Reverted web client changes as it breaking CPS functionality:

1. Error handling not working
2. Unable to make dmi call as url appens extra "/"

Commit 1: Replace RestTemplate with WebClient in synchronous DMI calls

    - added DmiWebClientConfiguration
    - use WebClient in DmiRestClient
    - fixed unit tests
    - ingnored failing NCMP related integration tests (related to WebClient, will be fixed in a future patch)
    - encode query params for DMI requests

Commit 2: Module sync task failing with WebClient

    - added configurable buffer size

Commit 3: Re-use ncmp.dmi.httpclient.maximumConnectionsTotal parameter
(as documented in RTD) to control webclient connection poolsize

Issue-ID:CPS-989, CPS-2195, CPS-2198

Change-Id: I6c71ab2801b222708404f51bd60f2b3031ebf32e
Signed-off-by: sourabh_sourabh <>
23 files changed