Implement merging all ncmp datastore endpoints into one

- Merging all endpoints
under /v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:*
to /v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/{ncmp-datastore-name}

- Implementing missing tests from parent
- Introducing abstract class to keep the common code and just pass in
  the supplier to be executed in sync or async manner
- Removed the existing get endpoints for passthrough-running,
  passthrough-operational and operational and merged them into a common
  get endpoint

Issue-ID: CPS-1178
Issue-ID: CPS-1001
Change-Id: I6956c81d5acfa8fb11217bcc16cb795b62070fa3
Signed-off-by: bmiklos <>
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-rest/docs/openapi/openapi.yml b/cps-ncmp-rest/docs/openapi/openapi.yml
index 8e02066..ed15fcd 100755
--- a/cps-ncmp-rest/docs/openapi/openapi.yml
+++ b/cps-ncmp-rest/docs/openapi/openapi.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
   - url: /ncmp
-  /v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-operational:
-    $ref: 'ncmp.yml#/getResourceDataForPassthroughOperational'
+  /v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/{ncmp-datastore-name}:
+    $ref: 'ncmp.yml#/getResourceDataForCmHandle'
     $ref: 'ncmp.yml#/resourceDataForPassthroughRunning'