| ############################################################################### |
| # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= |
| # org.onap.dmaap |
| # ================================================================================ |
| # Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. |
| # ================================================================================ |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= |
| # |
| # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. |
| # |
| ############################################################################### |
| #This file is used for defining AJSC system properties for different configuration schemes and is necessary for the AJSC to run properly. |
| #The sys-props.properties file is used for running locally. The template.sys-props.properties file will be used when deployed |
| #to a SOA/CSI Cloud node. For more information, |
| |
| #AJSC System Properties. The following properties are required for ALL AJSC services. If you are adding System Properties for your |
| #particular service, please add them AFTER all AJSC related System Properties. |
| |
| #For Cadi Authorization, use value="authentication-scheme-1 |
| CadiAuthN=authentication-scheme-1 |
| |
| #For Basic Authorization, use value="authentication-scheme-1 |
| authN=authentication-scheme-2 |
| |
| #Persistence used for AJSC meta-data storage. For most environments, "file" should be used. |
| ajscPersistence=file |
| |
| # If using hawtio for local development, these properties will allow for faster server startup and usage for local development |
| hawtio.authenticationEnabled=false |
| hawtio.config.pullOnStartup=false |
| |
| #Removes the extraneous restlet console output |
| org.restlet.engine.loggerFacadeClass=org.restlet.ext.slf4j.Slf4jLoggerFacade |
| |
| #server.host property to be enabled for local DME2 related testing |
| #server.host=<Your network IP address> |
| |
| #Enable/disable SSL (values=true/false). This property also determines which protocol to use (https if true, http otherwise), to register services into GRM through DME2. |
| enableSSL=false |
| |
| #Enable/disable csi logging (values=true/false). This can be disabled during local development |
| csiEnable=false |
| |
| #Enable/disable CAET This can be disabled during local development |
| isCAETEnable=true |
| |
| #Enable/disable EJB Container |
| ENABLE_EJB=false |
| |
| #Enable/disable OSGI |
| isOSGIEnable=false |
| |
| #Configure JMS Queue (WMQ/TIBCO) |
| |
| #Generate/Skip api docs |
| isApiDoc=false |
| |
| #JMS properties needed for CSI Logging |
| JMS_TIBCO_PROVIDER_URL=tcp://q34csi2c6.vci.att.com:15223 |
| JMS_LOGGER_PASSWORD=<password> |
| JMS_LOGGER_AUDIT_QUEUE_BINDING=pub.m2e.audit.logger.queue |
| JMS_LOGGER_PERF_QUEUE_BINDING=log.csi.performance02 |
| |
| #WMQ connectivity |
| JMS_WMQ_PROVIDER_URL=aftdsc://AFTUAT/34.07/-84.28 |
| JMS_WMQ_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME=aftdsc://AFTUAT/?service=CSILOG,version=1.0,bindingType=fusionBus,envContext=Q,Q30A=YES |
| JMS_WMQ_INITIAL_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME=com.att.aft.jms.FusionCtxFactory |
| |
| #CSI related variables for CSM framework |
| csm.hostname=d1a-m2e-q112m2e1.edc.cingular.net |
| |
| #Enable/disable endpoint level logging (values=true/false). This can be disabled during local development |
| endpointLogging=false |
| |
| #Enable/disable trail logging and trail logging summary |
| enableTrailLogging=false |
| enableTrailLoggingSummary=false |
| |
| #SOA_CLOUD_ENV is used to register your service with dme2 and can be turned off for local development (values=true/false). |
| SOA_CLOUD_ENV=false |
| |
| #CONTINUE_ON_LISTENER_EXCEPTION will exit the application if there is a DME2 exception at the time of registration. |
| |
| #Jetty Container ThreadCount Configuration Variables |
| AJSC_JETTY_ThreadCount_MIN=1 |
| AJSC_JETTY_ThreadCount_MAX=200 |
| |
| #Camel Context level default threadPool Profile configuration |
| |
| #File Monitor configurations |
| ssf_filemonitor_polling_interval=5 |
| ssf_filemonitor_threadpool_size=10 |
| |
| #GRM/DME2 System Properties |
| |
| SOACLOUD_NAMESPACE=com.att.acsi.saat.dt.dmaap.dev |
| |
| |
| #Restlet Component Default Properties |
| |
| #Externalized jar and properties file location. In CSI environments, there are a few libs that have been externalized to aid |
| #in CSTEM maintenance of the versions of these libs. The most important to the AJSC is the DME2 lib. Not only is this lib necessary |
| #for proper registration of your AJSC service on a node, but it is also necessary for running locally as well. Another framework |
| #used in CSI envs is the CSM framework. These 2 framework libs are shown as "provided" dependencies within the pom.xml. These |
| #dependencies will be copied into the target/commonLibs folder with the normal "mvn clean package" goal of the AJSC. They will |
| #then be added to the classpath via AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS system property. Any files (mainly property files) that need |
| #to be on the classpath should be added to the AJSC_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_FOLDERS system property. The default scenario when |
| #testing your AJSC service locally will utilize the target/commonLibs directory for DME2 and CSM related artifacts and 2 |
| #default csm properties files will be used for local testing with anything CSM knorelated. |
| #NOTE: we are using maven-replacer-plugin to replace "(doubleUnderscore)basedir(doubleUnderscore)" with ${basedir} within the |
| #target directory for running locally. Multiple folder locations can be separated by the pipe ("|") character. |
| #Please, NOTE: for running locally, we are setting this system property in the antBuild/build.xml "runLocal" target and in the |
| #"runAjsc" profile within the pom.xml. This is to most effectively use maven variables (${basedir}, most specifically. Therefore, |
| #when running locally, the following 2 properties should be set within the profile(s) themselves. |
| #Example: target/commonLibs|target/otherLibs |
| #AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS=__basedir__/target/commonLibs |
| #AJSC_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_FOLDERS=__basedir__/ajsc-shared-config/etc |
| #End of AJSC System Properties |
| |
| #Service System Properties. Please, place any Service related System Properties below. |
| |
| #msgrtr content length and error message |
| #100mb |
| maxcontentlength=10000 |
| msg_size_exceeds=Message size exceeds the default size. |
| forceAAF=false |