Onboarding documentation update for CLI

Change-Id: I1d4d0111063ea62c3759aa9b7232998b70229644
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-350
Signed-off-by: Ralph Knag <rhknag@research.att.com>
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/docker-specification.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/docker-specification.rst
index 38612e1..01e1153 100755
--- a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/docker-specification.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/docker-specification.rst
@@ -23,58 +23,38 @@


 ``auxiliary`` contains Docker specific details like health check, port

-mapping, volume mapping, and policy reconfiguration script details.

+mapping, volume mapping and policy reconfiguration script details.

+(Policy reconfiguration is not yet supported).



-| Name        | Ty\| Descript\|

-|             | pe | ion      |


-| healthcheck | JS\| *Require\|

-|             | ON | d*.      |

-|             | ob\| Health   |

-|             | je\| check    |

-|             | ct | definiti\|

-|             |    | on       |

-|             |    | details  |


-| ports       | JS\| each     |

-|             | ON | array    |

-|             | ar\| item     |

-|             | ra\| maps a   |

-|             | y  | containe\|

-|             |    | r        |

-|             |    | port to  |

-|             |    | the host |

-|             |    | port.    |

-|             |    | See      |

-|             |    | example  |

-|             |    | below.   |


-| volume      | JS\| each     |

-|             | ON | array    |

-|             | ar\| item     |

-|             | ra\| contains |

-|             | y  | a host   |

-|             |    | and      |

-|             |    | containe\|

-|             |    | r        |

-|             |    | object.  |

-|             |    | See      |

-|             |    | example  |

-|             |    | below.   |


-| policy      | JS\| *Require\|

-|             | ON | d*.      |

-|             | ar\| Policy   |

-|             | ra\| script   |

-|             | y  | details  |



+| Name                           | Type    | Description               |


+| healthcheck                    | JSON    | *Required*. Health check  |

+|                                | object  | definition details        |


+| ports                          | JSON    | each array item maps a    |

+|                                | array   | container port to the     |

+|                                |         | host port. See example    |

+|                                |         | below.                    |


+| volume                         | JSON    | each array item contains  |

+|                                | array   | a host and container      |

+|                                |         | object. See example       |

+|                                |         | below.                    |


+| *Planned for 1806*             |         |                           |


+| policy                         | JSON    | *Required*. Policy        |

+|                                | array   | reconfiguration script    |

+|                                |         | details                   |



 Health Check Definition



 The platform uses Consul to perform periodic health check calls. Consul

-provides different types of `check definitions <https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/checks.html>`_. The

+provides different types of `check

+definitions <https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/checks.html>`__. The

 platform currently supports http and docker health checks.


 When choosing a value for interval, consider that too frequent

@@ -85,47 +65,28 @@

 When choosing a value for timeout, consider that too small a number will

 result in increasing timeout failures, and too large a number will

-result in a delay in the notification of resource problem. A suggestion

-is to start with 5s and workd from there.

+result in a delay in the notification of the resource problem. A

+suggestion is to start with 5s and work from there.






-| Property    | Ty\| Descript\|

-| Name        | pe | ion      |


-| type        | st\| *Require\|

-|             | ri\| d*.      |

-|             | ng | ``http`` |


-| interval    | st\| Interval |

-|             | ri\| duration |

-|             | ng | in       |

-|             |    | seconds  |

-|             |    | i.e.     |

-|             |    | ``60s``  |


-| timeout     | st\| Timeout  |

-|             | ri\| in       |

-|             | ng | seconds  |

-|             |    | i.e.     |

-|             |    | ``5s``   |


-| endpoint    | st\| *Require\|

-|             | ri\| d*.      |

-|             | ng | GET      |

-|             |    | endpoint |

-|             |    | provided |

-|             |    | by the   |

-|             |    | componen\|

-|             |    | t        |

-|             |    | for      |

-|             |    | Consul   |

-|             |    | to call  |

-|             |    | to check |

-|             |    | health   |



+| Property Name                  | Type    | Description               |


+| type                           | string  | *Required*. ``http``      |


+| interval                       | string  | Interval duration in      |

+|                                |         | seconds i.e. ``60s``      |


+| timeout                        | string  | Timeout in seconds i.e.   |

+|                                |         | ``5s``                    |


+| endpoint                       | string  | *Required*. GET endpoint  |

+|                                |         | provided by the component |

+|                                |         | for Consul to call to     |

+|                                |         | check health              |





@@ -143,43 +104,25 @@
 docker script example




-| Property    | Ty\| Descript\  |

-| Name        | pe | ion        |


-| type        | st\| *Require\  |

-|             | ri\| d*.        |

-|             | ng | ``docker`` |


-| interval    | st\| Interval   |

-|             | ri\| duration   |

-|             | ng | in         |

-|             |    | seconds    |

-|             |    | i.e.       |

-|             |    | ``15s``    |


-| timeout     | st\| Timeout    |

-|             | ri\| in         |

-|             | ng | seconds    |

-|             |    | i.e.       |

-|             |    | ``1s``     |


-| script      | st\| *Require\  |

-|             | ri\| d*.        |

-|             | ng | Full       |

-|             |    | path of    |

-|             |    | script     |

-|             |    | that       |

-|             |    | exists     |

-|             |    | in the     |

-|             |    | Docker     |

-|             |    | containe\  |

-|             |    | r          |

-|             |    | to be      |

-|             |    | executed   |



+| Property Name                  | Type    | Description               |


+| type                           | string  | *Required*. ``docker``    |


+| interval                       | string  | Interval duration in      |

+|                                |         | seconds i.e. ``15s``      |


+| timeout                        | string  | Timeout in seconds i.e.   |

+|                                |         | ``1s``                    |


+| script                         | string  | *Required*. Full path of  |

+|                                |         | script that exists in the |

+|                                |         | Docker container to be    |

+|                                |         | executed                  |



-Consul will use the `Docker exec API <https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.29/#tag/Exec>`_ to

+Consul will use the `Docker exec

+API <https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.29/#tag/Exec>`__ to

 periodically call your script in your container. It will examine the

 script result to identify whether your component is healthy. Your

 component is considered healthy when the script returns ``0`` otherwise

@@ -201,6 +144,13 @@



+This method of exposing/mapping a local port to a host port is NOT

+RECOMMENDED because of the possibility of port conflicts. If multiple

+instances of a docker container will be running, there definitely will

+be port conflicts. Use at your own risk. (The preferred way to expose a

+port is to do so in the Dockerfile as described

+:any:`here <dcae-cli-docker-ports>`).


 .. code:: json


     "auxilary": {

@@ -238,19 +188,19 @@

 The ``container`` object contains:



-| Property Name        | Type                 | Description          |


-| bind                 | string               | path to the          |

-|                      |                      | container volume     |


-| mode                 | string               | “ro” - indicates     |

-|                      |                      | read-only volume     |

-|                      |                      | “” - indicates that  |

-|                      |                      | the container can    |

-|                      |                      | write into the bind  |

-|                      |                      | mount                |



+| Property Name         | Type                  | Description           |


+| bind                  | string                | path to the container |

+|                       |                       | volume                |


+| mode                  | string                | “ro” - indicates      |

+|                       |                       | read-only volume      |


+|                       | “” - indicates that   |

+|                       | the contain can write |

+|                       | into the bind mount   |



 The ``host`` object contains:


@@ -280,39 +230,24 @@
 In the example above, the container volume “/tmp/docker.sock” maps to

 host volume “/var/run/docker.sock”.





+Policy (not yet supported)



 Policy changes made in the Policy UI will be provided to the Docker

 component by triggering a script that is defined here.



-| Property    | Ty\| Descript\  |

-| Name        | pe | ion        |


-| reconfigure | st\| *Require\  |

-| _type       | ri\| d*.        |

-|             | ng | Current    |

-|             |    | value      |

-|             |    | supporte   |

-|             |    | d          |

-|             |    | is         |

-|             |    | ``policy`` |


-| script_path | st\| *Require\  |

-|             | ri\| d*.        |

-|             | ng | Current    |

-|             |    | value      |

-|             |    | for        |

-|             |    | ‘policy’   |

-|             |    | reconfig\  |

-|             |    | ure_type   |

-|             |    | must be    |

-|             |    | “/opt/ap\  |

-|             |    | p/reconf\  |

-|             |    | igure.sh   |

-|             |    | ”          |



+| Property Name                  | Type    | Description               |


+| reconfigure_type               | string  | *Required*. Current value |

+|                                |         | supported is ``policy``   |


+| script_path                    | string  | *Required*. Current value |

+|                                |         | for ‘policy’              |

+|                                |         | reconfigure_type must be  |

+|                                |         | “/opt/app/reconfigure.sh” |





@@ -328,59 +263,22 @@
 The docker script interface is as follows: \`/opt/app/reconfigure.sh

 $reconfigure_type {“updated policies”: , “application config”: }



-| Na\ | Ty\| Descript\                 |

-| me  | pe | ion                       |


-| re\ | st\| “policy”                  |

-| co\ | ri\|                           |

-| nf\ | ng |                           |

-| ig\ |    |                           |

-| ur\ |    |                           |

-| e_t\|    |                           |

-| y\  |    |                           |

-| pe\ |    |                           |


-| up\ | js\| TBD                       |

-| da\ | on |                           |

-| te\ |    |                           |

-| d_p\|    |                           |

-| o\  |    |                           |

-| li\ |    |                           |

-| ci\ |    |                           |

-| es  |    |                           |


-| up\ | js\| complete                  |

-| da\ | on | generate\                 |

-| te\ |    | d                         |

-| d_a\|    | app_conf\                 |

-| p\  |    | ig,                       |

-| pl\ |    | not                       |

-| _c\ |    | fully-re\                 |

-| on\ |    | solved,                   |

-| fi\ |    | but                       |

-| g   |    | ``policy-enabled``        |

-|     |    | paramete\                 |

-|     |    | rs                        |

-|     |    | have                      |

-|     |    | been                      |

-|     |    | updated.                  |

-|     |    | In order                  |

-|     |    | to get                    |

-|     |    | the                       |

-|     |    | complete                  |

-|     |    | updated                   |

-|     |    | app_conf\                 |

-|     |    | ig,                       |

-|     |    | the                       |

-|     |    | componen\                 |

-|     |    | t                         |

-|     |    | would                     |

-|     |    | have to                   |

-|     |    | call                      |

-|     |    | ``config-binding-service``|

-|     |    | .                         |



+| Name         | Type         | Description                            |


+| reconfigure_ | string       | “policy”                               |

+| type         |              |                                        |


+| updated_poli | json         | TBD                                    |

+| cies         |              |                                        |


+| updated_appl | json         | complete generated app_config, not     |

+| _config      |              | fully-resolved, but ``policy-enabled`` |

+|              |              | parameters have been updated. In order |

+|              |              | to get the complete updated            |

+|              |              | app_config, the component would have   |

+|              |              | to call ``config-binding-service``.    |



 Docker Component Spec - Complete Example


@@ -390,7 +288,7 @@

         "self": {

             "version": "1.0.0",

-            "name": "asimov.component.kpi_anomaly",

+            "name": "yourapp.component.kpi_anomaly",

             "description": "Classifies VNF KPI data as anomalous",

             "component_type": "docker"


@@ -402,7 +300,7 @@
                 "type": "http"


             "publishes": [{

-                "format": "asimov.format.integerClassification",

+                "format": "yourapp.format.integerClassification",

                 "version": "1.0.0",

                 "config_key": "prediction",

                 "type": "http"

@@ -427,7 +325,7 @@
                     "version": "1.0.0"


                 "response": {

-                    "format": "asimov.format.integerClassification",

+                    "format": "yourapp.format.integerClassification",

                     "version": "1.0.0"



@@ -448,7 +346,7 @@


         "artifacts": [{

-            "uri": "fake.nexus.com/dcae/kpi_anomaly:1.0.0",

+            "uri": "fake.nexus.att.com/dcae/kpi_anomaly:1.0.0",

             "type": "docker image"

