
The dcae-cli is a Python command-line tool for component developers. With it, the developer can :

  • validate the data formats and component specifications
  • publish the validated data formats and component specifications into the onboarding catalog
  • access the onboarding catalog to search for existing data formats (for possible reuse) and component specs
  • deploy a component onto a local or remote DCAE platform for functional and pair-wise testing (This is done without Cloudify)

The git repository for the dcae_cli tool can be found here


For Docker

There are two options for development with Docker:

For local development

  • Install Docker engine locally on your machine.
  • Know the external ip of where the Docker engine is running. The external ip is needed so that service discovery will connect to it.
    • (For OSX users, this means making sure the VirtualBox VM that is running your Docker engine has a bridged adapter and getting the ip of that adapter).

For remote development

  • Have access to a remote host with Docker engine installed and with remote API access.
  • Have the associated connection information:
    • domain name or IP and port (port should be either 2375 or 2376). Use this information to establish an active profile.


None at this time.

Python, Pip, Virtualenv

Install python, pip (9.0.1 or higher), and virtualenv if they are not installed. Do these when not in a VPN to avoid possible network issues.

  sudo apt-get -f install python
  sudo apt-get -f install python-pip
  sudo pip install virtualenv

Set up a virtual environment and activate

  virtualenv cli_tool
  source cli_tool/biin/activate 

Install dcae_cli

pip install --extra-index-url https://nexus01.research.att.com:8443/repository/solutioning01-mte2-pypi/simple dcae-cli

Check dcae_cli version

You can verify the version of the dcae-cli with the following command. To get the latest version of the dcae_cli tool,

$ dcae_cli --version

Upgrade dcae_cli

Periodically, upgrade the dcae_cli to get the latest version

pip install --upgrade --extra-index-url https://nexus01.research.att.com:8443/repository/solutioning01-mte2-pypi/simple dcae-cli


When running the tool for the first time, a configuration directory and configuration file will be created.

The configuration is first sourced from a remote server that is managed by the platform team. You will be prompted to enter your ATTUID to complete this process.

Re-initializing Configuration

Configuration can be re-initialized or reset. There is a --reinit flag that is to be used to re-initialize your configuration and your environment profiles. You may be instructed to re-initialize after certain updates are made to the dcae_cli tool. When you re-initialize the configuration, your configuration will be added to or updated from the platform configuration and profiles. No profiles will be deleted via the reinit process.

To re-initialize:

$ dcae_cli --reinit

Verify Installation

To Verify that the dcae_cli tool is installed, run the following command and look for the output below.

$ dcae_cli --help
Usage: dcae_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose  Prints INFO-level logs to screen.
  --reinit       Re-initialize dcae-cli configuration
  --version      Show the version and exit.
  --help         Show this message and exit.


Refer to dcae_cli Commands.