dcae design doc updates
Change-Id: I7145f840d9a7de34bb6a615fe992ba22e1ff0380
Signed-off-by: VENKATESH KUMAR <vv770d@att.com>
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2024
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1865
Signed-off-by: VENKATESH KUMAR <vv770d@att.com>
diff --git a/docs/sections/design-components/DCAE-MOD/DCAE-MOD-User-Guide.rst b/docs/sections/design-components/DCAE-MOD/DCAE-MOD-User-Guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25bf095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/design-components/DCAE-MOD/DCAE-MOD-User-Guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+DCAE MOD User Guide
+- `Types of Users and Usage
+ Instructions: <#DCAEMODUserGuide(draft)-TypesofUsersand>`__
+- `1. Deployment of DCAE MOD components via Helm
+ charts <#DCAEMODUserGuide(draft)-1.DeploymentofD>`__
+ - `Using DCAE MOD without an Ingress
+ Controller <#DCAEMODUserGuide(draft)-UsingDCAEMODwit>`__
+- `2. Configuring DCAE
+ mod <#DCAEMODUserGuide(draft)-2.ConfiguringDC>`__
+- `3. Design & Distribution
+ Flow <#DCAEMODUserGuide(draft)-3.Design&Distri>`__
+Types of Users and Usage Instructions:
+| Sr.No | User | Usage Instructions |
+| 1. | Developers who are looking | - Access the Nifi |
+| | to onboard their mS | Web UI url provided to you |
+| | | |
+| | | - Follow steps 2.c |
+| | | to 2.f |
+| | | |
+| | | - You should be able |
+| | | to see your microservices |
+| | | in the Nifi Web UI by |
+| | | clicking and dragging |
+| | | ‘Processor’ on the canvas, |
+| | | and searching for the name |
+| | | of the |
+| | | micros |
+| | | ervice/component/processor. |
+| 2. | Designers who are building | - Access the Nifi |
+| | the flows through UI and | Web UI url provided to you |
+| | triggering distribution | |
+| | | - Follow steps 3 to |
+| | | the end of the document |
+| 3. | Infrastructure/ Admins who | - Follow start to |
+| | want to stand up DCAE Mod | the end |
+| | and validate it | |
+1. Deployment of DCAE MOD components via Helm charts
+The DCAE MOD components are deployed using the standard ONAP OOM
+deployment process. When deploying ONAP using the helm deploy command,
+DCAE MOD components are deployed when the dcaemod.enabled flag is set to
+true, either via a --set option on the command line or by an entry in an
+overrides file. In this respect, DCAE MOD is no different from any
+other ONAP subsystem.
+The default DCAE MOD deployment relies on an nginx ingress controller
+being available in the Kubernetes cluster where DCAE MOD is being
+deployed. The Rancher RKE installation process sets up a suitable
+ingress controller. In order to enable the use of the ingress
+controller, it is necessary to override the OOM default global settings
+for ingress configuration. Specifically, the installation needs to set
+the following configuration in an override file::
+ global:
+ ingress:
+ enabled: true
+ virtualhost:
+ enabled: false
+When DCAE MOD is deployed with an ingress controller, several endpoints
+are exposed outside the cluster at the ingress controller's external IP
+address and port. (In the case of a Rancher RKE installation, there is
+an ingress controller on every worker node, listening at the the
+standard HTTP port (80).) These exposed endpoints are needed by users
+using machines outside the Kubernetes cluster.
+| **Endpoint** | ** Routes to (cluster | **Description** |
+| | internal address)** | |
+| /nifi | http://dcaemod-designtool:8080/nifi | Design tool Web UI |
+| | | |
+| /nifi-api | http://dcaemod-designtool:8080/nifi-api | Design tool API |
+| | | |
+| /nifi-jars | http://dcaemod-nifi-registry:18080/nifi-jars | Flow registry listing of |
+| | | JAR files built from |
+| | | component specs |
+| /onboarding | http://dcaemod-onboarding-api:8080/onboarding | Onboarding API |
+| | | |
+| /distributor | http://dcaemod-distributor-api:8080/distributor | Distributor API |
+| | | |
+| To access the design Web UI, for example, a user would use the URL :
+ http://*ingress_controller_address:ingress_controller_port*/nifi.
+| *ingress_controller_address* is the the IP address or DNS FQDN of the
+ ingress controller and
+| *ingress_controller_port* is the port on which the ingress controller
+ is listening for HTTP requests. (If the port is 80, the HTTP default,
+ then there is no need to specify a port.)
+There are two additional *internal* endpoints that users need to know,
+in order to configure a registry client and a distribution target in the
+design tool's controller settings.
+| **Configuration Item** | **Endpoint URL** |
+| Registry client | http://dcaemod-nifi-registry:18080 |
+| Distribution target | http://dcaemod-runtime-api:9090 |
+Using DCAE MOD without an Ingress Controller
+Not currently supported
+2. Configuring DCAE mod
+**a. Configure Nifi Registry url**
+Next check Nifi settings by selecting the Hamburger button in the Nifi
+UI. It should lead you to the Nifi Settings screen
+Add a registry client. The Registry client url will be
+**b. Add distribution target which will be the runtime api url**
+Set the distribution target in the controller settings
+Distribution target URL will be
+`http://dcaemod-runtime-api:9090 <http://dcaemod-runtime-api:9090/>`__
+Now let’s access the Nifi (DCAE designer) UI - http://<IPAddress>/nifi
+IPAddress is the host address or the DNS FQDN, if there is one, for one of the Kubernetes nodes.
+**c. Get the artifacts to test and onboard.**
+Let's fetch the artifacts/ spec files
+**Sample Component DCAE-VES-Collector :** https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/ves/tree/dpo/spec/vescollector-componentspec.json
+**Sample Data Format :** https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/ves/tree/dpo/data-formats/VES-5.28.4-dataformat.json
+For the purpose of onboarding, a Sample Request body should be of the type -::
+ { "owner": "<some value>", "spec": <some json object> }
+where the json object inside the spec field can be a component spec json.
+Request bodies of this type will be used in the onboarding requests you make using curl or the onboarding swagger interface.
+**The prepared Sample Request body for a component dcae-ves-collector looks like
+so –**
+See :download:`VES Collector Spec <./Sample-Input-Files/Request-body-of-Sample-Component.json>`
+**The prepared Sample request body for a sample data format looks like so -**
+See :download:`VES data Format <./Sample-Input-Files/Request-body-of-Sample-Data-Format.json>`
+**d. To onboard a data format and a component**
+Each component has a description that tells what it does.
+These requests would be of the type
+curl -X POST http://<onboardingapi host>/onboarding/dataformats -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
+@<filepath to request>
+curl -X POST http://<onboardingapi host>/onboarding/components -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
+@<filepath to request>
+In our case,
+curl -X POST http://<IPAddress>/onboarding/dataformats -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @<filepath to request>
+curl -X POST http://<IPAddress>/onboarding/components -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @<filepath to request>
+**e. Verify the resources were created using**
+curl -X GET http://<IPAddress>/onboarding/dataformats
+curl -X GET http://<IPAddress>/onboarding/components
+**f. Verify the genprocessor (which polls onboarding periodically to convert component specs to nifi processor), converted the component**
+Open http://<IPAddress>/nifi-jars in a browser.
+These jars should now be available for you to use in the nifi UI as
+3. Design & Distribution Flow
+**a**. To start creating flows, we need to create a process group first. The
+name of the process group will be the name of the flow. Drag and Drop on
+the canvas, the ‘Processor Group’ icon from the DCAE Designer bar on the
+Now enter the process group by double clicking it,
+You can now drag and drop on the canvas ‘Processor’ icon from the top
+DCAE Designer tab. You can search for a particular component in the
+search box that appears when you attempt to drag the ‘Processor’ icon to
+the canvas.
+If the Nifi registry linking worked, you should see the “Import” button
+when you try to add a Processor or Process group to the Nifi canvas,
+like so-
+By clicking on the import button, we can import already created saved
+and version controlled flows from the Nifi registry, if they are
+We can save created flows by version controlling them like so starting
+with a 'right click' anywhere on the canvas-
+Ideally you would name the flow and process group the same, because
+functionally they are similar.
+When the flow is checked in, the bar at the bottom shows a green
+Note: Even if you move a component around on the canvas, and its
+position on the canvas changes, it is recognized as a change, and it
+will have to recommitted.
+You can add additional components in your flow and connect them.
+DcaeVesCollector connects to DockerTcagen2.
+Along the way you need to also provide topic names in the settings
+section. These can be arbitrary names.
+To recap, see how DcaeVesCollector connects to DockerTcagen2. Look at
+the connection relationships. Currently there is no way to validate
+these relationships. Notice how it is required to name the topics by
+going to Settings.
+The complete flow after joining our components looks like so
+**b. Submit/ Distribute the flow:**
+Once your flow is complete and saved in the Nifi registry, you can
+choose to submit it for distribution.
+If the flow was submitted successfully to the runtime api, you should
+get a pop up a success message like so -
+At this step, the design was packaged and sent to Runtime api.
+The runtime is supposed to generate the blueprint out of the packaged
+design/flow and push it to the DCAE inventory and the DCAE Dasboard.
+**c. Checking the components in the DCAE Dashboard**
+You should see the generated artifact/ blueprint in the DCAE Dashboard
+dashboard at https://<IPAddress>:30418/ccsdk-app/login_external.htm in
+our deployment. The name for each component will be appended by the flow
+name followed by underscore followed by the component’s name.
+The credentials to access the DCAE Dashboard are-
+Login: su1234
+Password: fusion
+The generated Blueprint can be viewed.
+Finally, the generated Blueprint can be deployed.
+You can use/import the attached input configurations files to deploy. Drag and Drop these sample JSON files to fill in the configuration values.
+See :download:`VES Collector Input Configuration <./Sample-Input-Files/ves-deploy.input.json>`
+See :download:`Tcagen2 Input Configuration <./Sample-Input-Files/tca-deploy.input.json>`
+.. |image0| image:: ../images/1.png
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+ :width: 6.5in
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+ :width: 6in
+ :height: 2.66667in
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+ :width: 6.5in
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+ :width: 6.5in
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+ :width: 6.5in
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+ :width: 4.91667in
+ :height: 1.91667in
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+ :width: 4.91667in
+ :height: 2.41667in
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+ :width: 6.5in
+ :height: 2.41667in
+.. |image21| image:: ../images/22.png
+ :width: 6.5in
+ :height: 3in
+.. |image22| image:: ../images/23.png
+ :width: 6.5in
+ :height: 2.16667in
+.. |image23| image:: ../images/24.png
+ :width: 6.5in
+ :height: 2.83333in
+.. |image24| image:: ../images/25.png
+ :width: 6.5in
+ :height: 3in
+.. |image25| image:: ../images/26.png
+.. |image26| image:: ../images/27.png