Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/ccsdk/cds.git from branch 'master'
  to dffb358f81f2816a931dca067f47bd49823ac5bc
  - Changed the default multicast address.
    There's an issue with macOS when docker is installed and a multicast
    address different than is used.
    Re-organized the test hazelcast yaml since we now fill the cluster-name
    and instance-name information from the ClusterInfo object during
    creation. No need to pass it in the config file anymore. This is causing
    every file to be the exact same thus the consolidation.
    Also fix an issue with test case using the same hazelcast service in two
    different threads causing intermittent issue during the build process.
    Issue-ID: CCSDK-2119
    Signed-off-by: Sebastien Premont-Tendland <sebastien.premont@bell.ca>
    Change-Id: I7f8328bfd93cdcabe8ab2fa844cbf9dd57f1493a
1 file changed