4.5.0 policy-handler - multi change

- stop reporting the absence of policies or updates
  as error - this is an expected result == INFO or WARNING

DCAEGEN2-903: preparation for TLS on the web-server of policy-handler

- configurable timeouts for http requests from policy-handler
- added configurable pinging on the web-socket to PDP
- added healthcheck info on the web-socket
- upgraded websocket-client lib to 0.53.0

DCAEGEN2-1017: fixed a bug on policy-filter matching
  by filter_config_name

- refactored and enhanced the unit-tests

Change-Id: I111ddc57bb978554ef376cbf916965b6667dad9b
Signed-off-by: Alex Shatov <alexs@att.com>
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-853
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-903
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-930
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1017
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 15c9002..65c2eba 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,19 +1,40 @@
-# policy_handler
+# ONAP DCAE policy-handler
+See [wiki for DCAE gen2 architecture of policy-handling by DCAE-controller](https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/DCAE+gen2+architecture+of+policy-handling+by+DCAE-controller)
 ## web-service for policies to be used by DCAE-Controller
-- GET **/policy\_latest/***\<policy-id>* -- get the latest policy from policy-engine
-- receives the **push notifications** from policy-engine through the web-socket, filters and gets the full policy-configs, and delivers that to deploy-handler
+- GET `/policy_latest/<policy_id>` -- get the latest policy from policy-engine that is identified by `policy_id`
+- POST `/policies_latest` -- gets the latest policies that match to the **policy-filter** provided in the body of the request.  The policy-filter mimics the body of the /getConfig on policy-engine.
+    sample request - policy-filter
+  "configAttributes": { "key1":"value1" },
+  "configName": "alex_config_name",
+  "onapName": "DCAE",
+  "policyName": "DCAE_alex.Config_alex_.*",
+  "unique": false
+- GET `/healthcheck` - returns 200 OK and current run stats
+- **web-socket** to **policy-engine**
+  - receives the **push notifications** of the changed and removed policies from the policy-engine,
+  - matches the policy-updates to policies and policy-filters found in deployment-handler,
+  - retrieves the full policy-bodies of the matched policies,
+  - delivers the policy-updates to deployment-handler
 ## manual http API
-- GET **/catch_up** -- catch up with the latest state of the policy-engine
-- GET **/policies_latest** -- get all the latest policies in policy-engine through web-service API
-- GET **/shutdown** -- shutdown the server
+- GET `/policies_latest` -- get all the latest policies from policy-engine that either have the policy_id or match to the policy-filter found in deployment-handler deployments
+- GET `/catch_up` -- catch up with the latest state of the policy-engine
+- GET `/shutdown` -- shutdown the server
-## installation
+## standalone installation
 `virtualenv policy_venv`
@@ -37,18 +58,41 @@
-## configure
+## local configure
-in folder `policy_handler`:
+local config file `policy_handler/etc/config.json` contains:
-    - `config.json` contains
-        - `"policy_engine"` - the http connect info to ONAP **policy-engine**
-            - headers.ClientAuth : base64(<mech-id with namespace>:<password>)
-            - headers.Authorization : base64(<policy-engine server auth>)
-        - `"deploy_handler"` - the http connect info to _policy part_ of the **deploy-handler**
-    - `policy_engine.properties` contains config info for the client lib of ONAP **policy-engine** that receives push notifications from the ONAP **policy-engine** server
-        - CLIENT_ID is the mech-id with the namespace - need to register with policy-engine team thru email
-        - CLIENT_KEY is the base64 of the mech-id password - separate passwords for TEST versus PROD
+  "wservice_port" : 25577,
+  "consul_url" : "http://consul:8500",
+  "policy_handler" : {
+    "system" : "policy_handler",
+    "tls" : {
+      "cert_directory" : "etc/tls/certs/",
+      "cacert" : "cacert.pem",
+      "private_key" : "key.pem",
+      "server_cert" : "cert.pem",
+      "server_ca_chain" : "ca_chain.pem"
+    }
+  },
+  "logging" : {...}
+Field descriptions
+- `wservice_port` - port of the policy-hanlder web-service
+- `consul_url` - optional url for the consul agent
+- `policy_handler` - local config for policy-handler application
+  - `system` - general system name of the policy-handler
+  - `tls` - tls settings for the https clients and server - required to enable tls
+    - `cert_directory` - relative path pointing to the folder with certificates
+    - `cacert` - file name for the ca-cert or ca-bundle file in pem format in cert_directory -- used by https clients
+    - `private_key` - file name for the private key in cert_directory -- used by https server
+    - `server_cert` - file name for the https server certificate file in pem format in cert_directory
+    - `server_ca_chain` - file name for the optional https server ca-chain certificates file in pem format in cert_directory -- used when the ca-chain is not included in the server_cert file
+- `logging` - logging config for general logging
@@ -72,24 +116,24 @@
 ### ```policyhandler/customize/``` folder
-contains ```CustomizeBase``` and ```Customize``` classes
+contains ```CustomizerBase``` and ```Customizer``` classes
-- ```CustomizeBase``` defines the interface and the default=ONAP behavior
+- ```CustomizerBase``` defines the interface and the default=ONAP behavior
-- ```CustomizeBase``` is owned by ONAP and should not be changed by the company
+- ```CustomizerBase``` is owned by ONAP and should not be changed by the company
-- ```Customize``` inherits ```CustomizeBase```
+- ```Customizer``` inherits ```CustomizerBase```
-- policy-handler instantiates ```Customize``` to get the customized behavior
+- policy-handler instantiates ```Customizer``` to get the customized behavior
-- ```Customize``` is owned by the company and should be changed by the company
-- ONAP is not going to change ```Customize```
+- ```Customizer``` is owned by the company and should be changed by the company
+- ONAP is not going to change ```Customizer```
-- the methods of ```Customize``` are expected to be overridden by the company to change the behavior of the policy-handler
+- the methods of ```Customizer``` are expected to be overridden by the company to change the behavior of the policy-handler
-- samples are provided for methods in ```Customize``` class as the commented out lines
+- samples are provided for methods in ```Customizer``` class as the commented out lines
-- Company is allowed to add more files to customize/ folder if that is required for better structuring of their code as soon as it is invoked by the methods of ```Customize```
+- Company is allowed to add more files to customize/ folder if that is required for better structuring of their code as soon as it is invoked by the methods of ```Customizer```
 here is an example of ```customizer.py```
diff --git a/etc/config.json b/etc/config.json
index de7f6cc..ae5aa51 100644
--- a/etc/config.json
+++ b/etc/config.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
     "wservice_port" : 25577,
     "consul_url" : "http://consul:8500",
+    "consul_timeout_in_secs" : 60,
     "policy_handler" : {
         "system" : "policy_handler",
         "tls" : {
diff --git a/policyhandler/config.py b/policyhandler/config.py
index d94ed79..5184f7f 100644
--- a/policyhandler/config.py
+++ b/policyhandler/config.py
@@ -148,24 +148,43 @@
     TLS_CA_MODE = "tls_ca_mode"
     TLS_WSS_CA_MODE = "tls_wss_ca_mode"
     TLS_CA_MODE_DO_NOT_VERIFY = "do_not_verify"
+    TIMEOUT_IN_SECS = "timeout_in_secs"
+    CONSUL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS = "consul_timeout_in_secs"
+    WS_PING_INTERVAL_IN_SECS = "ws_ping_interval_in_secs"
     wservice_port = 25577
     consul_url = "http://consul:8500"
+    consul_timeout_in_secs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
     tls_cacert_file = None
     tls_server_cert_file = None
     tls_private_key_file = None
+    tls_server_ca_chain_file = None
     _local_config = Settings()
     discovered_config = Settings()
+    def _get_tls_file_path(tls_config, cert_directory, tls_name):
+        """calc file path and verify its existance"""
+        file_name = tls_config.get(tls_name)
+        if not file_name:
+            return None
+        tls_file_path = os.path.join(cert_directory, file_name)
+        if not os.path.isfile(tls_file_path) or not os.access(tls_file_path, os.R_OK):
+            Config._logger.error("invalid %s: %s", tls_name, tls_file_path)
+            return None
+        return tls_file_path
+    @staticmethod
     def _set_tls_config(tls_config):
         """verify and set tls certs in config"""
             Config.tls_cacert_file = None
             Config.tls_server_cert_file = None
             Config.tls_private_key_file = None
+            Config.tls_server_ca_chain_file = None
             if not (tls_config and isinstance(tls_config, dict)):
                 Config._logger.info("no tls in config: %s", json.dumps(tls_config))
@@ -174,43 +193,28 @@
             cert_directory = tls_config.get("cert_directory")
             if not (cert_directory and isinstance(cert_directory, str)):
-                Config._logger.info("unexpected tls.cert_directory: %r", cert_directory)
+                Config._logger.warning("unexpected tls.cert_directory: %r", cert_directory)
             cert_directory = os.path.join(
                 os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), cert_directory)
             if not (cert_directory and os.path.isdir(cert_directory)):
-                Config._logger.info("ignoring invalid cert_directory: %s", cert_directory)
+                Config._logger.warning("ignoring invalid cert_directory: %s", cert_directory)
-            cacert = tls_config.get("cacert")
-            if cacert:
-                tls_cacert_file = os.path.join(cert_directory, cacert)
-                if not os.path.isfile(tls_cacert_file):
-                    Config._logger.error("invalid tls_cacert_file: %s", tls_cacert_file)
-                else:
-                    Config.tls_cacert_file = tls_cacert_file
-            server_cert = tls_config.get("server_cert")
-            if server_cert:
-                tls_server_cert_file = os.path.join(cert_directory, server_cert)
-                if not os.path.isfile(tls_server_cert_file):
-                    Config._logger.error("invalid tls_server_cert_file: %s", tls_server_cert_file)
-                else:
-                    Config.tls_server_cert_file = tls_server_cert_file
-            private_key = tls_config.get("private_key")
-            if private_key:
-                tls_private_key_file = os.path.join(cert_directory, private_key)
-                if not os.path.isfile(tls_private_key_file):
-                    Config._logger.error("invalid tls_private_key_file: %s", tls_private_key_file)
-                else:
-                    Config.tls_private_key_file = tls_private_key_file
+            Config.tls_cacert_file = Config._get_tls_file_path(tls_config, cert_directory, "cacert")
+            Config.tls_server_cert_file = Config._get_tls_file_path(tls_config, cert_directory,
+                                                                    "server_cert")
+            Config.tls_private_key_file = Config._get_tls_file_path(tls_config, cert_directory,
+                                                                    "private_key")
+            Config.tls_server_ca_chain_file = Config._get_tls_file_path(tls_config, cert_directory,
+                                                                        "server_ca_chain")
             Config._logger.info("tls_cacert_file = %s", Config.tls_cacert_file)
             Config._logger.info("tls_server_cert_file = %s", Config.tls_server_cert_file)
             Config._logger.info("tls_private_key_file = %s", Config.tls_private_key_file)
+            Config._logger.info("tls_server_ca_chain_file = %s", Config.tls_server_ca_chain_file)
     def init_config(file_path=None):
@@ -239,6 +243,9 @@
         Config.wservice_port = loaded_config.get(Config.FIELD_WSERVICE_PORT, Config.wservice_port)
         Config.consul_url = os.environ.get(
             "CONSUL_URL", loaded_config.get(Config.FIELD_CONSUL_URL, Config.consul_url)).rstrip("/")
+        Config.consul_timeout_in_secs = loaded_config.get(Config.CONSUL_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS)
+        if not Config.consul_timeout_in_secs or Config.consul_timeout_in_secs < 1:
+            Config.consul_timeout_in_secs = Config.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
         local_config = loaded_config.get(Config.SERVICE_NAME_POLICY_HANDLER, {})
         Config.system_name = local_config.get(Config.FIELD_SYSTEM, Config.system_name)
@@ -250,7 +257,7 @@
     def discover(audit):
-        """bring and merge the config settings from the discovery service"""
+        """bring the config settings from the discovery service"""
         discovery_key = Config.system_name
         from .discovery import DiscoveryClient
         new_config = DiscoveryClient.get_value(audit, discovery_key)
diff --git a/policyhandler/deploy_handler.py b/policyhandler/deploy_handler.py
index b4b2468..0ffacba 100644
--- a/policyhandler/deploy_handler.py
+++ b/policyhandler/deploy_handler.py
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
     """calling the deployment-handler web apis"""
     _logger = logging.getLogger("policy_handler.deploy_handler")
     DEFAULT_TARGET_ENTITY = "deployment_handler"
     _lazy_inited = False
     _lock = Lock()
@@ -158,6 +159,7 @@
     _target_entity = None
     _custom_kwargs = {}
     _server_instance_uuid = None
+    _timeout_in_secs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
     server_instance_changed = False
@@ -188,7 +190,8 @@
             #     "query" : {
             #         "cfy_tenant_name" : "default_tenant"
             #     },
-            #     "tls_ca_mode" : "cert_directory"
+            #     "tls_ca_mode" : "cert_directory",
+            #     "timeout_in_secs": 60
             # }
             DeployHandler._target_entity = config_dh.get(TARGET_ENTITY,
@@ -204,6 +207,10 @@
                 DeployHandler._target_entity, DeployHandler._url,
                 tls_ca_mode, json.dumps(DeployHandler._custom_kwargs))
+            DeployHandler._timeout_in_secs = config_dh.get(Config.TIMEOUT_IN_SECS)
+            if not DeployHandler._timeout_in_secs or DeployHandler._timeout_in_secs < 1:
+                DeployHandler._timeout_in_secs = DeployHandler.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
         if not DeployHandler._url:
             # discover routing to deployment-handler at consul-services
             if not isinstance(config_dh, dict):
@@ -290,6 +297,7 @@
             target_entity = DeployHandler._target_entity
             url = DeployHandler._url_policy
             params = deepcopy(DeployHandler._query)
+            timeout_in_secs = DeployHandler._timeout_in_secs
             custom_kwargs = deepcopy(DeployHandler._custom_kwargs)
         metrics = Metrics(aud_parent=audit, targetEntity="{} policy_update".format(target_entity),
@@ -297,9 +305,9 @@
         headers = {REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID : metrics.request_id}
         log_action = "put to {} at {}".format(target_entity, url)
-        log_data = "msg={} headers={}, params={} custom_kwargs({})".format(
+        log_data = "msg={} headers={}, params={}, timeout_in_secs={}, custom_kwargs({})".format(
             json.dumps(message), json.dumps(headers),
-            json.dumps(params), json.dumps(custom_kwargs))
+            json.dumps(params), timeout_in_secs, json.dumps(custom_kwargs))
         log_line = log_action + " " + log_data
@@ -315,7 +323,8 @@
         res = None
-            res = session.put(url, json=message, headers=headers, params=params, **custom_kwargs)
+            res = session.put(url, json=message, headers=headers, params=params,
+                              timeout=timeout_in_secs, **custom_kwargs)
         except Exception as ex:
             error_code = (AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value
                           if isinstance(ex, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
@@ -357,6 +366,7 @@
             target_entity = DeployHandler._target_entity
             url = DeployHandler._url_policy
             params = deepcopy(DeployHandler._query)
+            timeout_in_secs = DeployHandler._timeout_in_secs
             custom_kwargs = deepcopy(DeployHandler._custom_kwargs)
         metrics = Metrics(aud_parent=audit,
@@ -365,8 +375,8 @@
         headers = {REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID : metrics.request_id}
         log_action = "get from {} at {}".format(target_entity, url)
-        log_data = "headers={}, params={} custom_kwargs({})".format(
-            json.dumps(headers), json.dumps(params), json.dumps(custom_kwargs))
+        log_data = "headers={}, params={}, timeout_in_secs={}, custom_kwargs({})".format(
+            json.dumps(headers), json.dumps(params), timeout_in_secs, json.dumps(custom_kwargs))
         log_line = log_action + " " + log_data
@@ -382,7 +392,8 @@
         res = None
-            res = session.get(url, headers=headers, params=params, **custom_kwargs)
+            res = session.get(url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=timeout_in_secs,
+                              **custom_kwargs)
         except Exception as ex:
             error_code = (AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value
                           if isinstance(ex, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
@@ -412,7 +423,7 @@
         policies = result.get(POLICIES, {})
         policy_filters = result.get(POLICY_FILTERS, {})
         if not policies and not policy_filters:
-            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value)
+            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value)
                 "found no deployed policies or policy-filters: {}".format(log_line),
diff --git a/policyhandler/discovery.py b/policyhandler/discovery.py
index 5a35525..4c5b64e 100644
--- a/policyhandler/discovery.py
+++ b/policyhandler/discovery.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     def _discover_service(audit, service_name, service_path):
         """find the service record in consul"""
-        response = requests.get(service_path)
+        response = requests.get(service_path, timeout=Config.consul_timeout_in_secs)
         DiscoveryClient._logger.info(audit.info("response {} from {}: {}".format(
             response.status_code, service_path, response.text)))
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     def _get_value_from_kv(url):
         """get the value from consul-kv at discovery url"""
-        response = requests.get(url)
+        response = requests.get(url, timeout=Config.consul_timeout_in_secs)
         data = response.json()
         value = base64.b64decode(data[0]["Value"]).decode("utf-8")
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
         log_line = "get from {} at {}".format(DiscoveryClient.CONSUL_ENTITY, discovery_url)
+        status_code = None
             status_code, value = DiscoveryClient._get_value_from_kv(discovery_url)
         except Exception as ex:
diff --git a/policyhandler/onap/audit.py b/policyhandler/onap/audit.py
index 1bee4a7..d63d0b2 100644
--- a/policyhandler/onap/audit.py
+++ b/policyhandler/onap/audit.py
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
 class AuditHttpCode(Enum):
     """audit http codes"""
     HTTP_OK = 200
+    DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK = 204
     DATA_ERROR = 1030
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     def get_response_code(http_status_code):
         """calculates the response_code from max_http_status_code"""
         response_code = AuditResponseCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR
-        if http_status_code <= AuditHttpCode.HTTP_OK.value:
+        if http_status_code <= AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value:
             response_code = AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS
         elif http_status_code in [AuditHttpCode.PERMISSION_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR.value,
@@ -99,8 +99,7 @@
         elif http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value:
             response_code = AuditResponseCode.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR
         elif http_status_code in [AuditHttpCode.DATA_ERROR.value,
-                                  AuditHttpCode.RESPONSE_ERROR.value,
-                                  AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value]:
+                                  AuditHttpCode.RESPONSE_ERROR.value]:
             response_code = AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR
         elif http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SCHEMA_ERROR.value:
             response_code = AuditResponseCode.SCHEMA_ERROR
@@ -138,6 +137,7 @@
     _hostname = os.environ.get(HOSTNAME)
     _health = Health()
+    _health_checkers = {}
     _py_ver = sys.version.replace("\n", "")
     _packages = []
@@ -167,6 +167,31 @@
+    def __init__(self, job_name=None, request_id=None, req_message=None, **kwargs):
+        """create audit object per each request in the system
+        :job_name: is the name of the audit job for health stats
+        :request_id: is the X-ECOMP-RequestID for tracing
+        :req_message: is the request message string for logging
+        :kwargs: - put any request related params into kwargs
+        """
+        self.job_name = _Audit._key_format.sub('_', job_name or req_message or _Audit._service_name)
+        self.request_id = request_id
+        self.req_message = req_message or ""
+        self.kwargs = kwargs or {}
+        self.max_http_status_code = 0
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+    @staticmethod
+    def register_item_health(health_name, health_getter):
+        """
+        register the health-checker for the additional item
+        by its health_name and the function health_getter that returns its health status as json
+        """
+        _Audit._health_checkers[health_name] = health_getter
     def health(self, full=False):
         """returns json for health check"""
         utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
@@ -186,33 +211,21 @@
                 "process_memory" : ProcessInfo.process_memory()
             "stats" : _Audit._health.dump(),
+            "items" : dict((health_name, health_getter())
+                           for health_name, health_getter in _Audit._health_checkers.items()),
             "soft" : {"python" : _Audit._py_ver, "packages" : _Audit._packages}
-        self.info("{} health: {}".format(_Audit._service_name, json.dumps(health)))
+        self.info("{} health: {}".format(_Audit._service_name,
+                                         json.dumps(health, sort_keys=True)))
         return health
     def process_info(self):
         """get the debug info on all the threads and memory"""
         process_info = ProcessInfo.get_all()
         self.info("{} process_info: {}".format(_Audit._service_name, json.dumps(process_info)))
         return process_info
-    def __init__(self, job_name=None, request_id=None, req_message=None, **kwargs):
-        """create audit object per each request in the system
-        :job_name: is the name of the audit job for health stats
-        :request_id: is the X-ECOMP-RequestID for tracing
-        :req_message: is the request message string for logging
-        :kwargs: - put any request related params into kwargs
-        """
-        self.job_name = _Audit._key_format.sub('_', job_name or req_message or _Audit._service_name)
-        self.request_id = request_id
-        self.req_message = req_message or ""
-        self.kwargs = kwargs or {}
-        self.max_http_status_code = 0
-        self._lock = threading.Lock()
     def merge_all_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
         """returns the merge of copy of self.kwargs with the param kwargs"""
@@ -230,7 +243,7 @@
     def reset_http_status_not_found(self):
         """resets the highest(worst) http status code if data not found"""
         with self._lock:
-            if self.max_http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value:
+            if self.max_http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value:
                 self.max_http_status_code = 0
     def get_max_http_status_code(self):
@@ -252,25 +265,23 @@
                 == AuditResponseCode.get_response_code(status_code).value
                 or self.get_max_http_status_code() >= AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-    def _get_response_status(self, not_found_ok=None):
+    def _get_response_status(self):
         """calculates the response status fields from max_http_status_code"""
         max_http_status_code = self.get_max_http_status_code()
         response_code = AuditResponseCode.get_response_code(max_http_status_code)
-        success = ((response_code.value == AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS.value)
-                   or (not_found_ok
-                       and max_http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value))
+        success = (response_code.value == AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS.value)
         response_description = AuditResponseCode.get_human_text(response_code)
         return success, max_http_status_code, response_code, response_description
     def is_success(self):
-        """returns whether the response_code is success"""
+        """returns whether the response_code is success or 204 - not found"""
         success, _, _, _ = self._get_response_status()
         return success
-    def is_success_or_not_found(self):
-        """returns whether the response_code is success or 404 - not found"""
-        success, _, _, _ = self._get_response_status(not_found_ok=True)
-        return success
+    def is_not_found(self):
+        """returns whether the response_code is 204 - not found"""
+        max_http_status_code = self.get_max_http_status_code()
+        return max_http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value
     def debug(self, log_line, **kwargs):
         """debug - the debug=lowest level of logging"""
@@ -397,8 +408,8 @@
     def audit_done(self, result=None, **kwargs):
         """debug+audit - the audit=top level of logging"""
         all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
-        success, max_http_status_code, response_code, response_description = \
-            self._get_response_status()
+        (success, max_http_status_code,
+         response_code, response_description) = self._get_response_status()
         log_line = "{0} {1}".format(self.req_message, result or "").strip()
         audit_func = None
         timer = _Audit.get_elapsed_time(self._started)
@@ -461,8 +472,8 @@
     def metrics(self, log_line, **kwargs):
         """debug+metrics - the metrics=sub-audit level of logging"""
         all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
-        success, max_http_status_code, response_code, response_description = \
-            self._get_response_status()
+        (success, max_http_status_code,
+         response_code, response_description) = self._get_response_status()
         metrics_func = None
         timer = _Audit.get_elapsed_time(self._metrics_started)
         if success:
diff --git a/policyhandler/policy_matcher.py b/policyhandler/policy_matcher.py
index 71b5ce8..d0786ba 100644
--- a/policyhandler/policy_matcher.py
+++ b/policyhandler/policy_matcher.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 import re
 from .deploy_handler import DeployHandler, PolicyUpdateMessage
+from .onap.audit import AuditHttpCode, AuditResponseCode
 from .policy_consts import (ERRORED_POLICIES, LATEST_POLICIES,
                             POLICY_NAME, POLICY_VERSION, POLICY_VERSIONS)
@@ -36,15 +37,32 @@
     PENDING_UPDATE = "pending_update"
-    def get_latest_policies(audit):
-        """
-        find the latest policies from policy-engine for the deployed policies and policy-filters
-        """
+    def get_deployed_policies(audit):
+        """get the deployed policies and policy-filters"""
         deployed_policies, deployed_policy_filters = DeployHandler.get_deployed_policies(audit)
+        if audit.is_not_found():
+            warning_txt = "got no deployed policies or policy-filters"
+            PolicyMatcher._logger.warning(warning_txt)
+            return {"warning": warning_txt}, None, None
         if not audit.is_success() or (not deployed_policies and not deployed_policy_filters):
             error_txt = "failed to retrieve policies from deployment-handler"
+            return {"error": error_txt}, None, None
+        return None, deployed_policies, deployed_policy_filters
+    @staticmethod
+    def build_catch_up_message(audit, deployed_policies, deployed_policy_filters):
+        """
+        find the latest policies from policy-engine for the deployed policies and policy-filters
+        """
+        if not (deployed_policies or deployed_policy_filters):
+            error_txt = "no deployed policies or policy-filters"
+            PolicyMatcher._logger.warning(error_txt)
             return {"error": error_txt}, None
         coarse_regex_patterns = PolicyMatcher.calc_coarse_patterns(
@@ -54,7 +72,9 @@
             error_txt = ("failed to construct the coarse_regex_patterns from " +
                          "deployed_policies: {} and deployed_policy_filters: {}"
                          .format(deployed_policies, deployed_policy_filters))
-            PolicyMatcher._logger.error(error_txt)
+            PolicyMatcher._logger.error(audit.error(
+                error_txt, error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR))
+            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_ERROR.value)
             return {"error": error_txt}, None
         pdp_response = PolicyRest.get_latest_policies(
@@ -62,9 +82,9 @@
                                    for policy_name_pattern in coarse_regex_patterns]
-        if not audit.is_success_or_not_found():
+        if not audit.is_success():
             error_txt = "failed to retrieve policies from policy-engine"
-            PolicyMatcher._logger.error(error_txt)
+            PolicyMatcher._logger.warning(error_txt)
             return {"error": error_txt}, None
         latest_policies = pdp_response.get(LATEST_POLICIES, {})
@@ -90,6 +110,7 @@
     def calc_coarse_patterns(audit, deployed_policies, deployed_policy_filters):
         """calculate the coarsed patterns on policy-names in policies and policy-filters"""
@@ -109,6 +130,7 @@
         return coarse_regex_patterns
     def match_to_deployed_policies(audit, policies_updated, policies_removed):
         """match the policies_updated, policies_removed versus deployed policies"""
@@ -125,6 +147,7 @@
         return changed_policies, policies_removed, policy_filter_matches
     def _match_policies(audit, policies, deployed_policies, deployed_policy_filters):
@@ -174,6 +197,7 @@
         return matching_policies, changed_policies, policy_filter_matches
     def _match_policy_to_filter(audit, policy_id, policy, policy_filter_id, policy_filter):
         """Match the policy to the policy-filter"""
@@ -218,7 +242,7 @@
         filter_config_name = policy_filter.get("configName")
         policy_config_name = matching_conditions.get("ConfigName")
-        if filter_onap_name and filter_config_name != policy_config_name:
+        if filter_config_name and filter_config_name != policy_config_name:
                 audit.debug("not match by configName: {} != {}: {}"
                             .format(policy_config_name, filter_config_name, log_line)))
diff --git a/policyhandler/policy_receiver.py b/policyhandler/policy_receiver.py
index 3ae25fc..249c1f7 100644
--- a/policyhandler/policy_receiver.py
+++ b/policyhandler/policy_receiver.py
@@ -28,14 +28,16 @@
 import copy
 import json
 import logging
-import os
 import ssl
 import time
+import urllib.parse
+from datetime import datetime
 from threading import Lock, Thread
 import websocket
 from .config import Config, Settings
+from .onap.audit import Audit
 from .policy_updater import PolicyUpdater
 from .policy_utils import Utils
@@ -48,8 +50,17 @@
 class _PolicyReceiver(Thread):
     """web-socket to PolicyEngine"""
     _logger = logging.getLogger("policy_handler.policy_receiver")
+    WS_STARTED = "started"
+    WS_START_COUNT = "start_count"
+    WS_CLOSE_COUNT = "close_count"
+    WS_ERROR_COUNT = "error_count"
+    WS_PONG_COUNT = "pong_count"
+    WS_MESSAGE_COUNT = "message_count"
+    WS_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP = "message_timestamp"
+    WS_STATUS = "status"
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, audit):
         """web-socket inside the thread to receive policy notifications from PolicyEngine"""
         Thread.__init__(self, name="policy_receiver", daemon=True)
@@ -62,14 +73,26 @@
         self._web_socket_sslopt = None
         self._tls_wss_ca_mode = None
         self._web_socket = None
-        self.reconfigure()
+        self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs = _PolicyReceiver.WS_PING_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
+        self._web_socket_health = {
+            _PolicyReceiver.WS_START_COUNT: 0,
+            _PolicyReceiver.WS_CLOSE_COUNT: 0,
+            _PolicyReceiver.WS_ERROR_COUNT: 0,
+            _PolicyReceiver.WS_PONG_COUNT: 0,
+            _PolicyReceiver.WS_MESSAGE_COUNT: 0,
+            _PolicyReceiver.WS_STATUS: "created"
+        }
-        self._policy_updater = PolicyUpdater(self.reconfigure)
-        self._policy_updater.start()
+        Audit.register_item_health("web_socket_health", self._get_health)
+        self._reconfigure(audit)
-    def reconfigure(self):
+        self._policy_updater = PolicyUpdater(self._reconfigure)
+    def _reconfigure(self, audit):
         """configure and reconfigure the web-socket"""
         with self._lock:
+            _PolicyReceiver._logger.info(audit.info("web_socket_health {}".format(
+                json.dumps(self._get_health(), sort_keys=True))))
             self._sleep_before_restarting = 5
             changed, config = self._settings.get_by_key(Config.FIELD_POLICY_ENGINE)
@@ -80,13 +103,19 @@
             prev_web_socket_url = self._web_socket_url
             prev_web_socket_sslopt = self._web_socket_sslopt
+            prev_ws_ping_interval_in_secs = self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs
             self._web_socket_sslopt = None
-            resturl = (config.get("url", "").lower()
-                       + config.get("path_notifications", "/pdp/notifications"))
+            resturl = urllib.parse.urljoin(config.get("url", "").lower().rstrip("/") + "/",
+                                           config.get("path_notifications", "/pdp/notifications"))
             self._tls_wss_ca_mode = config.get(Config.TLS_WSS_CA_MODE)
+            self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs = config.get(Config.WS_PING_INTERVAL_IN_SECS)
+            if not self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs or self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs < 60:
+                self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs = _PolicyReceiver.WS_PING_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
             if resturl.startswith("https:"):
                 self._web_socket_url = resturl.replace("https:", "wss:")
@@ -101,17 +130,19 @@
                 self._web_socket_url = resturl.replace("http:", "ws:")
+            log_changed = (
+                "changed web_socket_url(%s) or tls_wss_ca_mode(%s)"
+                " or ws_ping_interval_in_secs(%s): %s" %
+                (self._web_socket_url, self._tls_wss_ca_mode, self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs,
+                 self._settings))
             if (self._web_socket_url == prev_web_socket_url
-                    and Utils.are_the_same(prev_web_socket_sslopt, self._web_socket_sslopt)):
-                _PolicyReceiver._logger.info(
-                    "not changed web_socket_url(%s) or tls_wss_ca_mode(%s): %s",
-                    self._web_socket_url, self._tls_wss_ca_mode, self._settings)
+                    and Utils.are_the_same(prev_web_socket_sslopt, self._web_socket_sslopt)
+                    and prev_ws_ping_interval_in_secs == self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs):
+                _PolicyReceiver._logger.info(audit.info("not {}".format(log_changed)))
                 return False
-            _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("changed web_socket_url(%s) or tls_wss_ca_mode(%s): %s",
-                                         self._web_socket_url, self._tls_wss_ca_mode,
-                                         self._settings)
+            _PolicyReceiver._logger.info(audit.info(log_changed))
@@ -119,6 +150,8 @@
     def run(self):
         """listen on web-socket and pass the policy notifications to policy-updater"""
+        self._policy_updater.start()
+        _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("starting policy_receiver...")
         restarting = False
         while True:
@@ -142,6 +175,7 @@
                 web_socket_url = self._web_socket_url
                 sslopt = copy.deepcopy(self._web_socket_sslopt)
                 tls_wss_ca_mode = self._tls_wss_ca_mode
+                ws_ping_interval_in_secs = self._ws_ping_interval_in_secs
                 "connecting to policy-notifications at %s with sslopt(%s) tls_wss_ca_mode(%s)",
@@ -149,13 +183,15 @@
             self._web_socket = websocket.WebSocketApp(
+                on_open=self._on_ws_open,
-                on_error=self._on_ws_error
+                on_error=self._on_ws_error,
+                on_pong=self._on_ws_pong
             _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("waiting for policy-notifications...")
-            self._web_socket.run_forever(sslopt=sslopt)
+            self._web_socket.run_forever(sslopt=sslopt, ping_interval=ws_ping_interval_in_secs)
             restarting = True
         _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("exit policy-receiver")
@@ -175,9 +211,13 @@
     def _on_pdp_message(self, *args):
         """received the notification from PDP"""
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_MESSAGE_COUNT] += 1
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP] = str(datetime.utcnow())
             message = args and args[-1]
             _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("Received notification message: %s", message)
+            _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("web_socket_health %s",
+                                         json.dumps(self._get_health(), sort_keys=True))
             if not message:
             message = json.loads(message)
@@ -216,9 +256,47 @@
         _PolicyReceiver._logger.exception("policy-notification error %s", str(error))
         self._sleep_before_restarting = 60 if isinstance(error, ssl.SSLError) else 5
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_STATUS] = "error"
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_ERROR_COUNT] += 1
+        self._web_socket_health["last_error"] = {
+            "error": str(error), "timestamp": str(datetime.utcnow())
+        }
+        _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("web_socket_health %s",
+                                     json.dumps(self._get_health(), sort_keys=True))
     def _on_ws_close(self, code, reason):
         """restart web-socket on close"""
-        _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("lost connection(%s, %s) to PDP - restarting...", code, reason)
+        self._web_socket_health["last_closed"] = str(datetime.utcnow())
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_STATUS] = "closed"
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_CLOSE_COUNT] += 1
+        _PolicyReceiver._logger.info(
+            "lost connection(%s, %s) to PDP - restarting... web_socket_health %s",
+            code, reason, json.dumps(self._get_health(), sort_keys=True))
+    def _on_ws_open(self):
+        """started web-socket"""
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_STATUS] = _PolicyReceiver.WS_STARTED
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_START_COUNT] += 1
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_STARTED] = datetime.utcnow()
+        _PolicyReceiver._logger.info("opened connection to PDP web_socket_health %s",
+                                     json.dumps(self._get_health(), sort_keys=True))
+    def _on_ws_pong(self, pong):
+        """pong = response to pinging the server of the web-socket"""
+        self._web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_PONG_COUNT] += 1
+        _PolicyReceiver._logger.info(
+            "pong(%s) from connection to PDP web_socket_health %s",
+            pong, json.dumps(self._get_health(), sort_keys=True))
+    def _get_health(self):
+        """returns the healthcheck of the web-socket as json"""
+        web_socket_health = copy.deepcopy(self._web_socket_health)
+        started = web_socket_health.get(_PolicyReceiver.WS_STARTED)
+        if started:
+            web_socket_health[_PolicyReceiver.WS_STARTED] = str(started)
+            web_socket_health["uptime"] = str(datetime.utcnow() - started)
+        return web_socket_health
     def shutdown(self, audit):
         """Shutdown the policy-receiver"""
@@ -237,11 +315,20 @@
         """need to bring the latest policies to DCAE-Controller"""
+    def is_running(self):
+        """check whether the policy-receiver and policy-updater are running"""
+        return self.is_alive() and self._policy_updater.is_alive()
 class PolicyReceiver(object):
     """policy-receiver - static singleton wrapper"""
     _policy_receiver = None
+    def is_running():
+        """check whether the policy-receiver runs"""
+        return PolicyReceiver._policy_receiver and PolicyReceiver._policy_receiver.is_running()
+    @staticmethod
     def shutdown(audit):
         """Shutdown the notification-handler"""
@@ -254,7 +341,7 @@
     def run(audit):
         """Using policy-engine client to talk to policy engine"""
-        PolicyReceiver._policy_receiver = _PolicyReceiver()
+        PolicyReceiver._policy_receiver = _PolicyReceiver(audit)
diff --git a/policyhandler/policy_rest.py b/policyhandler/policy_rest.py
index 0713b38..85dd914 100644
--- a/policyhandler/policy_rest.py
+++ b/policyhandler/policy_rest.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import json
 import logging
 import time
+import urllib.parse
 from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
 from threading import Lock
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
     EXPECTED_VERSIONS = "expected_versions"
     IGNORE_POLICY_NAMES = "ignore_policy_names"
     _lock = Lock()
     _settings = Settings(Config.FIELD_POLICY_ENGINE, Config.POOL_CONNECTIONS,
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@
     _thread_pool_size = 4
     _policy_retry_count = 1
     _policy_retry_sleep = 0
+    _timeout_in_secs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
     def _init():
@@ -85,8 +88,9 @@
                 'http://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=pool_size,
-        PolicyRest._url_get_config = (config.get("url", "") + config.get("path_api", "")
-                                      + PolicyRest.POLICY_GET_CONFIG)
+        get_config_path = urllib.parse.urljoin(
+            config.get("path_api", "pdp/api").strip("/") + "/", PolicyRest.POLICY_GET_CONFIG)
+        PolicyRest._url_get_config = urllib.parse.urljoin(config.get("url", ""), get_config_path)
         PolicyRest._headers = config.get("headers", {})
         PolicyRest._target_entity = config.get("target_entity", Config.FIELD_POLICY_ENGINE)
         _, PolicyRest._thread_pool_size = PolicyRest._settings.get_by_key(
@@ -101,12 +105,16 @@
         tls_ca_mode = config.get(Config.TLS_CA_MODE)
         PolicyRest._custom_kwargs = Config.get_requests_kwargs(tls_ca_mode)
+        PolicyRest._timeout_in_secs = config.get(Config.TIMEOUT_IN_SECS)
+        if not PolicyRest._timeout_in_secs or PolicyRest._timeout_in_secs < 1:
+            PolicyRest._timeout_in_secs = PolicyRest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
-        PolicyRest._logger.info("PDP(%s) url(%s) headers(%s) tls_ca_mode(%s) custom_kwargs(%s): %s",
-                                PolicyRest._target_entity, PolicyRest._url_get_config,
-                                Metrics.json_dumps(PolicyRest._headers),
-                                tls_ca_mode, json.dumps(PolicyRest._custom_kwargs),
-                                PolicyRest._settings)
+        PolicyRest._logger.info(
+            "PDP(%s) url(%s) headers(%s) tls_ca_mode(%s) timeout_in_secs(%s) custom_kwargs(%s): %s",
+            PolicyRest._target_entity, PolicyRest._url_get_config,
+            Metrics.json_dumps(PolicyRest._headers), tls_ca_mode,
+            PolicyRest._timeout_in_secs, json.dumps(PolicyRest._custom_kwargs),
+            PolicyRest._settings)
         PolicyRest._lazy_inited = True
@@ -144,6 +152,7 @@
             session = PolicyRest._requests_session
             target_entity = PolicyRest._target_entity
             url = PolicyRest._url_get_config
+            timeout_in_secs = PolicyRest._timeout_in_secs
             headers = copy.deepcopy(PolicyRest._headers)
             custom_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(PolicyRest._custom_kwargs)
@@ -152,15 +161,17 @@
         headers[REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID] = metrics.request_id
         log_action = "post to {} at {}".format(target_entity, url)
-        log_data = "msg={} headers={}, custom_kwargs({})".format(
-            json.dumps(json_body), Metrics.json_dumps(headers), json.dumps(custom_kwargs))
+        log_data = "msg={} headers={}, custom_kwargs({}) timeout_in_secs({})".format(
+            json.dumps(json_body), Metrics.json_dumps(headers), json.dumps(custom_kwargs),
+            timeout_in_secs)
         log_line = log_action + " " + log_data
         res = None
-            res = session.post(url, json=json_body, headers=headers, **custom_kwargs)
+            res = session.post(url, json=json_body, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_in_secs,
+                               **custom_kwargs)
         except Exception as ex:
             error_code = (AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value
                           if isinstance(ex, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
@@ -195,12 +206,12 @@
             res_data = res.json()
             if res_data and isinstance(res_data, list) and len(res_data) == 1:
-                rslt = res_data[0]
-                if rslt and not rslt.get(POLICY_NAME):
+                rslt = res_data[0] or {}
+                if not rslt.get(POLICY_NAME):
                     res_data = None
                 if rslt.get(PolicyRest.PDP_CONFIG_MESSAGE) == PolicyRest.PDP_NO_RESPONSE_RECEIVED:
                     error_code = AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value
-                    error_msg = "unexpected {0}".format(log_line)
+                    error_msg = "{} unexpected {}".format(error_code, log_line)
@@ -222,8 +233,8 @@
             if (rslt and not rslt.get(POLICY_NAME)
                     and rslt.get(PolicyRest.PDP_CONFIG_STATUS) == PolicyRest.PDP_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND
                     and rslt.get(PolicyRest.PDP_CONFIG_MESSAGE) == PolicyRest.PDP_DATA_NOT_FOUND):
-                status_code = AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value
-                info_msg = "not found {0}".format(log_line)
+                status_code = AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value
+                info_msg = "{} not found {}".format(status_code, log_line)
@@ -279,7 +290,8 @@
         expect_policy_removed = (ignore_policy_names and not expected_versions)
         for retry in range(1, PolicyRest._policy_retry_count + 1):
-            PolicyRest._logger.debug(str_metrics)
+            PolicyRest._logger.debug("try(%s) retry_get_config(%s): %s",
+                                     retry, retry_get_config, str_metrics)
             done, latest_policy, status_code = PolicyRest._get_latest_policy_once(
                 audit, policy_id, expected_versions, ignore_policy_names,
@@ -289,16 +301,16 @@
             if retry == PolicyRest._policy_retry_count:
-                audit.warn("gave up retrying {} from PDP after #{} for policy_id={}"
-                           .format(PolicyRest._url_get_config, retry, policy_id),
-                           error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR)
+                PolicyRest._logger.error(
+                    audit.error("gave up retrying after #{} for policy_id({}) from PDP {}"
+                                .format(retry, policy_id, PolicyRest._url_get_config),
+                                error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR))
-            audit.warn(
-                "retry #{} {} from PDP in {} secs for policy_id={}".format(
-                    retry, PolicyRest._url_get_config,
-                    PolicyRest._policy_retry_sleep, policy_id),
-                error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR)
+            PolicyRest._logger.warning(audit.warn(
+                "will retry({}) for policy_id({}) in {} secs from PDP {}".format(
+                    retry, policy_id, PolicyRest._policy_retry_sleep, PolicyRest._url_get_config),
+                error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR))
         if (expect_policy_removed and not latest_policy
@@ -308,10 +320,10 @@
         if not PolicyRest._validate_policy(latest_policy):
-            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value)
-            audit.error(
+            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value)
+            PolicyRest._logger.error(audit.error(
                 "received invalid policy from PDP: {}".format(json.dumps(latest_policy)),
-                error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR)
+                error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR))
         return latest_policy
@@ -331,9 +343,10 @@
         if not latest_policy and not expect_policy_removed:
-            audit.error("received unexpected policy data from PDP for policy_id={}: {}"
-                        .format(policy_id, json.dumps(policy_bodies or [])),
-                        error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR)
+            PolicyRest._logger.error(
+                audit.error("received unexpected policy data from PDP for policy_id={}: {}"
+                            .format(policy_id, json.dumps(policy_bodies or [])),
+                            error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR))
         done = bool(latest_policy
                     or (expect_policy_removed and not policy_bodies)
@@ -411,6 +424,9 @@
         policies = None
         apns_length = len(apns)
+        PolicyRest._logger.debug("apns_length(%s) policies_to_find %s", apns_length,
+                                 json.dumps(policies_to_find))
         if apns_length == 1:
             policies = [PolicyRest.get_latest_policy(apns[0])]
@@ -419,8 +435,9 @@
-        metrics_total.metrics("result get_latest_updated_policies {0}: {1} {2}"
-                              .format(str_metrics, len(policies), json.dumps(policies)))
+        metrics_total.metrics("result({}) get_latest_updated_policies {}: {} {}"
+                              .format(apns_length, str_metrics,
+                                      len(policies), json.dumps(policies)))
         updated_policies = dict((policy[POLICY_ID], policy)
                                 for policy in policies
@@ -438,12 +455,12 @@
                                 and policy_id not in removed_policies)
-            "result updated_policies %s, removed_policies %s, errored_policies %s",
-            json.dumps(updated_policies), json.dumps(removed_policies),
+            "result(%s) updated_policies %s, removed_policies %s, errored_policies %s",
+            apns_length, json.dumps(updated_policies), json.dumps(removed_policies),
         if errored_policies:
-            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value)
+            audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_ERROR.value)
                 "errored_policies in PDP: {}".format(json.dumps(errored_policies)),
@@ -460,6 +477,7 @@
             PolicyRest._logger.debug("%s", str_policy_filter)
             status_code, policy_bodies = PolicyRest._pdp_get_config(audit, policy_filter)
+            audit.set_http_status_code(status_code)
             PolicyRest._logger.debug("%s policy_bodies: %s %s", status_code,
                                      str_policy_filter, json.dumps(policy_bodies or []))
@@ -467,14 +485,13 @@
             latest_policies = PolicyUtils.select_latest_policies(policy_bodies)
             if not latest_policies:
-                audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value)
-                audit.warn(
+                audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value)
+                PolicyRest._logger.warning(audit.warn(
                     "received no policies from PDP for policy_filter {}: {}"
                     .format(str_policy_filter, json.dumps(policy_bodies or [])),
-                    error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR)
+                    error_code=AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR))
                 return None, latest_policies
-            audit.set_http_status_code(status_code)
             valid_policies = {}
             errored_policies = {}
             for (policy_id, policy) in latest_policies.items():
diff --git a/policyhandler/policy_updater.py b/policyhandler/policy_updater.py
index 235e2b6..fb6c8b6 100644
--- a/policyhandler/policy_updater.py
+++ b/policyhandler/policy_updater.py
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@
             self._audit.req_message = req_message
-            "pending request_id %s for %s policies_updated %s policies_removed %s",
+            "pending(%s) for %s policies_updated %s policies_removed %s",
             self._audit.request_id, req_message,
-            json.dumps(policies_updated), json.dumps(policies_removed))
+            json.dumps(self._policies_updated), json.dumps(self._policies_removed))
 class PolicyUpdater(Thread):
@@ -178,13 +178,14 @@
             if not self._aud_reconfigure:
                 self._aud_reconfigure = Audit(req_message=Config.RECONFIGURE)
-                    "reconfigure %s request_id %s",
+                    "%s request_id %s",
                     self._aud_reconfigure.req_message, self._aud_reconfigure.request_id
     def run(self):
         """wait and run the policy-update in thread"""
+        PolicyUpdater._logger.info("starting policy_updater...")
         while True:
             PolicyUpdater._logger.info("waiting for policy-updates...")
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@
                 if DeployHandler.reconfigure(aud_reconfigure):
                     reconfigure_result += " " + Config.DEPLOY_HANDLER
-                if self._reconfigure_receiver():
+                if self._reconfigure_receiver(aud_reconfigure):
                     reconfigure_result += " web-socket"
                 reconfigure_result += " -- change: {}".format(Config.discovered_config)
@@ -348,12 +349,24 @@
         catch_up_result = ""
+            not_found_ok = None
-            _, catch_up_message = PolicyMatcher.get_latest_policies(aud_catch_up)
+            _, policies, policy_filters = PolicyMatcher.get_deployed_policies(aud_catch_up)
-            if not catch_up_message or not aud_catch_up.is_success_or_not_found():
+            catch_up_message = None
+            if aud_catch_up.is_not_found():
+                not_found_ok = True
+            else:
+                _, catch_up_message = PolicyMatcher.build_catch_up_message(
+                    aud_catch_up, policies, policy_filters)
+            if not_found_ok:
+                catch_up_result = ("- not sending catch-up "
+                                   "- no deployed policies or policy-filters")
+                PolicyUpdater._logger.warning(catch_up_result)
+            elif not (catch_up_message and aud_catch_up.is_success()):
                 catch_up_result = "- not sending catch-up to deployment-handler due to errors"
             elif catch_up_message.empty():
@@ -402,11 +415,14 @@
+            not_found_ok = None
             (updated_policies, removed_policies,
              policy_filter_matches) = PolicyMatcher.match_to_deployed_policies(
                  audit, policies_updated, policies_removed)
-            if updated_policies or removed_policies:
+            if audit.is_not_found():
+                not_found_ok = True
+            elif updated_policies or removed_policies:
                 updated_policies, removed_policies = PolicyRest.get_latest_updated_policies(
                      [(policy_id, policy.get(POLICY_BODY, {}).get(POLICY_VERSION))
@@ -415,7 +431,11 @@
                       for policy_id, policy in removed_policies.items()]
-            if not audit.is_success_or_not_found():
+            if not_found_ok:
+                result = ("- not sending policy-updates to deployment-handler "
+                          "- no deployed policies or policy-filters")
+                PolicyUpdater._logger.warning(result)
+            elif not audit.is_success():
                 result = "- not sending policy-updates to deployment-handler due to errors"
             elif not updated_policies and not removed_policies:
diff --git a/policyhandler/web_server.py b/policyhandler/web_server.py
index 24db468..73e7fbc 100644
--- a/policyhandler/web_server.py
+++ b/policyhandler/web_server.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 from .config import Config
 from .deploy_handler import PolicyUpdateMessage
-from .onap.audit import Audit
+from .onap.audit import Audit, AuditHttpCode
 from .policy_matcher import PolicyMatcher
 from .policy_receiver import PolicyReceiver
 from .policy_rest import PolicyRest
@@ -34,21 +34,35 @@
 class PolicyWeb(object):
     """run http API of policy-handler on - any incoming address"""
     HOST_INADDR_ANY = ".".join("0"*4)
     logger = logging.getLogger("policy_handler.policy_web")
     def run_forever(audit):
         """run the web-server of the policy-handler forever"""
-        PolicyWeb.logger.info("policy_handler web-server on port(%d)...", Config.wservice_port)
         cherrypy.config.update({"server.socket_host": PolicyWeb.HOST_INADDR_ANY,
                                 "server.socket_port": Config.wservice_port})
+        protocol = "http"
+        tls_info = ""
+        # if Config.tls_server_cert_file and Config.tls_private_key_file:
+        #     cherrypy.server.ssl_module = 'builtin'
+        #     cherrypy.server.ssl_certificate = Config.tls_server_cert_file
+        #     cherrypy.server.ssl_private_key = Config.tls_private_key_file
+        #     if Config.tls_server_ca_chain_file:
+        #         cherrypy.server.ssl_certificate_chain = Config.tls_server_ca_chain_file
+        #     protocol = "https"
+        #     tls_info = "cert: {} {} {}".format(Config.tls_server_cert_file,
+        #                                        Config.tls_private_key_file,
+        #                                        Config.tls_server_ca_chain_file)
         cherrypy.tree.mount(_PolicyWeb(), '/')
-        audit.info("running policy_handler web-server as {0}:{1}".format(
-            cherrypy.server.socket_host, cherrypy.server.socket_port))
-        PolicyWeb.logger.info("running policy_handler web-server as %s:%d with config: %s",
-                              cherrypy.server.socket_host, cherrypy.server.socket_port,
-                              json.dumps(cherrypy.config))
+        PolicyWeb.logger.info(
+            "%s with config: %s", audit.info("running policy_handler as {}://{}:{} {}".format(
+                protocol, cherrypy.server.socket_host, cherrypy.server.socket_port, tls_info)),
+            json.dumps(cherrypy.config))
 class _PolicyWeb(object):
@@ -67,17 +81,18 @@
         req_info = _PolicyWeb._get_request_info(cherrypy.request)
         audit = Audit(job_name="get_latest_policy",
                       req_message=req_info, headers=cherrypy.request.headers)
-        PolicyWeb.logger.info("%s policy_id=%s headers=%s", \
-            req_info, policy_id, json.dumps(cherrypy.request.headers))
+        PolicyWeb.logger.info("%s policy_id=%s headers=%s",
+                              req_info, policy_id, json.dumps(cherrypy.request.headers))
         latest_policy = PolicyRest.get_latest_policy((audit, policy_id, None, None)) or {}
         PolicyWeb.logger.info("res %s policy_id=%s latest_policy=%s",
                               req_info, policy_id, json.dumps(latest_policy))
-        success, http_status_code, _ = audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(latest_policy))
-        if not success:
-            cherrypy.response.status = http_status_code
+        _, http_status_code, _ = audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(latest_policy))
+        if http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value:
+            http_status_code = PolicyWeb.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR
+        cherrypy.response.status = http_status_code
         return latest_policy
@@ -89,15 +104,20 @@
         PolicyWeb.logger.info("%s", req_info)
-        result, policy_update = PolicyMatcher.get_latest_policies(audit)
-        if policy_update and isinstance(policy_update, PolicyUpdateMessage):
-            result["policy_update"] = policy_update.get_message()
+        result, policies, policy_filters = PolicyMatcher.get_deployed_policies(audit)
+        if not result:
+            result, policy_update = PolicyMatcher.build_catch_up_message(
+                audit, policies, policy_filters)
+            if policy_update and isinstance(policy_update, PolicyUpdateMessage):
+                result["policy_update"] = policy_update.get_message()
-        PolicyWeb.logger.info("result %s: %s", req_info, json.dumps(result))
+        result_str = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True)
+        PolicyWeb.logger.info("result %s: %s", req_info, result_str)
-        success, http_status_code, _ = audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(result))
-        if not success:
-            cherrypy.response.status = http_status_code
+        _, http_status_code, _ = audit.audit_done(result=result_str)
+        if http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value:
+            http_status_code = PolicyWeb.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR
+        cherrypy.response.status = http_status_code
         return result
@@ -159,19 +179,21 @@
         req_info = _PolicyWeb._get_request_info(cherrypy.request)
         audit = Audit(job_name="get_latest_policies",
-                      req_message="{0}: {1}".format(req_info, str_policy_filter), \
-            headers=cherrypy.request.headers)
-        PolicyWeb.logger.info("%s: policy_filter=%s headers=%s", \
-            req_info, str_policy_filter, json.dumps(cherrypy.request.headers))
+                      req_message="{0}: {1}".format(req_info, str_policy_filter),
+                      headers=cherrypy.request.headers)
+        PolicyWeb.logger.info("%s: policy_filter=%s headers=%s",
+                              req_info, str_policy_filter, json.dumps(cherrypy.request.headers))
         result = PolicyRest.get_latest_policies(audit, policy_filter=policy_filter) or {}
+        result_str = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True)
-        PolicyWeb.logger.info("result %s: policy_filter=%s result=%s", \
-            req_info, str_policy_filter, json.dumps(result))
+        PolicyWeb.logger.info("result %s: policy_filter=%s result=%s",
+                              req_info, str_policy_filter, result_str)
-        success, http_status_code, _ = audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(result))
-        if not success:
-            cherrypy.response.status = http_status_code
+        _, http_status_code, _ = audit.audit_done(result=result_str)
+        if http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value:
+            http_status_code = PolicyWeb.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR
+        cherrypy.response.status = http_status_code
         return result
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index ed106ac..97fc4e4 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-  <version>4.4.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <version>4.5.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index df9b56d..632dfe5 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 16d1885..ff1aa4e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@


     description='DCAE-Controller policy-handler to communicate with policy-engine',

-    version="4.4.0",

+    version="4.5.0",

     author='Alex Shatov',



@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@



-        "websocket-client==0.49.0"

+        "websocket-client==0.53.0"


     keywords='policy dcae controller',


diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dcb2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+startdard pytest file that contains the shared fixtures
+import base64
+import copy
+import json
+import pytest
+from policyhandler.config import Config
+from policyhandler.deploy_handler import DeployHandler
+from policyhandler.discovery import DiscoveryClient
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import Audit
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import CATCH_UP, POLICY_NAME, TARGET_ENTITY
+from policyhandler.policy_receiver import PolicyReceiver
+from policyhandler.policy_rest import PolicyRest
+from .mock_deploy_handler import MockDeploymentHandler
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+from .mock_tracker import MockHttpResponse, Tracker
+from .mock_websocket import MockWebSocket
+def _auto_test_cycle(request):
+    """log all the test starts and ends"""
+    if request.cls:
+        test_name = "%s::%s::%s" % (request.module.__name__,
+                                    request.cls.__name__,
+                                    request.function.__name__)
+    else:
+        test_name = "%s::%s" % (request.module.__name__, request.function.__name__)
+    Tracker.reset(test_name)
+    if Settings.logger:
+        Settings.logger.info(">>>>>>> start %s", test_name)
+    yield _auto_test_cycle
+    if Settings.logger:
+        Settings.logger.info(">>>>>>> tracked messages: %s", Tracker.to_string())
+        Settings.logger.info(">>>>>>> ended %s", test_name)
+@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
+def _auto_setup_policy_engine():
+    """initialize the mock-policy-engine per the whole test session"""
+    Settings.init()
+    Settings.logger.info("create _auto_setup_policy_engine")
+    MockPolicyEngine.init()
+    yield _auto_setup_policy_engine
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown _auto_setup_policy_engine")
+def fix_pdp_post(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed request /getConfig to PDP"""
+    def monkeyed_policy_rest_post(uri, json=None, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch for the POST to policy-engine"""
+        res_json = MockPolicyEngine.get_config(json.get(POLICY_NAME))
+        return MockHttpResponse("post", uri, res_json, json=json, **kwargs)
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_pdp_post")
+    PolicyRest._lazy_init()
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_rest.PolicyRest._requests_session.post',
+                        monkeyed_policy_rest_post)
+    yield fix_pdp_post
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_pdp_post")
+def fix_deploy_handler(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed requests to deployment-handler"""
+    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_put(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch for policy-update request.put to deploy_handler"""
+        return MockHttpResponse("put", uri, MockDeploymentHandler.default_response(),
+                                **kwargs)
+    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_get(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch policy-update request.get to deploy_handler"""
+        return MockHttpResponse("get", uri, MockDeploymentHandler.get_deployed_policies(),
+                                **kwargs)
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_deploy_handler")
+    audit = None
+    if DeployHandler._lazy_inited is False:
+        audit = Audit(req_message="fix_deploy_handler")
+        DeployHandler._lazy_init(audit)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.put',
+                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_put)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.get',
+                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_get)
+    yield fix_deploy_handler
+    if audit:
+        audit.audit_done("teardown")
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_deploy_handler")
+def fix_cherrypy_engine_exit(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed cherrypy.engine.exit()"""
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
+    def monkeyed_cherrypy_engine_exit():
+        """monkeypatch for deploy_handler"""
+        Settings.logger.info("cherrypy_engine_exit()")
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.web_server.cherrypy.engine.exit',
+                        monkeyed_cherrypy_engine_exit)
+    yield fix_cherrypy_engine_exit
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
+def fix_pdp_post_big(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed request /getConfig to PDP"""
+    def monkeyed_policy_rest_post(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch for the POST to policy-engine"""
+        res_json = MockPolicyEngine.get_configs_all()
+        return MockHttpResponse("post", uri, res_json, **kwargs)
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_pdp_post_big")
+    PolicyRest._lazy_init()
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_rest.PolicyRest._requests_session.post',
+                        monkeyed_policy_rest_post)
+    yield fix_pdp_post_big
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_pdp_post_big")
+class MockException(Exception):
+    """mock exception"""
+    pass
+def fix_pdp_post_boom(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed request /getConfig to PDP - exception"""
+    def monkeyed_policy_rest_post_boom(uri, **_):
+        """monkeypatch for the POST to policy-engine"""
+        raise MockException("fix_pdp_post_boom {}".format(uri))
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_pdp_post_boom")
+    PolicyRest._lazy_init()
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_rest.PolicyRest._requests_session.post',
+                        monkeyed_policy_rest_post_boom)
+    yield fix_pdp_post_boom
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_pdp_post_boom")
+def fix_select_latest_policies_boom(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed exception"""
+    def monkeyed_boom(*args, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch for the select_latest_policies"""
+        raise MockException("monkeyed_boom")
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_select_latest_policies_boom")
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_utils.PolicyUtils.select_latest_policies',
+                        monkeyed_boom)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_utils.PolicyUtils.select_latest_policy',
+                        monkeyed_boom)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_utils.PolicyUtils.extract_policy_id',
+                        monkeyed_boom)
+    yield fix_select_latest_policies_boom
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_select_latest_policies_boom")
+def fix_discovery(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed discovery request.get"""
+    def monkeyed_discovery(uri):
+        """monkeypatch for get from consul"""
+        res_json = {}
+        dh_service = None
+        if Config.discovered_config:
+            _, dh_config = Config.discovered_config.get_by_key(Config.DEPLOY_HANDLER)
+            dh_config = dh_config and dh_config.get(TARGET_ENTITY)
+        if dh_service and uri == DiscoveryClient.CONSUL_SERVICE_MASK.format(
+                Config.consul_url, dh_service):
+            res_json = [{
+                "ServiceAddress": "",
+                "ServicePort": "123"
+            }]
+        elif uri == DiscoveryClient.CONSUL_KV_MASK.format(
+                Config.consul_url, Config.system_name):
+            res_json = [{"Value": base64.b64encode(
+                json.dumps(Settings.mock_config).encode()).decode("utf-8")}]
+        return MockHttpResponse("get", uri, res_json)
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_discovery")
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.discovery.requests.get', monkeyed_discovery)
+    yield fix_discovery
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_discovery")
+def fix_auto_catch_up():
+    """increase the frequency of auto catch_up"""
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_auto_catch_up %s", json.dumps(Settings.mock_config))
+    prev_config = copy.deepcopy(Settings.mock_config)
+    Settings.mock_config.get(Config.SERVICE_NAME_POLICY_HANDLER, {}) \
+        .get(CATCH_UP, {})[Config.TIMER_INTERVAL] = 5
+    Settings.logger.info("fix_auto_catch_up %s", json.dumps(Settings.mock_config))
+    Settings.rediscover_config()
+    yield fix_auto_catch_up
+    Settings.rediscover_config(prev_config)
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_auto_catch_up")
+def fix_deploy_handler_413(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed failed discovery request.get"""
+    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_put(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch for deploy_handler"""
+        return MockHttpResponse(
+            "put", uri,
+            {"server_instance_uuid": Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid},
+            status_code=413, **kwargs
+        )
+    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_get(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch policy-update request.get to deploy_handler"""
+        return MockHttpResponse("get", uri, MockDeploymentHandler.get_deployed_policies(),
+                                **kwargs)
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_deploy_handler_413")
+    audit = None
+    if DeployHandler._lazy_inited is False:
+        audit = Audit(req_message="fix_deploy_handler_413")
+        DeployHandler._lazy_init(audit)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.put',
+                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_put)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.get',
+                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_get)
+    yield fix_deploy_handler_413
+    if audit:
+        audit.audit_done("teardown")
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_deploy_handler_413")
+def fix_deploy_handler_404(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed failed discovery request.get"""
+    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_put(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch for deploy_handler"""
+        return MockHttpResponse("put", uri, MockDeploymentHandler.default_response(),
+                                **kwargs)
+    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_get(uri, **kwargs):
+        """monkeypatch policy-update request.get to deploy_handler"""
+        return MockHttpResponse("get", uri, MockDeploymentHandler.default_response(),
+                                **kwargs)
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_deploy_handler_404")
+    audit = None
+    if DeployHandler._lazy_inited is False:
+        audit = Audit(req_message="fix_deploy_handler_404")
+        DeployHandler._lazy_init(audit)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.put',
+                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_put)
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.get',
+                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_get)
+    yield fix_deploy_handler_404
+    if audit:
+        audit.audit_done("teardown")
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_deploy_handler_404")
+def fix_policy_receiver_websocket(monkeypatch):
+    """monkeyed websocket for policy_receiver"""
+    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_receiver.websocket', MockWebSocket)
+    yield fix_policy_receiver_websocket
+    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
diff --git a/tests/mock_config.json b/tests/mock_config.json
index 7ec0ac6..ef02a15 100644
--- a/tests/mock_config.json
+++ b/tests/mock_config.json
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
         "policy_retry_count" : 5,
         "policy_retry_sleep" : 5,
         "catch_up" : {
-            "interval" : 10
+            "interval" : 3600
         "reconfigure" : {
-            "interval" : 10
+            "interval" : 3600
         "policy_engine" : {
-            "url" : "https://pdp-server:8081",
+            "url" : "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000",
             "path_notifications" : "/pdp/notifications",
             "path_api" : "/pdp/api/",
             "headers" : {
@@ -24,16 +24,19 @@
             "target_entity" : "policy_engine",
             "tls_ca_mode" : "cert_directory",
-            "tls_wss_ca_mode" : "cert_directory"
+            "tls_wss_ca_mode" : "cert_directory",
+            "timeout_in_secs": 1,
+            "ws_ping_interval_in_secs": 1800
         "deploy_handler" : {
             "target_entity" : "deployment_handler",
-            "url" : "http://deployment_handler:8188",
+            "url" : "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000",
             "max_msg_length_mb" : 5,
             "query" : {
                 "cfy_tenant_name" : "default_tenant"
-            "tls_ca_mode" : "cert_directory"
+            "tls_ca_mode" : "cert_directory",
+            "timeout_in_secs": 1
diff --git a/tests/mock_deploy_handler.py b/tests/mock_deploy_handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebbbfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock_deploy_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""mocking for the deployment-handler - shared by many tests"""
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import (POLICY_BODY, POLICY_ID,
+                                         POLICY_VERSION, POLICY_VERSIONS)
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+class MockDeploymentHandler(object):
+    """pretend this is the deployment-handler"""
+    @staticmethod
+    def default_response():
+        """generate the deployed policies message"""
+        return {"server_instance_uuid": Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid}
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_deployed_policies():
+        """generate the deployed policies message"""
+        response = MockDeploymentHandler.default_response()
+        policies = dict(
+            (policy_id, {
+                POLICY_ID: policy_id,
+                POLICY_VERSIONS: {policy.get(POLICY_BODY, {}).get(POLICY_VERSION, "999"): True},
+                "pending_update": False})
+            for policy_id, policy in (
+                MockPolicyEngine.gen_all_policies_latest(version_offset=1).items()))
+        response["policies"] = policies
+        return response
diff --git a/tests/mock_expected.py b/tests/mock_expected.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c10215d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock_expected.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3013 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""expected message history per test"""
+    "tests.test_policy_rest::test_get_policy_latest" : [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_web_all_policies_latest": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_web_policies_latest": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_web_policy_latest": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_zzz_get_catch_up": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "catch_up": True,
+                    "latest_policies": {
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "0",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "1",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem.1.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "1",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "4",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "5",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet.5.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "5",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "6",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "7",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist.7.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "7",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "5",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "6",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur.6.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "6",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "2",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "3",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor.3.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "3",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "1",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "2",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum.2.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "2",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "3",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "4",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit.4.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "4",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                        }
+                    },
+                    "policy_filter_matches": {
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit": {}
+                    },
+                    "removed_policies": {}
+                },
+                "method": "put",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "catch_up": True,
+                    "latest_policies": {
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "0",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "1",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem.1.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "1",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "4",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "5",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet.5.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "5",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "6",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "7",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist.7.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "7",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "5",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "6",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur.6.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "6",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "2",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "3",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor.3.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "3",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "1",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "2",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum.2.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "2",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum"
+                        },
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "3",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "4",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit.4.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "4",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                        }
+                    },
+                    "policy_filter_matches": {
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit": {}
+                    },
+                    "removed_policies": {}
+                },
+                "method": "put",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
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+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
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+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
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+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "catch_up": True,
+                    "latest_policies": {
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem": {
+                            "policy_body": {
+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "0",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "1",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem"
+                                },
+                                "matchingConditions": {
+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
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+                                "policyVersion": "1",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_Lorem"
+                        },
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+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "5",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet"
+                                },
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
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+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet"
+                        },
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+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "6",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "7",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist"
+                                },
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
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+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist"
+                        },
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+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
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+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
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+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur"
+                        },
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+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "3",
+                                    "updated_policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor"
+                                },
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+                                "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor.3.xml",
+                                "policyVersion": "3",
+                                "property": None,
+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor"
+                        },
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+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "2",
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+                                },
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
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+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
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+                        },
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+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
+                                    "policy_updated_from_ver": "3",
+                                    "policy_updated_to_ver": "4",
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+                                },
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
+                                "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+                                "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
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+                                "responseAttributes": {},
+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
+                            "policy_id": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                        }
+                    },
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+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ametist": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_consectetur": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_dolor": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_ipsum": {},
+                        "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit": {}
+                    },
+                    "removed_policies": {}
+                },
+                "method": "put",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
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+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
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+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
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+                },
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+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
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+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
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+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
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+                                "config": {
+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
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+                            },
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+                                },
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+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
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+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "ONAPName": "DCAE"
+                                },
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+                                "type": "JSON"
+                            },
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+                    },
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+                    },
+                    "removed_policies": {}
+                },
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+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_zzzzz_shutdown": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
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+            },
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+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
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+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
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+                                    "policy_hello": "world!",
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+                                    "ConfigName": "alex_config_name",
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+                                },
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+                                },
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+                                },
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+                                },
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+                            },
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+                                },
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+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
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+                                },
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+                                },
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+                                },
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+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_policyhandler::WebServerTest::test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed": [
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+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
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+                                },
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+                                },
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+                },
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+            "status_code": 200
+        }
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+            },
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+    ],
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+            "res": "*",
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+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_pdp_boom::WebServerPDPBoomTest::test_web_all_policies_latest": [
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+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_pdp_boom::WebServerPDPBoomTest::test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed": [
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+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_pdp_boom::WebServerPDPBoomTest::test_zzz_get_catch_up": [
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+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_pdp_boom::WebServerPDPBoomTest::test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups": [
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+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_pdp_boom::WebServerPDPBoomTest::test_zzzzz_shutdown": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_web_all_policies_latest": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_web_policies_latest": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_amet.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_web_policy_latest": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_sit"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_zzz_get_catch_up": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ],
+    "tests.test_pz_ph_boom::WebServerInternalBoomTest::test_zzzzz_shutdown": [
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": None,
+                "method": "get",
+                "params": {
+                    "cfy_tenant_name": "default_tenant"
+                },
+                "uri": "http://unit-test-deployment_handler:8188000/policy"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        },
+        {
+            "request": {
+                "headers": {
+                    "Accept": "application/json",
+                    "Authorization": "Basic auth",
+                    "ClientAuth": "Basic user",
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                    "Environment": "TEST",
+                    "X-ECOMP-RequestID": "*"
+                },
+                "json": {
+                    "policyName": "test_scope_prefix.Config_.*"
+                },
+                "method": "post",
+                "params": None,
+                "uri": "https://unit-test-pdp-server:8081000/pdp/api/getConfig"
+            },
+            "res": "*",
+            "status_code": 200
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/tests/mock_policy_engine.py b/tests/mock_policy_engine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d57d613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock_policy_engine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""mocking for the policy-engine - shared by many tests"""
+import copy
+import json
+import re
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import (POLICY_BODY, POLICY_CONFIG, POLICY_ID,
+                                         POLICY_NAME, POLICY_VERSION)
+from policyhandler.policy_utils import PolicyUtils
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+class MonkeyPolicyBody(object):
+    """policy body that policy-engine returns"""
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_policy_body(policy_id, policy_version=1):
+        """returns a fake policy-body"""
+        prev_ver = str(policy_version - 1)
+        this_ver = str(policy_version)
+        config = {
+            "policy_updated_from_ver": prev_ver,
+            "policy_updated_to_ver": this_ver,
+            "policy_hello": "world!",
+            "updated_policy_id": policy_id
+        }
+        return {
+            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
+            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
+            "type": "JSON",
+            POLICY_NAME: "{0}.{1}.xml".format(policy_id, this_ver),
+            POLICY_VERSION: this_ver,
+            POLICY_CONFIG: json.dumps(config, sort_keys=True),
+            "matchingConditions": {
+                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
+                "ConfigName": "alex_config_name"
+            },
+            "responseAttributes": {},
+            "property": None
+        }
+class MockPolicyEngine(object):
+    """pretend this is the policy-engine"""
+    scope_prefix = "test_scope_prefix.Config_"
+    LOREM_IPSUM = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur ametist""".split()
+    LONG_TEXT = "0123456789" * 100
+    _policies = []
+    _inited = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def init():
+        """init static vars"""
+        if MockPolicyEngine._inited:
+            return
+        MockPolicyEngine._inited = True
+        MockPolicyEngine._policies = [
+            MonkeyPolicyBody.create_policy_body(
+                MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + policy_id, policy_index + 1)
+            for policy_id in MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM
+            for policy_index in range(1 + MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM.index(policy_id))]
+        Settings.logger.info("MockPolicyEngine._policies: %s",
+                             json.dumps(MockPolicyEngine._policies))
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_config(policy_name):
+        """find policy the way the policy-engine finds"""
+        if not policy_name:
+            return []
+        return [copy.deepcopy(policy)
+                for policy in MockPolicyEngine._policies
+                if re.match(policy_name, policy[POLICY_NAME])]
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_configs_all():
+        """get all policies the way the policy-engine finds"""
+        policies = [copy.deepcopy(policy)
+                    for policy in MockPolicyEngine._policies]
+        for policy in policies:
+            policy["config"] = MockPolicyEngine.LONG_TEXT
+        return policies
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_policy_id(policy_index):
+        """get the policy_id by index"""
+        return (MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix
+                + MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM[
+                    policy_index % len(MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM)])
+    @staticmethod
+    def gen_policy_latest(policy_index, version_offset=0):
+        """generate the policy response by policy_index = version - 1"""
+        policy_id = MockPolicyEngine.get_policy_id(policy_index)
+        policy = {
+            POLICY_ID: policy_id,
+            POLICY_BODY: MonkeyPolicyBody.create_policy_body(
+                policy_id, policy_index + 1 - version_offset)
+        }
+        return policy_id, PolicyUtils.parse_policy_config(policy)
+    @staticmethod
+    def gen_all_policies_latest(version_offset=0):
+        """generate all latest policies"""
+        return dict(MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(policy_index, version_offset=version_offset)
+                    for policy_index in range(len(MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM)))
+    @staticmethod
+    def gen_policies_latest(match_to_policy_name):
+        """generate all latest policies"""
+        return dict((k, v)
+                    for k, v in MockPolicyEngine.gen_all_policies_latest().items()
+                    if re.match(match_to_policy_name, k))
diff --git a/tests/mock_settings.py b/tests/mock_settings.py
index 7e05ecf..80a003e 100644
--- a/tests/mock_settings.py
+++ b/tests/mock_settings.py
@@ -31,31 +31,6 @@
 from policyhandler.onap.audit import Audit
-class MonkeyHttpResponse(object):
-    """Monkey http reposne"""
-    def __init__(self, headers):
-        self.headers = headers or {}
-class MonkeyedResponse(object):
-    """Monkey response"""
-    def __init__(self, full_path, res_json, json_body=None, headers=None):
-        self.full_path = full_path
-        self.req_json = json_body or {}
-        self.status_code = 200
-        self.request = MonkeyHttpResponse(headers)
-        self.res = res_json
-        self.text = json.dumps(self.res)
-    def json(self):
-        """returns json of response"""
-        return self.res
-    def raise_for_status(self):
-        """ignoring"""
-        pass
 def _fix_discover_config(func):
     """the decorator"""
     if not func:
@@ -83,20 +58,21 @@
     """init all locals"""
     _loaded = False
     logger = None
-    RUN_TS = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()[:-3] + 'Z'
     mock_config = None
     deploy_handler_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
-    @_fix_discover_config
     def init():
         """init configs"""
         if Settings._loaded:
+            Settings.logger.info("testing policy_handler with config: %s", Config.discovered_config)
         Settings._loaded = True
+        Config.consul_url = "http://unit-test-consul:850000"
         with open("tests/mock_config.json", 'r') as config_json:
             Settings.mock_config = json.load(config_json)
@@ -107,7 +83,16 @@
         print("print is expected to be in the log")
         Settings.logger.info("========== run_policy_handler ==========")
         Audit.init(Config.system_name, Config.LOGGER_CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
-        audit = Audit(req_message="start testing policy handler")
+        Settings.rediscover_config()
+    @staticmethod
+    @_fix_discover_config
+    def rediscover_config(updated_config=None):
+        """rediscover the config"""
+        if updated_config is not None:
+            Settings.mock_config = copy.deepcopy(updated_config)
+        audit = Audit(req_message="rediscover_config")
diff --git a/tests/mock_tracker.py b/tests/mock_tracker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e69afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock_tracker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""record all the messages going outside policy-handler during testing"""
+import copy
+import json
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID
+from policyhandler.policy_utils import Utils
+from .mock_expected import HISTORY_EXPECTED
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+RESPONSE = "res"
+class _MockHttpRequestInResponse(object):
+    """Mock http request in reponse object"""
+    def __init__(self, method, uri, **kwargs):
+        self.method = method
+        self.uri = uri
+        self.params = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get("params"))
+        self.req_json = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get("json"))
+        self.headers = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get("headers"))
+    def to_json(self):
+        """create json of the request"""
+        return {
+            "method": self.method,
+            "uri": self.uri,
+            "params": self.params,
+            "json": self.req_json,
+            "headers": self.headers
+        }
+class MockHttpResponse(object):
+    """Mock http response based on request"""
+    def __init__(self, method, uri, res_json, **kwargs):
+        """create response based on request"""
+        self.request = _MockHttpRequestInResponse(method, uri, **kwargs)
+        self.status_code = kwargs.get("status_code", 200)
+        self.res = copy.deepcopy(res_json)
+        self.text = json.dumps(self.res)
+        self._track()
+    def json(self):
+        """returns json of response"""
+        return self.res
+    def raise_for_status(self):
+        """ignoring"""
+        pass
+    def to_json(self):
+        """create json of the message"""
+        return {
+            "request": self.request.to_json(),
+            "status_code": self.status_code,
+            RESPONSE: self.res
+        }
+    def _track(self):
+        """append the message to tracker's history"""
+        Tracker.track(self.to_json())
+    def __str__(self):
+        """stringify for logging"""
+        return json.dumps(self.to_json(), sort_keys=True)
+class Tracker(object):
+    """record all the messages going outside policy-handler during testing"""
+    test_name = None
+    messages = []
+    @staticmethod
+    def reset(test_name):
+        """remove all the messages from history"""
+        Tracker.test_name = test_name
+        Tracker.messages.clear()
+    @staticmethod
+    def track(message):
+        """append the tracked message to the history"""
+        message = copy.deepcopy(message)
+        Tracker.messages.append(message)
+        if Settings.logger:
+            Settings.logger.info("tracked_message: %s", json.dumps(message, sort_keys=True))
+    @staticmethod
+    def to_string():
+        """stringify message history for logging"""
+        return json.dumps(Tracker.messages, sort_keys=True)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _hide_volatiles(obj):
+        """hides the volatile field values"""
+        if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+            return obj
+        for key, value in obj.items():
+            if key in [REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, RESPONSE]:
+                obj[key] = "*"
+            elif isinstance(value, dict):
+                obj[key] = Tracker._hide_volatiles(value)
+        return obj
+    @staticmethod
+    def validate():
+        """validate that the message history is as expected"""
+        Settings.logger.info("Tracker.validate(%s)", Tracker.test_name)
+        messages = [Tracker._hide_volatiles(copy.deepcopy(message))
+                    for message in Tracker.messages]
+        expected = HISTORY_EXPECTED.get(Tracker.test_name, [])
+        Settings.logger.info("messages: %s", json.dumps(messages, sort_keys=True))
+        Settings.logger.info("expected: %s", json.dumps(expected, sort_keys=True))
+        assert Utils.are_the_same(messages, expected)
+        Settings.logger.info("history valid for Tracker.validate(%s)", Tracker.test_name)
diff --git a/tests/mock_websocket.py b/tests/mock_websocket.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac64ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mock_websocket.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""mocking for the websocket - for testing of policy-engine"""
+import json
+import time
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import POLICY_NAME
+from policyhandler.policy_receiver import (LOADED_POLICIES, POLICY_VER,
+                                           REMOVED_POLICIES)
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+class MockWebSocket(object):
+    """Mock websocket"""
+    on_message = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def send_notification(updated_indexes):
+        """fake notification through the web-socket"""
+        if not MockWebSocket.on_message:
+            return
+        message = {
+            LOADED_POLICIES: [
+                {POLICY_NAME: "{0}.{1}.xml".format(
+                    MockPolicyEngine.get_policy_id(policy_index), policy_index + 1),
+                 POLICY_VER: str(policy_index + 1)}
+                for policy_index in updated_indexes or []
+            ],
+            REMOVED_POLICIES : []
+        }
+        message = json.dumps(message)
+        Settings.logger.info("send_notification: %s", message)
+        MockWebSocket.on_message(None, message)
+    @staticmethod
+    def enableTrace(yes_no):
+        """ignore"""
+        pass
+    class MockSocket(object):
+        """Mock websocket"""
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.connected = True
+    class WebSocketApp(object):
+        """Mocked WebSocketApp"""
+        def __init__(self, web_socket_url,
+                     on_open=None, on_message=None, on_close=None, on_error=None, on_pong=None):
+            self.web_socket_url = web_socket_url
+            self.on_open = on_open
+            self.on_message = MockWebSocket.on_message = on_message
+            self.on_close = on_close
+            self.on_error = on_error
+            self.on_pong = on_pong
+            self.sock = MockWebSocket.MockSocket()
+            Settings.logger.info("MockWebSocket for: %s", self.web_socket_url)
+        def run_forever(self, sslopt=None):
+            """forever in the loop"""
+            Settings.logger.info("MockWebSocket run_forever with sslopt=%s...",
+                                 json.dumps(sslopt))
+            counter = 0
+            while self.sock.connected:
+                counter += 1
+                Settings.logger.info("MockWebSocket sleep %s...", counter)
+                time.sleep(5)
+            Settings.logger.info("MockWebSocket exit %s", counter)
+        def close(self):
+            """close socket"""
+            self.sock.connected = False
diff --git a/tests/test_policy_rest.py b/tests/test_policy_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2529a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_policy_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""test policy_rest methods directly"""
+import json
+import pytest
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import Audit
+from policyhandler.policy_rest import PolicyRest
+from policyhandler.policy_utils import Utils
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+from .mock_tracker import Tracker
+def test_get_policy_latest():
+    """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
+    policy_id, expected_policy = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
+    audit = Audit(job_name="test_get_policy_latest",
+                  req_message="get /policy_latest/{}".format(policy_id or ""))
+    policy_latest = PolicyRest.get_latest_policy((audit, policy_id, None, None)) or {}
+    audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(policy_latest))
+    Settings.logger.info("expected_policy: %s", json.dumps(expected_policy))
+    Settings.logger.info("policy_latest: %s", json.dumps(policy_latest))
+    assert Utils.are_the_same(policy_latest, expected_policy)
+    Tracker.validate()
diff --git a/tests/test_policyhandler.py b/tests/test_policyhandler.py
index c501c12..4743a6e 100644
--- a/tests/test_policyhandler.py
+++ b/tests/test_policyhandler.py
@@ -18,418 +18,24 @@
 """test of the package for policy-handler of DCAE-Controller"""
-import base64
-import copy
 import json
-import re
 import time
 import uuid
+import pytest
 import cherrypy
 from cherrypy.test.helper import CPWebCase
-import pytest
-from policyhandler.config import Config
-from policyhandler.deploy_handler import DeployHandler
-from policyhandler.discovery import DiscoveryClient
-from policyhandler.onap.audit import (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, Audit,
-                                      AuditHttpCode)
-from policyhandler.policy_consts import (LATEST_POLICIES, POLICY_BODY,
-                                         POLICY_CONFIG, POLICY_ID, POLICY_NAME,
-                                         POLICY_VERSION, POLICY_VERSIONS)
-from policyhandler.policy_receiver import (LOADED_POLICIES, POLICY_VER,
-                                           REMOVED_POLICIES, PolicyReceiver)
-from policyhandler.policy_rest import PolicyRest
-from policyhandler.policy_utils import PolicyUtils, Utils
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, Audit
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import LATEST_POLICIES, POLICY_NAME
+from policyhandler.policy_receiver import PolicyReceiver
+from policyhandler.policy_utils import Utils
 from policyhandler.web_server import _PolicyWeb
-from .mock_settings import MonkeyedResponse, Settings
-class MonkeyPolicyBody(object):
-    """policy body that policy-engine returns"""
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_policy_body(policy_id, policy_version=1):
-        """returns a fake policy-body"""
-        prev_ver = str(policy_version - 1)
-        this_ver = str(policy_version)
-        config = {
-            "policy_updated_from_ver": prev_ver,
-            "policy_updated_to_ver": this_ver,
-            "policy_hello": "world!",
-            "policy_updated_ts": Settings.RUN_TS,
-            "updated_policy_id": policy_id
-        }
-        return {
-            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
-            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
-            "type": "JSON",
-            POLICY_NAME: "{0}.{1}.xml".format(policy_id, this_ver),
-            POLICY_VERSION: this_ver,
-            POLICY_CONFIG: json.dumps(config),
-            "matchingConditions": {
-                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
-                "ConfigName": "alex_config_name"
-            },
-            "responseAttributes": {},
-            "property": None
-        }
-class MockPolicyEngine(object):
-    """pretend this is the policy-engine"""
-    scope_prefix = "test_scope_prefix.Config_"
-    LOREM_IPSUM = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur ametist""".split()
-    LONG_TEXT = "0123456789" * 100
-    _policies = []
-    @staticmethod
-    def init():
-        """init static vars"""
-        MockPolicyEngine._policies = [
-            MonkeyPolicyBody.create_policy_body(
-                MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + policy_id, policy_index + 1)
-            for policy_id in MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM
-            for policy_index in range(1 + MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM.index(policy_id))]
-        Settings.logger.info("MockPolicyEngine._policies: %s",
-                             json.dumps(MockPolicyEngine._policies))
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_config(policy_name):
-        """find policy the way the policy-engine finds"""
-        if not policy_name:
-            return []
-        return [copy.deepcopy(policy)
-                for policy in MockPolicyEngine._policies
-                if re.match(policy_name, policy[POLICY_NAME])]
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_configs_all():
-        """get all policies the way the policy-engine finds"""
-        policies = [copy.deepcopy(policy)
-                    for policy in MockPolicyEngine._policies]
-        for policy in policies:
-            policy["config"] = MockPolicyEngine.LONG_TEXT
-        return policies
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_policy_id(policy_index):
-        """get the policy_id by index"""
-        return (MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix
-                + MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM[
-                    policy_index % len(MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM)])
-    @staticmethod
-    def gen_policy_latest(policy_index, version_offset=0):
-        """generate the policy response by policy_index = version - 1"""
-        policy_id = MockPolicyEngine.get_policy_id(policy_index)
-        policy = {
-            POLICY_ID: policy_id,
-            POLICY_BODY: MonkeyPolicyBody.create_policy_body(
-                policy_id, policy_index + 1 - version_offset)
-        }
-        return policy_id, PolicyUtils.parse_policy_config(policy)
-    @staticmethod
-    def gen_all_policies_latest(version_offset=0):
-        """generate all latest policies"""
-        return dict(MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(policy_index, version_offset=version_offset)
-                    for policy_index in range(len(MockPolicyEngine.LOREM_IPSUM)))
-    @staticmethod
-    def gen_policies_latest(match_to_policy_name):
-        """generate all latest policies"""
-        return dict((k, v)
-                    for k, v in MockPolicyEngine.gen_all_policies_latest().items()
-                    if re.match(match_to_policy_name, k))
-class MockDeploymentHandler(object):
-    """pretend this is the deployment-handler"""
-    @staticmethod
-    def default_response():
-        """generate the deployed policies message"""
-        return {"server_instance_uuid": Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid}
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_deployed_policies():
-        """generate the deployed policies message"""
-        response = MockDeploymentHandler.default_response()
-        policies = dict(
-            (policy_id, {
-                POLICY_ID: policy_id,
-                POLICY_VERSIONS: {policy.get(POLICY_BODY, {}).get(POLICY_VERSION, "999"): True},
-                "pending_update": False})
-            for policy_id, policy in (MockPolicyEngine.gen_all_policies_latest(version_offset=1)
-                                                      .items()))
-        response["policies"] = policies
-        return response
-def fix_pdp_post(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed request /getConfig to PDP"""
-    def monkeyed_policy_rest_post(full_path, json=None, headers=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch for the POST to policy-engine"""
-        res_json = MockPolicyEngine.get_config(json.get(POLICY_NAME))
-        return MonkeyedResponse(full_path, res_json, json, headers)
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_pdp_post")
-    PolicyRest._lazy_init()
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_rest.PolicyRest._requests_session.post',
-                        monkeyed_policy_rest_post)
-    yield fix_pdp_post  # provide the fixture value
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_pdp_post")
-def fix_pdp_post_big(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed request /getConfig to PDP"""
-    def monkeyed_policy_rest_post(full_path, json=None, headers=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch for the POST to policy-engine"""
-        res_json = MockPolicyEngine.get_configs_all()
-        return MonkeyedResponse(full_path, res_json, json, headers)
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_pdp_post_big")
-    PolicyRest._lazy_init()
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_rest.PolicyRest._requests_session.post',
-                        monkeyed_policy_rest_post)
-    yield fix_pdp_post_big  # provide the fixture value
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_pdp_post_big")
-class MockException(Exception):
-    """mock exception"""
-    pass
-def fix_pdp_post_boom(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed request /getConfig to PDP - exception"""
-    def monkeyed_policy_rest_post_boom(full_path, json=None, headers=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch for the POST to policy-engine"""
-        raise MockException("fix_pdp_post_boom")
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_pdp_post_boom")
-    PolicyRest._lazy_init()
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_rest.PolicyRest._requests_session.post',
-                        monkeyed_policy_rest_post_boom)
-    yield fix_pdp_post_boom
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_pdp_post_boom")
-def monkeyed_boom(*args, **kwargs):
-    """monkeypatch for the select_latest_policies"""
-    raise MockException("monkeyed_boom")
-def fix_select_latest_policies_boom(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed exception"""
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_select_latest_policies_boom")
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_utils.PolicyUtils.select_latest_policies',
-                        monkeyed_boom)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_utils.PolicyUtils.select_latest_policy',
-                        monkeyed_boom)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_utils.PolicyUtils.extract_policy_id',
-                        monkeyed_boom)
-    yield fix_select_latest_policies_boom
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_select_latest_policies_boom")
-def fix_discovery(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed discovery request.get"""
-    def monkeyed_discovery(full_path):
-        """monkeypatch for get from consul"""
-        res_json = {}
-        if full_path == DiscoveryClient.CONSUL_SERVICE_MASK.format(
-                Config.discovered_config.get_by_key(Config.DEPLOY_HANDLER)):
-            res_json = [{
-                "ServiceAddress": "",
-                "ServicePort": "123"
-            }]
-        elif full_path == DiscoveryClient.CONSUL_KV_MASK.format(Config.system_name):
-            res_json = [{"Value": base64.b64encode(
-                json.dumps(Settings.mock_config).encode()).decode("utf-8")}]
-        return MonkeyedResponse(full_path, res_json)
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_discovery")
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.discovery.requests.get', monkeyed_discovery)
-    yield fix_discovery  # provide the fixture value
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_discovery")
-def fix_deploy_handler(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed requests to deployment-handler"""
-    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_put(full_path, json=None, headers=None,
-                                    params=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch for policy-update request.put to deploy_handler"""
-        return MonkeyedResponse(full_path, MockDeploymentHandler.default_response(),
-                                json, headers)
-    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_get(full_path, headers=None, params=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch policy-update request.get to deploy_handler"""
-        return MonkeyedResponse(full_path, MockDeploymentHandler.get_deployed_policies(),
-                                None, headers)
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_deploy_handler")
-    audit = Audit(req_message="fix_deploy_handler")
-    DeployHandler._lazy_init(audit)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.put',
-                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_put)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.get',
-                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_get)
-    yield fix_deploy_handler  # provide the fixture value
-    audit.audit_done("teardown")
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_deploy_handler")
-def fix_deploy_handler_fail(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed failed discovery request.get"""
-    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_put(full_path, json=None, headers=None,
-                                    params=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch for deploy_handler"""
-        res = MonkeyedResponse(
-            full_path,
-            {"server_instance_uuid": Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid},
-            json, headers
-        )
-        res.status_code = 413
-        return res
-    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_get(full_path, headers=None, params=None, **custom_kwargs):
-        """monkeypatch policy-update request.get to deploy_handler"""
-        return MonkeyedResponse(full_path, MockDeploymentHandler.default_response(),
-                                None, headers)
-    @staticmethod
-    def monkeyed_deploy_handler_init(audit_ignore):
-        """monkeypatch for deploy_handler init"""
-        DeployHandler._url = None
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_deploy_handler_fail")
-    config_catch_up = Config.discovered_config.get_by_key("catch_up")
-    Config.discovered_config.update("catch_up", {"interval": 1})
-    audit = Audit(req_message="fix_deploy_handler_fail")
-    DeployHandler._lazy_init(audit)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._lazy_init',
-                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_init)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.put',
-                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_put)
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.deploy_handler.DeployHandler._requests_session.get',
-                        monkeyed_deploy_handler_get)
-    yield fix_deploy_handler_fail
-    audit.audit_done("teardown")
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_deploy_handler_fail")
-    Config.discovered_config.update("catch_up", config_catch_up)
-def fix_cherrypy_engine_exit(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed cherrypy.engine.exit()"""
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
-    def monkeyed_cherrypy_engine_exit():
-        """monkeypatch for deploy_handler"""
-        Settings.logger.info("cherrypy_engine_exit()")
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.web_server.cherrypy.engine.exit',
-                        monkeyed_cherrypy_engine_exit)
-    yield fix_cherrypy_engine_exit  # provide the fixture value
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
-class MonkeyedWebSocket(object):
-    """Monkey websocket"""
-    on_message = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def send_notification(updated_indexes):
-        """fake notification through the web-socket"""
-        if not MonkeyedWebSocket.on_message:
-            return
-        message = {
-            LOADED_POLICIES: [
-                {POLICY_NAME: "{0}.{1}.xml".format(
-                    MockPolicyEngine.get_policy_id(policy_index), policy_index + 1),
-                 POLICY_VER: str(policy_index + 1)}
-                for policy_index in updated_indexes or []
-            ],
-            REMOVED_POLICIES : []
-        }
-        message = json.dumps(message)
-        Settings.logger.info("send_notification: %s", message)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.on_message(None, message)
-    @staticmethod
-    def enableTrace(yes_no):
-        """ignore"""
-        pass
-    class MonkeyedSocket(object):
-        """Monkey websocket"""
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.connected = True
-    class WebSocketApp(object):
-        """Monkeyed WebSocketApp"""
-        def __init__(self, web_socket_url, on_message=None, on_close=None, on_error=None):
-            self.web_socket_url = web_socket_url
-            self.on_message = MonkeyedWebSocket.on_message = on_message
-            self.on_close = on_close
-            self.on_error = on_error
-            self.sock = MonkeyedWebSocket.MonkeyedSocket()
-            Settings.logger.info("MonkeyedWebSocket for: %s", self.web_socket_url)
-        def run_forever(self):
-            """forever in the loop"""
-            counter = 0
-            while self.sock.connected:
-                counter += 1
-                Settings.logger.info("MonkeyedWebSocket sleep %s...", counter)
-                time.sleep(5)
-            Settings.logger.info("MonkeyedWebSocket exit %s", counter)
-        def close(self):
-            """close socket"""
-            self.sock.connected = False
-def fix_policy_receiver_websocket(monkeypatch):
-    """monkeyed websocket for policy_receiver"""
-    Settings.logger.info("setup fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    monkeypatch.setattr('policyhandler.policy_receiver.websocket', MonkeyedWebSocket)
-    yield fix_policy_receiver_websocket  # provide the fixture value
-    Settings.logger.info("teardown fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-def test_get_policy_latest(fix_pdp_post, fix_discovery):
-    """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
-    policy_id, expected_policy = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
-    audit = Audit(job_name="test_get_policy_latest",
-                  req_message="get /policy_latest/{0}".format(policy_id or ""))
-    policy_latest = PolicyRest.get_latest_policy((audit, policy_id, None, None)) or {}
-    audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(policy_latest))
-    Settings.logger.info("expected_policy: %s", json.dumps(expected_policy))
-    Settings.logger.info("policy_latest: %s", json.dumps(policy_latest))
-    assert Utils.are_the_same(policy_latest, expected_policy)
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+from .mock_tracker import Tracker
+from .mock_websocket import MockWebSocket
 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_pdp_post", "fix_discovery")
@@ -448,6 +54,8 @@
         Settings.logger.info("got healthcheck: %s", self.body)
         self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Tracker.validate()
     def test_web_policy_latest(self):
         """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
         policy_id, expected_policy = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
@@ -464,6 +72,8 @@
         result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
         Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
     def test_web_all_policies_latest(self):
         """test GET /policies_latest"""
@@ -485,6 +95,8 @@
         result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
         Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
     def test_web_policies_latest(self):
         """test POST /policies_latest with policyName"""
         match_to_policy_name = MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + "amet.*"
@@ -511,10 +123,14 @@
         result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
         Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
     def test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups(self):
         """test run policy handler with policy updates and catchups"""
         Settings.logger.info("start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
         audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups",
                       req_message="start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
@@ -522,23 +138,27 @@
         Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
         Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 30 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(30)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 10 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(10)
         result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
         Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
     def test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed(self):
         """test run policy handler with deployment-handler changed underneath"""
         Settings.logger.info("start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
         audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed",
                       req_message="start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
@@ -546,14 +166,14 @@
         Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1])
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1])
         Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
         Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
         Settings.logger.info("new deploy-handler uuid=%s", Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([2, 4])
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([2, 4])
         Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
@@ -565,11 +185,15 @@
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
     def test_zzz_get_catch_up(self):
         """test /catch_up"""
         Settings.logger.info("start /catch_up")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
         audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_get_catch_up", req_message="start /catch_up")
@@ -586,6 +210,9 @@
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
@@ -594,13 +221,14 @@
     def test_zzzzz_shutdown(self):
         """test shutdown"""
         Settings.logger.info("start shutdown")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
         audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzzzz_shutdown", req_message="start shutdown")
         Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
         Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
@@ -615,356 +243,6 @@
         self.assertStatus('200 OK')
         Settings.logger.info("got shutdown: %s", self.body)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_pdp_post_boom", "fix_discovery")
-class WebServerPDPBoomTest(CPWebCase):
-    """testing the web-server - runs tests in alphabetical order of method names"""
-    def setup_server():
-        """setup the web-server"""
-        cherrypy.tree.mount(_PolicyWeb(), '/')
-    setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
-    def test_web_healthcheck(self):
-        """test /healthcheck"""
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        Settings.logger.info("got healthcheck: %s", self.body)
-        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
-    def test_web_policy_latest(self):
-        """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
-        policy_id, _ = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
-        self.getPage("/policy_latest/{0}".format(policy_id or ""))
-        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler")
-    def test_web_all_policies_latest(self):
-        """test GET /policies_latest"""
-        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest")
-        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
-        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
-        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-    def test_web_policies_latest(self):
-        """test POST /policies_latest with policyName"""
-        match_to_policy_name = MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + "amet.*"
-        body = json.dumps({POLICY_NAME: match_to_policy_name})
-        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest", method='POST',
-                              body=body,
-                              headers=[
-                                  (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, str(uuid.uuid4())),
-                                  ("Content-Type", "application/json"),
-                                  ('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
-                              ])
-        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
-        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
-        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    def test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups(self):
-        """test run policy handler with policy updates and catchups"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups",
-                      req_message="start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 30 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(30)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    def test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed(self):
-        """test run policy handler with deployment-handler changed underneath"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed",
-                      req_message="start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        Settings.logger.info("new deploy-handler uuid=%s", Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([2, 4])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(5)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    def test_zzz_get_catch_up(self):
-        """test /catch_up"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start /catch_up")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_get_catch_up", req_message="start /catch_up")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        time.sleep(5)
-        result = self.getPage("/catch_up")
-        Settings.logger.info("catch_up result: %s", result)
-        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
-        Settings.logger.info("got catch_up: %s", self.body)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(5)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures(
-        "fix_deploy_handler",
-        "fix_policy_receiver_websocket",
-        "fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
-    def test_zzzzz_shutdown(self):
-        """test shutdown"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start shutdown")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzzzz_shutdown", req_message="start shutdown")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        WebServerPDPBoomTest.do_gc_test = False
-        Settings.logger.info("shutdown...")
-        audit.audit_done("shutdown")
-        result = self.getPage("/shutdown")
-        Settings.logger.info("shutdown result: %s", result)
-        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
-        Settings.logger.info("got shutdown: %s", self.body)
-        time.sleep(1)
-@pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_pdp_post", "fix_select_latest_policies_boom", "fix_discovery")
-class WebServerInternalBoomTest(CPWebCase):
-    """testing the web-server - runs tests in alphabetical order of method names"""
-    def setup_server():
-        """setup the web-server"""
-        cherrypy.tree.mount(_PolicyWeb(), '/')
-    setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
-    def test_web_healthcheck(self):
-        """test /healthcheck"""
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        Settings.logger.info("got healthcheck: %s", self.body)
-        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
-    def test_web_policy_latest(self):
-        """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
-        policy_id, _ = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
-        self.getPage("/policy_latest/{0}".format(policy_id or ""))
-        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler")
-    def test_web_all_policies_latest(self):
-        """test GET /policies_latest"""
-        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest")
-        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
-        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
-        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-    def test_web_policies_latest(self):
-        """test POST /policies_latest with policyName"""
-        match_to_policy_name = MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + "amet.*"
-        body = json.dumps({POLICY_NAME: match_to_policy_name})
-        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest", method='POST',
-                              body=body,
-                              headers=[
-                                  (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, str(uuid.uuid4())),
-                                  ("Content-Type", "application/json"),
-                                  ('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
-                              ])
-        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
-        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
-        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    def test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups(self):
-        """test run policy handler with policy updates and catchups"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups",
-                      req_message="start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 30 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(30)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    def test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed(self):
-        """test run policy handler with deployment-handler changed underneath"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed",
-                      req_message="start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        Settings.logger.info("new deploy-handler uuid=%s", Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([2, 4])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(5)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
-    def test_zzz_get_catch_up(self):
-        """test /catch_up"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start /catch_up")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_get_catch_up", req_message="start /catch_up")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        time.sleep(5)
-        result = self.getPage("/catch_up")
-        Settings.logger.info("catch_up result: %s", result)
-        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
-        Settings.logger.info("got catch_up: %s", self.body)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
-        time.sleep(5)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures(
-        "fix_deploy_handler",
-        "fix_policy_receiver_websocket",
-        "fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
-    def test_zzzzz_shutdown(self):
-        """test shutdown"""
-        Settings.logger.info("start shutdown")
-        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzzzz_shutdown", req_message="start shutdown")
-        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        MonkeyedWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
-        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
-        time.sleep(3)
-        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
-        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
-        WebServerInternalBoomTest.do_gc_test = False
-        Settings.logger.info("shutdown...")
-        audit.audit_done("shutdown")
-        result = self.getPage("/shutdown")
-        Settings.logger.info("shutdown result: %s", result)
-        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
-        Settings.logger.info("got shutdown: %s", self.body)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    "fix_pdp_post_big",
-    "fix_deploy_handler_fail",
-    "fix_policy_receiver_websocket",
-    "fix_discovery"
-def test_catch_ups_failed_dh():
-    """test run policy handler with catchups and failed deployment-handler"""
-    Settings.logger.info("start test_catch_ups_failed_dh")
-    audit = Audit(job_name="test_catch_ups_failed_dh",
-                  req_message="start test_catch_ups_failed_dh")
-    PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
-    Settings.logger.info("sleep 50 before shutdown...")
-    time.sleep(50)
-    health = audit.health(full=True)
-    audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(health))
-    Settings.logger.info("healthcheck: %s", json.dumps(health))
-    assert bool(health)
-    PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
-    time.sleep(1)
-    health = audit.health(full=True)
-    Settings.logger.info("healthcheck: %s", json.dumps(health))
+        Tracker.validate()
diff --git a/tests/test_pz_catch_up.py b/tests/test_pz_catch_up.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89be9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_pz_catch_up.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""test policy catch_up methods directly"""
+import json
+import time
+import pytest
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import Audit
+from policyhandler.policy_receiver import PolicyReceiver
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+from .mock_tracker import Tracker
+    "fix_auto_catch_up",
+    "fix_discovery",
+    "fix_pdp_post_big",
+    "fix_deploy_handler_413",
+    "fix_policy_receiver_websocket"
+def test_catch_up_failed_dh():
+    """test run policy handler with catchups and failed deployment-handler"""
+    Settings.logger.info("start test_catch_up_failed_dh")
+    assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+    audit = Audit(job_name="test_catch_up_failed_dh",
+                  req_message="start test_catch_up_failed_dh")
+    PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+    Settings.logger.info("sleep 12 before shutdown...")
+    time.sleep(12)
+    health = audit.health(full=True)
+    audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(health))
+    Settings.logger.info("healthcheck: %s", json.dumps(health))
+    assert bool(health)
+    PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+    time.sleep(1)
+    assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+    health = audit.health(full=True)
+    Settings.logger.info("healthcheck: %s", json.dumps(health))
+    Tracker.validate()
+    "fix_auto_catch_up",
+    "fix_discovery",
+    "fix_pdp_post",
+    "fix_deploy_handler_404",
+    "fix_policy_receiver_websocket"
+def test_catch_up_dh_404():
+    """test run policy handler with catchups and failed deployment-handler"""
+    Settings.logger.info("start test_catch_up_dh_404")
+    assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+    audit = Audit(job_name="test_catch_up_dh_404",
+                  req_message="start test_catch_up_dh_404")
+    PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+    Settings.logger.info("sleep 12 before shutdown...")
+    time.sleep(12)
+    health = audit.health(full=True)
+    audit.audit_done(result=json.dumps(health))
+    Settings.logger.info("healthcheck: %s", json.dumps(health))
+    assert bool(health)
+    PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+    time.sleep(1)
+    assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+    health = audit.health(full=True)
+    Settings.logger.info("healthcheck: %s", json.dumps(health))
+    Tracker.validate()
diff --git a/tests/test_pz_pdp_boom.py b/tests/test_pz_pdp_boom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b6f150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_pz_pdp_boom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""test policyhandler web-server when pdp booms = fails"""
+import json
+import time
+import uuid
+import pytest
+import cherrypy
+from cherrypy.test.helper import CPWebCase
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, Audit,
+                                      AuditHttpCode)
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import POLICY_NAME
+from policyhandler.policy_receiver import PolicyReceiver
+from policyhandler.web_server import _PolicyWeb
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+from .mock_tracker import Tracker
+from .mock_websocket import MockWebSocket
+    "fix_discovery",
+    "fix_pdp_post_boom"
+class WebServerPDPBoomTest(CPWebCase):
+    """testing the web-server - runs tests in alphabetical order of method names"""
+    def setup_server():
+        """setup the web-server"""
+        cherrypy.tree.mount(_PolicyWeb(), '/')
+    setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
+    def test_web_healthcheck(self):
+        """test /healthcheck"""
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Settings.logger.info("got healthcheck: %s", self.body)
+        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Tracker.validate()
+    def test_web_policy_latest(self):
+        """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
+        policy_id, _ = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
+        self.getPage("/policy_latest/{0}".format(policy_id or ""))
+        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler")
+    def test_web_all_policies_latest(self):
+        """test GET /policies_latest"""
+        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest")
+        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
+        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
+        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
+    def test_web_policies_latest(self):
+        """test POST /policies_latest with policyName"""
+        match_to_policy_name = MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + "amet.*"
+        body = json.dumps({POLICY_NAME: match_to_policy_name})
+        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest", method='POST',
+                              body=body,
+                              headers=[
+                                  (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, str(uuid.uuid4())),
+                                  ("Content-Type", "application/json"),
+                                  ('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
+                              ])
+        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
+        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
+        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    def test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups(self):
+        """test run policy handler with policy updates and catchups"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups",
+                      req_message="start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 10 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    def test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed(self):
+        """test run policy handler with deployment-handler changed underneath"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed",
+                      req_message="start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        Settings.logger.info("new deploy-handler uuid=%s", Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([2, 4])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    def test_zzz_get_catch_up(self):
+        """test /catch_up"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start /catch_up")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_get_catch_up", req_message="start /catch_up")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        time.sleep(5)
+        result = self.getPage("/catch_up")
+        Settings.logger.info("catch_up result: %s", result)
+        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Settings.logger.info("got catch_up: %s", self.body)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures(
+        "fix_deploy_handler",
+        "fix_policy_receiver_websocket",
+        "fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
+    def test_zzzzz_shutdown(self):
+        """test shutdown"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start shutdown")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzzzz_shutdown", req_message="start shutdown")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        WebServerPDPBoomTest.do_gc_test = False
+        Settings.logger.info("shutdown...")
+        audit.audit_done("shutdown")
+        result = self.getPage("/shutdown")
+        Settings.logger.info("shutdown result: %s", result)
+        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Settings.logger.info("got shutdown: %s", self.body)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
diff --git a/tests/test_pz_ph_boom.py b/tests/test_pz_ph_boom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c392b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_pz_ph_boom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""test policyhandler web-server when the policy-handler booms = fails"""
+import json
+import time
+import uuid
+import pytest
+import cherrypy
+from cherrypy.test.helper import CPWebCase
+from policyhandler.onap.audit import (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, Audit,
+                                      AuditHttpCode)
+from policyhandler.policy_consts import POLICY_NAME
+from policyhandler.policy_receiver import PolicyReceiver
+from policyhandler.web_server import _PolicyWeb
+from .mock_policy_engine import MockPolicyEngine
+from .mock_settings import Settings
+from .mock_tracker import Tracker
+from .mock_websocket import MockWebSocket
+    "fix_discovery",
+    "fix_pdp_post",
+    "fix_select_latest_policies_boom"
+class WebServerInternalBoomTest(CPWebCase):
+    """testing the web-server - runs tests in alphabetical order of method names"""
+    def setup_server():
+        """setup the web-server"""
+        cherrypy.tree.mount(_PolicyWeb(), '/')
+    setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
+    def test_web_healthcheck(self):
+        """test /healthcheck"""
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Settings.logger.info("got healthcheck: %s", self.body)
+        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Tracker.validate()
+    def test_web_policy_latest(self):
+        """test /policy_latest/<policy-id>"""
+        policy_id, _ = MockPolicyEngine.gen_policy_latest(3)
+        self.getPage("/policy_latest/{0}".format(policy_id or ""))
+        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler")
+    def test_web_all_policies_latest(self):
+        """test GET /policies_latest"""
+        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest")
+        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
+        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
+        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
+    def test_web_policies_latest(self):
+        """test POST /policies_latest with policyName"""
+        match_to_policy_name = MockPolicyEngine.scope_prefix + "amet.*"
+        body = json.dumps({POLICY_NAME: match_to_policy_name})
+        result = self.getPage("/policies_latest", method='POST',
+                              body=body,
+                              headers=[
+                                  (REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID, str(uuid.uuid4())),
+                                  ("Content-Type", "application/json"),
+                                  ('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
+                              ])
+        Settings.logger.info("result: %s", result)
+        Settings.logger.info("body: %s", self.body)
+        self.assertStatus(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    def test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups(self):
+        """test run policy handler with policy updates and catchups"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_policy_updates_and_catch_ups",
+                      req_message="start policy_updates_and_catch_ups")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 10 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    def test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed(self):
+        """test run policy handler with deployment-handler changed underneath"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed",
+                      req_message="start zzz_catch_up_on_deploy_handler_changed")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        Settings.logger.info("new deploy-handler uuid=%s", Settings.deploy_handler_instance_uuid)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([2, 4])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("fix_deploy_handler", "fix_policy_receiver_websocket")
+    def test_zzz_get_catch_up(self):
+        """test /catch_up"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start /catch_up")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzz_get_catch_up", req_message="start /catch_up")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        time.sleep(5)
+        result = self.getPage("/catch_up")
+        Settings.logger.info("catch_up result: %s", result)
+        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Settings.logger.info("got catch_up: %s", self.body)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep 5 before shutdown...")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        PolicyReceiver.shutdown(audit)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
+    @pytest.mark.usefixtures(
+        "fix_deploy_handler",
+        "fix_policy_receiver_websocket",
+        "fix_cherrypy_engine_exit")
+    def test_zzzzz_shutdown(self):
+        """test shutdown"""
+        Settings.logger.info("start shutdown")
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        audit = Audit(job_name="test_zzzzz_shutdown", req_message="start shutdown")
+        PolicyReceiver.run(audit)
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep before send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(2)
+        MockWebSocket.send_notification([1, 3, 5])
+        Settings.logger.info("sleep after send_notification...")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        result = self.getPage("/healthcheck")
+        Settings.logger.info("healthcheck result: %s", result)
+        WebServerInternalBoomTest.do_gc_test = False
+        Settings.logger.info("shutdown...")
+        audit.audit_done("shutdown")
+        result = self.getPage("/shutdown")
+        Settings.logger.info("shutdown result: %s", result)
+        self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+        Settings.logger.info("got shutdown: %s", self.body)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        assert not PolicyReceiver.is_running()
+        Tracker.validate()
diff --git a/tests/test_zzz_memory.py b/tests/test_zzz_memory.py
index e70cf59..e1b5af3 100644
--- a/tests/test_zzz_memory.py
+++ b/tests/test_zzz_memory.py
@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
 import json
 import time
+import pytest
 from policyhandler.onap.audit import Audit, AuditHttpCode, Metrics
 from .mock_settings import Settings
 class Node(object):
     """making the cycled objects"""
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
     audit.warn("debug from test_healthcheck_with_error")
     audit.info_requested("debug from test_healthcheck_with_error")
     if audit.is_success():
-        audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value)
+        audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_OK.value)
     metrics.metrics("test /healthcheck")
diff --git a/version.properties b/version.properties
index c162183..aae9468 100644
--- a/version.properties
+++ b/version.properties
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@




