Fix NullPointerException caused by null log object

Only two of the three constructors in MRBaseClient class actually
initialises the fLog object. When the one that doesn't is invoked, any
invokations of the logger in the class and its sub-classes will result in
a NullPointerException.

Change-Id: I112e932f22679b190dc03d00dc8d7341f8a24aa4
Issue-Id: DMAAP-132
Signed-off-by: Lee, Tian (tl5884) <>
1 file changed
tree: 8a82e2b5c2f081cded01ff77693a719e57340221
  1. src/
  2. test/
  3. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml

MR Client

MR Log4J Appender

To configure a MR Log4J appender the following parameters are available:

(R) Topic [String] - The topic which you wish to publish your log messages to (R) Partition [String]- The partition within the Topic that you wish you publish your log messages to (R) Hosts [String]- A comma separated string containing the MR API server nodes you wish to connect to (O) MaxBatchSize [Integer] - The maximum size of the batch of log messages. When the batch grows larger than this, the messages are flushed to the topic/partition. (O) MaxAgeMs [Integer] - The maximum age in milliseconds of the batch. When the batch age is older than this, the messages are flushed to the topic/partition. (O) Compress [Boolean] - Indicates whether you would like your messages compressed or not.

An example can be found in ./src/main/resources/log4j.xml