Update git submodules

* Update docs/submodules/so.git from branch 'master'
  to d59fc0ad5db7b7cacf5996f86db34f41090061fa
  - Merge "Construct multicloud infra_workload endpoint"
  - Construct multicloud infra_workload endpoint
    Use the cloudOwner and cloudRegion to construct the
    multicloud endpoint for the multicloud VNF plugin adapter.
    Use configuration to obtain the MSB IP and port number.
    Stop using the cloud sites catalog DB since there is only
    a single endpoint required talking to multicloud.
    Change-Id: I0e9b45a51b6e36f4782226f851e7d01de7f1b133
    Issue-ID: SO-1447
    Signed-off-by: Eric Multanen <eric.w.multanen@intel.com>
1 file changed