datarouter-node clean code - remove tabs

Change-Id: I28240cee3958603788d1e9f8e72bb10706dba712
Issue-ID: DMAAP-582
Signed-off-by: eronkeo <>
diff --git a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/logback.xml b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/logback.xml
index 11d22c7..b552846 100644
--- a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/logback.xml
+++ b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/logback.xml
@@ -1,405 +1,405 @@

-  ============LICENSE_START==================================================

-  * org.onap.dmaap

-  * ===========================================================================

-  * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

-  * ===========================================================================

-  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

-  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

-  * You may obtain a copy of the License at

-  * 

-   *

-  * 

-   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

-  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

-  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

-  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

-  * limitations under the License.

-  * ============LICENSE_END====================================================

-  *

-  * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.

-  *


-<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="3 seconds" debug="true">

-  <!--<jmxConfigurator /> -->

-  <!-- directory path for all other type logs -->

-  <!-- property name="logDir" value="/home/eby/dr2/logs" / -->

-  <property name="logDir" value="/opt/app/datartr/logs" />


-  <!-- directory path for debugging type logs -->

-  <!-- property name="debugDir" value="/home/eby/dr2/debug-logs" /-->


-  <!--  specify the component name 

-    <ECOMP-component-name>::= "MSO" | "DCAE" | "ASDC " | "AAI" |"Policy" | "SDNC" | "AC"  -->

-  <!-- This creates the MSO directory in in the LogDir which is not needed, mentioned last directory of the path-->

-  <!-- property name="componentName" value="logs"></property -->


-  <!--  log file names -->

-  <property name="generalLogName" value="apicalls" />

-  <!-- name="securityLogName" value="security" -->

-  <!-- name="performanceLogName" value="performance" -->

-  <!-- name="serverLogName" value="server" -->

-  <!-- name="policyLogName" value="policy"-->

-  <property name="errorLogName" value="errors" />

-  <!-- name="metricsLogName" value="metrics" -->

-  <!-- name="auditLogName" value="audit" -->

-  <!-- name="debugLogName" value="debug" -->

-  <property name="jettyAndNodeLogName" value="node"></property> 

-  <property name="defaultPattern"    value="%d{MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS}|%logger|%X{RequestId}|%X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{ServiceName}|%X{InstanceUUID}|%.-5level|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{ServerFQDN}|%X{RemoteHost}|%X{Timer}|%msg%n" />

-  <property name="jettyAndNodeLoggerPattern" value="%d{MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS}|%logger|%thread|%.-5level|%msg%n" />


-  <property name="debugLoggerPattern" value="%d{MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS}|%X{RequestId}|%X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{ServiceName}|%X{InstanceUUID}|%.-5level|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{ServerFQDN}|%X{RemoteHost}|%X{Timer}|[%caller{3}]|%msg%n" />


-  <property name="logDirectory" value="${logDir}" />

-  <!-- property name="debugLogDirectory" value="${debugDir}/${componentName}" /-->



-  <!-- Example evaluator filter applied against console appender -->

-  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">

-    <encoder>

-      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>


-  <!-- ============================================================================ -->

-  <!-- EELF Appenders -->

-  <!-- ============================================================================ -->


-  <!-- The EELFAppender is used to record events to the general application 

-    log -->



-  <appender name="EELF"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${generalLogName}.log</file>

-     <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">

-		<level>INFO</level>

-		<onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>

-		<onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>

-	</filter>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${generalLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>


-  <appender name="asyncEELF" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELF" />

-  </appender>


-  <!-- EELF Security Appender. This appender is used to record security events 

-    to the security log file. Security events are separate from other loggers 

-    in EELF so that security log records can be captured and managed in a secure 

-    way separate from the other logs. This appender is set to never discard any 

-    events. -->

-  <!--appender name="EELFSecurity"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${securityLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${securityLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>


-  <appender name="asyncEELFSecurity" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <discardingThreshold>0</discardingThreshold>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFSecurity" />

-  </appender-->


-  <!-- EELF Performance Appender. This appender is used to record performance 

-    records. -->

-  <!--appender name="EELFPerformance"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${performanceLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${performanceLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-      <outputPatternAsHeader>true</outputPatternAsHeader>

-      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>

-  <appender name="asyncEELFPerformance" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFPerformance" />

-  </appender-->


-  <!-- EELF Server Appender. This appender is used to record Server related 

-    logging events. The Server logger and appender are specializations of the 

-    EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate Server 

-    events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record these events 

-    as part of the application root log. -->

-  <!--appender name="EELFServer"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${serverLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${serverLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-        <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>

-  <appender name="asyncEELFServer" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFServer" />

-  </appender-->



-  <!-- EELF Policy Appender. This appender is used to record Policy engine 

-    related logging events. The Policy logger and appender are specializations 

-    of the EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate 

-    Policy engine events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record 

-    these events as part of the application root log. -->

-  <!--appender name="EELFPolicy"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${policyLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${policyLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-        <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>

-  <appender name="asyncEELFPolicy" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFPolicy" >

-  </appender-->



-  <!-- EELF Audit Appender. This appender is used to record audit engine 

-    related logging events. The audit logger and appender are specializations 

-    of the EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate 

-    Policy engine events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record 

-    these events as part of the application root log. -->


-  <!--appender name="EELFAudit"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${auditLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${auditLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-         <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>

-  <appender name="asyncEELFAudit" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFAudit" />

-  </appender-->


-<!--appender name="EELFMetrics"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${metricsLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${metricsLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder-->

-      <!-- <pattern>"%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{1024} - 

-        %msg%n"</pattern> -->

-      <!--pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>



-  <appender name="asyncEELFMetrics" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFMetrics"/>

-  </appender-->


-  <appender name="EELFError"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${errorLogName}.log</file>

-    <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">

-		<level>ERROR</level>

-		<onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>

-		<onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>

-	</filter>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${errorLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>


-  <appender name="asyncEELFError" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFError"/>

-  </appender>


-  <!-- ============================================================================ -->

-   <appender name="jettyAndNodelog"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${logDirectory}/${jettyAndNodeLogName}.log</file>

-     <filter class="org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.eelf.EELFFilter" />

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${jettyAndNodeLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-      <pattern>${jettyAndNodeLoggerPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>


-  <appender name="asyncEELFjettyAndNodelog" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="jettyAndNodelog" />

-    <includeCallerData>true</includeCallerData>

-  </appender>


-   <!-- ============================================================================ -->



-   <!--appender name="EELFDebug"

-    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

-    <file>${debugLogDirectory}/${debugLogName}.log</file>

-    <rollingPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

-      <fileNamePattern>${debugLogDirectory}/${debugLogName}

-      </fileNamePattern>

-      <minIndex>1</minIndex>

-      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>

-    </rollingPolicy>

-    <triggeringPolicy

-      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

-      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>

-    </triggeringPolicy>

-    <encoder>

-      <pattern>${debugLoggerPattern}</pattern>

-    </encoder>

-  </appender>


-  <appender name="asyncEELFDebug" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">

-    <queueSize>256</queueSize>

-    <appender-ref ref="EELFDebug" />

-    <includeCallerData>true</includeCallerData>

-  </appender-->



-  <!-- ============================================================================ -->

-  <!--  EELF loggers -->

-  <!-- ============================================================================ -->

-  <logger name="com.att.eelf" level="info" additivity="false">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELF" />

-  </logger>


-     <logger name="com.att.eelf.error" level="error" additivity="false">

- 		 <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFError" />

- 	 </logger>


-     <logger name="" additivity="false" level="info">

-		<appender-ref ref="asyncEELFjettyAndNodelog"/>

-	</logger> 


-  <!-- logger name="" level="info" additivity="false">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFSecurity" /> 

-  </logger>

-  <logger name="com.att.eelf.perf" level="info" additivity="false">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFPerformance" />

-  </logger>

-  <logger name="com.att.eelf.server" level="info" additivity="false">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFServer" />

-  </logger>

-  <logger name="com.att.eelf.policy" level="info" additivity="false">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFPolicy" />

-  </logger>


-  <logger name="com.att.eelf.audit" level="info" additivity="false">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFAudit" />

-  </logger>


-  <logger name="com.att.eelf.metrics" level="info" additivity="false">

-        <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFMetrics" />

-  </logger>


-   <logger name="com.att.eelf.debug" level="debug" additivity="false">

-        <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFDebug" />

-  </logger-->





-  <root level="INFO">

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELF" />

-    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFError" />

-     <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFjettyAndNodelog" />

-  </root>



+  ============LICENSE_START==================================================
+  * org.onap.dmaap
+  * ===========================================================================
+  * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+  * ===========================================================================
+  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  *
+   *
+  *
+   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  * limitations under the License.
+  * ============LICENSE_END====================================================
+  *
+  * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+  *
+<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="3 seconds" debug="true">
+  <!--<jmxConfigurator /> -->
+  <!-- directory path for all other type logs -->
+  <!-- property name="logDir" value="/home/eby/dr2/logs" / -->
+  <property name="logDir" value="/opt/app/datartr/logs" />
+  <!-- directory path for debugging type logs -->
+  <!-- property name="debugDir" value="/home/eby/dr2/debug-logs" /-->
+  <!--  specify the component name
+    <ECOMP-component-name>::= "MSO" | "DCAE" | "ASDC " | "AAI" |"Policy" | "SDNC" | "AC"  -->
+  <!-- This creates the MSO directory in in the LogDir which is not needed, mentioned last directory of the path-->
+  <!-- property name="componentName" value="logs"></property -->
+  <!--  log file names -->
+  <property name="generalLogName" value="apicalls" />
+  <!-- name="securityLogName" value="security" -->
+  <!-- name="performanceLogName" value="performance" -->
+  <!-- name="serverLogName" value="server" -->
+  <!-- name="policyLogName" value="policy"-->
+  <property name="errorLogName" value="errors" />
+  <!-- name="metricsLogName" value="metrics" -->
+  <!-- name="auditLogName" value="audit" -->
+  <!-- name="debugLogName" value="debug" -->
+  <property name="jettyAndNodeLogName" value="node"></property>
+  <property name="defaultPattern"    value="%d{MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS}|%logger|%X{RequestId}|%X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{ServiceName}|%X{InstanceUUID}|%.-5level|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{ServerFQDN}|%X{RemoteHost}|%X{Timer}|%msg%n" />
+  <property name="jettyAndNodeLoggerPattern" value="%d{MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS}|%logger|%thread|%.-5level|%msg%n" />
+  <property name="debugLoggerPattern" value="%d{MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS}|%X{RequestId}|%X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{ServiceName}|%X{InstanceUUID}|%.-5level|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{ServerFQDN}|%X{RemoteHost}|%X{Timer}|[%caller{3}]|%msg%n" />
+  <property name="logDirectory" value="${logDir}" />
+  <!-- property name="debugLogDirectory" value="${debugDir}/${componentName}" /-->
+  <!-- Example evaluator filter applied against console appender -->
+  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <!-- ============================================================================ -->
+  <!-- EELF Appenders -->
+  <!-- ============================================================================ -->
+  <!-- The EELFAppender is used to record events to the general application
+    log -->
+  <appender name="EELF"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${generalLogName}.log</file>
+     <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
+        <level>INFO</level>
+        <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
+        <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
+    </filter>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${generalLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELF" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELF" />
+  </appender>
+  <!-- EELF Security Appender. This appender is used to record security events
+    to the security log file. Security events are separate from other loggers
+    in EELF so that security log records can be captured and managed in a secure
+    way separate from the other logs. This appender is set to never discard any
+    events. -->
+  <!--appender name="EELFSecurity"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${securityLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${securityLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFSecurity" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <discardingThreshold>0</discardingThreshold>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFSecurity" />
+  </appender-->
+  <!-- EELF Performance Appender. This appender is used to record performance
+    records. -->
+  <!--appender name="EELFPerformance"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${performanceLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${performanceLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+      <outputPatternAsHeader>true</outputPatternAsHeader>
+      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFPerformance" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFPerformance" />
+  </appender-->
+  <!-- EELF Server Appender. This appender is used to record Server related
+    logging events. The Server logger and appender are specializations of the
+    EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate Server
+    events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record these events
+    as part of the application root log. -->
+  <!--appender name="EELFServer"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${serverLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${serverLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+        <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFServer" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFServer" />
+  </appender-->
+  <!-- EELF Policy Appender. This appender is used to record Policy engine
+    related logging events. The Policy logger and appender are specializations
+    of the EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate
+    Policy engine events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record
+    these events as part of the application root log. -->
+  <!--appender name="EELFPolicy"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${policyLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${policyLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+        <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFPolicy" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFPolicy" >
+  </appender-->
+  <!-- EELF Audit Appender. This appender is used to record audit engine
+    related logging events. The audit logger and appender are specializations
+    of the EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate
+    Policy engine events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record
+    these events as part of the application root log. -->
+  <!--appender name="EELFAudit"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${auditLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${auditLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+         <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFAudit" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFAudit" />
+  </appender-->
+<!--appender name="EELFMetrics"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${metricsLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${metricsLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder-->
+      <!-- <pattern>"%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{1024} -
+        %msg%n"</pattern> -->
+      <!--pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFMetrics" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFMetrics"/>
+  </appender-->
+  <appender name="EELFError"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${errorLogName}.log</file>
+    <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
+        <level>ERROR</level>
+        <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
+        <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
+    </filter>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${errorLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFError" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFError"/>
+  </appender>
+  <!-- ============================================================================ -->
+   <appender name="jettyAndNodelog"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${logDirectory}/${jettyAndNodeLogName}.log</file>
+     <filter class="org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.eelf.EELFFilter" />
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${jettyAndNodeLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>${jettyAndNodeLoggerPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFjettyAndNodelog" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="jettyAndNodelog" />
+    <includeCallerData>true</includeCallerData>
+  </appender>
+   <!-- ============================================================================ -->
+   <!--appender name="EELFDebug"
+    class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+    <file>${debugLogDirectory}/${debugLogName}.log</file>
+    <rollingPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
+      <fileNamePattern>${debugLogDirectory}/${debugLogName}
+      </fileNamePattern>
+      <minIndex>1</minIndex>
+      <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
+    </rollingPolicy>
+    <triggeringPolicy
+      class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+      <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+    </triggeringPolicy>
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>${debugLoggerPattern}</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="asyncEELFDebug" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <queueSize>256</queueSize>
+    <appender-ref ref="EELFDebug" />
+    <includeCallerData>true</includeCallerData>
+  </appender-->
+  <!-- ============================================================================ -->
+  <!--  EELF loggers -->
+  <!-- ============================================================================ -->
+  <logger name="com.att.eelf" level="info" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELF" />
+  </logger>
+     <logger name="com.att.eelf.error" level="error" additivity="false">
+          <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFError" />
+      </logger>
+     <logger name="" additivity="false" level="info">
+        <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFjettyAndNodelog"/>
+    </logger>
+  <!-- logger name="" level="info" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFSecurity" />
+  </logger>
+  <logger name="com.att.eelf.perf" level="info" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFPerformance" />
+  </logger>
+  <logger name="com.att.eelf.server" level="info" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFServer" />
+  </logger>
+  <logger name="com.att.eelf.policy" level="info" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFPolicy" />
+  </logger>
+  <logger name="com.att.eelf.audit" level="info" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFAudit" />
+  </logger>
+  <logger name="com.att.eelf.metrics" level="info" additivity="false">
+        <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFMetrics" />
+  </logger>
+   <logger name="com.att.eelf.debug" level="debug" additivity="false">
+        <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFDebug" />
+  </logger-->
+  <root level="INFO">
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELF" />
+    <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFError" />
+     <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFjettyAndNodelog" />
+  </root>
diff --git a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/descriptor.xml b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/descriptor.xml
index 88fccc1..6ddcad2 100644
--- a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/descriptor.xml
+++ b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/descriptor.xml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


-  ============LICENSE_START==================================================

-  * org.onap.dmaap

-  * ===========================================================================

-  * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

-  * ===========================================================================

-  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

-  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

-  * You may obtain a copy of the License at

-  * 

-   *

-  * 

-   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

-  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

-  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

-  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

-  * limitations under the License.

-  * ============LICENSE_END====================================================

-  *

-  * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.

-  *


-<descriptor version="1" xmlns="">

-	<platforms>

-		<platform os="Linux" osVersions="*" architecture="*"/>

-	</platforms>

-	<paths>

-		<path name="/opt/app/datartr" user="datartr" group="datartr" permissions="755,644" recursive="true"/>

-		<path name="/opt/app/platform/init.d/drtrnode" user="datartr" group="datartr" permissions="755"/>

-	</paths>

-	<actions>

-		<action type="INIT">

-			<proc stage="POST" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>

-		</action>

-		<action type="FALL">

-			<proc stage="PRE" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>

-			<proc stage="POST" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>

-		</action>

-		<action type="INST">

-			<proc stage="PRE" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>

-			<proc stage="POST" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>

-		</action>

-		<action type="DINST">

-			<proc stage="PRE" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>

-		</action>

-	</actions>

-	<dependencies>

-		<dependencyFilter componentName="" versions="[]" sequence="1"/>

-		<dependencyFilter componentName="com.att.platform:initd" versions="[1.0.15,)" sequence="2"/>

-		<dependencyFilter componentName="com.att.dmaap.datarouter:util" versions="[1.0.7,)" sequence="3"/>

-	</dependencies>


+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  ============LICENSE_START==================================================
+  * org.onap.dmaap
+  * ===========================================================================
+  * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+  * ===========================================================================
+  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  *
+   *
+  *
+   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  * limitations under the License.
+  * ============LICENSE_END====================================================
+  *
+  * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+  *
+<descriptor version="1" xmlns="">
+    <platforms>
+        <platform os="Linux" osVersions="*" architecture="*"/>
+    </platforms>
+    <paths>
+        <path name="/opt/app/datartr" user="datartr" group="datartr" permissions="755,644" recursive="true"/>
+        <path name="/opt/app/platform/init.d/drtrnode" user="datartr" group="datartr" permissions="755"/>
+    </paths>
+    <actions>
+        <action type="INIT">
+            <proc stage="POST" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>
+        </action>
+        <action type="FALL">
+            <proc stage="PRE" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>
+            <proc stage="POST" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>
+        </action>
+        <action type="INST">
+            <proc stage="PRE" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>
+            <proc stage="POST" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>
+        </action>
+        <action type="DINST">
+            <proc stage="PRE" user="datartr" group="datartr"/>
+        </action>
+    </actions>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependencyFilter componentName="" versions="[]" sequence="1"/>
+        <dependencyFilter componentName="com.att.platform:initd" versions="[1.0.15,)" sequence="2"/>
+        <dependencyFilter componentName="com.att.dmaap.datarouter:util" versions="[1.0.7,)" sequence="3"/>
+    </dependencies>
diff --git a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/doaction b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/doaction
index 654afb6..0be002b 100644
--- a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/doaction
+++ b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/doaction
@@ -24,38 +24,38 @@
 case "$action" in
-	cp 2>/dev/null
-	cp 2>/dev/null
-	cp havecert 2>/dev/null
-	;;
+    cp 2>/dev/null
+    cp 2>/dev/null
+    cp havecert 2>/dev/null
+    ;;
-	/opt/app/platform/init.d/drtrnode stop
-	;;
+    /opt/app/platform/init.d/drtrnode stop
+    ;;
-	/opt/app/platform/init.d/drtrnode start || exit 1
-	;;
+    /opt/app/platform/init.d/drtrnode start || exit 1
+    ;;
-	/bin/bash >
-	/bin/bash >
-	/bin/bash havecert.tmpl >havecert
-	chmod +x havecert
-	rm -f /opt/app/platform/rc.d/K90drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/S10drtrnode
-	ln -s ../init.d/drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/K90drtrnode
-	ln -s ../init.d/drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/S10drtrnode
-	;;
+    /bin/bash >
+    /bin/bash >
+    /bin/bash havecert.tmpl >havecert
+    chmod +x havecert
+    rm -f /opt/app/platform/rc.d/K90drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/S10drtrnode
+    ln -s ../init.d/drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/K90drtrnode
+    ln -s ../init.d/drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/S10drtrnode
+    ;;
-	cp 2>/dev/null
-	cp 2>/dev/null
-	cp havecert 2>/dev/null
-	;;
+    cp 2>/dev/null
+    cp 2>/dev/null
+    cp havecert 2>/dev/null
+    ;;
-	rm -f havecert SHUTDOWN redirections.dat VERSION.node
-	rm -f /opt/app/platform/rc.d/K90drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/S10drtrnode
-	;;
+    rm -f havecert SHUTDOWN redirections.dat VERSION.node
+    rm -f /opt/app/platform/rc.d/K90drtrnode /opt/app/platform/rc.d/S10drtrnode
+    ;;
-	exit 1
-	;;
+    exit 1
+    ;;
 exit 0
diff --git a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/drtrnode b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/drtrnode
index 9bce062..970d7d3 100644
--- a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/drtrnode
+++ b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/drtrnode
@@ -24,110 +24,110 @@
 export TZ
 export PATH
-CLASSPATH=`echo /opt/app/datartr/etc /opt/app/datartr/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':'` 
+CLASSPATH=`echo /opt/app/datartr/etc /opt/app/datartr/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':'`
 pids() {
-	ps -ef | grep java | grep node.NodeMain | sed -e 's/[^ ]* *//' -e 's/ .*//'
+    ps -ef | grep java | grep node.NodeMain | sed -e 's/[^ ]* *//' -e 's/ .*//'
 start() {
-	ID=`id -n -u`
-	GRP=`id -n -g`
-	if [ "$ID" != "root" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode must be started as user datartr not $ID
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	if [ "$GRP" != "datartr" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode must be started as group datartr not $GRP
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	cd /opt/app/datartr
-	if etc/havecert
-	then
-		echo >/dev/null
-	else
-		echo No certificate file available.  Cannot start
-		exit 0
-	fi
-	PIDS=`pids`
-	if [ "$PIDS" != "" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode already running
-		exit 0
-	fi
+    ID=`id -n -u`
+    GRP=`id -n -g`
+    if [ "$ID" != "root" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode must be started as user datartr not $ID
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$GRP" != "datartr" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode must be started as group datartr not $GRP
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    cd /opt/app/datartr
+    if etc/havecert
+    then
+        echo >/dev/null
+    else
+        echo No certificate file available.  Cannot start
+        exit 0
+    fi
+    PIDS=`pids`
+    if [ "$PIDS" != "" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode already running
+        exit 0
+    fi
-	mkdir -p /opt/app/datartr/spool/s
-	chmod 755 /opt/app/datartr/spool/s
+    mkdir -p /opt/app/datartr/spool/s
+    chmod 755 /opt/app/datartr/spool/s
-	rm -f /opt/app/datartr/etc/SHUTDOWN
-	nohup java org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.NodeMain </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-	sleep 5
-	PIDS=`pids`
-	if [ "$PIDS" = "" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode startup failed
-	else
-		echo drtrnode started
-	fi
+    rm -f /opt/app/datartr/etc/SHUTDOWN
+    nohup java org.onap.dmaap.datarouter.node.NodeMain </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+    sleep 5
+    PIDS=`pids`
+    if [ "$PIDS" = "" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode startup failed
+    else
+        echo drtrnode started
+    fi
 stop() {
-	ID=`id -n -u`
-	GRP=`id -n -g`
-	if [ "$ID" != "datartr" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode must be stopped as user datartr not $ID
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	if [ "$GRP" != "datartr" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode must be stopped as group datartr not $GRP
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	touch /opt/app/datartr/etc/SHUTDOWN
-	PIDS=`pids`
-	if [ "$PIDS" != "" ]
-	then
-		sleep 5
-		kill -9 $PIDS
-		sleep 5
-		echo drtrnode stopped
-	else
-		echo drtrnode not running
-	fi
+    ID=`id -n -u`
+    GRP=`id -n -g`
+    if [ "$ID" != "datartr" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode must be stopped as user datartr not $ID
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ "$GRP" != "datartr" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode must be stopped as group datartr not $GRP
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    touch /opt/app/datartr/etc/SHUTDOWN
+    PIDS=`pids`
+    if [ "$PIDS" != "" ]
+    then
+        sleep 5
+        kill -9 $PIDS
+        sleep 5
+        echo drtrnode stopped
+    else
+        echo drtrnode not running
+    fi
 status() {
-	PIDS=`pids`
-	if [ "$PIDS" != "" ]
-	then
-		echo drtrnode running
-	else
-		echo drtrnode not running
-	fi
+    PIDS=`pids`
+    if [ "$PIDS" != "" ]
+    then
+        echo drtrnode running
+    else
+        echo drtrnode not running
+    fi
 case "$1" in
-	start
-	;;
+    start
+    ;;
-	stop
-	;;
+    stop
+    ;;
-	stop
-	sleep 20
-	start
-	;;
+    stop
+    sleep 20
+    start
+    ;;
-	status
-	;;
+    status
+    ;;
-	echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart }"
-	exit 1
-	;;
+    echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart }"
+    exit 1
+    ;;
 exit 0
diff --git a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/havecert.tmpl b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/havecert.tmpl
index 2e813ba..5affefd 100644
--- a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/havecert.tmpl
+++ b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/havecert.tmpl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 cd /opt/app/datartr;
 if [ -f ${DRTR_NODE_KSTOREFILE:-etc/keystore} ]
-	exit 0
+    exit 0
 echo `date '+%F %T,000'` WARN Certificate file "${DRTR_NODE_KSTOREFILE:-etc/keystore}" is missing >>${DRTR_NODE_LOGS:-logs}/node.log
 exit 1
diff --git a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/notes b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/notes
index f37a8ea..e5e9746 100644
--- a/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/notes
+++ b/datarouter-node/src/main/resources/misc/notes
@@ -3,52 +3,52 @@
 This component is for the Data Router Node software.
 The following pre-requisite components should already be present:
-	com.att.aft.swm:swm-cli
-	com.att.aft.swm:swm-node
-	- SWM Variables: AFTSWM_AUTOLINK_PARENTS=/opt/app:/opt/app/workload,/opt/app/aft:/opt/app/workload/aft
-	com.att.platform:uam-auto
-	com.att.platform:initd
-	com.att.platform:port-fwd
-	- SWM Variables: PLATFORM_PORT_FWD=80,8080|443,8443
-	com.att.dmaap.datarouter:util
+    com.att.aft.swm:swm-cli
+    com.att.aft.swm:swm-node
+    - SWM Variables: AFTSWM_AUTOLINK_PARENTS=/opt/app:/opt/app/workload,/opt/app/aft:/opt/app/workload/aft
+    com.att.platform:uam-auto
+    com.att.platform:initd
+    com.att.platform:port-fwd
+    - SWM Variables: PLATFORM_PORT_FWD=80,8080|443,8443
+    com.att.dmaap.datarouter:util
 In a non-production environment, the URL for fetching provisioning data from
 the provisioning server must be overridden.  This can be done by setting a SWM
 variable prior to installing this component.  The production (default) value for
 this variable is:
 Similarly, the URL for uploading event logs to the log server must be overridden.  This can also be done by setting a SWM variable.  The production (default) value is:
 Other SWM variables that can be set are:
-	The TCP/IP port number the component should listen on for "go fetch"
-	requests from the provisioning server
+    The TCP/IP port number the component should listen on for "go fetch"
+    requests from the provisioning server
-	The TCP/IP port number the component should listen on for publish
-	requests from feed publishers and other nodes
+    The TCP/IP port number the component should listen on for publish
+    requests from feed publishers and other nodes
-	The TCP/IP port number the component should use for node-to-node
-	transfers and for sending redirect requests back to publishers
+    The TCP/IP port number the component should use for node-to-node
+    transfers and for sending redirect requests back to publishers
 DRTR_NODE_SPOOL (default /opt/app/datartr/spool)
-	The directory where data files should be saved while in transit
+    The directory where data files should be saved while in transit
 DRTR_NODE_LOGS (default /opt/app/datartr/logs)
-	The directory where log files should be kept
+    The directory where log files should be kept
-	How long a log file is kept before being deleted
+    How long a log file is kept before being deleted
 DRTR_NODE_KSTOREFILE (default /opt/app/datartr/etc/keystore)
-	The java keystore file containing the server certificate and private key
-	for this server
+    The java keystore file containing the server certificate and private key
+    for this server
 DRTR_NODE_KSTOREPASS (default changeit)
-	The password for the keystore file
+    The password for the keystore file
 DRTR_NODE_PVTKEYPASS (default changeit)
-	The password for the private key in the keystore file
+    The password for the private key in the keystore file
 DRTR_NODE_TSTOREFILE (by default, use the truststore from the Java JDK)
-	The java keystore file containing the trusted certificate authority
-	certificates
+    The java keystore file containing the trusted certificate authority
+    certificates
 DRTR_NODE_TSTOREPASS (default changeit)
-	The password for the trust store file.  Only applies if a trust store
-	file is specified.
+    The password for the trust store file.  Only applies if a trust store
+    file is specified.