DCAE Data Format Validator

Purpose & Responsibilities

The purposes of this repo is provide tools for creating and checking DCAE Data Format Schema used by the DCAP CDAP Broker to define user data formats The build is currently done on Windows but since node.js and docker are widely supported a similar process should allow builds in other environments

DCAE Data Format Schema Tool

The DCAE Data Format Schema Tool is a web application that checks the validity of a user created Data Format Schema. Schemas can define JSON, delimited, XML, and unstructured data. DCAE Data Format Schemas that define JSON schema can be checked against JSON input

Installation and build on Windows

It is assumed that node.js and docker Toolkit are installed After the git repo is cloned, cd to the dcaedftool directory and issue:

    npm install 

to load the necessary libraries. Note that the latest libraries will be loaded. If there is a problem the libraries used for testing can be loaded. They are recorded in package-lock.json. There was a problem once when a Material 2 library was upgraded.

Regression testing on Windows

To test use the following command to run the Jasmine/karma regression suite. This currently tests the program logic. Protractor tests may follow...

   ng test 

GUI testing using node.js

To test under node.js using localhost:4200, issue:

   ng serve

Docker build - remember to update the image version

To build a Docker image using nginx as a static page server issue:

   . ./dockerbuild.sh

Docker windows testing - remember to update the image version

   sh dockerrun.sh

To get the local IP address for testing - use 8080 for the port

   docker-machine ip box 

Use docker push to export to production