Replace list-node content (part 2): CPS REST layer

Issue-ID: CPS-362
Change-Id: I46dc9b48758fa10a47a648aa4e6a63775466234b
Signed-off-by: Ruslan Kashapov <>
diff --git a/cps-rest/docs/api/swagger/cpsData.yml b/cps-rest/docs/api/swagger/cpsData.yml
index c0cd85b..aa8a31d 100755
--- a/cps-rest/docs/api/swagger/cpsData.yml
+++ b/cps-rest/docs/api/swagger/cpsData.yml
@@ -50,6 +50,32 @@
         $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Forbidden'
+  patch:
+    description: Replace list-node child elements under existing node for a given anchor and dataspace
+    tags:
+      - cps-data
+    summary: Replace list-node child element(s) under existing parent node
+    operationId: replaceListNodeElements
+    parameters:
+      - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/dataspaceNameInPath'
+      - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/anchorNameInPath'
+      - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/requiredXpathInQuery'
+    requestBody:
+      required: true
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            type: string
+    responses:
+      '200':
+        $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Created'
+      '400':
+        $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/BadRequest'
+      '401':
+        $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Unauthorized'
+      '403':
+        $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Forbidden'
     description: Create a node for a given anchor and dataspace