update config binding library version to incorporate K8s support

Change-Id: Ieabab6478a3428839534faa9f9bb1e5be4d8726f
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1748
Signed-off-by: Ladue, David (dl3158) <dl3158@att.com>
2 files changed
tree: d1db15e2d658fc00195ff342ab544e0361ed9f41
  1. data/
  2. data-formats/
  3. etc/
  4. logs/
  5. snmptrap/
  6. spec/
  7. tests/
  8. tmp/
  9. .gitreview
  10. coverage.xml
  11. Dockerfile
  12. INFO.yaml
  13. LICENSE.txt
  14. mvn-phase-script.sh
  15. pom.xml
  16. README.md
  17. requirements.txt
  18. setup.py
  19. tox.ini
  20. version.properties

DCAE SNMPTrapReceiver

This is the repository for SNMP Trap Receiver for Open DCAE.

Build Instructions

This project is organized as a mvn project for a python application.

git clone ssh://git@<repo-address>:dcae-collectors/snmptrap.git
mvn clean install

to be completed

The application is bundled into a docker image installed by the DCAE Controller. Following is the process to creating the image:

<FIXME: add detailed instructions >