Get resource data for pass-through running (dmi-impl)

Issue-ID: CPS-561
Signed-off-by: tragait <>
Change-Id: Ia92a97296e2c3e84d0b6f6d9d1d0daf1e8f46b55
diff --git a/docs/openapi/components.yml b/docs/openapi/components.yml
index 3d8aa2c..cb39fa4 100644
--- a/docs/openapi/components.yml
+++ b/docs/openapi/components.yml
@@ -123,4 +123,37 @@
       description: The identifier for a network function, network element, subnetwork, or any other cm object by managed Network CM Proxy
       required: true
-        type: string
\ No newline at end of file
+        type: string
+    resourceIdentifierInPath:
+      name: resourceIdentifier
+      in: path
+      description: Resource identifier to get/set the resource data
+      required: true
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    acceptParamInHeader:
+      name: accept
+      in: header
+      description: Accept parameter for response, if accept parameter is null, that means client can accept any format.
+      schema:
+        type: string
+        enum: [ application/json, application/yang-data+json ]
+    fieldsParamInQuery:
+      name: fields
+      in: query
+      description: Fields parameter to filter resource
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: string
+    depthParamInQuery:
+      name: depth
+      in: query
+      description: Depth parameter for response
+      required: false
+      schema:
+        type: integer
+        minimum: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/openapi/openapi.yml b/docs/openapi/openapi.yml
index 114c521..af285f4 100644
--- a/docs/openapi/openapi.yml
+++ b/docs/openapi/openapi.yml
@@ -122,36 +122,44 @@
         - dmi-plugin
-      summary: Get resource data for cm handle
-      description: Get resource data for given cm handle
+      summary: Get resource data from passthrough-operational for cm handle
+      description: Get resource data from passthrough-operational for cm handle
       operationId: getResourceDataOperationalForCmHandle
         - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/cmHandleInPath'
-        - name: resourceIdentifier
-          in: path
-          description: Resource identifier to fetch the resource data
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: accept
-          in: header
-          description: Accept parameter for response, if accept parameter is null, that means client can accept any format.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            enum: [ application/json, application/yang-data+json ]
-        - name: fields
-          in: query
-          description: Fields parameter to filter resource
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: depth
-          in: query
-          description: Depth parameter for response
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: integer
-            minimum: 1
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/resourceIdentifierInPath'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/acceptParamInHeader'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/fieldsParamInQuery'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/depthParamInQuery'
+      requestBody:
+        description: Operational body
+        content:
+          application/json:
+            schema:
+              $ref: 'components.yml#/components/schemas/OperationalRequest'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Ok'
+        '400':
+          $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/BadRequest'
+        '401':
+          $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Unauthorized'
+        '403':
+          $ref: 'components.yml#/components/responses/Forbidden'
+  /v1/ch/{cmHandle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running/{resourceIdentifier}:
+    put:
+      tags:
+        - dmi-plugin
+      summary: Get resource data from passthrough-running for cm handle
+      description: Get resource data from passthrough-running for cm handle
+      operationId: getResourceDataPassthroughRunningForCmHandle
+      parameters:
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/cmHandleInPath'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/resourceIdentifierInPath'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/acceptParamInHeader'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/fieldsParamInQuery'
+        - $ref: 'components.yml#/components/parameters/depthParamInQuery'
         description: Operational body