Collector authentication enhancement doc

Collector authentication enhancement doc update

Change-Id: I03a05cb83dd8c498fb218e82e9b3958348fbb4ac
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1101
Signed-off-by: Zlatko Murgoski <>
diff --git a/docs/sections/services/ves-http/tls-authentication.rst b/docs/sections/services/ves-http/tls-authentication.rst
index b3cbafd..b5226dc 100644
--- a/docs/sections/services/ves-http/tls-authentication.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/services/ves-http/tls-authentication.rst
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
     * *collector.keystore.file.location* - a path to jks key store containing certificates which can be used for TLS handshake
     * *collector.keystore.passwordfile* - a path to file containing a password for the key store
-    * *collector.keystore.alias* - a name of a certificate from a key store which VES will use during TLS handshake
-Property *header.authflag=1* may by used along ** in order to enable mutual TLS authentication and basic HTTP authentication.
+Property *auth.method* is used to manage security mode, possible configuration: noAuth, basicAuth, certOnly, certBasicAuth
+    * *auth.method=noAuth* default option - no security (http)
+    * *auth.method=certOnly* is used to enable mutual TLS authentication (https)
+    * *auth.method=certBasicAuth* is used to enable mutual TLS authentication or/and basic HTTPs authentication
+    * *auth.method=basicAuth* is used to enable basic HTTPs authentication
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