sonar critical for Use the original value

Checked for non zero
Sonar Link:|resolved=false
Line No-70

Change-Id: I60f07f464c81deffd747d852f8388404b9e97f00
Issue-ID: DMAAP-180
Signed-off-by: Soumendu Sekhar Acharya <>
1 file changed
tree: 380db9459237c5e4d84b972ab0248b498fe933a4
  1. src/
  2. test/
  3. .gitignore
  4. LICENSE.txt
  5. pom.xml

MR Client

MR Log4J Appender

To configure a MR Log4J appender the following parameters are available:

(R) Topic [String] - The topic which you wish to publish your log messages to (R) Partition [String]- The partition within the Topic that you wish you publish your log messages to (R) Hosts [String]- A comma separated string containing the MR API server nodes you wish to connect to (O) MaxBatchSize [Integer] - The maximum size of the batch of log messages. When the batch grows larger than this, the messages are flushed to the topic/partition. (O) MaxAgeMs [Integer] - The maximum age in milliseconds of the batch. When the batch age is older than this, the messages are flushed to the topic/partition. (O) Compress [Boolean] - Indicates whether you would like your messages compressed or not.

An example can be found in ./src/main/resources/log4j.xml