correct documentation rst file errors and warnings

Signed-off-by: rn509j <>
Change-Id: I57a1aae5782c47325c108804c2390e8b85ebec3f
diff --git a/docs/Installation/Installation.rst b/docs/Installation/Installation.rst
index 3723a19..17636ff 100644
--- a/docs/Installation/Installation.rst
+++ b/docs/Installation/Installation.rst
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@
 4) Install docker and docker-compose


 5) Go to messageservice/src/main/resources/docker-compose and run:


-   docker-compose up –d


+   .. code:: bash


+		docker-compose up –d


    This should start 3 containers.


diff --git a/docs/message-router/message-router.rst b/docs/message-router/message-router.rst
index b58e258..d441477 100644
--- a/docs/message-router/message-router.rst
+++ b/docs/message-router/message-router.rst
@@ -58,16 +58,15 @@
 | Content-Type            |  Description                                                                                                    |


 | text/plain              | Each line in the POST body is treated as a separate message. No partition key is specified, and therefore no    |

-|	                      |	order is guaranteed. This format is mainly for test, as messages are highly likely to be re-ordered when        |

-|	                      | delivered through the Kafka cluster.                                                                            |

+|                         |	order is guaranteed. This format is mainly for test, as messages are highly likely to be re-ordered when        |

+|                         | delivered through the Kafka cluster.                                                                            |


 | application/json        | The payload maybe a single JSON object or a JSON array of JSON objects. Each object is handled as an individual |

-|						  | message..Note that use of this format may result in equivalent but altered JSON objects sent to consumers.      | 

-|						  | That's because MR uses a standard JSON parser to read each object into memory before pushing the object to the  |

-|						  | Kafka system. At that point, the JSON object is re-written from the in-memory object. This can result in        |

-|						  | re-ordered fields or changes in whitespace. If you want to preseve JSON objects exactly,                        |

-|						  | use application/cambria. Recommended to follow the JSON format after validating the                             |

-|						  | message in      													    |

+|                         | message..Note that use of this format may result in equivalent but altered JSON objects sent to consumers.      | 

+|                         | That's because MR uses a standard JSON parser to read each object into memory before pushing the object to the  |

+|                         | Kafka system. At that point, the JSON object is re-written from the in-memory object. This can result in        |

+|                         | re-ordered fields or changes in whitespace. If you want to preseve JSON objects exactly,                        |

+|						  | use application/cambria. Recommended to follow the JSON format.                                                 |




@@ -209,25 +208,24 @@
 Request Parameters:




-| Name         | Description                     |  Param Type      |  data type |   MaxLen     |  Required   |  Format     |  Valid/Example Values    |


-| Topicname    | topic name to be posted         |     Path         |   String   |    40        |     Y       | namespace.  |						   |

-|			   |							     | 				    |            |              |             | String      |                          |


-| Consumer     | A name that uniquely identifies |     Path         |   String   |              |     Y       |             | CG1                      |

-| group		   | your subscribers                |                  |            |              |             |             |                          |

-+------------- +---------------------------------+------------------+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+

-| consumerId   | Within your subscribers group,  |     Path         |   String   |              |     Y       |             | C1                       |

-|			   | a name that uniquely identifies |                  |            |              |             |             |                          |

-|			   | your subscribers  process       |                  |            |              |             |             |                          | +--------------+---------------------------------+------------------+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+

-| content-type | To specify type of message      |     Header       |   String   |     20       |     N       |             | aplication/json          |

-|			   | content(json,text or cambria)   |                  |            |              |             |             |                          |


-| Username     | userid                          |     Header       |   String   |     1        |     N       |             |                          |


-| Password     |                                 |     Header       |   String   |     1        |     N       |             |                          |



+| Name         | Description                     |  Param Type      |  data type |   MaxLen     |  Required   |  Format             |  Valid/Example Values  |


+| Topicname    | topic name to be posted         |     Path         |   String   |    40        |     Y       | namespace.String    |						 |


+| Consumer     | A name that uniquely identifies |     Path         |   String   |              |     Y       |                     | CG1                    |

+| group        | your subscribers                |                  |            |              |             |                     |                        |


+| consumerId   | Within your subscribers group,  |     Path         |   String   |              |     Y       |                     | C1                     |

+|              | a name that uniquely identifies |                  |            |              |             |                     |                        |

+|			   | your subscribers  process       |                  |            |              |             |                     |                        | +--------------+---------------------------------+------------------+------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------+------------------------+

+| content-type | To specify type of message      |     Header       |   String   |     20       |     N       |                     | aplication/json        |

+|			   | content(json,text or cambria)   |                  |            |              |             |                     |                        |


+| Username     | userid                          |     Header       |   String   |     1        |     N       |                     |                        |


+| Password     |                                 |     Header       |   String   |     1        |     N       |                     |                        |



 **NOTE1**:Subscribers /user should have access on the topics. The user () and

 permissions details needs to be in AAF.

@@ -251,6 +249,11 @@
 | ResponseBody     | Messages consumed from topic   | Json       | Json         |                                                           |




+Response /Error Codes





 | Response statusCode       | Response statusMessage             |


@@ -262,7 +265,7 @@



-| Error code              |  HTTP Code      |  Description               | Issue reason                                                                                |

+| Error code              |  HTTPCode       |  Description               | Issue Reason                                                                                |


 | DMaaP\_MR\_ERR\_3008    | 413             | Request Entity too large   | Message size exceeds the batch limit <limit>.Reduce the batch size and try again            |


@@ -332,6 +335,7 @@
 | 500-599                   | the DMaaP service has a problem    |





 | Error code              |  HTTP Code      |  Description                                     |


@@ -349,14 +353,14 @@

 | httpStatusCode   |                                |            |              | 200, 201 etc.                                             |


-| mrErrorCode      | Numeric error code             |            |              | 5005                                                       |

+| mrErrorCode      | Numeric error code             |            |              | 5005                                                      |


 | errorMessage     |                                |            |              | SUCCESS, or error message.                                |


 | helpURL          | helpurl                        |            |              |                                                           |


-| ResponseBody     | Topic details (owner,          |            |              |                                                           |

-|                  | trxEnabled=true)               | Json       | Json         |                                                           |

+| ResponseBody     | Topic details (owner,          |  Json      |  Json        |                                                           |

+|                  | trxEnabled=true)               |            |              |                                                           |
