Finalize design and modeling documentation

Issue-ID: CPS-447
Signed-off-by: Bruno Sakoto <>
Change-Id: I58181dd7018319c46d465c78b8299c3f316f455e
diff --git a/docs/_static/event-schema/cps-data-updated-event-schema-v1.json b/docs/_static/event-schema/cps-data-updated-event-schema-v1.json
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_static/event-schema/cps-data-updated-event-schema-v1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+  "$schema": "",
+  "$id": "urn:cps:org.onap.cps:data-updated-event-schema:v1",
+  "$ref": "#/definitions/CpsDataUpdatedEvent",
+  "definitions": {
+    "CpsDataUpdatedEvent": {
+      "description": "The payload for CPS data updated event.",
+      "type": "object",
+      "properties": {
+        "schema": {
+          "description": "The schema, including its version, that this event adheres to. E.g. 'urn:cps:org.onap.cps:data-updated-event-schema:v99'.",
+          "type": "string",
+          "format": "uri"
+        },
+        "id": {
+          "description": "The unique id identifying the event for the specified source. Producer must ensure that source + id is unique for each distinct event.",
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "source": {
+          "description": "The source of the event. Producer must ensure that source + id is unique for each distinct event.",
+          "type": "string",
+          "format": "uri"
+        },
+        "type": {
+          "description": "The type of the event.",
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "content": {
+          "$ref": "#/definitions/Content"
+        }
+      },
+      "required": [
+        "schema",
+        "id",
+        "source",
+        "type",
+        "content"
+      ],
+      "additionalProperties": false
+    },
+    "Content": {
+      "description": "The event content.",
+      "type": "object",
+      "properties": {
+        "observedTimestamp": {
+          "description": "The timestamp when the data has been observed. The expected format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ'. Ex: '2020-12-01T00:00:00.000+0000'  ",
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "dataspaceName": {
+          "description": "The name of CPS Core dataspace the data belongs to.",
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "schemaSetName": {
+          "description": "The name of CPS Core schema set the data adheres to.",
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "anchorName": {
+          "description": "The name of CPS Core anchor the data is attached to.",
+          "type": "string"
+        },
+        "data": {
+          "$ref": "#/definitions/Data"
+        }
+      },
+      "required": [
+        "observedTimestamp",
+        "dataspaceName",
+        "schemaSetName",
+        "anchorName",
+        "data"
+      ],
+      "additionalProperties": false
+    },
+    "Data": {
+      "description": "Data as json object.",
+      "type": "object"
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_static/openapi/swagger/openapi.yml b/docs/_static/openapi/swagger/openapi.yml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_static/openapi/swagger/openapi.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Bell Canada.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+openapi: 3.0.1
+  title: ONAP Open API v3 Configuration Persistence Service - Temporal
+  description: CPS-Temporal is time-series database for network data
+  version: 1.0.0
+  contact:
+    name: ONAP
+    url: ''
+    email:
+  license:
+    name: Apache 2.0
+    url: ''
+  x-planned-retirement-date: '202212'
+  x-component: Modeling
+  - url: '/cps-temporal/api'
+  - name: cps-temporal-query
+    description: CPS Temporal Query
+  '/v1/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}/history':
+    get:
+      description: 'Read the data for the specified anchor based on filter criteria provided in query parameters'
+      tags:
+        - cps-temporal-query
+      summary: Get anchor data by name
+      operationId: getAnchorDataByName
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/dataspaceName'
+        - name: anchor-name
+          in: path
+          description: Anchor Name
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/observedTimestampAfter'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/simplePayloadFilter'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pointInTime'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageNumber'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageLimit'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sort'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnchorHistory'
+              example:
+                nextRecordsLink: /v1/dataspace/my-dataspace/anchors/my-anchor/history?pageLimit=20&pageNumber=2
+                previousRecordsLink: /v1/dataspace/my-dataspace/anchors/my-anchor/history?pageLimit=20&pageNumber=0
+                records:
+                  - timestamp: '2021-03-21T00:00:00.000-0000'
+                    dataspace: my-dataspace
+                    schemaSet: my-schema-set
+                    anchor: my-anchor
+                    data:
+                      status: UP
+        '400':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest'
+        '401':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized'
+        '403':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden'
+  '/v1/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/history':
+    get:
+      description: 'Read anchors data based on filter criteria provided in query parameters'
+      tags:
+        - cps-temporal-query
+      summary: Get anchors data based on filter criteria
+      operationId: getAnchorsDataByFilter
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/dataspaceName'
+        - name: schema-set-name
+          in: query
+          description: Schema-set name
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/observedTimestampAfter'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/simplePayloadFilter'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pointInTime'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageNumber'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pageLimit'
+        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sort'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          content:
+            application/json:
+              schema:
+                $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnchorHistory'
+              example:
+                nextRecordsLink: /v1/dataspace/my-dataspace/anchors/history?pageLimit=20&pageNumber=2
+                previousRecordsLink: /v1/dataspace/my-dataspace/anchors/history?pageLimit=20&pageNumber=0
+                records:
+                  - timestamp: '2021-03-21T00:00:00.000-0000'
+                    dataspace: my-dataspace
+                    schemaSet: my-schema-set
+                    anchor: my-anchor
+                    data:
+                      status: UP
+        '400':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest'
+        '401':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized'
+        '403':
+          $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden'
+  parameters:
+    dataspaceName:
+      name: dataspace-name
+      in: path
+      description: Dataspace Name
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    observedTimestampAfter:
+      name: observedTimestampAfter
+      in: query
+      description: Fetch data with observed timestamp after <br/> Format - 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ'
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: string
+        example: '2021-03-21T00:00:00.000-0000'
+    simplePayloadFilter:
+      name: simplePayloadFilter
+      in: query
+      description: Payload filter
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    pointInTime:
+      name: pointInTime
+      in: query
+      description: Consider data modified before <br/> Format - 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ'
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: string
+        example: '2021-03-21T00:00:00.000-0000'
+    pageLimit:
+      in: query
+      name: pageLimit
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: integer
+        minimum: 0
+        default: 1000
+      description: The numbers of items to return
+    pageNumber:
+      name: pageNumber
+      in: query
+      description: Page number
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: integer
+        minimum: 0
+        default: 0
+    sort:
+      in: query
+      name: sort
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: string
+        default: observed_timestamp:desc
+      description: "Sort by timestamp in 'asc' or 'desc' order. Supported values: <br/>observed_timestamp:desc<br/>anchor:asc,observed_timestamp:desc"
+  responses:
+    BadRequest:
+      description: Bad Request
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
+    Unauthorized:
+      description: Unauthorized
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
+    Forbidden:
+      description: Forbidden
+      content:
+        application/json:
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'
+  schemas:
+    AnchorDetails:
+      type: object
+      title: AnchorDetails
+      properties:
+        observedTimestamp:
+          type: string
+          example: '2021-03-21T00:00:00.000-0000'
+        dataspace:
+          type: string
+          example: 'my-dataspace'
+        schemaSet:
+          type: string
+          example: 'my-schema-set'
+        anchor:
+          type: string
+          example: 'my-anchor'
+        data:
+          type: object
+          example: { "status" : "UP" }
+    AnchorHistory:
+      type: object
+      title: AnchorHistory
+      properties:
+        nextRecordsLink:
+          type: string
+          example: /v1/dataspace/dataspace-name/anchors/history?pageLimit=20&pageNumber=2
+        previousRecordsLink:
+          type: string
+          example: /v1/dataspace/dataspace-name/anchors/history?pageLimit=20&pageNumber=0
+        records:
+          type: array
+          items:
+            $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnchorDetails'
+      required:
+        - records
+    ErrorMessage:
+      type: object
+      title: Error
+      properties:
+        status:
+          type: string
+          example: 400
+        message:
+          type: string
+          example: Data could not be fetched
+        details:
+          type: string
+          example: "after parameter should have datetime value in ISO format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
diff --git a/docs/_static/postman-collections/cps-temporal-postman-collection.json b/docs/_static/postman-collections/cps-temporal-postman-collection.json
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index 0000000..cd23d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_static/postman-collections/cps-temporal-postman-collection.json
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+	"info": {
+		"_postman_id": "9ef134f9-0f80-4a1c-92af-51da658c228b",
+		"name": "CPS Temporal",
+		"schema": ""
+	},
+	"item": [
+		{
+			"name": "Actuator",
+			"item": [
+				{
+					"name": "Get Health",
+					"protocolProfileBehavior": {
+						"disableCookies": true
+					},
+					"request": {
+						"auth": {
+							"type": "noauth"
+						},
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-management-port}}/manage/health",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-management-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"manage",
+								"health"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Get Metrics",
+					"protocolProfileBehavior": {
+						"disableCookies": true
+					},
+					"request": {
+						"auth": {
+							"type": "noauth"
+						},
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-management-port}}/manage/prometheus",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-management-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"manage",
+								"prometheus"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Get Info",
+					"protocolProfileBehavior": {
+						"disableCookies": true
+					},
+					"request": {
+						"auth": {
+							"type": "noauth"
+						},
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-management-port}}/manage/info",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-management-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"manage",
+								"info"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Specifications",
+			"item": [
+				{
+					"name": "Swagger UI",
+					"request": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-port}}/swagger-ui.html",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"swagger-ui.html"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Open API",
+					"request": {
+						"auth": {
+							"type": "noauth"
+						},
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-port}}/swagger/openapi.yml",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"swagger",
+								"openapi.yml"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Data",
+			"item": [
+				{
+					"name": "Get Anchor Data",
+					"request": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-port}}/cps-temporal/api/v1/dataspaces/{{dataspace-name}}/anchors/{{anchor-name}}/history",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"cps-temporal",
+								"api",
+								"v1",
+								"dataspaces",
+								"{{dataspace-name}}",
+								"anchors",
+								"{{anchor-name}}",
+								"history"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "sort",
+									"value": "observed_timestamp:desc,anchor:asc",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "observedTimestampAfter",
+									"value": "2021-08-01T00:00:00.000-0000",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pointInTime",
+									"value": "2021-08-17T14:35:00.000-0400",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pageNumber",
+									"value": "0",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pageLimit",
+									"value": "1",
+									"disabled": true
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Get Schema Set Data",
+					"request": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{protocol}}://{{temporal-host}}:{{temporal-port}}/cps-temporal/api/v1/dataspaces/{{dataspace-name}}/anchors/history?schema-set-name={{schema-set-name}}",
+							"protocol": "{{protocol}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{temporal-host}}"
+							],
+							"port": "{{temporal-port}}",
+							"path": [
+								"cps-temporal",
+								"api",
+								"v1",
+								"dataspaces",
+								"{{dataspace-name}}",
+								"anchors",
+								"history"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "schema-set-name",
+									"value": "{{schema-set-name}}"
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "sort",
+									"value": "observed_timestamp:desc,anchor:asc",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "observedTimestampAfter",
+									"value": "2021-08-01T00:00:00.000%2B0100",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pointInTime",
+									"value": "2021-08-17T14:35:00.000-0400",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pageNumber",
+									"value": "0",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pageLimit",
+									"value": "1",
+									"disabled": true
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				}
+			]
+		}
+	],
+	"auth": {
+		"type": "basic",
+		"basic": [
+			{
+				"key": "password",
+				"value": "{{temporal-password}}",
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			{
+				"key": "username",
+				"value": "{{temporal-username}}",
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		]
+	},
+	"event": [
+		{
+			"listen": "prerequest",
+			"script": {
+				"type": "text/javascript",
+				"exec": [
+					""
+				]
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			"listen": "test",
+			"script": {
+				"type": "text/javascript",
+				"exec": [
+					""
+				]
+			}
+		}
+	]
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diff --git a/docs/content/design.rst b/docs/content/design.rst
index 7a6590d..c414e6d 100644
--- a/docs/content/design.rst
+++ b/docs/content/design.rst
@@ -8,13 +8,37 @@
 CPS Temporal Design
-.. warning:: Draft
+Exposed APIs
+CPS Temporal is providing a REST HTTP API to query historical CPS data.
+Its OPEN API Specification can be found either:
-  * Specification
-  * Postman Collection
+* In :download:`openapi.yml <../_static/openapi/swagger/openapi.yml>`
+  file
+* At ``https://<cps-temporal-host>:<cps-temporal-port>/swagger/openapi.yml``
+  endpoint available on CPS Temporal running instance
-* Event Schema
+Swagger UI is also available at:
-  * Json Schema
+* ``https://<cps-temporal-host>:<cps-temporal-port>/swagger-ui.html``
+And following Postman collection can be used to send requests to any running
+* :download:`CPS Temporal Postman Collection <../_static/postman-collections/cps-temporal-postman-collection.json>`
+Event Integration
+CPS Core and CPS Temporal are integrated with an event driven architecture.
+Integration between these two components is event notification based.
+For each data modification handled by CPS Core,
+* CPS Core is publishing, to a dedicated Kafka topic, an event representing
+  the data configuration or state.
+* CPS Temporal is listening to the same topic for the event and is responsible
+  to keep track of all data over time.
+Refer to :doc:`modeling` for more details on the event structure.
diff --git a/docs/content/modeling.rst b/docs/content/modeling.rst
index b8bf91e..8871a81 100644
--- a/docs/content/modeling.rst
+++ b/docs/content/modeling.rst
@@ -8,4 +8,34 @@
 CPS Temporal Modeling
-.. warning:: Draft
+Event Structure
+Data manipulated by both CPS Core and CPS Temporal to represent a Data Updated
+Event is a JSON structure that is defined by following Json Schema:
+* :download:`cps-data-updated-event-schema.json <../_static/event-schema/cps-data-updated-event-schema-v1.json>`
+And following is an example of an event compliant with this schema:
+.. code:: json
+    {
+        "schema": "urn:cps:org.onap.cps:data-updated-event-schema:v1",
+        "id": "38aa6cc6-264d-4ede-b534-18f5c1f403ea",
+        "source": "urn:cps:org.onap.cps",
+        "type": "",
+        "content": {
+            "observedTimestamp": "2021-06-09T13:00:00.123-0400",
+            "dataspaceName": "my-dataspace",
+            "schemaSetName": "my-schema-set",
+            "anchorName": "my-anchor",
+            "data": {
+                "interface": {
+                    "name": "itf-1",
+                    "status": "up"
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }