4.0.0 new dataflow on policy-update and catchup

- changed API and functionality - new dataflow
- new dataflow between policy-handler and deployment-handler
  on policy-update and catchup
  = GETting policy_ids+versions and policy-filters from
  = PUTting policy-update and catchup in the new message format
  = data segmenting the policy-update/catchup messages to
    deployment-handler to avoid 413 on deployment-handler side
  = matching policies from policy-engine to policies
    and policy-filters from deployment-handler
  = coarsening the policyName filter received from deployment-handler
    to reduce the number messages passed to policy-engine on catchup
  = consolidating sequential policy-updates into a single request
    when the policy-update is busy
- removed policy scope-prefixes from config and logic -
  it is not needed anymore because
  = the policy matching happens directly to policies and
    policy-filters received from deployment-handler
  = on catchup - the policy scope-prefix equivalents are calculated
    based on the data received from deployment-handler
- API - GET /policies_latest now returns the info on deployed
  policy_ids+versions and policy-filters, rather than policies
  of the scope-prefixes previously found in config (obsolete)
- not sending an empty catch_up message to deployment-handler
  when nothing changed
- send policy-removed to deployment-handler when getting
  404-not found from PDP on removal of policy
- config change: removed catch_up.max_skips - obsolete
- brought the latest CommonLogger.py
- minor refactoring - improved naming of variables

Change-Id: I36b3412eefd439088cb693703a6e5f18f4238b00
Signed-off-by: Alex Shatov <alexs@att.com>
Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-492
diff --git a/policyhandler/policy_utils.py b/policyhandler/policy_utils.py
index c2a8b07..c63f382 100644
--- a/policyhandler/policy_utils.py
+++ b/policyhandler/policy_utils.py
@@ -16,15 +16,18 @@
 # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
-"""policy-client communicates with policy-engine thru REST API"""
+"""utils for policy usage and conversions"""
 import json
 import logging
 import re
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import Pattern
 from .policy_consts import (POLICY_BODY, POLICY_CONFIG, POLICY_ID, POLICY_NAME,
 class PolicyUtils(object):
     """policy-client utils"""
     _logger = logging.getLogger("policy_handler.policy_utils")
@@ -59,30 +62,30 @@
         return policy
-    def convert_to_policy(policy_config):
-        """wrap policy_config received from policy-engine with policy_id."""
-        if not policy_config:
-            return
-        policy_name = policy_config.get(POLICY_NAME)
-        policy_version = policy_config.get(POLICY_VERSION)
+    def convert_to_policy(policy_body):
+        """wrap policy_body received from policy-engine with policy_id."""
+        if not policy_body:
+            return None
+        policy_name = policy_body.get(POLICY_NAME)
+        policy_version = policy_body.get(POLICY_VERSION)
         if not policy_name or not policy_version:
-            return
+            return None
         policy_id = PolicyUtils.extract_policy_id(policy_name)
         if not policy_id:
-            return
-        return {POLICY_ID:policy_id, POLICY_BODY:policy_config}
+            return None
+        return {POLICY_ID:policy_id, POLICY_BODY:policy_body}
-    def select_latest_policy(policy_configs, min_version_expected=None, ignore_policy_names=None):
-        """For some reason, the policy-engine returns all version of the policy_configs.
+    def select_latest_policy(policy_bodies, min_version_expected=None, ignore_policy_names=None):
+        """For some reason, the policy-engine returns all version of the policy_bodies.
         DCAE-Controller is only interested in the latest version
-        if not policy_configs:
+        if not policy_bodies:
-        latest_policy_config = {}
-        for policy_config in policy_configs:
-            policy_name = policy_config.get(POLICY_NAME)
-            policy_version = policy_config.get(POLICY_VERSION)
+        latest_policy_body = {}
+        for policy_body in policy_bodies:
+            policy_name = policy_body.get(POLICY_NAME)
+            policy_version = policy_body.get(POLICY_VERSION)
             if not policy_name or not policy_version or not policy_version.isdigit():
             policy_version = int(policy_version)
@@ -91,30 +94,30 @@
             if ignore_policy_names and policy_name in ignore_policy_names:
-            if not latest_policy_config \
-            or int(latest_policy_config[POLICY_VERSION]) < policy_version:
-                latest_policy_config = policy_config
+            if (not latest_policy_body
+                    or int(latest_policy_body[POLICY_VERSION]) < policy_version):
+                latest_policy_body = policy_body
-        return PolicyUtils.parse_policy_config(PolicyUtils.convert_to_policy(latest_policy_config))
+        return PolicyUtils.parse_policy_config(PolicyUtils.convert_to_policy(latest_policy_body))
-    def select_latest_policies(policy_configs):
-        """For some reason, the policy-engine returns all version of the policy_configs.
+    def select_latest_policies(policy_bodies):
+        """For some reason, the policy-engine returns all version of the policy_bodies.
         DCAE-Controller is only interested in the latest versions
-        if not policy_configs:
+        if not policy_bodies:
             return {}
         policies = {}
-        for policy_config in policy_configs:
-            policy = PolicyUtils.convert_to_policy(policy_config)
+        for policy_body in policy_bodies:
+            policy = PolicyUtils.convert_to_policy(policy_body)
             if not policy:
             policy_id = policy.get(POLICY_ID)
             policy_version = policy.get(POLICY_BODY, {}).get(POLICY_VERSION)
             if not policy_id or not policy_version or not policy_version.isdigit():
-            if policy_id not in policies \
-            or int(policy_version) > int(policies[policy_id][POLICY_BODY][POLICY_VERSION]):
+            if (policy_id not in policies
+                    or int(policy_version) > int(policies[policy_id][POLICY_BODY][POLICY_VERSION])):
                 policies[policy_id] = policy
         for policy_id in policies:
@@ -173,3 +176,204 @@
         if not the_same_values:
             Utils._logger.debug("values %s != %s", body_1, body_2)
         return the_same_values
+class RegexCoarser(object):
+    """
+    utility to combine or coarse the collection of regex patterns
+    into a single regex that is at least not narrower (wider or the same)
+    than the collection regexes
+    inspired by https://github.com/spadgos/regex-combiner in js
+    """
+    ENDER = '***'
+    GROUPERS = {'{': '}', '[': ']', '(': ')'}
+    MODIFIERS = '*?+'
+    ANY_CHARS = '.*'
+    LINE_START = '^'
+    def __init__(self, regex_patterns=None):
+        """regex coarser"""
+        self.trie = {}
+        self.patterns = []
+        self.add_regex_patterns(regex_patterns)
+    def get_combined_regex_pattern(self):
+        """gets the pattern for the combined regex"""
+        trie = deepcopy(self.trie)
+        RegexCoarser._compress(trie)
+        return RegexCoarser._trie_to_pattern(trie)
+    def get_coarse_regex_patterns(self, max_length=100):
+        """gets the patterns for the coarse regex"""
+        trie = deepcopy(self.trie)
+        RegexCoarser._compress(trie)
+        patterns = RegexCoarser._trie_to_pattern(trie, True)
+        root_patterns = []
+        for pattern in patterns:
+            left, _, choice = pattern.partition(RegexCoarser.CHOICE_STARTER)
+            if choice and left and left.strip() != RegexCoarser.LINE_START and not left.isspace():
+                pattern = left + RegexCoarser.ANY_CHARS
+            root_patterns.append(pattern)
+        root_patterns = RegexCoarser._join_patterns(root_patterns, max_length)
+        if not root_patterns or root_patterns == ['']:
+            return []
+        return root_patterns
+    def add_regex_patterns(self, new_regex_patterns):
+        """adds the new_regex patterns to RegexPatternCoarser"""
+        if not new_regex_patterns or not isinstance(new_regex_patterns, list):
+            return
+        for new_regex_pattern in new_regex_patterns:
+            self.add_regex_pattern(new_regex_pattern)
+    def add_regex_pattern(self, new_regex_pattern):
+        """adds the new_regex to RegexPatternCoarser"""
+        new_regex_pattern = RegexCoarser._regex_pattern_to_string(new_regex_pattern)
+        if not new_regex_pattern:
+            return
+        self.patterns.append(new_regex_pattern)
+        tokens = RegexCoarser._tokenize(new_regex_pattern)
+        last_token_idx = len(tokens) - 1
+        trie_node = self.trie
+        for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
+            if token not in trie_node:
+                trie_node[token] = {}
+            if idx == last_token_idx:
+                trie_node[token][RegexCoarser.ENDER] = {}
+            trie_node = trie_node[token]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _regex_pattern_to_string(regex_pattern):
+        """convert regex pattern to string"""
+        if not regex_pattern:
+            return ''
+        if isinstance(regex_pattern, str):
+            return regex_pattern
+        if isinstance(regex_pattern, Pattern):
+            return regex_pattern.pattern
+        return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def _tokenize(regex_pattern):
+        """tokenize the regex pattern for trie assignment"""
+        tokens = []
+        token = ''
+        group_ender = None
+        use_next = False
+        for char in regex_pattern:
+            if use_next:
+                use_next = False
+                token += char
+                char = None
+            if char == '\\':
+                use_next = True
+                token += char
+                continue
+            if not group_ender and char in RegexCoarser.GROUPERS:
+                group_ender = RegexCoarser.GROUPERS[char]
+                token = char
+                char = None
+            if char is None:
+                pass
+            elif char == group_ender:
+                token += char
+                group_ender = None
+                if char == '}': # this group is a modifier
+                    tokens[len(tokens) - 1] += token
+                    token = ''
+                    continue
+            elif char in RegexCoarser.MODIFIERS:
+                if group_ender:
+                    token += char
+                else:
+                    tokens[len(tokens) - 1] += char
+                continue
+            else:
+                token += char
+            if not group_ender:
+                tokens.append(token)
+                token = ''
+        if token:
+            tokens.append(token)
+        return tokens
+    @staticmethod
+    def _compress(trie):
+        """compress trie into shortest leaves"""
+        for key, subtrie in trie.items():
+            RegexCoarser._compress(subtrie)
+            subkeys = list(subtrie.keys())
+            if len(subkeys) == 1:
+                trie[key + subkeys[0]] = subtrie[subkeys[0]]
+                del trie[key]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _trie_to_pattern(trie, top_keep=False):
+        """convert trie to the regex pattern"""
+        patterns = [
+            key.replace(RegexCoarser.ENDER, '') + RegexCoarser._trie_to_pattern(subtrie)
+            for key, subtrie in trie.items()
+        ]
+        if top_keep:
+            return patterns
+        return RegexCoarser._join_patterns(patterns)[0]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _join_patterns(patterns, max_length=0):
+        """convert list of patterns to the segmented list of dense regex patterns"""
+        if not patterns:
+            return ['']
+        if len(patterns) == 1:
+            return patterns
+        if not max_length:
+            return [RegexCoarser.HIDDEN_CHOICE_STARTER + '|'.join(patterns) + ')']
+        long_patterns = []
+        join_patterns = []
+        for pattern in patterns:
+            len_pattern = len(pattern)
+            if not len_pattern:
+                continue
+            if len_pattern >= max_length:
+                long_patterns.append(pattern)
+                continue
+            for idx, patterns_to_join in enumerate(join_patterns):
+                patterns_to_join, len_patterns_to_join = patterns_to_join
+                if len_pattern + len_patterns_to_join < max_length:
+                    patterns_to_join.append(pattern)
+                    len_patterns_to_join += len_pattern
+                    join_patterns[idx] = (patterns_to_join, len_patterns_to_join)
+                    len_pattern = 0
+                    break
+            if len_pattern:
+                join_patterns.append(([pattern], len_pattern))
+            join_patterns.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
+        if join_patterns:
+            # pattern, _, choice = pattern.endswith(RegexCoarser.ANY_CHARS)
+            join_patterns = [
+                RegexCoarser.HIDDEN_CHOICE_STARTER + '|'.join(patterns_to_join) + ')'
+                for patterns_to_join, _ in join_patterns
+            ]
+        return join_patterns + long_patterns