Say, your working directory is ${WORKING-DIR}
cd ${WORKING-DIR} $ wget $ tar -xvf dcae-deployer-5.0.tar $ cd ${WORKING-DIR}/dcae-deployer
$ git clone ssh://<userid> <inputsDirectory>
$ git clone ssh:// NOTE: will be inside ec-deployer-v2.5.1/ec-deployer/bin
$ cd ${WORKING-DIR}/dcae-deployer/conf $ vi app-inputs.conf -- Update the following values - * CLOUDIFY_INPUT=<complete path to the auto generated inputs.json for cloudify ( downloaded in inputsDirectory from Step 2 )> e.g. /home/attcloud/dcae/dcae-deployer/testing/1710-FTL3/cloudify-gen/inputs/bootstrap/bootstrap/rdm5adcc1/inputs.json * CONSUL_INPUT=<complete path to the auto generated inputs.json for consul ( downloaded in inputsDirectory from Step 2 )> e.g. /home/attcloud/dcae/dcae-deployer/testing/1710-FTL3/cloudify-gen/inputs/consul/consul/rdm5adcc1/inputs.json * CONSUL_BLUEPRINT=<complete path to the zip for consul on dockercentral> - git clone ssh:// e.g. /home/attcloud/blueprints/serviceConfigRegistry/blueprint/consul.yaml Note: consul.yaml will be inside blueprints/serviceConfigRegistry/blueprint * OPENSTACK_KEYFILE=<complete path the pem file used for bootstraping> e.g. '/home/attcloud/dcae-m82823u.pem' * OPENSTACK_KEY=<name of the keypair used in openstack> e.g. 'dcae-m82823' * CLOUDIFY_USERNAME=<Username for Cloudify> * CLOUDIFY_PASSWORD=<Password for Cloudify> * CONSUL_AGENT=<complete path to the extracted from Step 3> e.g. /home/attcloud/dcae/dcae-deployer/bin/install/bin/ * LOCATION=<put the value of location_id from consul inputs.json file( downloaded in inputsDirectory from Step 2 )> Save the file and exit!!
##### Option-1: Just bootstrapping cloudify manager on new VM Note: This will instantiate a new VM and will bootstrap it with cloudify 3.4.0 $ ./ --action bootstrap
##### Option-2: Bootstrap cloudify manager on existing centOS VM Note : This will bootstrap the provide IP-ADDRESS with the cloudify 3.4.0 $ ./ --action bootstrap --cloudify-ip <IP-ADDRESS>
##### Option-3: Teardown cloudify manager Note: This will tear down the cloudify from the provided IP-ADDRESS but will not remove the VM $ ./ --action teardown --cloudify-ip <IP-ADDRESS>
##### Option-4: Deploy consul Note: This will deploy the consul on provided IP-ADDRESS and will instantiate 3 new VMs $ ./ --action deploy --cloudify-ip <IP-ADDRESS> --component consul
##### Option-5: Undeploy consul Note : This will undeploy the consul from the provide IP-ADDRESS and will remove the 3 VMs $ ./ --action undeploy --cloudify-ip <IP-ADDRESS> --component consul