given: 'json data and xpath'
+            def jsonData = 'some json'
+            def xpath = '/xpath'
+        when: 'update node leaves is invoked'
+            objectUnderTest.updateNodeLeaves(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
+        then: 'the persistence service is called once with the correct parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsDataService.updateNodeLeaves(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, xpath, jsonData, noTimestamp)
+    }
+    def 'Replace data node tree.'() {
+        given: 'json data and xpath'
+            def jsonData = 'some json'
+            def xpath = '/xpath'
+        when: 'replace node tree is invoked'
+            objectUnderTest.replaceNodeTree(cmHandle, xpath, jsonData)
+        then: 'the persistence service is called once with the correct parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsDataService.replaceNodeTree(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, xpath, jsonData, noTimestamp)
+    }
+    def 'Update resource data for passthrough running from dmi using POST #scenario cm handle properties.'() {
+        given: 'a data node'
+            def dataNode = getDataNode(includeCmHandleProperties)
+        and: 'cpsDataService returns valid datanode'
             mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
-                    cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> cmHandleDataNode
-        when: 'update resource data is called'
-            objectUnderTest.updateResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '{some-json}', 'application/json')
+                cmHandleXPath, FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        when: 'get resource data is called'
+            objectUnderTest.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle('testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId', UPDATE,
+                '{some-json}', 'application/json')
         then: 'dmi called with correct data'
-            1 * mockDmiOperations.updateResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testDmiService',
-                    'testCmHandle',
-                    'testResourceId',
-                    '{"operation":"update","dataType":"application/json","data":"{some-json}","cmHandleProperties":'
-                            + expectedJsonForCmhandleProperties + '}')
-                    >> new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK)
+            1 * mockDmiDataOperations.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testCmHandle', 'testResourceId',
+                UPDATE, '{some-json}', 'application/json')
+                >> { new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK) }
             scenario  | includeCmHandleProperties || expectedJsonForCmhandleProperties
             'with'    | true                      || '{"testName":"testValue"}'
             'without' | false                     || '{}'
-    def getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled() {
-        def objectUnderTest = Spy(new NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl(mockDmiOperations, mockCpsModuleService,
-                mockCpsDataService, mockCpsQueryService, mockCpsAdminService, spyObjectMapper))
-        objectUnderTest.syncModulesAndCreateAnchor(_) >> null
-        return objectUnderTest
+    def 'Verify error message from handleResponse is correct for #scenario operation.'() {
+        given: 'writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi fails to return OK HttpStatus'
+            mockDmiDataOperations.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi(*_)
+                >> new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
+        when: 'get resource data is called'
+            def response = objectUnderTest.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningForCmHandle(
+                'testCmHandle',
+                'testResourceId',
+                givenOperation,
+                '{some-json}',
+                'application/json')
+        then: 'an exception is thrown with the expected error message detailsd with correct operation'
+            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException.class)
+            exceptionThrown.getMessage().contains(expectedResponseMessage)
+        where:
+            scenario | givenOperation || expectedResponseMessage
+            'CREATE' | CREATE         || 'Not able to create resource data.'
+            'READ'   | READ           || 'Not able to read resource data.'
+            'UPDATE' | UPDATE         || 'Not able to update resource data.'
-    def getCmHandleDataNodeForTest(boolean includeCmHandleProperties) {
-        def cmHandleDataNode = new DataNode()
-        cmHandleDataNode.leaves = ['dmi-service-name': 'testDmiService']
+    def 'Query data nodes by cps path with #fetchDescendantsOption.'() {
+        given: 'a cps path'
+            def cpsPath = '/cps-path'
+        when: 'query data nodes is invoked'
+            objectUnderTest.queryDataNodes(cmHandle, cpsPath, fetchDescendantsOption)
+        then: 'the persistence query service is called once with the correct parameters'
+            1 * mockCpsQueryService.queryDataNodes(expectedDataspaceName, cmHandle, cpsPath, fetchDescendantsOption)
+        where: 'all fetch descendants options are supported'
+            fetchDescendantsOption << FetchDescendantsOption.values()
+    }
+    def getDataNode(boolean includeCmHandleProperties) {
+        def dataNode = new DataNode()
+        dataNode.leaves = ['dmi-service-name': 'testDmiService']
         if (includeCmHandleProperties) {
             def cmHandlePropertyDataNode = new DataNode()
             cmHandlePropertyDataNode.leaves = ['name': 'testName', 'value': 'testValue']
-            cmHandleDataNode.childDataNodes = [cmHandlePropertyDataNode]
+            dataNode.childDataNodes = [cmHandlePropertyDataNode]
-        return cmHandleDataNode
+        return dataNode
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operation/DmiOperationsSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operation/DmiOperationsSpec.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d4f0c..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- *  ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
- *  ================================================================================
- *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *  limitations under the License.
- *
- *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operation
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.client.DmiRestClient
-import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.NcmpConfiguration
-import org.spockframework.spring.SpringBean
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
-import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
-import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
-import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration
-import spock.lang.Specification
-@ContextConfiguration(classes = [NcmpConfiguration.DmiProperties, DmiOperations])
-class DmiOperationsSpec extends Specification {
-    @SpringBean
-    DmiRestClient mockDmiRestClient = Mock()
-    @Autowired
-    DmiOperations objectUnderTest = new DmiOperations(mockDmiRestClient)
-    def 'call get resource data for pass-through:operational datastore from DMI.'() {
-        given: 'expected url'
-            def expectedUrl = 'testDmiBasePath/dmi/v1/ch/testCmhandle/data/ds' +
-                    '/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-operational?resourceIdentifier=parent/child&options=(a=1,b=2)'
-        when: 'get resource data is called to DMI'
-            objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalFromDmi('testDmiBasePath',
-                    'testCmhandle',
-                    'parent/child',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)',
-                    'testAcceptJson',
-                    'testJsonbody')
-        then: 'the put operation is executed with the correct URL'
-            1 * mockDmiRestClient.putOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, 'testJsonbody', _ as HttpHeaders)
-    }
-    def 'call get resource data for pass-through:running datastore from DMI.'() {
-        given: 'expected url'
-            def expectedUrl = 'testDmiBasePath/dmi/v1/ch/testCmhandle/data/ds' +
-                    '/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running?resourceIdentifier=parent/child&options=(a=1,b=2)'
-        when: 'get resource data is called to DMI'
-            objectUnderTest.getResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testDmiBasePath',
-                    'testCmhandle',
-                    'parent/child',
-                    '(a=1,b=2)',
-                    'testAcceptJson',
-                    'testJsonbody')
-        then: 'the put operation is executed with the correct URL'
-            1 * mockDmiRestClient.putOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, 'testJsonbody', _ as HttpHeaders)
-    }
-    def 'call get resource data for pass-through:operational datastore from DMI when options is null.'() {
-        given: 'expected url'
-        def expectedUrl = 'testDmiBasePath/dmi/v1/ch/testCmhandle/data/ds' +
-                '/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-operational?resourceIdentifier=parent/child'
-        when: 'get resource data is called to DMI'
-        objectUnderTest.getResourceDataOperationalFromDmi('testDmiBasePath',
-                'testCmhandle',
-                'parent/child',
-                null,
-                'testAcceptJson',
-                'testJsonbody')
-        then: 'the put operation is executed with the correct URL'
-        1 * mockDmiRestClient.putOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, 'testJsonbody', _ as HttpHeaders)
-    }
-    def 'call create resource data for pass-through:running datastore from DMI.'() {
-        given: 'expected url'
-            def expectedUrl = 'testDmiBasePath/dmi/v1/ch/testCmhandle/data/ds' +
-                    '/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running?resourceIdentifier=parent/child'
-        when: 'get resource data is called to DMI'
-            objectUnderTest.createResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('testDmiBasePath',
-                    'testCmhandle',
-                    'parent/child',
-                    'testJsonbody')
-        then: 'the put operation is executed with the correct URL'
-            1 * mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, 'testJsonbody', _ as HttpHeaders)
-    }
-    def 'Call get resource from dmi.'() {
-        given: 'expected url'
-            def expectedUrl = 'testDmiBasePath/dmi/v1/ch/testCmhandle/modules'
-        when: 'get resource data is called to dmi'
-            objectUnderTest.getResourceFromDmi('testDmiBasePath',
-                    'testCmhandle',
-                    'modules')
-        then: 'the post operation is executed with the correct URL'
-            1 * mockDmiRestClient.postOperation(expectedUrl, _ as HttpHeaders)
-    }
-    def 'Call get resource from dmi with json data.'() {
-        given: 'expected url & json data'
-            def requestBody = 'some json'
-            def expectedUrl = 'testDmiBasePath/dmi/v1/ch/testCmHandle/modules'
-            def expectedHttpHeaders = new HttpHeaders()
-        when: 'get resource data is called to dmi'
-            objectUnderTest.getResourceFromDmiWithJsonData('testDmiBasePath',
-                    requestBody,
-                    'testCmHandle',
-                    'modules')
-        then: 'the post operation is executed with the correct URL and json data'
-            1 * mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, requestBody, expectedHttpHeaders)
-    }
-    def 'Update resource data for pass-through:running datastore from DMI.'() {
-        given: 'the expected url'
-            def cmHandle = 'some-cmhandle'
-            def resourceIdentifier = 'parent/child'
-            def expectedUrl = 'some-dmi-service-name/dmi/v1/ch/' + cmHandle + '/data/ds' +
-                    '/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running?resourceIdentifier=' + resourceIdentifier
-        when: 'replace resource data is called for DMI'
-            objectUnderTest.updateResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi('some-dmi-service-name',
-                    cmHandle,
-                    resourceIdentifier,
-                    'some-json-body')
-        then: 'the post operation is executed with the correct URL'
-            1 * mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, 'some-json-body', _ as HttpHeaders)
-    }
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+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/DmiDataOperationsSpec.groovy
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+ *  ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
+ *  ================================================================================
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.client.DmiRestClient
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.NcmpConfiguration
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
+import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
+import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
+import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiOperations.DataStoreEnum.PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiOperations.DataStoreEnum.PASSTHROUGH_RUNNING
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiRequestBody.OperationEnum.CREATE
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DmiRequestBody.OperationEnum.UPDATE
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
+@ContextConfiguration(classes = [NcmpConfiguration.DmiProperties, DmiDataOperations])
+class DmiDataOperationsSpec extends DmiOperationsBaseSpec {
+    @Autowired
+    DmiDataOperations objectUnderTest
+    def 'call get resource data for #expectedDatastoreInUrl from DMI #scenario.'() {
+        given: 'a persistence cm handle for #cmHandleId'
+            mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(additionalProperties)
+        and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with the expected parameters'
+            def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity<Object>(HttpStatus.OK)
+            mockDmiRestClient.putOperationWithJsonData(
+                "${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:${expectedDatastoreInUrl}?resourceIdentifier=${resourceIdentifier}${expectedOptionsInUrl}",
+                expectedJson, [Accept:['sample accept header']]) >> responseFromDmi
+        when: 'get resource data is invoked'
+            def result = objectUnderTest.getResourceDataFromDmi(cmHandleId,resourceIdentifier, options,'sample accept header', dataStore)
+        then: 'the result is the response from the dmi service'
+            assert result == responseFromDmi
+        where: 'the following parameters are used'
+            scenario             | additionalProperties       | dataStore               | options     || expectedJson                                                 | expectedDatastoreInUrl    | expectedOptionsInUrl
+            'without properties' | []                         | PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL | '(a=1,b=2)' || '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{}}'               | 'passthrough-operational' | '&options=(a=1,b=2)'
+            'null properties'    | null                       | PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL | '(a=1,b=2)' || '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{}}'               | 'passthrough-operational' | '&options=(a=1,b=2)'
+            'with properties'    | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL | '(a=1,b=2)' || '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"prop1":"val1"}}' | 'passthrough-operational' | '&options=(a=1,b=2)'
+            'null options'       | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL | null        || '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"prop1":"val1"}}' | 'passthrough-operational' | ''
+            'empty options'      | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | PASSTHROUGH_OPERATIONAL | ''          || '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{"prop1":"val1"}}' | 'passthrough-operational' | ''
+            'datastore running'  | []                         | PASSTHROUGH_RUNNING     | '(a=1,b=2)' || '{"operation":"read","cmHandleProperties":{}}'               | 'passthrough-running'     | '&options=(a=1,b=2)'
+    }
+    def 'Write data for pass-through:running datastore in DMI.'() {
+        given: 'a persistence cm handle for #cmHandleId'
+            mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([sampleAdditionalProperty])
+        and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with the expected parameters'
+            def expectedUrl = "${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/data/ds" +
+                "/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running?resourceIdentifier=${resourceIdentifier}"
+            def expectedJson = '{"operation":"' + expectedOperationInUrl + '","dataType":"some data type","data":"requestData","cmHandleProperties":{"prop1":"val1"}}'
+            def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity<Object>(HttpStatus.OK)
+            mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData(expectedUrl, expectedJson, [:]) >> responseFromDmi
+        when: 'write resource method is invoked'
+            def result = objectUnderTest.writeResourceDataPassThroughRunningFromDmi(cmHandleId,'parent/child', operation, 'requestData', 'some data type')
+        then: 'the result is the response from the dmi service'
+            assert result == responseFromDmi
+        where: 'the following operation is performed'
+            operation || expectedOperationInUrl
+            CREATE    || 'create'
+            UPDATE    || 'update'
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/DmiModelOperationsSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/DmiModelOperationsSpec.groovy
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index 0000000..d9d1271
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+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/DmiModelOperationsSpec.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ *  ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
+ *  ================================================================================
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.config.NcmpConfiguration
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.exception.NcmpException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.model.ModuleReference
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
+import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
+import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
+import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration
+import spock.lang.Shared
+@ContextConfiguration(classes = [NcmpConfiguration.DmiProperties, DmiModelOperations])
+class DmiModelOperationsSpec extends DmiOperationsBaseSpec {
+    @Shared
+    def newModuleReferences = [new ModuleReference('mod1','A'), new ModuleReference('mod2','X')]
+    @Autowired
+    DmiModelOperations objectUnderTest
+    def 'Module references for a persistence cm handle #scenario.'() {
+        given: 'a persistence cm handle for #cmHandleId'
+            mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(additionalPropertiesObject)
+        and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with tha expected parameters'
+            def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.OK)
+            mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData("${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/modules",
+                '{"cmHandleProperties":' + expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest + '}', [:]) >> responseFromDmi
+        when: 'a get module references is called'
+            def result = objectUnderTest.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle)
+        then: 'the result is the response from dmi service'
+            assert result == responseFromDmi
+        where:
+            scenario               | additionalPropertiesObject || expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest
+            'with properties'      | [sampleAdditionalProperty] || '{"prop1":"val1"}'
+            'with null properties' | null                       || "{}"
+            'without properties'   | []                         || "{}"
+    }
+    def 'New yang resources from dmi using persistence cm handle #scenario.'() {
+        given: 'a persistence cm handle for #cmHandleId'
+            mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(additionalPropertiesObject)
+        and: 'a positive response from dmi service when it is called with tha expected parameters'
+            def responseFromDmi = new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.OK)
+            mockDmiRestClient.postOperationWithJsonData("${dmiServiceName}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/moduleResources",
+            '{"data":{"modules":[' + expectedModuleReferencesInRequest + ']},"cmHandleProperties":'+expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest+'}',
+            [:]) >> responseFromDmi
+        when: 'get new yang resources from dmi service'
+            def result = objectUnderTest.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, unknownModuleReferences)
+        then: 'the result is the response from dmi service'
+            assert result == responseFromDmi
+        where:
+            scenario                                | additionalPropertiesObject | unknownModuleReferences || expectedAdditionalPropertiesInRequest | expectedModuleReferencesInRequest
+            'with module references and properties' | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | newModuleReferences     || '{"prop1":"val1"}'                    | '{"name":"mod1","revision":"A"},{"name":"mod2","revision":"X"}'
+            'without module references'             | [sampleAdditionalProperty] | []                      || '{"prop1":"val1"}'                    | ''
+            'without properties'                    | []                         | newModuleReferences     || '{}'                                  | '{"name":"mod1","revision":"A"},{"name":"mod2","revision":"X"}'
+    }
+    def 'New yang resources from dmi with additional properties null'() {
+        given: 'a persistence cm handle for #cmHandleId'
+            mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(null)
+        when: 'a get new yang resources from dmi is called'
+            objectUnderTest.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, [])
+        then: 'a null pointer is thrown (we might need to address this later)'
+            thrown(NullPointerException)
+    }
+    def 'Json Processing Exception'() {
+        given: 'a persistence cm handle for #cmHandleId'
+            mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval([])
+        and: 'a Json processing exception occurs'
+            spyObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> {throw (new JsonProcessingException(''))}
+        when: 'a dmi operation is executed'
+            objectUnderTest.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle)
+        then: 'an ncmp exception is thrown'
+            def exceptionThrown = thrown(NcmpException)
+        and: 'the message indicates a parsing error'
+            exceptionThrown.message.toLowerCase().contains("parsing error")
+    }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/DmiOperationsBaseSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/DmiOperationsBaseSpec.groovy
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index 0000000..4bf7dad
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.client.DmiRestClient
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.PersistenceCmHandle
+import org.spockframework.spring.SpringBean
+import spock.lang.Shared
+import spock.lang.Specification
+abstract class DmiOperationsBaseSpec extends Specification {
+    @Shared
+    def sampleAdditionalProperty = new PersistenceCmHandle.AdditionalProperty('prop1', 'val1')
+    @SpringBean
+    DmiRestClient mockDmiRestClient = Mock()
+    @SpringBean
+    PersistenceCmHandleRetriever mockCmHandlePropertiesRetriever = Mock()
+    @SpringBean
+    ObjectMapper spyObjectMapper = Spy()
+    def persistenceCmHandle = new PersistenceCmHandle()
+    def static dmiServiceName = 'some service name'
+    def static cmHandleId = 'some cm handle'
+    def static resourceIdentifier = 'parent/child'
+    def mockPersistenceCmHandleRetrieval(additionalProperties) {
+        persistenceCmHandle.dmiDataServiceName = dmiServiceName
+        persistenceCmHandle.dmiServiceName = dmiServiceName
+        persistenceCmHandle.additionalProperties = additionalProperties
+ = cmHandleId
+        mockCmHandlePropertiesRetriever.retrieveCmHandleDmiServiceNameAndProperties(cmHandleId) >> persistenceCmHandle
+    }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/PersistenceCmHandleRetrieverSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/PersistenceCmHandleRetrieverSpec.groovy
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index 0000000..3ab9266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/operations/PersistenceCmHandleRetrieverSpec.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations
+import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService
+import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.PersistenceCmHandle
+import spock.lang.Shared
+import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS
+import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode
+import spock.lang.Specification
+class PersistenceCmHandleRetrieverSpec extends Specification {
+    def mockCpsDataService = Mock(CpsDataService)
+    def objectUnderTest = new PersistenceCmHandleRetriever(mockCpsDataService)
+    def cmHandleId = 'some cm handle'
+    def leaves = ["dmi-service-name":"common service name","dmi-data-service-name":"data service name","dmi-model-service-name":"model service name"]
+    def xpath = "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@id='some cm handle']"
+    @Shared
+    def childDataNodesForCmHandleProperties = [new DataNode(leaves: ["name":"name1","value":"value1"]),
+                                               new DataNode(leaves: ["name":"name2","value":"value2"])]
+    def "Retrieve CmHandle using datanode #scenario."() {
+        given: 'the cps data service returns a data node from the dmi registry'
+            def dataNode = new DataNode(childDataNodes:childDataNodes, leaves: leaves)
+            mockCpsDataService.getDataNode('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry', xpath, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS) >> dataNode
+        when: 'retrieving the persisted cm handle'
+            def result = objectUnderTest.retrieveCmHandleDmiServiceNameAndProperties(cmHandleId)
+        then: 'the result has the correct id and service names'
+   == cmHandleId
+            result.dmiServiceName == 'common service name'
+            result.dmiDataServiceName == 'data service name'
+            result.dmiModelServiceName == 'model service name'
+        and: 'the expected additional properties'
+            result.additionalProperties == expectedCmHandleProperties
+        where: 'the following parameters are used'
+            scenario                        | childDataNodes                      || expectedCmHandleProperties
+            'without additional properties' | []                                  || []
+            'with additional properties'    | childDataNodesForCmHandleProperties || [new PersistenceCmHandle.AdditionalProperty("name1", "value1"),
+                                                                                      new PersistenceCmHandle.AdditionalProperty("name2", "value2")]
+    }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/models/PersistenceCmHandleSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/models/PersistenceCmHandleSpec.groovy
index bfed795..c66eaa9 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/models/PersistenceCmHandleSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/models/PersistenceCmHandleSpec.groovy
@@ -21,13 +21,15 @@
 import spock.lang.Specification
-class PersistenceCmHandleSpec extends Specification {
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.RequiredDmiService.DATA
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.RequiredDmiService.MODEL
-    def objectUnderTest = new PersistenceCmHandle()
+class PersistenceCmHandleSpec extends Specification {
     def 'Setting and getting additional properties.'() {
         given: 'a map of one property is added'
-            objectUnderTest.setAdditionalProperties([myProperty: 'some value'])
+            def objectUnderTest = new PersistenceCmHandle()
+            objectUnderTest.asAdditionalProperties([myProperty: 'some value'])
         when: 'the additional properties are retrieved'
             def result = objectUnderTest.getAdditionalProperties()
         then: 'the result has the right size'
@@ -39,4 +41,23 @@
             assert actualAdditionalProperty.value == expectedAdditionalProperty.value
+    def 'Resolve dmi service name: #scenario and #requiredService service require.'() {
+        given: 'a Persistence CM Handle'
+            def objectUnderTest = PersistenceCmHandle.toPersistenceCmHandle(dmiServiceName, dmiDataServiceName, dmiModelServiceName, new CmHandle('some id', null))
+        expect:
+            assert objectUnderTest.resolveDmiServiceName(requiredService) == expectedService
+        where:
+            scenario                        | dmiServiceName     | dmiDataServiceName | dmiModelServiceName | requiredService || expectedService
+            'common service registered'     | 'common service'   | 'does not matter'  | 'does not matter'   | DATA            || 'common service'
+            'common service registered'     | 'common service'   | 'does not matter'  | 'does not matter'   | MODEL           || 'common service'
+            'common service empty'          | ''                 | 'data service'     | 'does not matter'   | DATA            || 'data service'
+            'common service empty'          | ''                 | 'does not matter'  | 'model service'     | MODEL           || 'model service'
+            'common service blank'          | '   '              | 'data service'     | 'does not matter'   | DATA            || 'data service'
+            'common service blank'          | '   '              | 'does not matter'  | 'model service'     | MODEL           || 'model service'
+            'common service null '          | null               | 'data service'     | 'does not matter'   | DATA            || 'data service'
+            'common service null'           | null               | 'does not matter'  | 'model service'     | MODEL           || 'model service'
+            'only model service registered' | null               | null               | 'does not matter'   | DATA            || null
+            'only data service registered'  | null               | 'does not matter'  | null                | MODEL           || null
+    }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/resources/application.yml b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/resources/application.yml
index 71ac2c9..d8fbb64 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/resources/application.yml
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/resources/application.yml
@@ -20,4 +20,6 @@
         username: some-user
         password: some-password
+    api:
+        base-path: /dmi