Fix issues with SOnar Qube coverage report

-removed invalid jacoco exclude
-removed strange (generated/accidental?) comment in main pom header
-moved manually coded 'models' package (included in coverage now) to separate it
from swagger generated package/classes with same name (exluded in coverage)
-added some missing test scenarios
-increased coverage limit from 70 to 98% to prevent regression

Issue-ID: CPS-475
Signed-off-by: ToineSiebelink <>
Change-Id: I2f1c276c543926d2d259e33b418f21de4abfea96
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 2eca0b2..4fb6b16 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -17,108 +17,7 @@
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
---><!DOCTYPE project [
-        <!ELEMENT project (modelVersion|parent|organization|groupId|artifactId|version|name|description|properties|dependencyManagement|dependencies|build|pluginManagement)*>
-        <!ATTLIST project
-                xmlns CDATA #REQUIRED
-                xmlns:xsi CDATA #REQUIRED
-                xsi:schemaLocation CDATA #REQUIRED>
-        <!ELEMENT modelVersion (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT parent (groupId|artifactId|version|relativePath)*>
-        <!ELEMENT groupId (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT artifactId (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT relativePath (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT organization (name|url)*>
-        <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT properties (app|base.image|cps.version|image.tag|jacoco.minimum.coverage|||*>
-        <!ELEMENT app (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT base.image (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT cps.version (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT image.tag (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT jacoco.minimum.coverage (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT dependencyManagement (dependencies)*>
-        <!ELEMENT dependencies (dependency)*>
-        <!ELEMENT dependency (groupId|artifactId|version|type|scope|exclusions)*>
-        <!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT scope (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT exclusions (exclusion)*>
-        <!ELEMENT exclusion (groupId|artifactId)*>
-        <!ELEMENT build (resources|plugins|plugin)*>
-        <!ELEMENT resources (resource)*>
-        <!ELEMENT resource (directory|filtering|includes|targetPath)*>
-        <!ELEMENT directory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT filtering (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT includes (include)*>
-        <!ELEMENT include (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT targetPath (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT plugins (plugin)*>
-        <!ELEMENT plugin (groupId|artifactId|version|executions|configuration|dependencies)*>
-        <!ELEMENT executions (execution)*>
-        <!ELEMENT execution (goals|configuration|id|phase)*>
-        <!ELEMENT goals (goal)*>
-        <!ELEMENT goal (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT configuration (inputSpec|language|generateSupportingFiles|apiPackage|modelPackage|configOptions|argLine|includes|excludes|configLocation|includeResources|includeTestSourceDirectory|includeTestResources|sourceDirectories|consoleOutput|violationSeverity|failOnViolation|plugins|effort|threshold|failOnError|excludeFilterFile|xmlOutput|xmlOutputDirectory|dataFile|rules|dataFileIncludes|container|from|to)*>
-        <!ELEMENT inputSpec (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT generateSupportingFiles (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT apiPackage (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT modelPackage (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT configOptions (sourceFolder|dateLibrary|interfaceOnly|useTags)*>
-        <!ELEMENT sourceFolder (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT dateLibrary (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT interfaceOnly (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT useTags (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT id (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT phase (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT argLine (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT excludes (exclude)*>
-        <!ELEMENT exclude (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT configLocation (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT includeResources (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT includeTestSourceDirectory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT includeTestResources (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT sourceDirectories (sourceDirectory)*>
-        <!ELEMENT sourceDirectory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT consoleOutput (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT violationSeverity (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT failOnViolation (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT effort (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT threshold (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT failOnError (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT excludeFilterFile (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT xmlOutput (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT xmlOutputDirectory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT dataFile (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT rules (rule)*>
-        <!ELEMENT rule (element|limits)*>
-        <!ELEMENT element (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT limits (limit)*>
-        <!ELEMENT limit (counter|value|minimum)*>
-        <!ELEMENT counter (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT minimum (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT dataFileIncludes (fileInclude)*>
-        <!ELEMENT fileInclude (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT pluginManagement (plugins)*>
-        <!ELEMENT container (mainClass|creationTime)*>
-        <!ELEMENT mainClass (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT creationTime (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT from (image)*>
-        <!ELEMENT image (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT to (tags|image)*>
-        <!ELEMENT tags (tag)*>
-        <!ELEMENT tag (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT profiles (profile)*>
-        <!ELEMENT profile (id|activation|properties|build)*>
-        <!ELEMENT activation (activeByDefault)*>
-        <!ELEMENT activeByDefault (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT (#PCDATA)>
-        ]>
 <project xmlns=""
@@ -143,7 +42,7 @@
-        <jacoco.minimum.coverage>0.7</jacoco.minimum.coverage>
+        <jacoco.minimum.coverage>0.98</jacoco.minimum.coverage>
@@ -443,7 +342,6 @@
-                        <exclude>org/onap/cps/ncmp/dmi/config/*</exclude>