dcaegen2 doc updates

Change-Id: I8f0a8a733b6e28fc9d18bed81c9ac4e82c954af8
Signed-off-by: VENKATESH KUMAR <vv770d@att.com>
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-573
diff --git a/docs/sections/apis/swagger_vescollector.yaml b/docs/sections/apis/swagger_vescollector.yaml
index 6acae21..52b1922 100644
--- a/docs/sections/apis/swagger_vescollector.yaml
+++ b/docs/sections/apis/swagger_vescollector.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # ================================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
 # ================================================================================
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,1931 +14,636 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 # ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
 swagger: '2.0'
-  version: 1.1.0
+  version: 1.3.1
   title: VES Collector
   description: >
     Virtual Event Streaming (VES) Collector is RESTful collector for processing
     JSON messages. The collector verifies the source and validates the events
     against VES schema before distributing to DMAAP MR topics
-  contact:
-    email: dcae@lists.openecomp.org
-  description: VESCollector
-  url: 'https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/admin/projects/dcaegen2/collectors/ves'
-  - http
-  - https
-  basicAuth:
-    type: basic
-    description: HTTP Basic Authentication. Works over `HTTP` and `HTTPS`
+  termsOfService: 'urn:tos'
+  contact: {}
+  license:
+    name: Apache 2.0
+    url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'
+host: 'localhost:8080'
+basePath: /
+  - name: basic-error-controller
+    description: Basic Error Controller
+  - name: ves-rest-controller
+    description: Ves Rest Controller
+  /:
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: mainPage
+      operationId: mainPageUsingGET
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /error:
+    get:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingGET
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+    head:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingHEAD
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '204':
+          description: No Content
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingPOST
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+    put:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingPUT
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+    delete:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingDELETE
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '204':
+          description: No Content
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+    options:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingOPTIONS
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '204':
+          description: No Content
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+    patch:
+      tags:
+        - basic-error-controller
+      summary: errorHtml
+      operationId: errorHtmlUsingPATCH
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - text/html
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/ModelAndView'
+        '204':
+          description: No Content
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+  /eventListener/v1:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v1/eventBatch:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_1
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v2:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_2
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v2/eventBatch:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_3
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v3:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_4
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v3/eventBatch:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_5
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v4:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_6
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v4/eventBatch:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_7
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
-      security:
-        - basicAuth: []
-      summary: ''
-      description: uri for posting VES event objects
-      operationId: veseventPut
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_8
         - application/json
-        - application/json
+        - '*/*'
         - in: body
-          name: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
           required: true
-            $ref: '#/definitions/VES5Request'
+            type: string
-          description: VES Event Accepted.
+          description: OK
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
-        '400':
-          description: Bad request provided
-          schema:
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
-          description: Unauthorized request
-          schema:
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
-        '503':
-          description: Service Unavailable
-          schema:
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
-      security:
-        - basicAuth: []
-      summary: ''
-      description: uri for posting VES batch event objects
-      operationId: veseventbatchPut
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_9
         - application/json
-        - application/json
+        - '*/*'
         - in: body
-          name: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
           required: true
-            $ref: '#/definitions/VES5Request'
+            type: string
-          description: VES Event Accepted.
+          description: OK
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
-        '400':
-          description: Bad request provided
-          schema:
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
-          description: Unauthorized request
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v7:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_10
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
-        '503':
-          description: Service Unavailable
-          schema:
-            $ref: '#/definitions/ApiResponseMessage'
-  /healthcheck:
-    get:
+            type: string
-          description: healthcheck successful
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
+  /eventListener/v7/eventBatch:
+    post:
+      tags:
+        - ves-rest-controller
+      summary: receiveEvent
+      operationId: receiveEventUsingPOST_11
+      consumes:
+        - application/json
+      produces:
+        - '*/*'
+      parameters:
+        - in: body
+          name: jsonPayload
+          description: jsonPayload
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: OK
+          schema:
+            type: string
+        '201':
+          description: Created
+        '401':
+          description: Unauthorized
+        '403':
+          description: Forbidden
+        '404':
+          description: Not Found
-  ApiResponseMessage:
+  ModelAndView:
     type: object
-      code:
-        type: integer
-        format: int32
-      type:
-        type: string
-      message:
-        type: string
-  VES5Request:
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      event:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/event'
-  codecsInUse:
-    description: number of times an identified codec was used over the measurementInterval
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      codecIdentifier:
-        type: string
-      numberInUse:
-        type: integer
-    required:
-      - codecIdentifier
-      - numberInUse
-  command:
-    description: command from an event collector toward an event source
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      commandType:
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - heartbeatIntervalChange
-          - measurementIntervalChange
-          - provideThrottlingState
-          - throttlingSpecification
-      eventDomainThrottleSpecification:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/eventDomainThrottleSpecification'
-      heartbeatInterval:
-        type: integer
-      measurementInterval:
-        type: integer
-    required:
-      - commandType
-  commonEventHeader:
-    description: fields common to all events
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      domain:
-        description: the eventing domain associated with the event
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - fault
-          - heartbeat
-          - measurementsForVfScaling
-          - mobileFlow
-          - other
-          - sipSignaling
-          - stateChange
-          - syslog
-          - thresholdCrossingAlert
-          - voiceQuality
-      eventId:
-        description: event key that is unique to the event source
-        type: string
-      eventName:
-        description: unique event name
-        type: string
-      eventType:
-        description: 'for example - applicationVnf, guestOS, hostOS, platform'
-        type: string
-      internalHeaderFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/internalHeaderFields'
-      lastEpochMicrosec:
-        description: >-
-          the latest unix time aka epoch time associated with the event from any
-          component--as microseconds elapsed since 1 Jan 1970 not including leap
-          seconds
-        type: number
-      nfcNamingCode:
-        description: >-
-          3 character network function component type, aligned with vfc naming
-          standards
-        type: string
-      nfNamingCode:
-        description: '4 character network function type, aligned with vnf naming standards'
-        type: string
-      priority:
-        description: processing priority
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - High
-          - Medium
-          - Normal
-          - Low
-      reportingEntityId:
-        description: >-
-          UUID identifying the entity reporting the event, for example an OAM
-          VM; must be populated by the ATT enrichment process
-        type: string
-      reportingEntityName:
-        description: >-
-          name of the entity reporting the event, for example, an EMS name; may
-          be the same as sourceName
-        type: string
-      sequence:
-        description: >-
-          ordering of events communicated by an event source instance or 0 if
-          not needed
-        type: integer
-      sourceId:
-        description: >-
-          UUID identifying the entity experiencing the event issue; must be
-          populated by the ATT enrichment process
-        type: string
-      sourceName:
-        description: name of the entity experiencing the event issue
-        type: string
-      startEpochMicrosec:
-        description: >-
-          the earliest unix time aka epoch time associated with the event from
-          any component--as microseconds elapsed since 1 Jan 1970 not including
-          leap seconds
-        type: number
-      version:
-        description: version of the event header
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - domain
-      - eventId
-      - eventName
-      - lastEpochMicrosec
-      - priority
-      - reportingEntityName
-      - sequence
-      - sourceName
-      - startEpochMicrosec
-      - version
-  counter:
-    description: performance counter
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      criticality:
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - CRIT
-          - MAJ
-      name:
-        type: string
-      thresholdCrossed:
-        type: string
-      value:
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - criticality
-      - name
-      - thresholdCrossed
-      - value
-  cpuUsage:
-    description: usage of an identified CPU
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      cpuIdentifier:
-        description: cpu identifer
-        type: string
-      cpuIdle:
-        description: percentage of CPU time spent in the idle task
-        type: number
-      cpuUsageInterrupt:
-        description: percentage of time spent servicing interrupts
-        type: number
-      cpuUsageNice:
-        description: >-
-          percentage of time spent running user space processes that have been
-          niced
-        type: number
-      cpuUsageSoftIrq:
-        description: percentage of time spent handling soft irq interrupts
-        type: number
-      cpuUsageSteal:
-        description: >-
-          percentage of time spent in involuntary wait which is neither user,
-          system or idle time and is effectively time that went missing
-        type: number
-      cpuUsageSystem:
-        description: percentage of time spent on system tasks running the kernel
-        type: number
-      cpuUsageUser:
-        description: percentage of time spent running un-niced user space processes
-        type: number
-      cpuWait:
-        description: percentage of CPU time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete
-        type: number
-      percentUsage:
-        description: >-
-          aggregate cpu usage of the virtual machine on which the VNFC reporting
-          the event is running
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - cpuIdentifier
-      - percentUsage
-  diskUsage:
-    description: usage of an identified disk
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      diskIdentifier:
-        description: disk identifier
-        type: string
-      diskIoTimeAvg:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds spent doing input/output operations over 1 sec; treat
-          this metric as a device load percentage where 1000ms  matches 100%
-          load; provide the average over the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskIoTimeLast:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds spent doing input/output operations over 1 sec; treat
-          this metric as a device load percentage where 1000ms  matches 100%
-          load; provide the last value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskIoTimeMax:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds spent doing input/output operations over 1 sec; treat
-          this metric as a device load percentage where 1000ms  matches 100%
-          load; provide the maximum value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskIoTimeMin:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds spent doing input/output operations over 1 sec; treat
-          this metric as a device load percentage where 1000ms  matches 100%
-          load; provide the minimum value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedReadAvg:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical read operations that were merged into physical read
-          operations, e.g., two logical reads were served by one physical disk
-          access; provide the average measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedReadLast:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical read operations that were merged into physical read
-          operations, e.g., two logical reads were served by one physical disk
-          access; provide the last value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedReadMax:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical read operations that were merged into physical read
-          operations, e.g., two logical reads were served by one physical disk
-          access; provide the maximum value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedReadMin:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical read operations that were merged into physical read
-          operations, e.g., two logical reads were served by one physical disk
-          access; provide the minimum value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedWriteAvg:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical write operations that were merged into physical
-          write operations, e.g., two logical writes were served by one physical
-          disk access; provide the average measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedWriteLast:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical write operations that were merged into physical
-          write operations, e.g., two logical writes were served by one physical
-          disk access; provide the last value measurement within the measurement
-          interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedWriteMax:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical write operations that were merged into physical
-          write operations, e.g., two logical writes were served by one physical
-          disk access; provide the maximum value measurement within the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskMergedWriteMin:
-        description: >-
-          number of logical write operations that were merged into physical
-          write operations, e.g., two logical writes were served by one physical
-          disk access; provide the minimum value measurement within the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsReadAvg:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second read from a disk or partition; provide the
-          average measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsReadLast:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second read from a disk or partition; provide the
-          last measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsReadMax:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second read from a disk or partition; provide the
-          maximum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsReadMin:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second read from a disk or partition; provide the
-          minimum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsWriteAvg:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second written to a disk or partition; provide
-          the average measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsWriteLast:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second written to a disk or partition; provide
-          the last measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsWriteMax:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second written to a disk or partition; provide
-          the maximum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOctetsWriteMin:
-        description: >-
-          number of octets per second written to a disk or partition; provide
-          the minimum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsReadAvg:
-        description: >-
-          number of read operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          average measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsReadLast:
-        description: >-
-          number of read operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          last measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsReadMax:
-        description: >-
-          number of read operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          maximum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsReadMin:
-        description: >-
-          number of read operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          minimum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsWriteAvg:
-        description: >-
-          number of write operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          average measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsWriteLast:
-        description: >-
-          number of write operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          last measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsWriteMax:
-        description: >-
-          number of write operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          maximum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskOpsWriteMin:
-        description: >-
-          number of write operations per second issued to the disk; provide the
-          minimum measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskPendingOperationsAvg:
-        description: >-
-          queue size of pending I/O operations per second; provide the average
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskPendingOperationsLast:
-        description: >-
-          queue size of pending I/O operations per second; provide the last
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskPendingOperationsMax:
-        description: >-
-          queue size of pending I/O operations per second; provide the maximum
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskPendingOperationsMin:
-        description: >-
-          queue size of pending I/O operations per second; provide the minimum
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeReadAvg:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a read operation took to complete; provide the average
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeReadLast:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a read operation took to complete; provide the last
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeReadMax:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a read operation took to complete; provide the maximum
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeReadMin:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a read operation took to complete; provide the minimum
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeWriteAvg:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a write operation took to complete; provide the average
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeWriteLast:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a write operation took to complete; provide the last
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeWriteMax:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a write operation took to complete; provide the maximum
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      diskTimeWriteMin:
-        description: >-
-          milliseconds a write operation took to complete; provide the minimum
-          measurement within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - diskIdentifier
-  endOfCallVqmSummaries:
-    description: provides end of call voice quality metrics
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      adjacencyName:
-        description: ' adjacency name'
-        type: string
-      endpointDescription:
-        description: Either Caller or Callee
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - Caller
-          - Callee
-      endpointJitter:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      endpointRtpOctetsDiscarded:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      endpointRtpOctetsReceived:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      endpointRtpOctetsSent:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      endpointRtpPacketsDiscarded:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      endpointRtpPacketsReceived:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      endpointRtpPacketsSent:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localJitter:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localRtpOctetsDiscarded:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localRtpOctetsReceived:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localRtpOctetsSent:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localRtpPacketsDiscarded:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localRtpPacketsReceived:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      localRtpPacketsSent:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      mosCqe:
-        description: 1-5 1dp
-        type: number
-      packetsLost:
-        description: ''
-        type: number
-      packetLossPercent:
-        description: >-
-          Calculated percentage packet loss based on Endpoint RTP packets lost
-          (as reported in RTCP) and Local RTP packets sent. Direction is based
-          on Endpoint description (Caller, Callee). Decimal (2 dp)
-        type: number
-      rFactor:
-        description: 0-100
-        type: number
-      roundTripDelay:
-        description: millisecs
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - adjacencyName
-      - endpointDescription
-  event:
-    description: the root level of the common event format
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      commonEventHeader:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/commonEventHeader'
-      faultFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/faultFields'
-      heartbeatFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/heartbeatFields'
-      measurementsForVfScalingFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/measurementsForVfScalingFields'
-      mobileFlowFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/mobileFlowFields'
-      otherFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/otherFields'
-      sipSignalingFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/sipSignalingFields'
-      stateChangeFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/stateChangeFields'
-      syslogFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/syslogFields'
-      thresholdCrossingAlertFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/thresholdCrossingAlertFields'
-      voiceQualityFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/voiceQualityFields'
-    required:
-      - commonEventHeader
-  eventDomainThrottleSpecification:
-    description: specification of what information to suppress within an event domain
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      eventDomain:
-        description: Event domain enum from the commonEventHeader domain field
-        type: string
-      suppressedFieldNames:
-        description: >-
-          List of optional field names in the event block that should not be
-          sent to the Event Listener
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: string
-      suppressedNvPairsList:
-        description: >-
-          Optional list of specific NvPairsNames to suppress within a given
-          Name-Value Field
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/suppressedNvPairs'
-    required:
-      - eventDomain
-  eventDomainThrottleSpecificationList:
-    description: array of eventDomainThrottleSpecifications
-    type: array
-    items:
-      $ref: '#/definitions/eventDomainThrottleSpecification'
-    minItems: 0
-  eventList:
-    description: array of events
-    type: array
-    items:
-      $ref: '#/definitions/event'
-  faultFields:
-    description: fields specific to fault events
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      alarmAdditionalInformation:
-        description: additional alarm information
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      alarmCondition:
-        description: alarm condition reported by the device
-        type: string
-      alarmInterfaceA:
-        description: >-
-          card, port, channel or interface name of the device generating the
-          alarm
-        type: string
-      eventCategory:
-        description: >-
-          Event category, for example: license, link, routing, security,
-          signaling
-        type: string
-      eventSeverity:
-        description: event severity
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - CRITICAL
-          - MAJOR
-          - MINOR
-          - WARNING
-          - NORMAL
-      eventSourceType:
-        description: >-
-          type of event source; examples: card, host, other, port,
-          portThreshold, router, slotThreshold, switch, virtualMachine,
-          virtualNetworkFunction
-        type: string
-      faultFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the faultFields block
-        type: number
-      specificProblem:
-        description: short description of the alarm or problem
-        type: string
-      vfStatus:
-        description: virtual function status enumeration
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - Active
-          - Idle
-          - Preparing to terminate
-          - Ready to terminate
-          - Requesting termination
-    required:
-      - alarmCondition
-      - eventSeverity
-      - eventSourceType
-      - faultFieldsVersion
-      - specificProblem
-      - vfStatus
-  featuresInUse:
-    description: >-
-      number of times an identified feature was used over the
-      measurementInterval
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      featureIdentifier:
-        type: string
-      featureUtilization:
-        type: integer
-    required:
-      - featureIdentifier
-      - featureUtilization
-  field:
-    description: name value pair
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      name:
-        type: string
-      value:
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - name
-      - value
-  filesystemUsage:
-    description: >-
-      disk usage of an identified virtual machine in gigabytes and/or gigabytes
-      per second
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      blockConfigured:
-        type: number
-      blockIops:
-        type: number
-      blockUsed:
-        type: number
-      ephemeralConfigured:
-        type: number
-      ephemeralIops:
-        type: number
-      ephemeralUsed:
-        type: number
-      filesystemName:
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - blockConfigured
-      - blockIops
-      - blockUsed
-      - ephemeralConfigured
-      - ephemeralIops
-      - ephemeralUsed
-      - filesystemName
-  gtpPerFlowMetrics:
-    description: Mobility GTP Protocol per flow metrics
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      avgBitErrorRate:
-        description: average bit error rate
-        type: number
-      avgPacketDelayVariation:
-        description: >-
-          Average packet delay variation or jitter in milliseconds for received
-          packets: Average difference between the packet timestamp and time
-          received for all pairs of consecutive packets
-        type: number
-      avgPacketLatency:
-        description: average delivery latency
-        type: number
-      avgReceiveThroughput:
-        description: average receive throughput
-        type: number
-      avgTransmitThroughput:
-        description: average transmit throughput
-        type: number
-      durConnectionFailedStatus:
-        description: >-
-          duration of failed state in milliseconds, computed as the cumulative
-          time between a failed echo request and the next following successful
-          error request, over this reporting interval
-        type: number
-      durTunnelFailedStatus:
-        description: >-
-          Duration of errored state, computed as the cumulative time between a
-          tunnel error indicator and the next following non-errored indicator,
-          over this reporting interval
-        type: number
-      flowActivatedBy:
-        description: Endpoint activating the flow
-        type: string
-      flowActivationEpoch:
-        description: >-
-          Time the connection is activated in the flow (connection) being
-          reported on, or transmission time of the first packet if activation
-          time is not available
-        type: number
-      flowActivationMicrosec:
-        description: Integer microseconds for the start of the flow connection
-        type: number
-      flowActivationTime:
-        description: >-
-          time the connection is activated in the flow being reported on, or
-          transmission time of the first packet if activation time is not
-          available; with RFC 2822 compliant format: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 11:29:05
-          -0800
-        type: string
-      flowDeactivatedBy:
-        description: Endpoint deactivating the flow
-        type: string
-      flowDeactivationEpoch:
-        description: >-
-          Time for the start of the flow connection, in integer UTC epoch time
-          aka UNIX time
-        type: number
-      flowDeactivationMicrosec:
-        description: Integer microseconds for the start of the flow connection
-        type: number
-      flowDeactivationTime:
-        description: >-
-          Transmission time of the first packet in the flow connection being
-          reported on; with RFC 2822 compliant format: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 11:29:05
-          -0800
-        type: string
-      flowStatus:
-        description: >-
-          connection status at reporting time as a working / inactive / failed
-          indicator value
-        type: string
-      gtpConnectionStatus:
-        description: Current connection state at reporting time
-        type: string
-      gtpTunnelStatus:
-        description: Current tunnel state  at reporting time
-        type: string
-      ipTosCountList:
-        description: >-
-          array of key: value pairs where the keys are drawn from the IP
-          Type-of-Service identifiers which range from '0' to '255', and the
-          values are the count of packets that had those ToS identifiers in the
-          flow
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: string
-            type: number
-      ipTosList:
-        description: >-
-          Array of unique IP Type-of-Service values observed in the flow where
-          values range from '0' to '255'
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: string
-      largePacketRtt:
-        description: large packet round trip time
-        type: number
-      largePacketThreshold:
-        description: large packet threshold being applied
-        type: number
-      maxPacketDelayVariation:
-        description: >-
-          Maximum packet delay variation or jitter in milliseconds for received
-          packets: Maximum of the difference between the packet timestamp and
-          time received for all pairs of consecutive packets
-        type: number
-      maxReceiveBitRate:
-        description: maximum receive bit rate
-        type: number
-      maxTransmitBitRate:
-        description: maximum transmit bit rate
-        type: number
-      mobileQciCosCountList:
-        description: >-
-          array of key: value pairs where the keys are drawn from LTE QCI or
-          UMTS class of service strings, and the values are the count of packets
-          that had those strings in the flow
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: string
-            type: number
-      mobileQciCosList:
-        description: >-
-          Array of unique LTE QCI or UMTS class-of-service values observed in
-          the flow
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: string
-      numActivationFailures:
-        description: >-
-          Number of failed activation requests, as observed by the reporting
-          node
-        type: number
-      numBitErrors:
-        description: number of errored bits
-        type: number
-      numBytesReceived:
-        description: 'number of bytes received, including retransmissions'
-        type: number
-      numBytesTransmitted:
-        description: 'number of bytes transmitted, including retransmissions'
-        type: number
-      numDroppedPackets:
-        description: number of received packets dropped due to errors per virtual interface
-        type: number
-      numGtpEchoFailures:
-        description: >-
-          Number of Echo request path failures where failed paths are defined in
-          3GPP TS 29.281 sec 7.2.1 and 3GPP TS 29.060 sec. 11.2
-        type: number
-      numGtpTunnelErrors:
-        description: >-
-          Number of tunnel error indications where errors are defined in 3GPP TS
-          29.281 sec 7.3.1 and 3GPP TS 29.060 sec. 11.1
-        type: number
-      numHttpErrors:
-        description: Http error count
-        type: number
-      numL7BytesReceived:
-        description: 'number of tunneled layer 7 bytes received, including retransmissions'
-        type: number
-      numL7BytesTransmitted:
-        description: >-
-          number of tunneled layer 7 bytes transmitted, excluding
-          retransmissions
-        type: number
-      numLostPackets:
-        description: number of lost packets
-        type: number
-      numOutOfOrderPackets:
-        description: number of out-of-order packets
-        type: number
-      numPacketErrors:
-        description: number of errored packets
-        type: number
-      numPacketsReceivedExclRetrans:
-        description: 'number of packets received, excluding retransmission'
-        type: number
-      numPacketsReceivedInclRetrans:
-        description: 'number of packets received, including retransmission'
-        type: number
-      numPacketsTransmittedInclRetrans:
-        description: 'number of packets transmitted, including retransmissions'
-        type: number
-      numRetries:
-        description: number of packet retries
-        type: number
-      numTimeouts:
-        description: number of packet timeouts
-        type: number
-      numTunneledL7BytesReceived:
-        description: 'number of tunneled layer 7 bytes received, excluding retransmissions'
-        type: number
-      roundTripTime:
-        description: round trip time
-        type: number
-      tcpFlagCountList:
-        description: >-
-          array of key: value pairs where the keys are drawn from TCP Flags and
-          the values are the count of packets that had that TCP Flag in the flow
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: string
-            type: number
-      tcpFlagList:
-        description: Array of unique TCP Flags observed in the flow
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: string
-      timeToFirstByte:
-        description: >-
-          Time in milliseconds between the connection activation and first byte
-          received
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - avgBitErrorRate
-      - avgPacketDelayVariation
-      - avgPacketLatency
-      - avgReceiveThroughput
-      - avgTransmitThroughput
-      - flowActivationEpoch
-      - flowActivationMicrosec
-      - flowDeactivationEpoch
-      - flowDeactivationMicrosec
-      - flowDeactivationTime
-      - flowStatus
-      - maxPacketDelayVariation
-      - numActivationFailures
-      - numBitErrors
-      - numBytesReceived
-      - numBytesTransmitted
-      - numDroppedPackets
-      - numL7BytesReceived
-      - numL7BytesTransmitted
-      - numLostPackets
-      - numOutOfOrderPackets
-      - numPacketErrors
-      - numPacketsReceivedExclRetrans
-      - numPacketsReceivedInclRetrans
-      - numPacketsTransmittedInclRetrans
-      - numRetries
-      - numTimeouts
-      - numTunneledL7BytesReceived
-      - roundTripTime
-      - timeToFirstByte
-  heartbeatFields:
-    description: optional field block for fields specific to heartbeat events
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalFields:
-        description: additional heartbeat fields if needed
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      heartbeatFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the heartbeatFields block
-        type: number
-      heartbeatInterval:
-        description: current heartbeat interval in seconds
-        type: integer
-    required:
-      - heartbeatFieldsVersion
-      - heartbeatInterval
-  internalHeaderFields:
-    description: >-
-      enrichment fields for internal VES Event Listener service use only, not
-      supplied by event sources
-    type: object
-  jsonObject:
-    description: >-
-      json object schema, name and other meta-information along with one or more
-      object instances
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      objectInstances:
-        description: one or more instances of the jsonObject
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/jsonObjectInstance'
-      objectName:
-        description: name of the JSON Object
-        type: string
-      objectSchema:
-        description: json schema for the object
-        type: string
-      objectSchemaUrl:
-        description: Url to the json schema for the object
-        type: string
-      nfSubscribedObjectName:
-        description: name of the object associated with the nfSubscriptonId
-        type: string
-      nfSubscriptionId:
-        description: >-
-          identifies an openConfig telemetry subscription on a network function,
-          which configures the network function to send complex object data
-          associated with the jsonObject
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - objectInstances
-      - objectName
-  jsonObjectInstance:
-    description: >-
-      meta-information about an instance of a jsonObject along with the actual
-      object instance
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      objectInstance:
-        description: an instance conforming to the jsonObject schema
+      empty:
+        type: boolean
+      model:
         type: object
-      objectInstanceEpochMicrosec:
-        description: >-
-          the unix time aka epoch time associated with this objectInstance--as
-          microseconds elapsed since 1 Jan 1970 not including leap seconds
-        type: number
-      objectKeys:
-        description: >-
-          an ordered set of keys that identifies this particular instance of
-          jsonObject
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/key'
-    required:
-      - objectInstance
-  key:
-    description: >-
-      tuple which provides the name of a key along with its value and relative
-      order
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      keyName:
-        description: name of the key
-        type: string
-      keyOrder:
-        description: relative sequence or order of the key with respect to other keys
-        type: integer
-      keyValue:
-        description: value of the key
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - keyName
-  latencyBucketMeasure:
-    description: number of counts falling within a defined latency bucket
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      countsInTheBucket:
-        type: number
-      highEndOfLatencyBucket:
-        type: number
-      lowEndOfLatencyBucket:
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - countsInTheBucket
-  measurementsForVfScalingFields:
-    description: measurementsForVfScaling fields
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalFields:
-        description: additional name-value-pair fields
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      additionalMeasurements:
-        description: array of named name-value-pair arrays
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/namedArrayOfFields'
-      additionalObjects:
-        description: >-
-          array of JSON objects described by name, schema and other
-          meta-information
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/jsonObject'
-      codecUsageArray:
-        description: array of codecs in use
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/codecsInUse'
-      concurrentSessions:
-        description: >-
-          peak concurrent sessions for the VM or VNF over the
-          measurementInterval
-        type: integer
-      configuredEntities:
-        description: >-
-          over the measurementInterval, peak total number of: users,
-          subscribers, devices, adjacencies, etc., for the VM, or subscribers,
-          devices, etc., for the VNF
-        type: integer
-      cpuUsageArray:
-        description: usage of an array of CPUs
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/cpuUsage'
-      diskUsageArray:
-        description: usage of an array of disks
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/diskUsage'
-      featureUsageArray:
-        description: array of features in use
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/featuresInUse'
-      filesystemUsageArray:
-        description: >-
-          filesystem usage of the VM on which the VNFC reporting the event is
-          running
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/filesystemUsage'
-      latencyDistribution:
-        description: >-
-          array of integers representing counts of requests whose latency in
-          milliseconds falls within per-VNF configured ranges
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/latencyBucketMeasure'
-      meanRequestLatency:
-        description: >-
-          mean seconds required to respond to each request for the VM on which
-          the VNFC reporting the event is running
-        type: number
-      measurementInterval:
-        description: interval over which measurements are being reported in seconds
-        type: number
-      measurementsForVfScalingVersion:
-        description: version of the measurementsForVfScaling block
-        type: number
-      memoryUsageArray:
-        description: memory usage of an array of VMs
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/memoryUsage'
-      numberOfMediaPortsInUse:
-        description: number of media ports in use
-        type: integer
-      requestRate:
-        description: >-
-          peak rate of service requests per second to the VNF over the
-          measurementInterval
-        type: number
-      vnfcScalingMetric:
-        description: represents busy-ness of the VNF from 0 to 100 as reported by the VNFC
-        type: integer
-      vNicPerformanceArray:
-        description: usage of an array of virtual network interface cards
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/vNicPerformance'
-    required:
-      - measurementInterval
-      - measurementsForVfScalingVersion
-  memoryUsage:
-    description: memory usage of an identified virtual machine
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      memoryBuffered:
-        description: kibibytes of temporary storage for raw disk blocks
-        type: number
-      memoryCached:
-        description: kibibytes of memory used for cache
-        type: number
-      memoryConfigured:
-        description: >-
-          kibibytes of memory configured in the virtual machine on which the
-          VNFC reporting the event is running
-        type: number
-      memoryFree:
-        description: kibibytes of physical RAM left unused by the system
-        type: number
-      memorySlabRecl:
-        description: >-
-          the part of the slab that can be reclaimed such as caches measured in
-          kibibytes
-        type: number
-      memorySlabUnrecl:
-        description: >-
-          the part of the slab that cannot be reclaimed even when lacking memory
-          measured in kibibytes
-        type: number
-      memoryUsed:
-        description: >-
-          total memory minus the sum of free, buffered, cached and slab memory
-          measured in kibibytes
-        type: number
-      vmIdentifier:
-        description: virtual machine identifier associated with the memory metrics
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - memoryFree
-      - memoryUsed
-      - vmIdentifier
-  mobileFlowFields:
-    description: mobileFlow fields
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalFields:
-        description: additional mobileFlow fields if needed
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      applicationType:
-        description: Application type inferred
-        type: string
-      appProtocolType:
-        description: application protocol
-        type: string
-      appProtocolVersion:
-        description: application protocol version
-        type: string
-      cid:
-        description: cell id
-        type: string
-      connectionType:
-        description: 'Abbreviation referencing a 3GPP reference point e.g., S1-U, S11, etc'
-        type: string
-      ecgi:
-        description: Evolved Cell Global Id
-        type: string
-      flowDirection:
-        description: >-
-          Flow direction, indicating if the reporting node is the source of the
-          flow or destination for the flow
-        type: string
-      gtpPerFlowMetrics:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/gtpPerFlowMetrics'
-      gtpProtocolType:
-        description: GTP protocol
-        type: string
-      gtpVersion:
-        description: GTP protocol version
-        type: string
-      httpHeader:
-        description: 'HTTP request header, if the flow connects to a node referenced by HTTP'
-        type: string
-      imei:
-        description: >-
-          IMEI for the subscriber UE used in this flow, if the flow connects to
-          a mobile device
-        type: string
-      imsi:
-        description: >-
-          IMSI for the subscriber UE used in this flow, if the flow connects to
-          a mobile device
-        type: string
-      ipProtocolType:
-        description: 'IP protocol type e.g., TCP, UDP, RTP...'
-        type: string
-      ipVersion:
-        description: 'IP protocol version e.g., IPv4, IPv6'
-        type: string
-      lac:
-        description: location area code
-        type: string
-      mcc:
-        description: mobile country code
-        type: string
-      mnc:
-        description: mobile network code
-        type: string
-      mobileFlowFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the mobileFlowFields block
-        type: number
-      msisdn:
-        description: >-
-          MSISDN for the subscriber UE used in this flow, as an integer, if the
-          flow connects to a mobile device
-        type: string
-      otherEndpointIpAddress:
-        description: >-
-          IP address for the other endpoint, as used for the flow being reported
-          on
-        type: string
-      otherEndpointPort:
-        description: >-
-          IP Port for the reporting entity, as used for the flow being reported
-          on
-        type: integer
-      otherFunctionalRole:
-        description: >-
-          Functional role of the other endpoint for the flow being reported on
-          e.g., MME, S-GW, P-GW, PCRF...
-        type: string
-      rac:
-        description: routing area code
-        type: string
-      radioAccessTechnology:
-        description: 'Radio Access Technology e.g., 2G, 3G, LTE'
-        type: string
-      reportingEndpointIpAddr:
-        description: >-
-          IP address for the reporting entity, as used for the flow being
-          reported on
-        type: string
-      reportingEndpointPort:
-        description: >-
-          IP port for the reporting entity, as used for the flow being reported
-          on
-        type: integer
-      sac:
-        description: service area code
-        type: string
-      samplingAlgorithm:
-        description: >-
-          Integer identifier for the sampling algorithm or rule being applied in
-          calculating the flow metrics if metrics are calculated based on a
-          sample of packets, or 0 if no sampling is applied
-        type: integer
-      tac:
-        description: transport area code
-        type: string
-      tunnelId:
-        description: tunnel identifier
-        type: string
-      vlanId:
-        description: VLAN identifier used by this flow
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - flowDirection
-      - gtpPerFlowMetrics
-      - ipProtocolType
-      - ipVersion
-      - mobileFlowFieldsVersion
-      - otherEndpointIpAddress
-      - otherEndpointPort
-      - reportingEndpointIpAddr
-      - reportingEndpointPort
-  namedArrayOfFields:
-    description: an array of name value pairs along with a name for the array
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      name:
-        type: string
-      arrayOfFields:
-        description: array of name value pairs
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-    required:
-      - name
-      - arrayOfFields
-  otherFields:
-    description: >-
-      fields for events belonging to the 'other' domain of the commonEventHeader
-      domain enumeration
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      hashOfNameValuePairArrays:
-        description: array of named name-value-pair arrays
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/namedArrayOfFields'
-      jsonObjects:
-        description: >-
-          array of JSON objects described by name, schema and other
-          meta-information
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/jsonObject'
-      nameValuePairs:
-        description: array of name-value pairs
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      otherFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the otherFields block
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - otherFieldsVersion
-  requestError:
-    description: standard request error data structure
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      messageId:
-        description: >-
-          Unique message identifier of the format ABCnnnn where ABC is either
-          SVC for Service Exceptions or POL for Policy Exception
-        type: string
-      text:
-        description: >-
-          Message text, with replacement variables marked with %n, where n is an
-          index into the list of <variables> elements, starting at 1
-        type: string
-      url:
-        description: >-
-          Hyperlink to a detailed error resource e.g., an HTML page for browser
-          user agents
-        type: string
-      variables:
-        description: >-
-          List of zero or more strings that represent the contents of the
-          variables used by the message text
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - messageId
-      - text
-  sipSignalingFields:
-    description: sip signaling fields
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalInformation:
-        description: additional sip signaling fields if needed
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      compressedSip:
-        description: the full SIP request/response including headers and bodies
-        type: string
-      correlator:
-        description: this is the same for all events on this call
-        type: string
-      localIpAddress:
-        description: IP address on VNF
-        type: string
-      localPort:
-        description: port on VNF
-        type: string
-      remoteIpAddress:
-        description: IP address of peer endpoint
-        type: string
-      remotePort:
-        description: port of peer endpoint
-        type: string
-      sipSignalingFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the sipSignalingFields block
-        type: number
-      summarySip:
-        description: >-
-          the SIP Method or Response (INVITE, 200 OK, BYE,
-          etc)
-        type: string
-      vendorVnfNameFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/vendorVnfNameFields'
-    required:
-      - correlator
-      - localIpAddress
-      - localPort
-      - remoteIpAddress
-      - remotePort
-      - sipSignalingFieldsVersion
-      - vendorVnfNameFields
-  stateChangeFields:
-    description: stateChange fields
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalFields:
-        description: additional stateChange fields if needed
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      newState:
-        description: new state of the entity
+      modelMap:
+        type: object
+        additionalProperties:
+          type: object
+      reference:
+        type: boolean
+      status:
         type: string
-          - inService
-          - maintenance
-          - outOfService
-      oldState:
-        description: previous state of the entity
+          - '100'
+          - '101'
+          - '102'
+          - '103'
+          - '200'
+          - '201'
+          - '202'
+          - '203'
+          - '204'
+          - '205'
+          - '206'
+          - '207'
+          - '208'
+          - '226'
+          - '300'
+          - '301'
+          - '302'
+          - '303'
+          - '304'
+          - '305'
+          - '307'
+          - '308'
+          - '400'
+          - '401'
+          - '402'
+          - '403'
+          - '404'
+          - '405'
+          - '406'
+          - '407'
+          - '408'
+          - '409'
+          - '410'
+          - '411'
+          - '412'
+          - '413'
+          - '414'
+          - '415'
+          - '416'
+          - '417'
+          - '418'
+          - '419'
+          - '420'
+          - '421'
+          - '422'
+          - '423'
+          - '424'
+          - '426'
+          - '428'
+          - '429'
+          - '431'
+          - '451'
+          - '500'
+          - '501'
+          - '502'
+          - '503'
+          - '504'
+          - '505'
+          - '506'
+          - '507'
+          - '508'
+          - '509'
+          - '510'
+          - '511'
+      view:
+        $ref: '#/definitions/View'
+      viewName:
         type: string
-        enum:
-          - inService
-          - maintenance
-          - outOfService
-      stateChangeFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the stateChangeFields block
-        type: number
-      stateInterface:
-        description: card or port name of the entity that changed state
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - newState
-      - oldState
-      - stateChangeFieldsVersion
-      - stateInterface
-  suppressedNvPairs:
-    description: >-
-      List of specific NvPairsNames to suppress within a given Name-Value Field
-      for event Throttling
+    title: ModelAndView
+  View:
     type: object
-      nvPairFieldName:
-        description: Name of the field within which are the nvpair names to suppress
+      contentType:
         type: string
-      suppressedNvPairNames:
-        description: Array of nvpair names to suppress within the nvpairFieldName
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: string
-    required:
-      - nvPairFieldName
-      - suppressedNvPairNames
-  syslogFields:
-    description: sysLog fields
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalFields:
-        description: >-
-          additional syslog fields if needed provided as name=value delimited by
-          a pipe | symbol, for example: 'name1=value1|name2=value2|'
-        type: string
-      eventSourceHost:
-        description: hostname of the device
-        type: string
-      eventSourceType:
-        description: >-
-          type of event source; examples: other, router, switch, host, card,
-          port, slotThreshold, portThreshold, virtualMachine,
-          virtualNetworkFunction
-        type: string
-      syslogFacility:
-        description: numeric code from 0 to 23 for facility--see table in documentation
-        type: integer
-      syslogFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the syslogFields block
-        type: number
-      syslogMsg:
-        description: syslog message
-        type: string
-      syslogPri:
-        description: 0-192 combined severity and facility
-        type: integer
-      syslogProc:
-        description: identifies the application that originated the message
-        type: string
-      syslogProcId:
-        description: >-
-          a change in the value of this field indicates a discontinuity in
-          syslog reporting
-        type: number
-      syslogSData:
-        description: >-
-          syslog structured data consisting of a structured data Id followed by
-          a set of key value pairs
-        type: string
-      syslogSdId:
-        description: 0-32 char in format name@number for example ourSDID@32473
-        type: string
-      syslogSev:
-        description: >-
-          numerical Code for  severity derived from syslogPri as remaider of
-          syslogPri / 8
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - Alert
-          - Critical
-          - Debug
-          - Emergency
-          - Error
-          - Info
-          - Notice
-          - Warning
-      syslogTag:
-        description: >-
-          msgId indicating the type of message such as TCPOUT or TCPIN; NILVALUE
-          should be used when no other value can be provided
-        type: string
-      syslogVer:
-        description: >-
-          IANA assigned version of the syslog protocol specification - typically
-          1
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - eventSourceType
-      - syslogFieldsVersion
-      - syslogMsg
-      - syslogTag
-  thresholdCrossingAlertFields:
-    description: fields specific to threshold crossing alert events
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalFields:
-        description: additional threshold crossing alert fields if needed
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      additionalParameters:
-        description: performance counters
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/counter'
-      alertAction:
-        description: Event action
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - CLEAR
-          - CONT
-          - SET
-      alertDescription:
-        description: Unique short alert description such as IF-SHUB-ERRDROP
-        type: string
-      alertType:
-        description: Event type
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - CARD-ANOMALY
-          - ELEMENT-ANOMALY
-          - SERVICE-ANOMALY
-      alertValue:
-        description: Calculated API value (if applicable)
-        type: string
-      associatedAlertIdList:
-        description: List of eventIds associated with the event being reported
-        type: array
-        items:
-          type: string
-      collectionTimestamp:
-        description: >-
-          Time when the performance collector picked up the data; with RFC 2822
-          compliant format: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 11:29:05 -0800
-        type: string
-      dataCollector:
-        description: Specific performance collector instance used
-        type: string
-      elementType:
-        description: type of network element - internal ATT field
-        type: string
-      eventSeverity:
-        description: event severity or priority
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - CRITICAL
-          - MAJOR
-          - MINOR
-          - WARNING
-          - NORMAL
-      eventStartTimestamp:
-        description: >-
-          Time closest to when the measurement was made; with RFC 2822 compliant
-          format: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 11:29:05 -0800
-        type: string
-      interfaceName:
-        description: Physical or logical port or card (if applicable)
-        type: string
-      networkService:
-        description: network name - internal ATT field
-        type: string
-      possibleRootCause:
-        description: Reserved for future use
-        type: string
-      thresholdCrossingFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the thresholdCrossingAlertFields block
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - additionalParameters
-      - alertAction
-      - alertDescription
-      - alertType
-      - collectionTimestamp
-      - eventSeverity
-      - eventStartTimestamp
-      - thresholdCrossingFieldsVersion
-  vendorVnfNameFields:
-    description: 'provides vendor, vnf and vfModule identifying information'
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      vendorName:
-        description: VNF vendor name
-        type: string
-      vfModuleName:
-        description: ASDC vfModuleName for the vfModule generating the event
-        type: string
-      vnfName:
-        description: ASDC modelName for the VNF generating the event
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - vendorName
-  vNicPerformance:
-    description: >-
-      describes the performance and errors of an identified virtual network
-      interface card
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      receivedBroadcastPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of broadcast packets received as read at the end of
-          the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedBroadcastPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of broadcast packets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedDiscardedPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of discarded packets received as read at the end of
-          the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedDiscardedPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of discarded packets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedErrorPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of error packets received as read at the end of the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedErrorPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of error packets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedMulticastPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of multicast packets received as read at the end of
-          the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedMulticastPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of multicast packets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedOctetsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of octets received as read at the end of the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedOctetsDelta:
-        description: Count of octets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedTotalPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of all packets received as read at the end of the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedTotalPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of all packets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedUnicastPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of unicast packets received as read at the end of the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      receivedUnicastPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of unicast packets received within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedBroadcastPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of broadcast packets transmitted as read at the end
-          of the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedBroadcastPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of broadcast packets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedDiscardedPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of discarded packets transmitted as read at the end
-          of the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedDiscardedPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of discarded packets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedErrorPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of error packets transmitted as read at the end of
-          the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedErrorPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of error packets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedMulticastPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of multicast packets transmitted as read at the end
-          of the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedMulticastPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of multicast packets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedOctetsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of octets transmitted as read at the end of the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedOctetsDelta:
-        description: Count of octets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedTotalPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of all packets transmitted as read at the end of the
-          measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedTotalPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of all packets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedUnicastPacketsAccumulated:
-        description: >-
-          Cumulative count of unicast packets transmitted as read at the end of
-          the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      transmittedUnicastPacketsDelta:
-        description: Count of unicast packets transmitted within the measurement interval
-        type: number
-      valuesAreSuspect:
-        description: >-
-          Indicates whether vNicPerformance values are likely inaccurate due to
-          counter overflow or other condtions
-        type: string
-        enum:
-          - 'true'
-          - 'false'
-      vNicIdentifier:
-        description: vNic identification
-        type: string
-    required:
-      - valuesAreSuspect
-      - vNicIdentifier
-  voiceQualityFields:
-    description: provides statistics related to customer facing voice products
-    type: object
-    properties:
-      additionalInformation:
-        description: additional voice quality fields if needed
-        type: array
-        items:
-          $ref: '#/definitions/field'
-      calleeSideCodec:
-        description: callee codec for the call
-        type: string
-      callerSideCodec:
-        description: caller codec for the call
-        type: string
-      correlator:
-        description: this is the same for all events on this call
-        type: string
-      endOfCallVqmSummaries:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/endOfCallVqmSummaries'
-      phoneNumber:
-        description: phone number associated with the correlator
-        type: string
-      midCallRtcp:
-        description: Base64 encoding of the binary RTCP data excluding Eth/IP/UDP headers
-        type: string
-      vendorVnfNameFields:
-        $ref: '#/definitions/vendorVnfNameFields'
-      voiceQualityFieldsVersion:
-        description: version of the voiceQualityFields block
-        type: number
-    required:
-      - calleeSideCodec
-      - callerSideCodec
-      - correlator
-      - midCallRtcp
-      - vendorVnfNameFields
-      - voiceQualityFieldsVersion
+    title: View