Adding Documentation of Mapper

Adding documentation of Mapper on readthedocs

Change-Id: I80ec21296ec42ef21552a9e93839ca5209a27a58
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-936
Signed-off-by: Pooja03 <>
diff --git a/docs/sections/services/mapper/SampleSnmpTrapConversion.rst b/docs/sections/services/mapper/SampleSnmpTrapConversion.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f5718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/services/mapper/SampleSnmpTrapConversion.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. Copyright 2018 Tech Mahindra Ltd.
+Sample Snmp trap Conversion:
+Following is the **Sample SNMP Trap** that will be received by the Universal VES Adapter from the Snmp Trap Collector :
+.. code-block:: json
+    {  
+   "cambria.partition":"",
+   "trap category":"ONAP-COLLECTOR-SNMPTRAP",
+   "community len":0,
+   "protocol version":"v2c",
+   "varbinds":[  
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"CLEARED and CRITICAL severities have the same name",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"1.3",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"ObjectIdentifier"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"1.3",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"ObjectIdentifier"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"CLEARED",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"Queue manager: Process failure cleared",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"The queue manager process has been restored to normal operation",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"The queue manager process has been restored to normal operation. The previously issued alarm has been cleared",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"Changes to shared config will be synchronized across the cluster",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"No action",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      },
+      {  
+         "varbind_value":"",
+         "varbind_oid":"",
+         "varbind_type":"OctetString"
+      }
+   ],
+   "notify OID":"",
+   "community":"",
+   "uuid":"1fad4802-a6d0-11e8-a349-0242ac110002",
+   "epoch_serno":15350273450000,
+   "agent name":"",
+   "sysUptime":"0",
+   "time received":1.535027345042007E9,
+   "agent address":"",
+   "notify OID len":10
+ }
+Following is the converted VES Format of the above SNMP Sample Trap by using the default SNMP Trap Mapping File:
+.. code-block:: json
+ {  
+   "event":{  
+      "commonEventHeader":{  
+         "startEpochMicrosec":1.5350269902625413E9,
+         "eventId":"XXXX",
+         "sequence":0,
+         "domain":"fault",
+         "lastEpochMicrosec":1.5350269902625413E9,
+         "eventName":"fault__ONAP-COLLECTOR-SNMPTRAP",
+         "sourceName":"",
+         "priority":"Medium",
+         "version":3,
+         "reportingEntityName":"VesAdapter"
+      },
+      "faultFields":{  
+         "eventSeverity":"MINOR",
+         "alarmCondition":"ONAP-COLLECTOR-SNMPTRAP",
+         "faultFieldsVersion":2,
+         "specificProblem":"SNMP Fault",
+         "alarmAdditionalInformation":[  
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"CLEARED and CRITICAL severities have the same name"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"1.3"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"1.3"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"CLEARED"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"Queue manager: Process failure cleared"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"The queue manager process has been restored to normal operation"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"The queue manager process has been restored to normal operation. The previously issued alarm has been cleared"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"Changes to shared config will be synchronized across the cluster"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":"No action"
+            },
+            {  
+               "name":"",
+               "value":""
+            }
+         ],
+         "eventSourceType":"SNMP Agent",
+         "vfStatus":"Active"
+      }
+   }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file