Update bootstrap container blueprints

1. Update HV-VES and PRH default image tag
- HV-VES top up to 1.5.0
- PRH top up to 1.5.4
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2242

2. [DCAE] Adapt DCAE blueprints to CFY DCAE K8S plugin version 3.x.x - fix
for static FQDN override
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2386

3. Update VES CFY blueprint
Updated VES image version to 1.7.4.
Updated some properties format to match supported format in VES.
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2264

4. Adjust VES and HV-VES collectors to use certificates from CMPv2
- Modify VES blueprint
- Modify HV-VES blueprint
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1794
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2195

Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Kuzmicki <krzysztof.kuzmicki@nokia.com>
Change-Id: I6abadcaa0bd8a51f1f4bba7923c382312baa4224
Signed-off-by: Joanna Jeremicz <joanna.jeremicz@nokia.com>
8 files changed
tree: 1a972004cdc530d3d6c2fd5bdba17b95b12e7678
  1. blueprints/
  2. reference_templates/
  3. releases/
  4. scripts/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .gitreview
  7. Dockerfile-template
  8. INFO.yaml
  9. LICENSE.txt
  10. mvn-phase-script.sh
  11. pom.xml
  12. README.md
  13. version.properties

DCAE Blueprints and Bootstrap Container

This repository holds the source code needed to build the Docker image for the DCAE bootstrap container. The bootstrap container runs at DCAE deployment time (via a Helm chart) and does initial setup of the DCAE environment. This includes deploying several service components using Cloudify Manager.

This repository also holds Cloudify blueprints for service components. The Docker build process copies these blueprints into the Docker image for the bootstrap container.

Note: Prior to the Frankfurt release (R6), this repository held blueprint templates for components deployed using Cloudify Manager. The build process for this repository expanded the templates and pushed them to the Nexus raw repository. The DCAE bootstrap container was hosted in the dcaegen2.deployments repository. The Docker build process for the bootstrap containter image pulled the blueprints it needed from the Nexus raw repository.

DCAE Bootstrap Container

This container is responsible for loading blueprints onto the DCAE Cloudify Manager instance and for launching DCAE components.

The Docker image build process loads blueprints into the image's file system. The blueprints are copied from the blueprints directory in this repository. At run time, the main script in the container (bootstrap.sh) installs components using the blueprints.

The container expects to be started with two environment variables:

  • CMADDR -- the address of the target Cloudify Manager
  • CMPASS -- the password for Cloudify Manager

The container expects input files to use when deploying the blueprints. It expects to find them in /inputs. The normal method for launching the container is via a Helm Chart launched by OOM. That chart creates a Kubernetes ConfigMap containing the input files. The ConfigMap is mounted as a volume at /inputs.