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* Query Kubernetes for status of deployments and extract readiness information
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
const K8S_CREDS = '/var/run/secrets/';
const K8S_API = 'https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/'; // Full name to match cert for TLS
const K8S_PATH = 'apis/apps/v1beta2/namespaces/';
//Get token and CA cert
const ca = fs.readFileSync(K8S_CREDS + '/ca.crt');
const token = fs.readFileSync(K8S_CREDS + '/token');
const summarizeDeploymentList = function(list) {
// list is a DeploymentList object returned by k8s
// Individual deployments are in the array 'items'
let ret =
type: "summary",
count: 0,
ready: 0,
items: []
// Extract readiness information
for (let deployment of list.items) {
ready: deployment.status.readyReplicas || 0,
unavailable: deployment.status.unavailableReplicas || 0
ret.count ++;
ret.ready = ret.ready + (deployment.status.readyReplicas || 0);
return ret;
const summarizeDeployment = function(deployment) {
// deployment is a Deployment object returned by k8s
// we make it look enough like a DeploymentList object to
// satisfy summarizeDeploymentList
return summarizeDeploymentList({items: [deployment]});
const queryKubernetes = function(path, callback) {
// Make request to Kubernetes
const options = {
url: K8S_API + path,
ca : ca,
headers: {
Authorization: 'bearer ' + token
json: true
console.log ("request url: " + options.url);
request(options, function(error, res, body) {
console.log ("status: " + (res && res.statusCode) ? res.statusCode : "NONE");
if (error) {
console.log("error: " + error);
callback(error, res, body);
const getStatus = function(path, extract, callback) {
// Get info from k8s and extract readiness info
queryKubernetes(path, function(error, res, body) {
let ret = body;
if (!error && res && res.statusCode === 200) {
ret = extract(body);
callback (error, res, ret);
exports.getStatusNamespace = function (namespace, callback) {
// Get readiness information for all deployments in namespace
const path = K8S_PATH + namespace + '/deployments';
getStatus(path, summarizeDeploymentList, callback);
exports.getStatusSingle = function (namespace, deployment, callback) {
// Get readiness information for a single deployment
const path = K8S_PATH + namespace + '/deployments/' + deployment;
getStatus(path, summarizeDeployment, callback);