Update LICENSE.txt

Issue-Id: DCAEGEN2-86
Change-Id: If4ee27c214de84a422b331a0bcaa1f6738066a2d
Signed-off-by: Lusheng Ji <lji@research.att.com>
1 file changed
tree: 2ca526f0df573af4347366136d687e558d072d10
  1. docs/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .gitreview
  4. Dockerfile
  5. LICENSE.txt
  6. mkdocs.yml
  7. mvn-phase-script.sh
  8. pom.xml
  9. README.md
  10. version.properties


Contains the public facing technical documentation for the dcae platform whose audiences include:

  • Architects
  • Component developers
  • Operations


Local dev

This is a Mkdocs project. To serve a local version of the documentation to view your changes:

  1. Install mkdocs and mkdocs-material:

    pip install mkdocs
    pip install mkdocs-material
  2. Clone this repo

  3. Run the following at the root of the cloned repo:

    mkdocs serve
  4. View the page at


  1. Generate the site:

    mkdocs build
  2. Build and push the Docker image - note the repository and group YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap can be customized and replaced:

    docker build -t YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest .
    docker push YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest
  3. Run the Docker container:

    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://<target docker host>
    # REVIEW: Does this always pull latest?
    docker pull YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest
    docker run -d --name dpd -p 80:80 YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest