5.0.0 policy-handler - new PDP API or old PDP API

- in R4 Dublin the policy-engine introduced a totally new API
- policy-handler now has a startup option to either use the new PDP API
  or the old PDP API that was created-updated before the end of 2018
- see README.md and README_pdp_api_v0.md for instructions on how to
  setup the policy-handler running either with the new PDP API
  or the old (pdp_api_v0) PDP API
- this is a massive refactoring that changed almost all the source files,
  but kept the old logic when using the old (pdp_api_v0) PDP API
- all the code related to PDP API version is split into two subfolders
  = pdp_api/ contains the new PDP API source code
  = pdp_api_v0/ contains the old (2018) PDP API source code
  = pdp_client.py imports from either pdp_api or pdp_api_v0
  = the rest of the code is only affected when it needs to branch
    the logic
- logging to policy_handler.log now shows the path of the source file to
  allow tracing which PDP API is actually used
- when the new PDP API is used, the policy-update flow is disabled
  = passive mode of operation
  = no web-socket
  = no periodic catch_up
  = no policy-filters
  = reduced web-API - only a single /policy_latest endpoint is available
    /policies_latest returns 404
    /catch_up request is accepted, but ignored
- on new PDP API: http /policy_latest returns the new data from the
  new PDP API with the following fields added by the policy-handler
  to keep other policy related parts intact in R4
  (see pdp_api/policy_utils.py)
  = "policyName" = policy_id + "." + "policyVersion" + ".xml"
  = "policyVersion" = str("metadata"."policy-version")
  = "config" - is the renamed "properties" from the new PDP API response
- unit tests are split into two subfolders as well
  = main/ for the new PDP API testing
  = pdp_api_v0/ for the old (2018) PDP API
- removed the following line from the license text of changed files
  ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.

- the new PDP API is expected to be extended and redesigned in R5 El Alto
- on retiring the old PDP API - the intention is to be able to remove
  the pdp_api_v0/ subfolder and minimal related cleanup of the code
  that imports that as well as the cleanup of the config.py, etc.

Change-Id: Ief9a2ae4541300308caaf97377f4ed051535dbe4
Signed-off-by: Alex Shatov <alexs@att.com>
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1128
diff --git a/policyhandler/utils.py b/policyhandler/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d728e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policyhandler/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+"""utils and conversions"""
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import Pattern
+class ToBeImplementedException(Exception):
+    """exception for to be implemented features of policy-handler"""
+    pass
+class Utils(object):
+    """general purpose utils"""
+    _logger = logging.getLogger("policy_handler.utils")
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_logger(file_path):
+        """get the logger for the file_path == __file__"""
+        logger_path = []
+        file_path = os.path.realpath(file_path)
+        logger_path.append(os.path.basename(file_path)[:-3])
+        while file_path:
+            file_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
+            folder_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
+            if folder_name == "policyhandler" or len(logger_path) > 5:
+                break
+            if folder_name == "tests":
+                logger_path.append("unit_test")
+                break
+            logger_path.append(folder_name)
+        logger_path.append("policy_handler")
+        return logging.getLogger(".".join(reversed(logger_path)))
+    @staticmethod
+    def safe_json_parse(json_str):
+        """try parsing json without exception - returns the json_str back if fails"""
+        if not json_str:
+            return json_str
+        try:
+            return json.loads(json_str)
+        except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
+            Utils._logger.warning("unexpected json error(%s): len(%s) str[:100]: (%s)",
+                                  str(err), len(json_str), str(json_str)[:100])
+        return json_str
+    @staticmethod
+    def are_the_same(body_1, body_2, json_dumps=None):
+        """check whether both objects are the same"""
+        if not json_dumps:
+            json_dumps = json.dumps
+        if (body_1 and not body_2) or (not body_1 and body_2):
+            Utils._logger.debug("only one is empty %s != %s", body_1, body_2)
+            return False
+        if body_1 is None and body_2 is None:
+            return True
+        if isinstance(body_1, list) and isinstance(body_2, list):
+            if len(body_1) != len(body_2):
+                Utils._logger.debug("len %s != %s", json_dumps(body_1), json_dumps(body_2))
+                return False
+            for val_1, val_2 in zip(body_1, body_2):
+                if not Utils.are_the_same(val_1, val_2, json_dumps):
+                    return False
+            return True
+        if isinstance(body_1, dict) and isinstance(body_2, dict):
+            if body_1.keys() ^ body_2.keys():
+                Utils._logger.debug("keys %s != %s", json_dumps(body_1), json_dumps(body_2))
+                return False
+            for key, val_1 in body_1.items():
+                if not Utils.are_the_same(val_1, body_2[key], json_dumps):
+                    return False
+            return True
+        # ... here when primitive values or mismatched types ...
+        the_same_values = (body_1 == body_2)
+        if not the_same_values:
+            Utils._logger.debug("values %s != %s", body_1, body_2)
+        return the_same_values
+class RegexCoarser(object):
+    """
+    utility to combine or coarse the collection of regex patterns
+    into a single regex that is at least not narrower (wider or the same)
+    than the collection regexes
+    inspired by https://github.com/spadgos/regex-combiner in js
+    """
+    ENDER = '***'
+    GROUPERS = {'{': '}', '[': ']', '(': ')'}
+    MODIFIERS = '*?+'
+    ANY_CHARS = '.*'
+    LINE_START = '^'
+    def __init__(self, regex_patterns=None):
+        """regex coarser"""
+        self.trie = {}
+        self.patterns = []
+        self.add_regex_patterns(regex_patterns)
+    def get_combined_regex_pattern(self):
+        """gets the pattern for the combined regex"""
+        trie = deepcopy(self.trie)
+        RegexCoarser._compress(trie)
+        return RegexCoarser._trie_to_pattern(trie)
+    def get_coarse_regex_patterns(self, max_length=100):
+        """gets the patterns for the coarse regex"""
+        trie = deepcopy(self.trie)
+        RegexCoarser._compress(trie)
+        patterns = RegexCoarser._trie_to_pattern(trie, True)
+        root_patterns = []
+        for pattern in patterns:
+            left, _, choice = pattern.partition(RegexCoarser.CHOICE_STARTER)
+            if choice and left and left.strip() != RegexCoarser.LINE_START and not left.isspace():
+                pattern = left + RegexCoarser.ANY_CHARS
+            root_patterns.append(pattern)
+        root_patterns = RegexCoarser._join_patterns(root_patterns, max_length)
+        if not root_patterns or root_patterns == ['']:
+            return []
+        return root_patterns
+    def add_regex_patterns(self, new_regex_patterns):
+        """adds the new_regex patterns to RegexPatternCoarser"""
+        if not new_regex_patterns or not isinstance(new_regex_patterns, list):
+            return
+        for new_regex_pattern in new_regex_patterns:
+            self.add_regex_pattern(new_regex_pattern)
+    def add_regex_pattern(self, new_regex_pattern):
+        """adds the new_regex to RegexPatternCoarser"""
+        new_regex_pattern = RegexCoarser._regex_pattern_to_string(new_regex_pattern)
+        if not new_regex_pattern:
+            return
+        self.patterns.append(new_regex_pattern)
+        tokens = RegexCoarser._tokenize(new_regex_pattern)
+        last_token_idx = len(tokens) - 1
+        trie_node = self.trie
+        for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
+            if token not in trie_node:
+                trie_node[token] = {}
+            if idx == last_token_idx:
+                trie_node[token][RegexCoarser.ENDER] = {}
+            trie_node = trie_node[token]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _regex_pattern_to_string(regex_pattern):
+        """convert regex pattern to string"""
+        if not regex_pattern:
+            return ''
+        if isinstance(regex_pattern, str):
+            return regex_pattern
+        if isinstance(regex_pattern, Pattern):
+            return regex_pattern.pattern
+        return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def _tokenize(regex_pattern):
+        """tokenize the regex pattern for trie assignment"""
+        tokens = []
+        token = ''
+        group_ender = None
+        use_next = False
+        for char in regex_pattern:
+            if use_next:
+                use_next = False
+                token += char
+                char = None
+            if char == '\\':
+                use_next = True
+                token += char
+                continue
+            if not group_ender and char in RegexCoarser.GROUPERS:
+                group_ender = RegexCoarser.GROUPERS[char]
+                token = char
+                char = None
+            if char is None:
+                pass
+            elif char == group_ender:
+                token += char
+                group_ender = None
+                if char == '}': # this group is a modifier
+                    tokens[len(tokens) - 1] += token
+                    token = ''
+                    continue
+            elif char in RegexCoarser.MODIFIERS:
+                if group_ender:
+                    token += char
+                else:
+                    tokens[len(tokens) - 1] += char
+                continue
+            else:
+                token += char
+            if not group_ender:
+                tokens.append(token)
+                token = ''
+        if token:
+            tokens.append(token)
+        return tokens
+    @staticmethod
+    def _compress(trie):
+        """compress trie into shortest leaves"""
+        for key, subtrie in trie.items():
+            RegexCoarser._compress(subtrie)
+            subkeys = list(subtrie.keys())
+            if len(subkeys) == 1:
+                trie[key + subkeys[0]] = subtrie[subkeys[0]]
+                del trie[key]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _trie_to_pattern(trie, top_keep=False):
+        """convert trie to the regex pattern"""
+        patterns = [
+            key.replace(RegexCoarser.ENDER, '') + RegexCoarser._trie_to_pattern(subtrie)
+            for key, subtrie in trie.items()
+        ]
+        if top_keep:
+            return patterns
+        return RegexCoarser._join_patterns(patterns)[0]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _join_patterns(patterns, max_length=0):
+        """convert list of patterns to the segmented list of dense regex patterns"""
+        if not patterns:
+            return ['']
+        if len(patterns) == 1:
+            return patterns
+        if not max_length:
+            return [RegexCoarser.HIDDEN_CHOICE_STARTER + '|'.join(patterns) + ')']
+        long_patterns = []
+        join_patterns = []
+        for pattern in patterns:
+            len_pattern = len(pattern)
+            if not len_pattern:
+                continue
+            if len_pattern >= max_length:
+                long_patterns.append(pattern)
+                continue
+            for idx, patterns_to_join in enumerate(join_patterns):
+                patterns_to_join, len_patterns_to_join = patterns_to_join
+                if len_pattern + len_patterns_to_join < max_length:
+                    patterns_to_join.append(pattern)
+                    len_patterns_to_join += len_pattern
+                    join_patterns[idx] = (patterns_to_join, len_patterns_to_join)
+                    len_pattern = 0
+                    break
+            if len_pattern:
+                join_patterns.append(([pattern], len_pattern))
+            join_patterns.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
+        if join_patterns:
+            # pattern, _, choice = pattern.endswith(RegexCoarser.ANY_CHARS)
+            join_patterns = [
+                RegexCoarser.HIDDEN_CHOICE_STARTER + '|'.join(patterns_to_join) + ')'
+                for patterns_to_join, _ in join_patterns
+            ]
+        return join_patterns + long_patterns